How to batch convert AW 5 & 6 to Open Office or Neo Office

Is there a readily available script or application that will allow me to do batch conversions of Appleworks 5 and 6 files to either Open Office or Neo Office? After ten years of using AW I have too many files to convert singly.

I never ran this old script under 10.6.4.
I discovered that in this system, several pieces of script are no longer accepted.
I guess that it's a side effect of Rosetta.
I edited the script to fit the new requirements.
As is, it seems OK.
--[SCRIPT AW batch BOBO2Office8]
Exécuter ce script ou déposer l'icône d'un dossier
sur son icône (version application)
ouvre les documents AppleWorks du dossier
et les enregistreSous en fichier Office
dans le dossier "wasBOBO_nowOffice" sur le bureau.
Run the script or drag and drop a folder icon
on its icon (application version)
open AppleWorks documents stored
in the folder and save them as Office file
in the folder "wasBOBO_nowOffice" on the desktop.
Yvan KOENIG le 11 juin 2004
modifié le 12 juin 2004
étendu le 13 juin 2004
modifié le 14 juin selon suggestions de Hiroto TAOKA
traité bug AW6, (merci Hiroto) le 15 juin 2004
modifié le 17 juin 2004
modifié le 18 juin 2004
modifié le 19 juin 2004
modifié le 25 novembre 2004
modifié le 3 décembre 2004
modifié le 8 août 2008 (problème Mac OS X 10.5. Merci Hiroto)
2009/08/28 removed the property EnglishMsg
2010/10/02 use a handler to coerce as alias. Under 10.6.x (with Rosetta) it can't be done in a "tell AppleWorks" block .
property drelin_drelin : true (* false pour éviter le signal sonore *)
property Stockage : "wasBOBO_nowOffice"
property extensionWP : ".doc" -- globale
property extensionSS : ".xls" -- globale
property extensionDB : ".doc" -- globale
property extensionGR : "" -- globale
property rapport : "" -- globale
property msg0 : "" -- globale
property msg1 : "" -- globale
property msg5 : "" -- globale
property msg7 : "" -- globale
property msg8 : "" -- globale
property msg91 : "" -- globale
property msg92 : "" -- globale
property msg93 : "" -- globale
property msg94 : "" -- globale
property msg95 : "" -- globale
property msg96 : "" -- globale
property msg97 : "" -- globale
property msg98 : "" -- globale
property msg99 : "" -- globale
property NoTranslation : "" -- globale
property traducteurWP : "" -- globale
property traducteurSS : "" -- globale
property traducteurDB : "" -- globale
property traducteurGR : "" -- globale
property cheminDeStockage : "" -- globale
property nbDocsOuverts : 0 -- globale
property Bttns1 : {"", "", ""} -- globale
property listeGraphiques : {}
(* deux lignes exécutées si on double clique
sur l'icône du script application
• two lines executed if one double click
the application script's icon *)
if (do shell script "defaults read 'Apple Global Domain' AppleLocale") starts with "fr_" then
set msg00 to "Choisir un dossier …"
set msg00 to "Choose a folder …"
end if
tell application "Finder"
choose folder with prompt msg00
set listeFichiers to every item in result
end tell
if (count of listeFichiers) = 0 then return
open listeFichiers
on open (sel) (* sel contient une liste d'alias des éléments
qu'on a déposés sur l'icône du script (la sélection)
• sel contains a list of aliases of the items
dropped on the script's icon (the selection) *)
if msg0 is "" then my prepareMessages()
set {rapport, listeGraphiques} to {"", {}}
tell application "AppleWorks 6"
if "6." is not in (version as text) then ¬
error msg0 number 8000
set nbDocsOuverts to (count each document)
end tell -- to AppleWorks
set traducteurs to my construitListeTraducteurs()
tell application (path to frontmost application as string) to ¬
set dd to (display dialog ("WP - " & traducteurWP & return & ¬
"SS - " & traducteurSS & return & ¬
"DB - " & traducteurDB & return & ¬
"GR - " & traducteurGR) ¬
buttons Bttns1 with icon 1)
if dd's button returned is Bttns1's item 1 then ¬
error number -128
(* On a cliqué Annuler/Cancel
utile si on exécute en messages français sur un système anglais.
• Click was on Annuler/Cancel
useful if French messages are used on an english OS *)
if dd's button returned is Bttns1's item 3 then ¬
exit repeat (* Modifier/Reset *)
(* ici si bouton 2 (Modifier)
• Here if button 2 (Reset) *)
set {tradWP, tradSS, tradDB, tradGR} to ¬
{{NoTranslation}, {NoTranslation}, ¬
{NoTranslation}, {NoTranslation}}
repeat with tr in traducteurs
if tr contains "WORD" then
