How  to calculate taxes in invoice tab of me23n t.code

I need to print the taxes shown in invoice tab for a particular PO. I have used related fn modules for calculating but i'm not get the exact values as shown in the sap.
I have even searched the forums but didn't get any relevant answer.
Please help...

taxes are calculated on header level and values are distributed to PO lines. So starting with line values, you can't get the same tax values, just because you won't get rounding differences from the header calculation included.
So you have to print the 'original' values of the PO. Mark the relevant lines in pricing with a printing flag, this might be the easiest way. You might also find relevant values in EKPO subtotal fields, or you select all details from table KONV (key EKKO-KNUMV).
But if there are under- / partial- / overdeliveries, the actual bookings during goods receipt / invoice will be different anyway... (related to the rounding).

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    I am working in driver program of service sheet entry SF. i want calculate Tax Amount of every line item of service entry sheet number.
      tax code, net value, total value  mention in line item but tax amount not.
    then How to calculate tax amount according tax code...............?

    Try with the below function module.

  • Excise Invoice tab In MIGO transaction code

    Could any body suggest, In Excise Invoice tab In MIGO transaction code I am getting "06  No Excise Entry" no otehr fields are coming.? All options like
    01     Capture & Post Excise Invoice
    02     Refer & Post Excise Invoice
    03     Only Capture Excise Invoice
    04     Only Refer Excise Invoice
    05     Only Part1
    Should come. Infact in my SAND Box client it is o.k but with same setting Golden Client it is not coming.?
    Thanks & Regards

    These options are coming from Excise Group settings.
    Go to : SPRO-Logistics General-Tax on Goods movements-India-Basic settings-Maintain Excise Groups-in 'MIGO Settings' tab, select the check boxes, accordingly you will get the options in Excise Tab of MIGO screen.
    Hope this will resolve your issue.
    Gopi Chand

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    So far I have been taking the EKKO-KNUMV and going to KONV table and serach for records with that KNUMV. But here I am stuck.
    I can not understand (I mean I can not find the field to distinguish) which of the records is actually being used in the PO and has an amount (non-zero) against it, which I see in ME23N in "Condition" at header label.
    Reward Points Guaranteed.

    Ya. Actually I need to know the Discount, Indiviual taxes (Like Freight tax etc) which we see the the "condition" tab of Header Data in ME23N. I have to make a total of them and subtract from (Sum of EKPO-NETWR ) to calculate the ACTUAL PRICE.

  • BAPI_ACC_INVOICE_RECEIPT_POST how to calculate tax

    Hallo folks,
    i can't figuere out how to calculate the tax with the bapi BAPI_ACC_INVOICE_RECEIPT_POST. I already searched the Forums and google but no Solution helped me.
    I don't really get it, which fields i have to fill. For example i do i have to fill the amt_base for every item or just for the tax structure?
        ls_accgl-comp_code  = ls_outtab-zzfaleiemp.
        ls_accgl-tax_code   = 'V3'.
        ls_accgl-profit_ctr = ls_outtab-prctr.
        ls_accgl-sales_ord  = ls_outtab-kdauf.
        ls_accgl-s_ord_item = ls_outtab-kdpos.
        APPEND ls_accgl TO lt_accgl.
        CLEAR ls_curamt.
        ls_curamt-itemno_acc     = l_itemno.
        ls_curamt-currency_iso   = 'EUR'.
        ls_curamt-amt_doccur     = ls_outtab-zzsum.
      ls_acctax-itemno_acc = l_itemno.
      ls_acctax-tax_rate   = '19.000'.
      ls_acctax-gl_account = ls_accgl-gl_account.
      ls_acctax-tax_code   = 'V3'.
      ls_acctax-acct_key   = 'VST'.
      ls_acctax-cond_key   = 'MWVS'.
      APPEND ls_acctax TO lt_acctax.
      CLEAR ls_curamt.
      ls_curamt-itemno_acc = l_itemno.
      ls_curamt-currency   = 'EUR'.
    *  ls_curamt-amt_doccur = l_sum.
      ls_curamt-amt_base   = l_sum.
      APPEND ls_curamt TO lt_curamt.
    Because it doesn't matter what field i fill in TA FB03 there never come any taxes up.
    has anybody some Ideas?
    Best regards

