How to avoid reset pagination prompt

Sometimes when i call my IR it doesn't paginate automatically but shows the link "reset pagination" now is there a what to all the time have the pagination and avoid this prompt link? any help on this is appreciated....regards.

To reset an interactive report in a link, use the string "RIR" in the Clear-Cache section of a URL. This is equivalent to the end user choosing the Reset option from the interactive report actions menu on the target page. The report is returned to the default report settings specified by the developer or saved by the user.
To clear settings in an interactive report in a link, use the string "CIR" in the Clear-Cache section of a URL. "CIR" removes all report settings except for select columns and sorting. This is equivalent to the end user removing all filters, control breaks, highlights, aggregates, computed columns, chart settings, and flashback settings on the target page.

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    It the sharepoint site accessed through firewall
    You can try adding below registry
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    If this helped you resolve your issue, please mark it Answered

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    first time when you call the BSP application from the browser (or by double clicking the BSP_APPLICATION link from SAP GUI) you need to pass user credentials. For further windows this will not be required as browser will remember your info.
    if you need to <b>somehow</b> avoid this then the only option is to hard code the user id and password in the service in transaction SICF or by passing the same via URL.
    Another option is that if you port this application in a SAP portal environment, SSO can be used .
    Hope this helps.

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    Hi Vijay,
    Try like this.
    CALL FUNCTION fm_name
      ARCHIVE_INDEX              =
      ARCHIVE_INDEX_TAB          =
      ARCHIVE_PARAMETERS         =
    <b>   control_parameters         = wa_controlpara</b>
      MAIL_APPL_OBJ              =
      MAIL_RECIPIENT             =
      MAIL_SENDER                =
       <b>output_options             = wa_outputoptions
       user_settings              = space</b>
       job_output_info            = tab_otf_data
      JOB_OUTPUT_OPTIONS         =
        it_tab                     = itab[]
       formatting_error           = 1
       internal_error             = 2
       send_error                 = 3
       user_canceled              = 4
       OTHERS                     = 5

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    zip -P <password> filename
    But it was throwing below error.
    -bash-3.2$ zip -P expreports REPORTS_2013FEB14.dmp
    zip warning: missing end signature--probably not a zip file (did you
    zip warning: remember to use binary mode when you transferred it?)
    zip warning: (if you are trying to read a damaged archive try -F)
    zip error: Zip file structure invalid (REPORTS_2013FEB14.dmp)
    Not quite sure why.
    Then I used zip -e REPORTS_2013FEB14.dmp
    But this prompting for the password. As I am trying to put the command in the script. It will be tough if it prompts for the password.
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    [oracle@SF40V6636 test]$ cat
    zip -e REPORTS_imp.log
    expect "Enter password:"
    send "imprep"
    expect "Verify password:"
    send "imprep"
    So please help in avoiding this password prompt or let me know how to change the code.

    How about using gpg and adding a secret key to the requirement of a password? No one should be able to decrypt your file, not by knowing only the password.
    1. Generate a public and private key pair:
    $ gpg --gen-key
    When it shows "We need to generate a lot of random bytes…" open another terminal session and type "dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/null" to create traffic. When the public and secret key created and signed you can Ctrl-C the dd command.
    To see what you have created:
    $ gpg --list-keys
    2. Encrypt and gzip your stuff:
    $ tar zcf stuff.tgz file_or_folder
    $ gpg recipient "Some Name" encrypt stuff.tgz
    $ rm -f stuff.tgz
    3. Decrypt and extract the archive:
    $ gpg batch yes --passphrase "password" -d stuff.tgz.gpg > stuff.tgz
    $ tar zxvf stuff.tgz
    Again, knowing the password alone will not let anybody decrypt your stuff.

  • How can avoid the  problem of Parameter Prompting when I submitting ?

