How to autogenerate numbers 1-100 inside a shape?

I have a small graphic (a square with rounded edges) and within that graphic, I would like to generate numbers 1-100. So I need to have 100 files with each number inside a graphic. I could do it manually, but is there a way to automate this task? It would be nice if this action could save the files as well rather than having to save 100 files individually.
Thank you.

Hi Muppet Mark,
I'm not sure how to do that. Could you point me to the right direction?
I also came across this post on one of the Stack Exchange networks. Seems like it may work, but I haven't had the chance to try it yet: images-writing-text-on-them-from-1-to-100

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    Instead, the method implementation details need to be replaced with blank lines...
    public class MyDoclet {
         private static String TAB = "\t";
         public static boolean start(RootDoc root) {
              ClassDoc[] classes = root.classes();
              // Parse through class or interface
              for (ClassDoc clazz : classes) {
                   Type superClass = clazz.superclassType();     
                   // Print Methods
                   MethodDoc[] methods = clazz.methods();
                   for (MethodDoc method : methods) {
                        Parameter[] parameters = method.parameters();
                        if (!method.isPrivate()) {
                             print(TAB + method.modifiers() + " "
                                                    + method.returnType().simpleTypeName() + " " +;
                             for (int i=0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
                                  Parameter parameter = (Parameter) parameters;
                                  print(parameter.type().simpleTypeName() + " " +;
                                  if (i != parameters.length - 1) {
                                       print(", ");
                             println(" {");
                             println(TAB + "}");
              return true;
    As one can see, I am just creating the method and placing the opening and closing curly braces (along with a new \n line escape sequence, in between).
    Am not really that familiar with the Doclet API...
    (1) What is the best way to figure out how many lines of code are inside each method and then use a for loop to insert the exact same number of blank lines inside the methods?
    (2) Is there a way to do it using the com.sun.javadoc.SourcePosition.line() method?
    Would really appreciate it if someone could help me because this is an important requirement (hence the 10 Duke Stars).
    Happy coding to all,

    This is not possible using the Doclet API, because JavaDoc does not store any information regarding implementation detail. Although MethodDoc#position will give you the line where the method is declared, there is no way to determine where the method body starts and ends.
    If you need that much information, maybe you would be better of using a tool such as Eclipse's Abstract Syntax Tree parser. AST will provide you with line numbers for each code expression, hence it is relatively easy to compute the first and last line in a method body.