      check the below code
    Read Invoice Work item data
      CLEAR: lwa_inv_header.
      SELECT SINGLE * INTO lwa_inv_header
        FROM zbw_inv_header
      WHERE zinv_id = i_documentheader-zinv_id.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
    Get history line count
        SELECT COUNT(*) INTO lv_hist_lineid
          FROM zbw_wi_history
         WHERE zinv_id = i_documentheader-zinv_id.
    Get exception line count
        SELECT COUNT(*) INTO lv_lineid
          FROM zbw_wi_exception
         WHERE zinv_id = i_documentheader-zinv_id.
    Get document type
        SELECT SINGLE zdoctype INTO lv_doc_type
          FROM zbw_doc_types
        WHERE zinvtype = i_documentheader-zinvoicetype AND
              zinvind  = i_documentheader-invoice_ind.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          CLEAR t_return.
          t_return-ztype    = 'E'.
          t_return-zmessage = 'Document type configuration is not done'.
          APPEND t_return.
          lv_lineid = lv_lineid + 1.
          CLEAR lwa_exceptions.
          lwa_exceptions-zinv_id  = i_documentheader-zinv_id.
          lwa_exceptions-zlineid  = lv_lineid.
          lwa_exceptions-zstep_id = i_stepid.
          lwa_exceptions-zuser    = sy-uname.
          lwa_exceptions-zdate    = sy-datum.
          lwa_exceptions-ztime    = sy-uzeit.
          lwa_exceptions-zexception = t_return-zmessage.
          MODIFY zbw_wi_exception FROM lwa_exceptions.
    Read posting date config
        SELECT SINGLE * INTO lwa_posting
          FROM zbw_posting_date
        WHERE zarea = i_documentheader-zinvoicetype.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          CLEAR t_return.
          t_return-ztype    = 'E'.
          t_return-zmessage = 'Posting date configuration is not done'.
          APPEND t_return.
          lv_lineid = lv_lineid + 1.
          CLEAR lwa_exceptions.
          lwa_exceptions-zinv_id  = i_documentheader-zinv_id.
          lwa_exceptions-zlineid  = lv_lineid.
          lwa_exceptions-zstep_id = i_stepid.
          lwa_exceptions-zuser    = sy-uname.
          lwa_exceptions-zdate    = sy-datum.
          lwa_exceptions-ztime    = sy-uzeit.
          lwa_exceptions-zexception = t_return-zmessage.
          MODIFY zbw_wi_exception FROM lwa_exceptions.
        IF lwa_posting-zcurrentdate = 'X'.
    Todays date as posting date
          lwa_documentheader-pstng_date = sy-datum.
          lv_today = sy-datum.
          CLEAR: lv_days,
    Calculate last day of previous month as posting date
              date      = lv_today
              days      = lv_days
              months    = lv_months
              signum    = '-'
              years     = lv_years
              calc_date = lv_calcdt.
          IF sy-subrc <> 0.
            CLEAR t_return.
            t_return-ztype    = 'E'.
            CONCATENATE 'Error while calculating the'
                        'Last day of previous month'
              INTO t_return-zmessage SEPARATED BY space.
            APPEND t_return.
            lv_lineid = lv_lineid + 1.
            CLEAR lwa_exceptions.
            lwa_exceptions-zinv_id  = i_documentheader-zinv_id.
            lwa_exceptions-zlineid  = lv_lineid.
            lwa_exceptions-zstep_id = i_stepid.
            lwa_exceptions-zuser    = sy-uname.
            lwa_exceptions-zdate    = sy-datum.
            lwa_exceptions-ztime    = sy-uzeit.
            lwa_exceptions-zexception = t_return-zmessage.
            MODIFY zbw_wi_exception FROM lwa_exceptions.
              day_in            = lv_calcdt
              last_day_of_month = lwa_documentheader-pstng_date
              day_in_no_date    = 1
              OTHERS            = 2.
    Populate the header data
        lwa_documentheader-obj_type       = 'IBKPF'.
        CONCATENATE sy-datum sy-uzeit lwa_documentheader-comp_code
          INTO lwa_documentheader-obj_key.
        lwa_documentheader-obj_sys        =  sy-sysid.
        lwa_documentheader-username       =  sy-uname.
        lwa_documentheader-header_txt     =  'HD BAPI Test'.
        lwa_documentheader-comp_code      = i_documentheader-comp_code.
        lwa_documentheader-fisc_year      = i_documentheader-zfisc_year.
        lwa_documentheader-doc_date       =  i_documentheader-doc_date.
        lwa_documentheader-trans_date     = sy-datum.
        lwa_documentheader-fis_period     =  i_documentheader-zfisc_period.
        lwa_documentheader-doc_type       =  lv_doc_type.
            ALL ITEM DATA                                               *
    Populate Account payble data