set end of tradWP to tr
else if tr contains "EXCEL" then
set end of tradSS to tr
else if tr contains "ASCII" then
set end of tradDB to tr
else if ((tr contains "JPEG") and not (tr contains "2000")) ¬
or (tr contains "TIFF") then
set end of tradGR to tr
end if
end repeat -- with tr
set traducteurWP to my quelTraducteur(tradWP, msg95, traducteurWP)
set traducteurSS to my quelTraducteur(tradSS, msg96, traducteurSS)
set traducteurDB to my quelTraducteur(tradDB, msg97, traducteurDB)
set traducteurGR to my quelTraducteur(tradGR, msg98, traducteurGR)
end repeat
if traducteurGR contains "TIFF" then
set extensionGR to ".tif"
else if (traducteurGR contains "JPEG") then
set extensionGR to ".jpg"
end if
set cheminDeStockage to my creeDossierDeStockage()
repeat with elem in sel
set elemA to elem as alias -- NOUVEAU
my exploreTraite(elemA, (info for elemA), "")
end repeat
tell application "AppleWorks 6"
if listeGraphiques is not {} then
set traducteurs to my construitListeTraducteurs()
(* indispensable *)
if drelin_drelin is true then beep 3
(* signale qu'il faut intervenir pour fichiers graphiques
• claims that the user must click for graphic documents *)
repeat with descripteur in listeGraphiques
set {leFichier, leTraducteur, nouveauChemin} ¬
to descripteur
open my coercetoalias(leFichier) (* pas besoin de "try", celà a déjà fonctionné
• no need to "try", already worked at first attempt *)
my enregistreSous(leFichier, leTraducteur, nouveauChemin)
close document 1 without saving
end repeat
end if -- listeGraphiques…
if rapport > "" then ¬
make new document with data ¬
(msg8 & return & return & rapport)
end tell -- to AppleWorks
on error MsgErr number NroErr
if NroErr is not -128 then
beep 2
tell application ¬
(path to frontmost application as string) to ¬
display dialog "" & NroErr & " : " & MsgErr ¬
with icon 0 ¬
buttons {msg99} giving up after 20
end if -- NroErr is…
end try
end open
--============= Routines
on creeNomUnique(dossier_, nom_, extension_)
set {suffixe, i} to {extension_, 1}
set {laFin, chemin_} to {suffixe, ""}
set chemin_ to "" & dossier_ & nom_ & laFin
chemin_ as alias (* un fichier de même nom existe-t-il ?
si oui (pas d'erreur) incrémenter l'index *)
set i to i + 1
set laFin to space & "#" & i & suffixe
on error (* s'il n'existe pas (erreur) c'est bon. *)
exit repeat
end try
end repeat
return nom_ & laFin
end creeNomUnique
on quelTraducteur(listeTrad, msg_, traducteur_)
tell application ¬
(path to frontmost application as string) to ¬
set monChoix to ¬
choose from list listeTrad with prompt msg_ ¬
default items traducteur_ as list
if monChoix is false then error msg5 number 8005
return (monChoix as text)
end quelTraducteur
on enregistreSous(fichier_, traducteur_, chemin_)
if my quelOS() is not less than "1050" then set traducteur_ to my textAsStringData(traducteur_)
set cheminenliste to my decoupe(chemin_, ":")
set le_nom to item -1 of cheminenliste
set le_dossier to my recolle(items 1 thru -2 of cheminenliste, ":")
tell application "System Events" to make new file at end of folder le_dossier with properties {name:le_nom}
set chemin_ to my coerceto_alias(chemin)
tell application "AppleWorks 6"
save document 1 in chemin_ ¬
using translator traducteur_
(* enregistre dans le dossier sur le bureau,
• save in the folder on the desktop *)
on error
set rapport to ¬
rapport & msg94 & fichier_ & return
end try
end tell -- to AppleWorks
repeat 10 times
tell application "Finder" to update chemin_
set existe to true
on error
set existe to false
end try
if existe is true then exit repeat
-- delay 5
end repeat
chemin_ as alias
on error -- chemin_ is not present
set rapport to ¬
rapport & msg94 & fichier_ & return
end try
--tell application "Finder" to get properties of file chemin_
end enregistreSous
on creeDossierDeStockage()
(* S'il n'existe pas,
construit un dossier destination sur le bureau
• If does not exist,
create a destination folder on the desktop *)
set cheminDuBureau to (path to desktop)
if Stockage ends with ":" then set Stockage to ¬
(text 1 thru -2 of Stockage) as text
set cheminDeStockage_ to ¬
"" & cheminDuBureau & Stockage & ":"
cheminDeStockage_ as alias
on error (* cheminDeStockage n'existe pas, on le crée
• cheminDeStockage is not available, build it *)
tell application "Finder" to ¬
make new folder at cheminDuBureau ¬
with properties {name:Stockage}
end try
return cheminDeStockage_
end creeDossierDeStockage