  • How to handle line break embeded inside CSV column

    Hi there,
    I am under the pressure to make it work. I already put this question on APEX forum, but on second thought, I think it relates more to PL/SQL rather than APEX since APEX 4.1 already have utility to handle CSV Upload.
    If you read it already in APEX forum, please ignore.
    I am sorry for that. Thanks for reading.
    I need to develop an app that allows user to upload CSV file to a interface table.
    The APEX version at my workplace is 4.0.2.
    I used the code from
    It all works well till recently I find out
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    This is the first sentence.
    This is the second sentence.
    It will break the “This is the second sentence”. To a new column.
    The contents of the CSV viewed in Notepad look as below
    Assessment Date,Scheduled Date,Assessment Provider,Assessor Name,Court,First Name,Middle Name,Last Name,PRN Person Record Number,NHI Number,Defendant Attended Y/N,Is Dependent Y/N,Notes,Primary Ethnicity,"Ethnicity Other, please specify",Gender,Currently in Treatment Y/N,Substance of Concern 5,Other Substance Specified
    22/09/2012,,Provider Co Name,Warren Edgley,Wellington,,,Salty,2545554,dgsdf,ergerg,,"This is the first sentence.
    This is the second sentence.",Japanese,,Female,b,,
    Here is the code from the CSV UTIL, please help me to find out how can I replace the line break to a space so that the uploading process is correct.
         --strip the beginning and the end quotes, then replace double quotation with single
       FUNCTION de_quote (p_str IN VARCHAR2, p_enc_by IN VARCHAR2)
       v_str VARCHAR2(32767) := p_str;
          IF (p_enc_by IS NULL)
             RETURN p_str;
            IF SUBSTR(p_str,-1) = p_enc_by THEN
               v_str := SUBSTR(p_str,1,LENGTH(p_str)-1);
            END IF;
            IF SUBSTR(p_str,1,1) = p_enc_by THEN
               v_str := SUBSTR(v_str,2);
            END IF; 
            RETURN REPLACE (v_str,
                             p_enc_by || p_enc_by,
          END IF;
       END de_quote;
       PROCEDURE parse (p_str IN VARCHAR2, p_enc_by IN VARCHAR2, p_sep IN VARCHAR2)
          l_n          NUMBER   DEFAULT 1;
          l_in_quote   BOOLEAN  DEFAULT FALSE;
          l_ch         NCHAR (1);
          l_len        NUMBER   DEFAULT NVL (LENGTH (p_str), 0);
          IF (l_len = 0)
          END IF;
          g_words := g_empty;
          g_words (1) := NULL;
          FOR i IN 1 .. l_len
             l_ch := SUBSTR (p_str, i, 1);
             IF (l_ch = p_enc_by)
                l_in_quote := NOT l_in_quote;
             END IF;
             IF (l_ch = p_sep AND NOT l_in_quote)
                l_n := l_n + 1;
                g_words (l_n) := NULL;
                g_words (l_n) := g_words (l_n) || l_ch;
             END IF;
          END LOOP;
          g_words (l_n) := de_quote (g_words (l_n), CHR(10));
          g_words (l_n) := de_quote (g_words (l_n), CHR(13));
          FOR i IN 1 .. l_n
             g_words (i) := de_quote (g_words (i), p_enc_by);
          END LOOP;
       END parse;
    Author: Oleg Lihvoinen
    Company: DbSWH
    10.02.2011, There was a miscalculation of the file line last position in case it is the end of file
       PROCEDURE upload (p_file_name VARCHAR2, p_collection_name VARCHAR2, p_enc_by IN VARCHAR2, p_sep_by IN VARCHAR2, p_rows NUMBER)
          v_blob_data    BLOB;
          v_clob_data    CLOB;
          v_clob_len     NUMBER;
          v_position     NUMBER;
          v_char         NCHAR (1);
          c_chunk_len    NUMBER           := 1;
          v_line         VARCHAR2 (32767) := NULL;
          v_data_array   vcarray;
          v_rows         NUMBER           := 0;
          n_seq          NUMBER           := 1;
          dest_offset    NUMBER           := 1;
          src_offset     NUMBER           := 1;
          amount         INTEGER          := DBMS_LOB.lobmaxsize;
          blob_csid      NUMBER           := DBMS_LOB.default_csid;
          lang_ctx       INTEGER          := DBMS_LOB.default_lang_ctx;
          warning        INTEGER;
          l_sep          VARCHAR2(100)    := CASE WHEN p_sep_by = '\t' THEN chr(9) ELSE p_sep_by END;
                                          (p_collection_name      => p_collection_name);
          -- Read blob from wwv_flow_files
          SELECT blob_content
            INTO v_blob_data
            FROM wwv_flow_files
           WHERE NAME = p_file_name;
          v_position := 1;
          DBMS_LOB.createtemporary (lob_loc      => v_clob_data,
                                    CACHE        => TRUE,
                                    dur          => DBMS_LOB.SESSION
          DBMS_LOB.converttoclob (v_clob_data,
          v_clob_len := DBMS_LOB.getlength (v_clob_data);
          IF v_clob_len = 0 THEN
          END IF;
          WHILE (v_position <= v_clob_len + 1)
             v_char := DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR (v_clob_data, c_chunk_len, v_position);
             v_line := v_line || v_char;
             v_position := v_position + c_chunk_len;
             -- When the whole line is retrieved and not end of file or end of file
             IF v_char = CHR (10) AND v_position < v_clob_len OR v_position = v_clob_len + 1
                parse (p_str => v_line, p_enc_by => p_enc_by, p_sep => l_sep);
                v_data_array := g_words;
                FOR i IN 1..g_words.count LOOP
                   IF i <= 50 THEN
                      v_data_array(i) := g_words(i);
                   END IF;
                END LOOP;
                FOR i IN g_words.count + 1..50 LOOP
                   v_data_array(i) := null;
                END LOOP;           
                v_rows := v_rows + 1;
                -- exit if uploaded specified number of rows
                IF p_rows IS NOT NULL AND v_rows > p_rows THEN
                END IF;
                -- Store data to collection
                n_seq :=
                                         (p_collection_name      => p_collection_name,
                                          p_c001                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c002                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c003                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c004                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c005                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c006                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c007                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c008                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c009                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c010                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c011                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c012                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c013                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c014                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c015                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c016                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c017                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c018                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c019                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c020                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c021                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c022                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c023                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c024                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c025                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c026                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c027                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c028                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c029                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c030                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c031                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c032                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c033                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c034                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c035                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c036                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c037                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c038                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c039                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c040                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c041                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c042                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c043                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c044                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c045                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c046                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c047                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c048                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c049                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c050                 => v_data_array
                -- Clear the line
                v_line := NULL;
             END IF;
          END LOOP;
    END;In my apps, I save these straight into a table rather than an APEX collection because the number of columns can be longer than 50.
    I want to find out how can replace these line break inside a column to a space.
    If any one has any ideas, please let me know.
    Thanks a lot in advance.