        CLEAR lt_accountpayable.
        lt_accountpayable-itemno_acc      = 1.
        lt_accountpayable-vendor_no       = i_documentheader-zvendor.
        lt_accountpayable-item_text       = 'Webdesk invoice posting'.
        APPEND lt_accountpayable.
        clear lt_accountpayable.
    Populate the currency for Account payble
      CLEAR lt_currencyamount.
      lt_currencyamount-itemno_acc      = 1.
      lt_currencyamount-currency        = i_documentheader-currency.
      lt_currencyamount-amt_doccur      = i_documentheader-gross_amount * -1.
      APPEND lt_currencyamount.
      clear lt_currencyamount.
    Loop the GL table
        CLEAR lv_errfl.
        LOOP AT t_glacc.
          CONCATENATE i_documentheader-supcountry t_glacc-tax_code
            INTO lv_vakey SEPARATED BY space.
          SELECT knumh INTO lv_knumh
           UP TO 1 ROWS
            FROM konh
           WHERE vakey = lv_vakey.
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
            SELECT SINGLE kbetr INTO lv_kbetr
              FROM konp
             WHERE knumh = lv_knumh.
            IF sy-subrc <> 0.
              lv_errfl = 'X'.
            lv_errfl = 'X'.
          lv_kbetr = lv_kbetr / 10.
          IF t_glacc-tax_base_amount IS INITIAL.
            lv_taxamt  =  ( i_documentheader-gross_amount * lv_kbetr ) / 100.
            lv_taxamt  =  ( t_glacc-tax_base_amount * lv_kbetr ) / 100.
    Populate the GL data
          lt_accountgl-itemno_acc           = 2.
          lt_accountgl-gl_account           = t_glacc-gl_account.
          lt_accountgl-tax_code             = t_glacc-tax_code.
          lt_accountgl-acct_key             = t_glacc-zacct_key.
          lt_accountgl-item_text            = 'Webdesk invoice posting'.
          APPEND lt_accountgl.
          clear lt_accountgl.
          CLEAR lt_currencyamount.
          lt_currencyamount-itemno_acc        =  2.
          lt_currencyamount-currency          =  i_documentheader-currency.
          lt_currencyamount-amt_doccur        =  t_glacc-item_amount - lv_taxamt.
          APPEND lt_currencyamount.
          clear lt_currencyamount.
          IF NOT t_glacc-tax_code IS INITIAL.
    Populate the Tax data
            lt_accounttax-itemno_acc = 3.
            lt_accounttax-gl_account = t_glacc-ztaxgl_account.
            lt_accounttax-tax_code   = t_glacc-tax_code.
            lt_accounttax-acct_key   = t_glacc-zacct_key.
            APPEND lt_accounttax.
            clear lt_accounttax.
            CLEAR lt_currencyamount.
            lt_currencyamount-itemno_acc        =  3.
            lt_currencyamount-currency          =  i_documentheader-currency.
            lt_currencyamount-amt_doccur        =  lv_taxamt.
            IF t_glacc-tax_base_amount IS INITIAL.
              lt_currencyamount-amt_base          =  i_documentheader-gross_amount.
              lt_currencyamount-amt_base          =  t_glacc-tax_base_amount.
            APPEND lt_currencyamount.
            clear lt_currencyamount.
        IF lv_errfl = 'X'.
          CLEAR t_return.
          t_return-ztype    = 'E'.
          CONCATENATE 'Error while calculating the'
                      'Tax amount'
            INTO t_return-zmessage SEPARATED BY space.
          APPEND t_return.
          lv_lineid = lv_lineid + 1.
          CLEAR lwa_exceptions.
          lwa_exceptions-zinv_id  = i_documentheader-zinv_id.
          lwa_exceptions-zlineid  = lv_lineid.
          lwa_exceptions-zstep_id = i_stepid.
          lwa_exceptions-zuser    = sy-uname.
          lwa_exceptions-zdate    = sy-datum.
          lwa_exceptions-ztime    = sy-uzeit.
          lwa_exceptions-zexception = t_return-zmessage.
          MODIFY zbw_wi_exception FROM lwa_exceptions.
               CALLING BAPI                                             *
        CLEAR lwa_wi_history.
        lwa_wi_history-zinv_id  = i_documentheader-zinv_id.
        lwa_wi_history-zlineid  = lv_hist_lineid.
        lwa_wi_history-zstep_id = i_stepid.
        lwa_wi_history-zuser    = sy-uname.
        lwa_wi_history-zdate    = sy-datum.
        lwa_wi_history-ztime    = sy-uzeit.
        CLEAR: lt_return[].
            documentheader = lwa_documentheader
            obj_type       = obj_type
            obj_key        = obj_key
            obj_sys        = obj_sys
            accountpayable = lt_accountpayable
            accountgl      = lt_accountgl
            accounttax     = lt_accounttax
            currencyamount = lt_currencyamount
            return         = lt_return.
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Taxes on Invoice tab