on exploreTraite(elem, les_infos, ptree)
set elem_ to elem as text
if (folder of les_infos) then
set pf to (package folder of les_infos) as boolean
on error
set pf to (package of les_infos) as boolean
end try
if pf is true then (* amandine *)
set rapport to rapport & msg93 & elem_ & return
(* Attention, un package EST un dossier "spécial".
• Caution, a package IS a "special" folder. *)
my ExploreUnDossier(elem_, ptree)
end if -- (package…
if file creator of les_infos is "BOBO" then
my TraiteUnFichier(elem_, les_infos, ptree)
set rapport to rapport & msg93 & elem_ & return
(* Rejette fichier non Claris/AppleWorks.
• Skip non Claris/AppleWorks files. *)
end if -- file type…
end if
end exploreTraite
on ExploreUnDossier(dossier, ptree)
repeat with nomElement in ¬
list folder dossier without invisibles
set cheminElement to dossier & nomElement
tell application "Finder" to ¬
set C to name of (dossier as alias)
my exploreTraite(cheminElement as alias, ¬
(info for file cheminElement), ptree & C & ":")
end repeat
end ExploreUnDossier
on TraiteUnFichier(leFichier, les_infos, ptree)
tell application "Finder" to set ¬
leVraiNom to (name of alias leFichier)
if leVraiNom ends with ".cwk" then ¬
set leVraiNom to ¬
(text 1 thru -5 of leVraiNom) as text
(* élimine l'extension .cwk, laisse l'extension ".cws" des modèles
 • strip .cwk extension, keep extension ".cws" of template files *)
set tDoc to file type of les_infos
if tDoc is in {"CWWP", "TEXT", "sWWP"} then
set {leTraducteur, monExtension} to ¬
{traducteurWP, extensionWP}
else if tDoc is in {"CWSS", "sWSS"} then
set {leTraducteur, monExtension} to ¬
{traducteurSS, extensionSS}
else if tDoc is in {"CWDB", "sWDB"} then
set {leTraducteur, monExtension} to ¬
{traducteurDB, extensionDB}
else if tDoc is in {"CWPT", "sWPT", "CWGR", "sWGR"} then
set {leTraducteur, monExtension} to ¬
{traducteurGR, extensionGR}
error msg7 number 8007
end if -- tDoc…
if leTraducteur is not NoTranslation then
tell application "AppleWorks 6"
open my coercetoalias(leFichier)
end try
set nb_Ouverts to (count each document)
end tell -- to AppleWorks 
if nb_Ouverts > nbDocsOuverts then
(* Le fichier a pu être ouvert.
• The file is really open. *)
set C to my createDirTree(cheminDeStockage, ptree)
(* ici il faut créer un nom unique *)
set nouvoNom to my creeNomUnique(C, leVraiNom, monExtension)
set nouveauChemin to C & nouvoNom
if leTraducteur is traducteurGR then
set end of listeGraphiques to ¬
{leFichier, leTraducteur, nouveauChemin}
(* on enregistreSous enregisrerra les graphiques plus tard
• will save graphics later *)
my enregistreSous(leFichier, leTraducteur, nouveauChemin)
end if -- leTraducteur is traducteurGR
tell application "AppleWorks 6" to ¬
close document 1 without saving
set rapport to ¬
rapport & msg92 & leFichier & return
end if -- nb_Ouverts… 
set rapport to ¬
rapport & msg91 & leFichier & return
end if -- leTraducteur…
end TraiteUnFichier
on decoupe(t, d)
local oTIDs, l
set oTIDs to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to d
set l to text items of t
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oTIDs
return l
end decoupe
on recolle(l, d)
local oTIDs, t
set oTIDs to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to d
set t to l as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oTIDs
return t
end recolle
on coerceto_alias(unfichier)
return un_fichier as alias
end coercetoalias
on createDirTree(rc, p)
string rc : root container path where to start directory tree
string p : path string such as "aaa:bbb:ccc:"
return string (rc & p) : path to created directory, such as "rc:aaa:bbb:ccc:"
(rc & p) as alias
return (rc & p) -- rc & p is already present
on error --
end try
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":"
set cc to text items of p
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
set cc to items 1 thru -2 of cc
on error
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
return rc
end try
set x to rc
repeat with C in cc
set y to x & C & ":"
y as alias -- check its presence
set x to y
on error
tell application "Finder" to ¬
set x to ¬
(make new folder at item x ¬
with properties {name:C}) as text
end try
end repeat
return x
end createDirTree
on quelOS()
set the hexData to system attribute "sysv"
set hexString to {}
repeat 4 times
set hexString to ((hexData mod 16) as string) & hexString
set hexData to hexData div 16
end repeat
log hexString
return hexString as string
