How to call a java function that is in page header from a process in page.

Generally we call plsql process from a javascript in the header of that page.
But i want the other way around.
Is it possible or is it a completely wrong idea.
I am thinking so because we are able to call javascripts from items and buttons why cant we do so from a process.
Thanks and Regards,

943323 wrote:
Generally we call plsql process from a javascript in the header of that page.
But i want the other way around.
Is it possible or is it a completely wrong idea.
I am thinking so because we are able to call javascripts from items and buttons why cant we do so from a process.It's a "completely wrong idea". Processes and PL/SQL run in the database on the server. JavaScript runs in the browser on the client. For basuic security reasons the browser must make requests to the server, not the other way round.
Please update your forum profile with a real handle instead of "943323".

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    Edited by: 957158 on 5-set-2012 9.06

    Taking for granted that it works, I wonder what's different, probably the output is defined as Cursor...
    You mean because of this line?
    cs.registerOutParameter(5,OracleTypes.CURSOR);You can either use a cursor or use a function that returns a SQL type instead of the PL/SQL type.
    Here is sample code using a cursor
        empno   NUMBER(4),
        ename   VARCHAR2(10));
    CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE SCOTT.local_tab_type IS TABLE OF local_type;
    CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE SCOTT.test_refcursor_pkg
        TYPE my_ref_cursor IS REF CURSOR;
         -- add more cursors as OUT parameters
         PROCEDURE   test_proc(p_ref_cur_out OUT test_refcursor_pkg.my_ref_cursor);
    END test_refcursor_pkg;
         PROCEDURE  test_proc(p_ref_cur_out OUT test_refcursor_pkg.my_ref_cursor)
            l_recs local_tab_type;
             -- Get the records to modify individually.
             SELECT local_type(empno, ename) BULK COLLECT INTO l_recs
             FROM EMP;
             -- Perform some complex calculation for each row.
             FOR i IN l_recs.FIRST .. l_recs.LAST
             END LOOP;
             -- Put the modified records back into the ref cursor for output.  
             OPEN p_ref_cur_out FOR
             SELECT * from TABLE(l_recs);      
             -- open more ref cursors here before returning
         END test_proc;
      l_cursor  test_refcursor_pkg.my_ref_cursor;
      l_ename   emp.ename%TYPE;
      l_empno   emp.empno%TYPE;
      test_refcursor_pkg.test_proc (l_cursor);
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        INTO  l_empno, l_ename;
        EXIT WHEN l_cursor%NOTFOUND;
        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(l_ename || ' | ' || l_empno);
      END LOOP;
      CLOSE l_cursor;

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      -- DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated!
      args   JNI.ARGLIST;
      -- Constructor for signature (Ljava/lang/String;)V
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        JNI.ADD_STRING_ARG(args, a0);
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      END;I call the function searchDocuments with the following plsql-code in a when-button-pressed trigger:
    raisedException      ora_java.jobject;
    jo           ora_java.jobject;
    jo1          ora_java.jobject;
    arr           ora_java.jarray;
    jo  :=;
    arr := WorkDocumentWsStub.searchDocuments(jo,jo1);
      --check for ORA-105100
        :test.msg := 'Unable to call out to Java, ' ||ORA_JAVA.LAST_ERROR;
      --check for ORA-105101
        raisedException :=;
          :test.msg := 'Exception: '||Exception_.toString(raisedException);
            :test.msg := 'Unable to call out to Java, ' ||ORA_JAVA.LAST_ERROR;
    END;The trigger allways raised with the following exception: Exception: java.lang.Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException
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    I would suggest putting the calls to and WorkDocumentWsStub.searchDocuments(jo,jo1) in separate exception blocks so you know which one generates the nullpointerexception.
    Also, shouldn't you provide parameters to the "new" function? What should the searchDocuments function search for then? There is no document after all.

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    A good place to ask questions and advice about web development is at the mozillaZine Web Development/Standards Evangelism forum.
    The helpers at that forum are more knowledgeable about web development issues.
    You need to register at the mozillaZine forum site in order to post at that forum.

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    I need some input from you all.
    Waiting For quick reply.
    Rgds Somu.