    Hi All,
    I am facing an issue wherin for service PO, when i click on taxes button on invoice tab it is not opening.
    The taxes it seems are calculated & i can see the tax value in pricing procedure for services at individual service level against proper conditions.
    How can this be activated to check the tax procedure?
    Sourabh Kothari

    Hi All,
    Thanks for the reply. I have got the configuration in place. I am using pricing procedure for services MS0000 properly giving me the value against NAVS condition as per the tax code i specify at sub service line item.
    I am not using this scenario for CIN/Indian company
    I just want to confirm whether we have a taxes tab for sub service levels wherein i can see the tax procedure calculations as seen in invoice tab for line item level. What happens if i have multiple sub line services with different tax codes?
    Sourabh Kothari

  • Miscalculation Tax on Invoice Tab _PO MM21N

    Hi Folks,
    I am a little confised, as this has never happened before. I have PO created and MIGO entered. This Material was set in Tab Conditions Taxes applicable here in Brazil. Everything looks pretty, but when i look into the tax code inside Invoice Tab, it calculates all wrong differently from we had set in the price conditions.
    I looked into Vendor and material, but i know that those do not carry any tax, execept for the Vendor that has its Zip Code aligned with Tax Jurisdiction and it is ok, i looked at it.
    I honestly do not know where it is bringing wrong values for the tax calculation or the price of equipment. Can anyone help? Has anyone seen this scenario before?

    Which tax procedure you are using. If it is TAXINN, please check whether you have created condition records for tax condition types via FV12 in the combination of vendor,material, &plant. Thanking you.

  • How to calculate taxes in purchase register

    Hi all,
      i want to calculate taxes in purchase register for that
    i use function module 'calculate_tax_item'  but it calculates
    tax on po . i want taxes should calculate as per miro
    means it should be calculated on basic amount.

       i dont know whether there is any function module available of no.. but u can get it from FI tables... link is from MIRO u can get the invoice no.. go to BKPF table in that there is a AWKEY filed is there put the MIRO No + Miro Year in that..u can use a select single .. from that u get the FI document .... field is BELNR.. then go to BSET table.. it contain the duty amount put that FI document number , FI year and Compny code and also put Debit/credit indicator as S.. u will list of records with duty.. from that HWBAS is he duty amount field and there is one percentage field.. if it is 12 % in that field its look like 120 as a multiple of 10.  Note this BSET will only be populated if there is any tax involved.. other wise it will be empty(ofcourse it cointian the whole accessable value amount).. i think it will help u..
    Maneesh Chandran

  • How to calculate tax in me49 price

    hi guys,
                I want to change the standard me49 transaction. the reason is this the rate value it is giving is without excise and tax means flat rate. but i hav to showhere the rate including  tax excise etc etc. Can you please give me brief description in this,thx in advance

    You don't need to calculate tax by yourself.  The proper tax code will take care it.