    Ann586341 wrote:
    I think the code split the whole thing by this line
    -- When the whole line is retrieved and not end of file or end of file
    IF v_char = CHR (10) AND v_position < v_clob_len OR v_position = v_clob_len + 1
    Yes, exactly. That piece of code believes all CHR(10) occurences are record delimiters.
    It is not smart enough to recognize that a CHR(10) within quotation marks are part of the data.
    Optimally a solution should keep the CHR(10) rather than replacing with spaces, but that will be a bigger rewrite of the UTL_CSV code ;-)
    If you are happy with replacing with spaces, a "simple" solution could be something like:
    Declare a boolean variable in upload procedure:
    v_within_text_column   boolean := false;And use it like this:
          WHILE (v_position <= v_clob_len + 1)
             v_char := DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR (v_clob_data, c_chunk_len, v_position);
             IF v_char = '"' THEN
               v_within_text_column := NOT v_within_text_column;
             ELSIF v_char = CHR(10) AND v_within_text_column THEN
               v_char := ' ';
             END IF;
             v_line := v_line || v_char;
             v_position := v_position + c_chunk_len;
             -- When the whole line is retrieved and not end of file or end of file
             IF v_char = CHR (10) AND v_position < v_clob_len OR v_position = v_clob_len + 1
               v_within_text_column := false; -- To be safe always set this on "true" linebreaks
    +(This is untested code just written here in the text editor.)+
    It should work by toggling a flag whether you are "within" the quotes or not and then replacing CHR(10) with a space if you are within a text column.
    This way we avoid having to go through the clob more than once (it is enough that this code walks the clob one character at a time...)
    It will not handle if the clob contains situations like:
    abc,123,"This is a text with a quote from a man who said \"To Be,
    or Not To Be\" some hundred years ago",123,xyz
    Escaped quotes would need separate attention ;-)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

  • Reporting Services - How to open a second table inside report, for each number of client (each apears in first table)

    Reporting Services - How to open a second table inside report, for each number of client (each apears in first table)?
    Cliente name:
    Client number:
    Survay number of negative answers:
    Questions and answers that were negative:
    Question: How much time where you waiting
    Avaluation: 3 (from 1 to 10)
    Answer: They only called me 1 mouth later
    Can you please help me?

    Based on the description, I understand that you want to add subreport in the main report. When previewing the main report, the subreport can be shown in detail. Please see the screenshots on my test:
    In Reporting Services, we can create parameters and pass them from main report to subreport in order to control the data dynamically.
    Subreports (Report Builder and SSRS)
    Add a Subreport and Parameters (Report Builder and SSRS)
    If I have any misunderstanding, please feel free to contact me.
    Heidi Duan
    Heidi Duan
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to store numbers in a stack....

    hello guys...i ve got the following assignment:
    Write a Java program that reads and evaluates a fully parenthesised arithmetic expression. The
    purpose of this program is to illustrate a fundamental use of stacks. Implement the stack using
    Linked Lists as explained in your notes.
    For e.g if a user enters the expression: (((6 + 9) / 3) * (6 � 4))
    The result should be 10.
    Your program should be properly documented and well structured. Specifications should be
    clearly written in your logbook for all the methods, constructors, and classes that you implement
    in the following format:
    Class / Method/ Constructor name explaining what it does
    Now, i ve come up with the following code:
    import java.util.EmptyStackException;
    class StackNode {
         private static Object data;
         private StackNode link;
         private static StackNode head;
         private int totalnodes;
    // the constructors
    public StackNode(Object obj, StackNode lk)
         data = obj;
         link = lk;
    public StackNode()
         head = null;
         totalnodes = 0;
         // the push method
         public void push(Object obj)
              head = new StackNode(obj, head);
         // the pop method
         public Object pop()
              Object answer;
              if(head == null)
                   throw new EmptyStackException();
              answer = head.getData();
              head = head.getLink();
              return answer;
         // the isEmpty method
         public boolean isEmpty()
              return (head == null);
         // get data
         public Object getData()
              return data;
         // get link
         public StackNode getLink()
              return link;
         // size or length method
         public int size()
              return totalnodes;
         public static void main (String args [])
              int i;
              StackNode number = new StackNode();
              StackNode operator = new StackNode();
              head = new StackNode(data, head);
              number.push(new Integer(9));
              number.push(new Integer(6));
              operator.push(new Character('+'));
    and i dont know how to store numbers into the stack and how to use the operations such as addition substraction division and multiply...
    any ideas how to do that??