    I am developing web application in visual studio 2008 in csharp.How can avoid the issue or problem of  Parameter Prompting when I send parameters programaticaly or dyanmicaly?  I am sending the values from .net web form to crystal report but it is still asking for parameters. so when i submit second time that is when the reports is being genereated. How can i solve this problem. Please help. The code Iam using is below.
       1. using System; 
       2. using System.Collections; 
       3. using System.Configuration; 
       4. using System.Data; 
       5. using System.Linq; 
       6. using System.Web; 
       7. using System.Web.Security; 
       8. using System.Web.UI; 
       9. using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; 
      10. using System.Web.UI.WebControls; 
      11. using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; 
      12. using System.Xml.Linq; 
      13. using System.Data.OleDb; 
      14. using System.Data.OracleClient; 
      15. using CrystalDecisions.Shared; 
      16. using CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine; 
      17. using CrystalDecisions.Web; 
      20. public partial class OracleReport : System.Web.UI.Page 
      21. { 
      22.     CrystalReportViewer crViewer = new CrystalReportViewer(); 
      23.     //CrystalReportSource crsource = new CrystalReportSource(); 
      24.     int nItemId; 
      26.     protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) 
      27.     { 
      28.         //Database Connection 
      29.         ConnectionInfo ConnInfo = new ConnectionInfo(); 
      30.         { 
      31.             ConnInfo.ServerName = ""; 
      32.             ConnInfo.DatabaseName = "Xcodf"; 
      33.             ConnInfo.UserID = "HR777"; 
      34.             ConnInfo.Password = "zghshshs"; 
      35.         } 
      36.         // For Each  Logon  parameters 
      37.         foreach (TableLogOnInfo cnInfo in this.CrystalReportViewer1.LogOnInfo) 
      38.         { 
      39.             cnInfo.ConnectionInfo = ConnInfo; 
      41.         } 
      48.         //Declaring varibles 
      49.          nItemId = int.Parse(Request.QueryString.Get("ItemId")); 
      50.         //string strStartDate = Request.QueryString.Get("StartDate"); 
      51.         //int nItemId = 20; 
      52.         string strStartDate = "23-JUL-2010"; 
      54.         // object declration 
      55.         CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Database crDatabase; 
      56.         CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Table crTable; 
      59.         TableLogOnInfo dbConn = new TableLogOnInfo(); 
      61.         // new report document object 
      62.         ReportDocument oRpt = new ReportDocument(); 
      64.         // loading the ItemReport in report document 
      65.         oRpt.Load("C:
      67.         // getting the database, the table and the LogOnInfo object which holds login onformation 
      68.         crDatabase = oRpt.Database; 
      70.         // getting the table in an object array of one item 
      71.         object[] arrTables = new object[1]; 
      72.         crDatabase.Tables.CopyTo(arrTables, 0); 
      74.         // assigning the first item of array to crTable by downcasting the object to Table 
      75.         crTable = (CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Table)arrTables[0]; 
      77.         dbConn = crTable.LogOnInfo; 
      79.         // setting values 
      80.         dbConn.ConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = "Xcodf"; 
      81.         dbConn.ConnectionInfo.ServerName = ""; 
      82.         dbConn.ConnectionInfo.UserID = "HR777"; 
      83.         dbConn.ConnectionInfo.Password = "zghshshs"; 
      85.         // applying login info to the table object 
      86.         crTable.ApplyLogOnInfo(dbConn); 
      93.         crViewer.RefreshReport(); 
      95.                 // defining report source 
      96.         crViewer.ReportSource = oRpt; 
      97.         //CrystalReportSource1.Report = oRpt; 
      99.         // so uptill now we have created everything 
    100.         // what remains is to pass parameters to our report, so it 
    101.         // shows only selected records. so calling a method to set 
    102.         // those parameters. 
    103.      setReportParameters();  
    104.     } 
    106.     private void setReportParameters() 
    107.     { 
    109.         // all the parameter fields will be added to this collection 
    110.         ParameterFields paramFields = new ParameterFields(); 
    111.          //ParameterFieldDefinitions ParaLocationContainer = new ParameterFieldDefinitions(); 
    112.        //ParameterFieldDefinition ParaLocation = new ParameterFieldDefinition(); 
    114.         // the parameter fields to be sent to the report 
    115.         ParameterField pfItemId = new ParameterField(); 
    116.         //ParameterField pfStartDate = new ParameterField(); 
    117.         //ParameterField pfEndDate = new ParameterField(); 
    119.         // setting the name of parameter fields with wich they will be recieved in report 
    121.         pfItemId.ParameterFieldName = "RegionID"; 
    123.         //pfStartDate.ParameterFieldName = "StartDate"; 
    124.         //pfEndDate.ParameterFieldName = "EndDate"; 
    126.         // the above declared parameter fields accept values as discrete objects 
    127.         // so declaring discrete objects 
    128.         ParameterDiscreteValue dcItemId = new ParameterDiscreteValue(); 
    129.         //ParameterDiscreteValue dcStartDate = new ParameterDiscreteValue(); 
    130.         //ParameterDiscreteValue dcEndDate = new ParameterDiscreteValue(); 
    132.         // setting the values of discrete objects 
    135.           dcItemId.Value = nItemId; 
    137.         //dcStartDate.Value = DateTime.Parse(strStartDate); 
    138.         //dcEndDate.Value = DateTime.Parse(strEndDate); 
    140.         // now adding these discrete values to parameters 
    141.           //paramField.HasCurrentValue = true; 
    145.           //pfItemId.CurrentValues.Clear(); 
    146.          int valueIDD = int.Parse(Request.QueryString.Get("ItemId").ToString()); 
    147.           pfItemId.Name = valueIDD.ToString();  
    149.         pfItemId.CurrentValues.Add(dcItemId); 
    150.         //ParaLocation.ApplyCurrentValues; 
    151.         pfItemId.HasCurrentValue = true; 
    153.         //pfStartDate.CurrentValues.Add(dcStartDate); 
    154.         //pfEndDate.CurrentValues.Add(dcEndDate); 
    156.         // now adding all these parameter fields to the parameter collection 
    157.         paramFields.Add(pfItemId); 
    159.         //paramFields.Add(pfStartDate); 
    160.         //paramFields.Add(pfEndDate); 
    161.         ///////////////////// 
    162.         //Formula from Crystal 
    163.        //crViewer.SelectionFormula = "{COUNTRIES.REGION_ID} = " + int.Parse(Request.QueryString.Get("ItemId")) + ""; 
    164.         crViewer.RefreshReport(); 
    165.         // finally add the parameter collection to the crystal report viewer 
    166.         crViewer.ParameterFieldInfo = paramFields; 
    170.     } 
    171. }