  • Populate data for Invoice tab in UDM_SUPERVISOR transaction code.

    Hi All,
    I need to add new fields to invoice tab of tcode UDM_SUPERVISOR .
    For this i am appending new fileds to structure FDM_COLL_INVOICE.
    I need to calculate the new added fields and display it .
    The suggested solution was using BADI FDM_COLL_SEND_ITEMS, but this BADI can only update table UDM_COLL_ITEM and not passing any data to the structure FDM_COLL_INVOICE.
    can anyone help me me how to achieve this. Any BADI or exit available ?
    Is that the structure would get the values automatically in the suggested BADI ?

    My Query has been resolved using below option :-
    I have used an implicit enhancement at the end of the FM FDM_COLL_INVOICES_READ  to populate the additional fields added to structure FDM_COLL_INVOICE .

  • How to calculate no.of records for a specific company Code and Transaction

    Hi All,
    Could you please help me how to calculate or count no.of records, in a table which are having a specific Company Code and Transaction Code and populate  in an output table displaying that these many records are present for this company code and Transaction code.
    The table is having the data like this:
    X1                             1   
    X1                              2   
    X1                              3   
    X1                              4   
    F1   NB                      5   
    F1   NB                     6   
    F1   NB                     7   
    F1   NB                    8   
    F1   NB                    9   
    F1   NB                    10  
    F1   NB                    11  
    F1   NB                    12  
    F1   NB                     13  
    F1   NB                     14  
    F1   NB                     15  
    F1   NB                     16  
    F1   NB                     17  
    F1   NB                     18
    F1   NB                    19  
    F1   NB                    20  
    F1   NB                   21  
    F1   NB                   22  
    F1   NB                   23  
    F1                          24  
    F1                         25  
    F1                         26  
    F1                         27  
        In the above table there are totally 27 records,where as the no.of records with F1 as company code and NB as transaction code are i have to display like F1 NB and 18 as one record as output.
    Thanks and Regards,

    You can go for Control Breaks for your requirement.
    First sort the internal table by company code and transaction. Declare a counter variable.
    Now loop the internal table and increment the counter variable. within the loop use AT END OF tcode.......ENDAT. Within the control break append the counter variable as well as the company code and tcode to some other ITAB and clear the counter.
    This will give you the total number of records for a combination of co code and tcodes.
    This will be a good reference for your requirement. What I am doing here is, for each Vendor i am calculating total number of deliveries and amounts for that vendor. For every new vendor i am writing the ouput on to a list and clearing the counter variables.
      LOOP AT t_vend_prod_grp INTO fs_vend_prod_grp.
        w_total_delv = w_total_delv + 1.
        w_total_amt = w_total_amt + fs_vend_prod_grp-dmbtr.
        AT NEW matkl.
          w_mat_grp = fs_vend_prod_grp-matkl.
    * To display the material group and the header texts for the data
    * grouped by material group and vendor.
          SKIP 1.
          WRITE:  text-mtk  COLOR COL_HEADING
                / w_mat_grp COLOR COL_NORMAL
                                  INTENSIFIED OFF.
          SKIP 1.
          ULINE  1(54).
          WRITE:/ sy-vline,
                2 text-ven,
               12 sy-vline,
               26 sy-vline,
               38 text-amt,
               46 text-cur,
               54 sy-vline.
          ULINE /1(54).
        ENDAT.                             " AT NEW MATKL
        AT END OF lifnr.
    * To display the actual data for the grouping based on Material group
    * and Vendor.
          WRITE: / sy-vline,
                 2 fs_vend_prod_grp-lifnr COLOR COL_KEY,
                12 sy-vline,
                26 sy-vline,
                   w_total_amt CURRENCY text-usd,
                46 text-usd,
                54 sy-vline.
          CLEAR: w_total_amt,
        ENDAT.                             " AT END OF LIFNR
      ENDLOOP.                             " LOOP AT T_VEND_PROD_GRP

