How-To Book?

I'll be visiting Barnes & Noble tomorrow. Can anyone recommend a how-to book for iLife/iWork/iWeb/Pages? I'm a senior citizen who needs a lot of pictures to help me figure out what to do....

Peachpit Press produces two series:
The *Visual QuickStart Guides* heavily illustrated with the program broken down along the lines of tasks and Menus. Well worth having as an alternative to the manual. Unfortunately this has not been updated for iWork or Pages since 2005. You could ask if there is an up to date version on its way.
The *Apple Training Series* is well illustrated in lesson format with color photos and the tutorials on DVD.
The combination of the 2 should be perfect to learn and to refer to on specific questions.
*The Missing Manual* series has one covering iWork '09 but I don't find them as good, but it may be the only choice for a manual substitute.
You can download the manual from under the Help menu and print it out, but I find it poorly written. I do have it and refer to it, when I must.

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    message edited by:  cs

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    Best Regards,

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    best regards

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  • In the privacy policy, it states that percentages and durations of books read are being collected to ensure that publishers can have a metered price model, prices depending on how the book was read. Give me an example of a company with such a price model?

    In your privacy policy, you state that the percentages and durations of books read are being collected to ensure that publishers can choose a metered price model. Prices which depends on the duration for which the book was read.
    Give me an example of a company with such a price model? Are the information being collected even where the companies have not asked for the information, even when the metered price models are not being used?
    Here is an extract från the privacy policy:
    What information does Adobe Digital Editions collect and how is it used?
    The following information may be collected when an eBook with DRM is opened in Adobe Digital Editions software. If an eBook does not have any DRM associated with it, then no information is collected.
    User GUID: The User GUID is a unique value assigned in place of your User ID and is used to authenticate you.
    Device GUID: The Device GUID is a unique value generated to identify your device. It is used to ensure that the eBook may be viewed on your device and that the number of devices permitted by the license is not exceeded.
    Certified App ID: This ID represents the application that is being used to view the eBook, in this case Adobe Digital Editions. It is necessary to ensure that only a certified application may display an eBook. This helps to minimize piracy and theft of eBooks.
    Device IP (Internet Protocol): This identifies the country you are located in when you purchase an eBook.  It is used by eBook providers for the enablement of localized pricing models. Only the country identifier of the Device IP is stored.
    Duration for Which the Book was Read: This information may be collected to facilitate limited or metered pricing models entered into between eBook providers, such as publishers and distributors. These models are based on how long a reader has read an eBook. For example, you may borrow an eBook for a period of 30 days. While some publishers and distributors may charge libraries and resellers for 30 days from the date of the download, others may follow a metered pricing model and charge them for the actual time you read the eBook.
    Percentage of the eBook Read: The percentage of the eBook read may be collected to allow eBook providers such as publishers to implement subscription pricing models where they charge based on the percentage of the eBook read.
    Information provided by eBook providers relating to the eBook you have purchased: The following information is provided by the eBook provider to enable the delivery of the eBook to your device:Date of eBook purchase/download
    Distributor ID and Adobe Content Server Operator URL
    Metadata of the eBook, such as title, author, language, publisher list price, ISBN number
    How is the information transmitted?
    The data is sent periodically to Adobe via a secure transmission using HTTPS.
    How is the information used?
    Adobe uses the information collected about the eBook you have opened in Adobe Digital Editions software to ensure it is being viewed in accordance with the type of DRM license that accompanies that eBook. The type of license is determined by the eBook provider. For more information on how each piece of data is used, please see above.

    In your privacy policy, you state that the percentages and durations of books read are being collected to ensure that publishers can choose a metered price model. Prices which depends on the duration for which the book was read.
    Give me an example of a company with such a price model? Are the information being collected even where the companies have not asked for the information, even when the metered price models are not being used?
    Here is an extract från the privacy policy:
    What information does Adobe Digital Editions collect and how is it used?
    The following information may be collected when an eBook with DRM is opened in Adobe Digital Editions software. If an eBook does not have any DRM associated with it, then no information is collected.
    User GUID: The User GUID is a unique value assigned in place of your User ID and is used to authenticate you.
    Device GUID: The Device GUID is a unique value generated to identify your device. It is used to ensure that the eBook may be viewed on your device and that the number of devices permitted by the license is not exceeded.
    Certified App ID: This ID represents the application that is being used to view the eBook, in this case Adobe Digital Editions. It is necessary to ensure that only a certified application may display an eBook. This helps to minimize piracy and theft of eBooks.
    Device IP (Internet Protocol): This identifies the country you are located in when you purchase an eBook.  It is used by eBook providers for the enablement of localized pricing models. Only the country identifier of the Device IP is stored.
    Duration for Which the Book was Read: This information may be collected to facilitate limited or metered pricing models entered into between eBook providers, such as publishers and distributors. These models are based on how long a reader has read an eBook. For example, you may borrow an eBook for a period of 30 days. While some publishers and distributors may charge libraries and resellers for 30 days from the date of the download, others may follow a metered pricing model and charge them for the actual time you read the eBook.
    Percentage of the eBook Read: The percentage of the eBook read may be collected to allow eBook providers such as publishers to implement subscription pricing models where they charge based on the percentage of the eBook read.
    Information provided by eBook providers relating to the eBook you have purchased: The following information is provided by the eBook provider to enable the delivery of the eBook to your device:Date of eBook purchase/download
    Distributor ID and Adobe Content Server Operator URL
    Metadata of the eBook, such as title, author, language, publisher list price, ISBN number
    How is the information transmitted?
    The data is sent periodically to Adobe via a secure transmission using HTTPS.
    How is the information used?
    Adobe uses the information collected about the eBook you have opened in Adobe Digital Editions software to ensure it is being viewed in accordance with the type of DRM license that accompanies that eBook. The type of license is determined by the eBook provider. For more information on how each piece of data is used, please see above.

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