    Keep your post to under 1200 characters, else you loose the formatting. (you can do two posts if need be).
    Re. parameters. First, make sure yo have SP 1 for CR 10.5:
    Next, see the following:
    [Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2005 Walkthroughs|]
    CR Dev help file:
    Follow us on Twitter

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    my imad 'lol' mini  say i set up an icloud account when i first got it and its been disabled everytime i try to reset it it prompts me to a different email how can i reset the origanal

    Hi JackEDupdog,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!  The article below will help you troubleshoot the issue you are having with your Apple ID:
    Apple ID: Contacting Apple for help with Apple ID account security
    - Judy

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    iPad 2

    Try resetting your device by holding down both the home and lock buttons for ~10 seconds or until the device restarts, ignoring the power slider. 

  • How to avoid permission prompt?

    dear friends,
    I created an addressbook application. i am using file to store details. on reading and writing data the application prompt Permission alert. i want to avoid this Permission prompt. If anyone know how to handle this plz guide me.

    Hi sameer,
    I have raised this issue before and also i have posted this issue to SAP.
    till now i don't get any solution.
    my issue is similar to this,
    download without save dialog

  • How to reset pagination

    hi there,
    how can I reset the pagination of page x if I visit page y ?
    another question:
    is it possible get the value of the referer page?
    thanks in advance

    I can't use an onload process on page 3, right? Sure you can. If your design requires that page 3 should always be rendered with pagination reset, that is the best way to do it.
    how can I use the RP keyword in the clear cache
    section of the f?p=URL within my tabs? You canot specify a f?p= URL as a tab target. Tab targets are just page nos.
    So I guess your only option is to (conditionally?) reset pagination on the pages you want using onload processes on the page itself.

  • How not to search in the search result – reset pagination?