    This doesn't use a stack but the concept is the same:
    import java.util.*;
    public class formula {
    public  int aValue = 1;
    public  int bValue = 2;
    public  int cValue = 3;
    public formula() {
       //StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer("a + b/c", " abc()+-*/", true);
       //while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { System.out.println(st.nextToken()); }
       StringTokenizer st2 = new StringTokenizer("a + (c - b) + (b * c)", " abc()+-*/", true);
      int operand1 = 0;
      int operand2 = 0;
      int operator = 0;
      //flag: first operand has a value
      boolean firstOperandFull = false;
      //flag: second operand has a value
      boolean secondOperandFull = false;
      //flag: tokens are between parens
      boolean inParens = false;
      Vector inParensVector = null;
        while (st2.hasMoreTokens()) {
                  String x = st2.nextToken();
                  //if token is a blank skip it.
                  if (x.equals(" ")) { continue MAINLOOP; }
                  //if token is open parens set flag and skip to next token
                  if (x.equals("(")) { inParens = true; inParensVector = new Vector(); continue MAINLOOP; }
                  //if tokn is close parens, retrieve the value from between the parens and reset flag.
                  if (x.equals(")")) { if (! firstOperandFull) { operand1 = doInParens(inParensVector); firstOperandFull = true; }
                                       else { operand2 = doInParens(inParensVector); secondOperandFull = true;  }
                                       inParensVector = null; inParens = false; }
                  //if token is open parens store all tokens until close else process the token
                  if (inParens) { inParensVector.add(x); }
                  else {
                       //if token is a variable put correct value in operand
                       if (x.equals("a")) { if (! firstOperandFull) { operand1 = aValue; firstOperandFull = true; }
                                            else { operand2 = aValue; secondOperandFull = true;  } }
                       if (x.equals("b")) { if (! firstOperandFull) { operand1 = bValue; firstOperandFull = true; }
                                            else { operand2 = bValue; secondOperandFull = true;  } }
                       if (x.equals("c")) { if (! firstOperandFull) { operand1 = cValue; firstOperandFull = true; }
                                            else { operand2 = cValue; secondOperandFull = true;  } }
                       //if token is a operator store the operation
                       if (x.equals("+")) { if (firstOperandFull) { operator = 1; } }
                       if (x.equals("-")) { if (firstOperandFull) { operator = 2; } }
                       if (x.equals("*")) { if (firstOperandFull) { operator = 3; } }
                       if (x.equals("/")) { if (firstOperandFull) { operator = 4; } }
                       System.out.println("operand1 = " + operand1 + " operand2 = " + operand2 + " operator = " + operator);
                        //if second operand has a value perform the operation.
                       if (secondOperandFull) {
                                               switch (operator) {
                                                        case 1 : operand1 = add(operand1, operand2); secondOperandFull = false; break;
                                                        case 2 : operand1 = subtract(operand1, operand2); secondOperandFull = false; break;
                                                        case 3 : operand1 = multiply(operand1, operand2); secondOperandFull = false; break;
                                                        case 4 : operand1 = divide(operand1, operand2); secondOperandFull = false; break;
                                                        }//end switch
                                                 } //end if
                     } //End inParens else
      } //End while
    System.out.println("answer = " + operand1);
    public static void main(String[] args) { //formula f = new formula();
    Vector v = new Vector();
    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(",Greg,,Paul,,", ",", true);
    String token = null;
    String lastToken = " ";
    boolean firstToken = true;
    while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
    token = st.nextToken();
    if (firstToken) { if (token.equals(",")) { v.add("X"); }
    firstToken = false; }
    if (! token.equals(",")) { v.add(token); }
    else { if (lastToken.equals(",")) { v.add("X"); } }
    lastToken = token;
    } //End While
    if (token.equals(",")) { v.add("X"); }
    Enumeration tokens = v.elements();
    while (tokens.hasMoreElements()) {
          System.out.println((String)tokens.nextElement()); }
    } //End Main
    public int add(int operand1, int operand2) { return operand1 + operand2; }
    public int subtract(int operand1, int operand2) { return operand1 - operand2; }
    public int divide(int operand1, int operand2) { return operand1 / operand2; }
    public int multiply(int operand1, int operand2) { return operand1 * operand2; }
    public int doInParens(Vector inParensVector) {
          int operand1 = 0;
          int operand2 = 0;
          int operator = 0;
          boolean firstOperandFull = false;
          boolean secondOperandFull = false;
          Enumeration tokens = inParensVector.elements();
               while (tokens.hasMoreElements()) {
                  String x = (String)tokens.nextElement();
                  //if token is a blank skip it.
                  if (x.equals(" ")) { continue INPARENSLOOP; }
                  System.out.println("inparens : " + x);
                  //if token is a variable put correct value in operand
                      if (x.equals("a")) { if (! firstOperandFull) { operand1 = aValue; firstOperandFull = true; }
                                          else { operand2 = aValue; secondOperandFull = true;  } }
                  if (x.equals("b")) { if (! firstOperandFull) { operand1 = bValue; firstOperandFull = true; }
                                      else { operand2 = bValue; secondOperandFull = true;  } }
                  if (x.equals("c")) { if (! firstOperandFull) { operand1 = cValue; firstOperandFull = true; }
                                           else { operand2 = cValue; secondOperandFull = true;  } }
                 //if token is a operator store the operation
                 if (x.equals("+")) { if (firstOperandFull) { operator = 1; } }
                  if (x.equals("-")) { if (firstOperandFull) { operator = 2; } }
                 if (x.equals("*")) { if (firstOperandFull) { operator = 3; } }
                 if (x.equals("/")) { if (firstOperandFull) { operator = 4; } }
                  System.out.println("Inparens : operand1 = " + operand1 + " operand2 = " + operand2 + " operator = " + operator);
                 if (secondOperandFull) {
                                         switch (operator) {
                                                   case 1 : operand1 = add(operand1, operand2); secondOperandFull = false; break;
                                                       case 2 : operand1 = subtract(operand1, operand2); secondOperandFull = false; break;
                                                       case 3 : operand1 = multiply(operand1, operand2); secondOperandFull = false; break;
                                                       case 4 : operand1 = divide(operand1, operand2); secondOperandFull = false; break;
                                                       }//end switch
                                         } //end if
                  } //End while
               System.out.println("Inparens return = " + operand1);
               return  operand1;
    }//End doInParens
    }//End Class