  • How to calculate difference in cross tab report

    Hello All,
    I have a cross tab report . I have values for 2 KPI's no of employees joined and no of employees left organization on monthly basis.
    I want to calculate employees Joined - employees left organization.
    Please let me know how can we achieve this.
    PFA the sample report.
    Prasad Ambati

    Hi Prasad,
    I think you want the difference between the two columns in the cross tab i.e.
    "Count of Joinees" (lets say V1) and "Count of employees left the organisation" (lets say V2)
    For achieving this you can do:
    1. Create a variable V1 (as measure) for "Count of Joinees" as you have already used in your cross tab (1st Column), just create a variable for it.
    2. Create another variable V2 (as measure) for "Count of employees left the organisation" as you have already used in your cross tab (2nd column) just create a variable for it.
    3. Add a column next to "SUM" insert the formula =[V1]-[V2] 
    I think this should work just try it.
    Shardendu Pandey

  • How Verizon calculates taxes?

    What a rodeo.  I called and they opened a "Diamond Ticket" because I wanted to know on what amount are taxes being calculated.  They closed ticket, did not get back to me and stated "The taxes are correct".  Really?   How can I compare plans if I can't calculate the total bill?
    I want to know step-by-step what amount tax is being applied to.
    I know in CT the total tax is 13.23%.
         911        charge of 1.06% of .70 per line
         USF       charge of 5.82% of .98 per line
         State Tax of           6.35% of what?????   no one at verizon can answer this question.
    Is it a secret that is only shared by a very few?

        Reginald, We absolutely want to make this a better experience. Would it be possible for us to work together in direct message. Please follow us and we can get started.
    Follow us on Twitter

  • Excise invoice tab for without material code

    Dear all,
    I have created a PO with vat Condtion TAx code.
    There are 5 line items are there in this PO. There are no material codes available for this 5 line items. all the line items are account assignment related items.
    While doing GRN its asking the erro messgae like enter excise i nvoice no and date.
    That too its not asking for all the line items. some items its asking some of them items its not asking the excise invoice.
    j1id i have checked without material code and plant one line item will be maintianed.
    But my doubt is why its asking excise tab for the items. That too only one item  why its not asking the excise tab.

    We are using TAXINJ so there is no chance to go for material group wise.
    In j1id also i have removed the without material code one chapter id was maintained.
    any clue?

  • Calculate tax in Vendor Down Payment

    While posting down payment to my service vendor including service tax amount in F-48 after tick the calculate tax also, it is not asking for tax code and it is not showing service tax seperately. Only vendor a/c and bank a/c's are simulating. Please tell me how to calculate tax while doing vendor down payment.

    > Hi,
    > Thanx for ur reply, every month we are paying through
    > advance payment for internet connection including
    > service tax and this is fixed amount.
    1. Enter vendor down payment - gross amount (do not calculate tax)
    2. Post a recurring document to your vendor account which will include the lines:
    C Vendor
    D Internet charge expense account
    D tax
    3. Allocate invoice with down payment

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  • Using "Update All Mapped Fields" with multi-value attributes

    Is it possible to update a value in a multi-value attribute through the import manager?  It appears that if a source value is different then it just gets added as another value to the record. For example, a product has an attribute of speed which is

  • Missing in or out parameter at index:: 1 when attempting to save a trigger

    Hi there, I am trying to make modifications to a trigger on a 10g database in Enterprise Manager. The trigger is compiled and valid, but if I make any changes to it at all, I get the error above.

  • Slideshows Music stops and goes back to the beginning

    Just today i created a couple of slideshows with my new MBP and the problem is that in both slides shows, music stops in the same moment and goes back to the beginning, although slideshow continues going on. Each slide show has a different song, but

  • URLDecoder: Incomplete trailing escape (%) pattern

    Hi, I created a report with a parameter having '%' as its default value. This acts as wild card in the SQL statement of the data template. But because '%' is interpreted as the start of a special escaped sequence, BI is reporting the following error