end quelOS
(* Merci/Thanks Hiroto *)
on textAsStringData(t)
text t : source text
return data : «data TEXT...», where ... is hexadecimal representation of t as MacRoman string.
set enTexte to do shell script "printf " & quoted form of t & " | iconv -f utf-8 -t macroman | perl -0777 -ne 'print unpack "H*", $_;'"
run (run script "
return «data TEXT" & enTexte & "»
end script")
end textAsStringData
on loadQTTranslators() (* Merci/Thanks Hiroto *)
Une bidouille pour s'affranchir d'un bug d'AW6
Ce dernier "perd" les traducteurs [QT]
après l'ouverture d'un document quelconque.
Cette routine aberrante force AW6 à reconstruire
une liste de traducteurs complète (sans le relancer).
• A workaround of AW6's bug
AW6 will lose QT origin translators in export/import
translators list after opening a document of any kind.
This absurd handler is to make AW6 recall them in the list
(without restarting AW6)
set n to ((time of (current date)) as string) & ".cwk"
set p2d to "" & (path to desktop)
set f to p2d & n
tell application "System Events" to make new file at end of folder p2d with properties {name:n}
set f to f as alias
tell application "AppleWorks 6"
make new document with properties ¬
{document kind:drawing document, name:n}
tell drawing area of document n to ¬
make new oval at front with properties ¬
{bounds:{50, 50, 200, 100}}
close document n saving in f
end tell
-- cleaning up dummy document
tell application "Finder" to delete f
end try
end loadQTTranslators
on construitListeTraducteurs()
tell application "AppleWorks 6"
set traducteurs_ to export translators
if "[QT]" is not in (traducteurs_ as text) then
my loadQTTranslators() (* Merci/Thanks Hiroto *)
set traducteurs_ to export translators
end if
end tell -- to AppleWorks
return traducteurs_
end construitListeTraducteurs
on prepareMessages()
if (do shell script "defaults read 'Apple Global Domain' AppleLocale") starts with "fr_" then
set msg0 to "Ce script n'est pas compatible" & ¬
return & "avec cette version d‘AppleWorks." & return & ¬
"Veuillez utiliser une version 6.0" & return & ¬
"ou plus récente..."
set msg1 to "Préférences AppleWorks corrompues."
set msg5 to "Au revoir !"
set msg7 to "Format non géré !"
set msg8 to "Fichiers non enregistrés."
set msg91 to "Pas copié"
set msg92 to "Pas ouvert"
set msg93 to "Refusé"
set msg94 to "Avorté"
set msg95 to "Choisir un traducteur pour" & ¬
return & "Traitement de textes"
set msg96 to "Choisir un traducteur pour" & ¬
return & "Tableurs"
set msg97 to "Choisir un traducteur pour" & ¬
return & "Base de données"
set msg98 to "Choisir un traducteur pour" & ¬
return & "documents Graphiques"
set msg99 to " Vu "
set NoTranslation to " FORMAT ORIGINAL"
set Bttns1 to {"Annuler", "Modifier", "Accepter"}
set msg0 to "This script is not compatible" & return & ¬
"with this version of AppleWorks." & return & ¬
"Please use version 6.0" & return & "or higher..."
set msg1 to "Aworks prefs are corrupted."
set msg5 to "Good bye !"
set msg7 to "this document kind is not treated !"
set msg8 to "Unsaved files."
set msg91 to "Not copied"
set msg92 to "Not open"
set msg93 to "Rejected"
set msg94 to "Failed"
set msg95 to "Choose a translator for" & ¬
return & "Word processing"
set msg96 to "Choose a translator for" & ¬
return & "Spreadsheets"
set msg97 to "Choose a translator for" & ¬
return & "Database"
set msg98 to "Choose a translator for" & ¬
return & "graphic docs"
set msg99 to "Oops"
set NoTranslation to " No translation"
set Bttns1 to {"Cancel", "Reset", " OK "}
end if
set msg91 to "### " & msg91 & " ### "
set msg92 to "### " & msg92 & " ### "
set msg93 to "### " & msg93 & " ### "
set msg94 to "### " & msg94 & " ### "
set {traducteurWP, traducteurSS, ¬
traducteurDB, traducteurGR} to ¬
{NoTranslation, NoTranslation, ¬
NoTranslation, NoTranslation}
end prepareMessages
I just encountered a problem with one of my AW spreadsheet. When I try to treat it, AppleWorks quits.
It is not a problem with the script because AW quits too when I try to export the file driving the app by hand, but it creates a problem to the script because I can't trap such a crash.
You may say thank you to Peggy because I was very busy and, without the mail which she sent directly to my mailbox, I wouldn't have see this thread.
Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) samedi 2 octobre 2010 23:00:19
Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) samedi 2 octobre 2010 22:58:27