    I have a sql query report where I have created a text field where a use can input a search criteria, that is used in the where clause. This works perfect. But when pagination is used and you navigate to the next result set and input a new search criteria the search is only done in the displayed result set not the full data set. As far as I can figure out from other posts in this forum I have to reset the pagination when the search button is pressed. I can no figure out how to do this. People have mentioned using braches or processes or Clear Cache?. Can anybody please guide me in the right direction?
    I use version 1.6

    Well if it is setup like mine, there will be a "Branch to Page or URL" branch dependent on the "Go" button being selected.
    In this branch, immediately to the right of the "Page" to branch to, set the "reset pagination for this page".

  • How to avoid the prompt when verifing signature?

    I sign the doc with my cert.
    The cert is not trusted by Acrobat/Reader itself so when i try to verify the signature Acrobat/Reader will prompt the user cert is not trusted.
    My question is how to avoid this prompt through Acrobat SDK or how to add my cert to trusted cert list through Acrobat SDK?

    Patrick Leckey wrote:
     You will also see the BER Decoding error when you have a self-signed peer-to-peer cert in your Windows Cert Store, even if it is not the signature you are using to sign.
    Start > Run > certmgr.msc
    Look for any certs that have "peer-to-peer" in the Intended Purpose column
    Remove that cert
    Restart Acrobat
    Give that a shot.
    Patrick,I have not found the Intended purpose of cert names "peer-to-peer".
    But I have just found the cert which will cause the signature failure.
    The key is the cert can not be removed.
    I'm very curious that why a cert has no relationship with the signature could cause the signature failure?
    Is it a BUG of Acrobat/Adobe Reader?
    If not how can i operate successfully?

  • How to Reset Pagination Page called by a button defined in Select Statement

    Its easy to reset the pagination for a page that is called using a 'Button' such as 'Create'.
    I've defined a button in my records list by using the this entry in the select statement:
    (some characters have been removed to allow for its inclusion in this post)
    || 'img src="#IMAGE_PREFIX#connections.gif" border="0" alt="Icon 4"'
    It works great, Except, I need to reset the pagination for the page, (P12_),
    Because I have similar buttons defined on other pages that also call page, (P12_).
    Can you help me?

    Hi Gary,
    see the f?p URL format at chapter "Clearing Session Cache for Two Pages While Resetting Pagination"
    My APEX Blog:
    The ApexLib Framework:
    The APEX Builder Plugin:

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    This is a user to user support forum.  We are all iphone users just like you.
    You are not addressing Apple here at all.
    This is an odd way to ask your fellow iphone users for help. Berating oterh users will not help you.
    "it's too fragile"
    No it is not.  i have never damaged one, nor has anyone I know.
    " U loose data when Ur phone is locked"
    No you don't.  Why do you think this?
    "and there is no customer support!!!  "
    Wrong yet again.  Apple has an 800 number and they have many retail stores and they have support articles that you can access using the search bar. Or you can contact them throgh express lane online
    "but I will go back with Blackberry "
    Please do.
    Good ridance

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    Every time I start Firefox I now get the reset firefox prompt in the status bar:
    "It looks like you haven't started Firefox in a while. Do you want to clean it up .... etc."
    I use Firefox practically every day, so it is not true that I haven't used it in a while. After a bit of research, I read that Firefox may display this prompt if it has diagnosed other problems, particularly with add-ons. I haven't noticed any problems in my normal use, and I don't think that it is reasonable to expect me to wipe all my installed add-ons and then re-install and re-configure them again just to make this annoying prompt go away, when it is not giving me any details about the so-called "problem".
    Is there any way of getting Firefox to tell me what it thinks the problem is so that I can try to fix it? Failing that, can this prompt be disabled completely?

    I have repeated the test with nightly, but this time created the new profile on a local filesystem (ext4 FWIW) rather than an NFS-mounted one. As before the timestamp on .parentlock is not updated when firefox exits, so almost certainly a bug. If there is a problem with permissions/ownership, that problem is created by firefox, so still a bug :-) (given that the profile is a brand new one).
    I'll report this on bugzilla as soon as I can.

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