  • How To See Numbers In Arabic Instead Of Indian Format

    I want to see numbers in Arabic format not in Indian format when i log on the Arabic Interface .
    I have EBS (12.0.6) installed on Linux centos , I have implement the below Oracle Metalink Note to solve this issue
    How To See Numbers In Arabic Instead Of Indian Format [ID 785243.1]
    I installed all the patched mentioned in the note (Apply forms version with the forms patch 7488328 , Apply patch 7207440:R12.TXK.A , Apply patch 7601624 - NEW PROFILE OPTION: FORMS DIGIT SUBSTITUTION)
    These patches add the Profile option (FORMS DIGIT SUBSTITUTION) , but when i try to used it has no effect at all .
    So kindly if you have any idea about this issue please help me.
    Fadi Lafi

    These patches add the Profile option (FORMS DIGIT SUBSTITUTION) , but when i try to used it has no effect at all .At what level you have set this profile option?
    So kindly if you have any idea about this issue please help me.Have you bounced the application services after setting this profile option? If not, please do so, login again and see if it works.

  • How to assign numbers in external number range?

    Dear experts,
    Since NUMBER_GET_NEXT can only be used to assign numbers in internal number range, how to assign numbers in external number range?
    So far, I only know the NUMBER_CHECK function module to deal with external number ranges and it only check a number whether it lies in any external number range or not, but it doesn't update any number range status. What I need is a function module like NUMBER_GET_NEXT that supports external number range.
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: harissahlan on Oct 19, 2011 5:44 AM

    With external number range, there is no updating of the number range objectt. The only thing you need to know is whether the number you wish to assign is allowed according to the external number range. And also check if there isn't already an object/document with the same number in the database.