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        if folder of (info for i) is true then
            tell application "Finder" to set temp to (entire contents of i)
            repeat with j in (temp)
            end repeat
        end if
        end repeat
        display notification "Processed Files: " & fileCnt with title "Word2PDF" subtitle "Processing Complete"
    end open
    on process_files(fname)
         set cmd to "/Applications/ "
         set cmdArgs to "--headless --convert-to pdf:writer_pdf_Export --outdir "
         tell application "Finder"
              set nameExt to name extension of fname
              set outDir to do shell script "dirname " & POSIX path of (fname as alias)
              if name extension of fname is in name_extension then
                        do shell script cmd & cmdArgs & outDir & space & POSIX path of (fname as alias)
                        set fileCnt to fileCnt + 1
                   on error errorMessage number errorNumber
                        display alert "Processing Error: " message "[ " & errorNumber & " ] " & errorMessage
                        error number -128
                   end try
              end if
         end tell
    end process_files

  • Automator Script - How to Batch Convert PDF files to max 200x200px JPG Files

    I have tried several different Automator scripts and can't seem to get it right.
    Each day I have 25 different PDF files. I need to convert the first page of each PDF file to a max width and height of 200x200px jpg file (not jpeg).
    In automator, how do you do a batch convert of the first page of PDF files to a max width and height of 200x200 JPG files?


  • How to batch convert with After Effects CS3

    I sure hope this isn't a super silly question!
    I have never used After Effects as it came with my Adobe Master Suite and it's quite duanting to learn all of those programs at once. I'm trying to figure out how to convert several MPEG files to AVI using a batch convert process. It would seem to me that would be a pretty simple process and I've read in several locations that it can't be done with Premiere Pro any more. They also say it can be done in After Effects but they don't explain how.
    I'm pretty new to video editing so layman's terms would be much appreciated. I'm running After Effects CS3 on Windows XP.

    It can be done, but After Effects is far from being a specialized encoding application. A bit like using a ten ton truck to commute
    In CS4, threre is such an specialized app. It's called Adobe Media Encoder, and it can be used in standalone mode or invoked from within Premiere Pro or AE.
    Remember, After Effects is a content creation tool that offers multiple ways to render the content you create. But it's not an utility to convert or encode video formats.
    If you really want to do this in AE, this could be a way:
    Import all your MPEG files in the Project Panel.
    Select them all (drag with your mouse or make Project panel active, then Control+A on Win or Command+A on Mac).
    Drag them all to the New Comp button at the bottom of the project panel.
    You will get a dialog which offers to place all these files in a single After Effects Composition, or create a separate Composition for each. Select the latter.
    In the Project panel, select the resulting compositions and go to Composition > Add to Render Queue. Set each item to AVI format with your codec of choice.
    Of course, there are a million variables that couldn't be discussed in a single post or thread.
    As you can see, you are performing a lot of steps because After Effects is designed to render video once you have created content in the form of After Effects Compositions. In that context, these steps would not be "a lot" - you arrive there quite naturally.
    I suggest you take a look at the After Effects Help chapter on Rendering and exporting

  • How to batch-convert photos to 720x540 px?

    As a new user, I'm stuck trying to batch-convert DSLR photos for import into Final Cut Pro 5 at 720x540 px. The only way I've been able to convert to precisely that size is by cropping each image individually.
    I’m working with 8.2 MP RAWs and 6.3 MP JPEGs in Mac OS 10.4.7 with Photoshop CS2. I do not have an NTSC monitor attached to spot-check results, only the computer display. Everything I’ve read advises resizing single-layer graphics to 720x540 so they’ll look right with 720x480 FCP frames. But when I set Image Processor to 720x540, the photos scale to 720x480 and look vertically elongated in FCP (where Preview and Canvas are set to Show As Sq. Pixels). Using Image Size with Constrain Proportions unchecked yields 810x540 images. Since I want full-screen photos -- mostly close-ups --with no camera motion, they've got to be 720x540, right? Is there an efficient way to do this?
    I have been hosting and cropping the RAW images in Bridge and saving them as single-layer TIFFs. The JPEGs were opened and cropped in Photoshop and also saved as single-layer TIFFs. Eventually, I’d like to apply a little sharpening by writing an action -- or should stills for video (assuming no thin horizontal lines) remain unsharpened? -- but not until I solve the resizing.

    You can automate this entire process with Photoshop's actions. First, if you have not already, you should read the Photoshop help topic on Saving images for video. Then check out the bundled actions to see if they already have a default resize aciton for video (not able to open PSD right now to check). Someone may have already provided the solution for you…if not, you can record your own steps as an action and save that to you Mac. Then you can just batch your images for video. If there is a lot of cropping and manipulation of the images you may have to do each shot by hand.
    intel iMac 20", TiPB 17", Mac Mini   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   2Gb Ram, Multiple high-speed HDD

  • How to batch-convert 500 pdf pages into individual jpg files?

    Does anybody know how I can convert 500 single-page pdf files . . . into individual jpeg (image) files?
    They are all in the same hard drive folder (if that helps . . .)

    Thank you so much . . . yes, the answer "staring me in the face".
    Great advice.
    After combining the pdf files into a SINGLE document . . . I just selected "SAVE-AS" . . . and selected "jpg" as the format.
    Acrobat automatically created 500 individual jpg files.
    Thanks again!

  • How to copy the table datas into an  open office excel file .

    Hello All ,
    I have a form which contains several pages . Each page contains some tables in it . How can we copy each table datas into an open office execl files ??
    I mean there will be several excel files each file corresponds to a particular table in the form. I am using LiveCycle Designer ES 2 . in Windows XP.

    Hi Bibhu,
    Here is a screenshot of exporting the form data to XML:
    I have not imported XML into Excel, but I know that Excel 2007 has tools for this in the Developer tab. I don't have Excel 2007 on this machine, so I can't get screenshots. However using Acrobat you can merge the XML file into a spreadsheet, using the same menu Forms > Manage Form Data > Merge Data Files into Spreadsheet.
    In addition you can set up a data connection to the spreadsheet. However this will only work in a Windows environment and you need to share the OLEDB data connection with all users. In addition if you Reader Enable the form with Acrobat, the data connection will not work.
    So on balance if you want to get data to a spreadsheet I would recommend export XML.
    Hope that helps,

  • How to batch convert PDF forms to XML?

    We have a PDF form to monitor project progress. Steakholders fill the form and send to main project office. They get about 20 PDFs like this every day.
    End of day,  these PDFs (all in one format) should be read one-by-one and converted to XML.
    How do we do it? Which product/DLLs to use?

    Thank you so much . . . yes, the answer "staring me in the face".
    Great advice.
    After combining the pdf files into a SINGLE document . . . I just selected "SAVE-AS" . . . and selected "jpg" as the format.
    Acrobat automatically created 500 individual jpg files.
    Thanks again!

  • How to batch convert jpgs to pdfs?

    I am trying to figure out how to convert a bunch of jpg images to a single pdf file.  I know there are some 3rd party programs that will do this but I was wondering if it is possible to do right inside Adobe Acrobat.  I am running Adobe Acrobat 5.0.  Thank you for any help.

    That's an old version so I don't remember if it has this option but you "should" be able to go to File>Create PDF>From multiple files. Again, your version is old so it may not be there. It's available in the newer versions.

Maybe you are looking for

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