  • How to make numbers in message text input  fields left aligned?

    Hi Friends
    I have completed one of my task .but getting result right side of the field.
    how to make numbers in message text input  fields left aligned?

    Hi ,
    Sorry for late replay i am trying this alos not set that page....
    pageContext.forwardImmediatelyToCurrentPage(null, true, null);
    and one more that kff field working is fine for ex display any text pled displayed properly and only problem is not set the value and HrSitKeyFlex6 and HrSitKeyFlex7 fields are perfectly get the values but not pront HrSitKeyFlex8 that only my issue....

  • How to enter numbers in Arabic?

    Hi All,
    How to write numbers in arabic?
    (how will you in normal papers....assume 123 to be in the arabic numerals here).
    Should it be:
    | -123|
    | 123-|

    I won't say I am very clear about this topic. But I will give an example, which seems to show that number (in the double type) is logically of the form -000.00 while locale spacific String object can be both of the forms "000.00-" and "-000.00"
    // you can show the string below (formatted) on a JLabel with the following
    //<JLabel_instance>.setFont(new Font("Lucida Sans", Font.PLAIN, 22));
    NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(new java.util.Locale("ar","EG"));
    //NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(new java.util.Locale("fr","Fr"));   // compare
    DecimalFormat df=null;
    DecimalFormatSymbols dfs= null;
      if (nf instanceof DecimalFormat) {
          df = (DecimalFormat)nf;
          dfs = df.getDecimalFormatSymbols();
          dfs.setZeroDigit('\u0660');// set the beginning of the range to Arabic digits.. this can be commented out
      String formatted = nf.format(-1234567.89);

  • How to write numbers in Arabic?

    Hi All,
    How to write numbers in arabic?
    (how will you in normal papers....assume 123 to be in the arabic numerals here).
    Should it be:
    | -123|
    | 123-|

    Try the following.
    DecimalFormat formatter_ar=null;
    Numberformat form = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(new Locale("ar","EG"));
    if(form instanceof DecimalFormat) formatter_ar = (DecimalFormat)form;
    String str = formatter_ar.format(-123.45);

  • How to round numbers using javascript in Adobe Acrobat Pro?

    How to round numbers using java script in Adobe Acrobat Pro?
    For example:
    1.2 becomes 1.0
    1.7 becomes 2.0
    Thank you.

    Assuming you've already set the field to a Number format category and limited it to one digit to the right of the decimal, you can use the following custom Validate script:
    // Custom Validate script
    event.value = Math.round(event.value);
    More info: d

  • Can any one suggest me how can I use relative path inside SSIS pacakge to access config file ?

    Can any one suggest me how can I use relative path inside SSIS pacakge to access config file ? Please help me as its urgent.THanks for your help in advance.

    Hi Jay,
    SSIS can only recognize the absolute path of a XML Configuration file, the relative path is not supported. Furthermore, if the XML Configuration file is already generated, we can use the Environment variable package configuration type instead so that
    SSIS runtime automatically looks for the configuration file from the path defined in the environment variable. This is convenient when we need to deploy a package to different environment. We only need to define the environment variable for package configurations
    once on each server, and then the variable can be used by all the packages on this server.
    Mike Yin
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to use one hash table inside another hash table

    Hi everyone,
    Any example of hash table inside another hash table.
    Can one here help me how to write one hash table inside another with repeating keys for the first hash table.

    Do you mean you want the 'value' entries in a hash table to themselves be hash tables? Easy but this often indicates a design flaw.
    Hashtable<String,<Hashtable<String,Value>> fred = new Hashtable<String,<Hashtable<String,Value>> ();But what do you mean by "with repeating keys for the first hash table"?
    Edited by: sabre150 on Jul 2, 2010 10:11 PM
    Looks like you have already handled the declaration side in your other thread. I suspect you should be writing your own beans that hold the information and these beans would then be stored in a Map. The problem I have is that your description is too vague so I can't be certain.

  • How do I authorize my 100+ previously purchased itunes music that is in protected aac form?  It prompts that my computer is not authorized even though it is.

    How do I authorize my 100+ previously purchased itunes music that is in protected aac form?  It prompts that my computer is not authorized even though it is.

    are you saying that your computer is autharized from guessing, or do you know it is becuase it says it. in itunes, go to the advanced tab and the last option in that tab should be either aurhorize, or de-authorize.  What does it say?

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