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    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:MyLib="java:datetime.DateandTime">
         <xsl:template match="/">
              <Order DocType="OrderCreate" Version="2.0.2">
                                  <xsl:value-of select="concat('IDOC',//EDI_DC40/DOCNUM)"/>
                             <DateTime DateTimeQualifier="On">
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                       <xsl:value-of select="MyLib:getDateValue()"/>                   
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                                    <PartnerIdentifier Agency="AssignedByBASF">
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    //// hi below code does your work
    // still if u have any doubts, you are respectively invited mail me.
         <form name="getdata.jsp" action="post">
              Step1 :<select name="s1">
                        <OPTION VALUE="DEFAULT">Select</option>
                        <option value="In">India</option>
                        <option value="USn">United States of America</option>
              Step1 :<%
                             // do some stuff here to get the relateddata from the database
                             //for example, i'm assuming objRs is the recordset
                                  <select name="s2">
                                       out.println("<option value="+objRs.getString(1)+">"+objRs.getString(2));
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    Im trying to figure out how I can call a php function from my java code.
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    String strMyString = phpFunction( strVariable )
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    idea #1 - come up with a better plan that doesn't involve invoking php from java.
    Give one example of something php can do that java can't.
    idea #2 - forget java, and just write it in php.
    Involving multiple frameworks/languages/runtime environments is a recipe for an overcomplicated solution that will be impossible to maintain.
    I'd say keep it simple and stupid, and stick with one language.
    If you're still hooked on the idea, maybe try [this link|]

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    First I will give an example and then do the question.
    We have any function, eg.y = x ^ 2 + 1 (read 'y' equals 'x' high to the square), a function of the second degree.
    To build the graph of this function attach values to 'x' to find the values of 'y'
    And thus mount the pair ordered (x, y) which represents a point on the Cartesian plane.
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    We can use any numbers, but arfer interval [-3.3]
    X | y = x ^ 2 + 1
    -3 | Y = (-3) ^ 2 +1 = 10
    -2 | Y = (-2) ^ 2 +1 = 5
    -1 | Y = (-1) ^ 2 +1 = 2
    0 | y = (0) ^ 2 +1 = 1
    1 | y = (1) ^ 2 +1 = 2
    2 | y = (2) ^ 2 +1 = 5
    3 | y = (3) ^ 2 +1 = 10
    We then ordered the pairs:
    (-3.10), (-2.5); (-1.2), (0,1), (1,2), (2,5), (3,10)
    Tabem that can be represented by a table:
    X | y
    -3 | Y = 10
    -2 | Y = 5
    -1 | Y = 2
    0 | y = 1
    1 | y = 2
    2 | y = 5
    3 | y = 10
    Now I begin to explain my doubts.
    See this program:
    * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
    * And open the template in the editor.
    Encontrando_o_valor_de_y package;
    * @ Author des Soldat Gottes
    Import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    Public class (Main
    * @ Param args the command line arguments
    Public static void main (String [] args) (
    Int x, y;
    String x1;
    X1 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog ( "We have the function y = x + 1 \ n" +
    "Assign a value for 'x',"); / / receives a value for the function y = x + 1
    X = Integer.parseInt (x1); / / tranforma String in int
    Y = x + 1; / / receives the value of 'x' and calculates' y '
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, "The value of 'y' is: \ t \ t" + y);
    / / Displays the value of 'y'
    System.exit (0);
    We see that the program receives above a value for 'x' and replaces the function contained in the program, y = x + 1, and so is the value of the variable 'y'.
    In: x1 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog ( "We have the function y = x + 1 \ n" +
    "Assign a value for 'x',");
    The entry is a number and that number is assigned aa ja existing function in the (y = x + 1).
    The question is: would it be possible to come to a function?
    Ex: the program ask: DIGITE THE FUNCTION?
    The program would recognize the function and give numerical values to that function as Ex1, at the beginning of this text.
    And then to find the values of the x and y launch a table.
    It would be possible that?
    By invez of entering with a number so that the program sustitua a function ja existing as Ex2, seen above, entering with a function quaquer (type: y = x ^ 2 +1) for the program atribuisse values to that function and then create a table of values as Ex1.
    I hope it has been easier to understand my doubts now.
    Thank you for your attention!
    God bless!

    rafaelmenezes wrote:
    Thanks for the explanation, could understand what fly said.
    But as it applied to a program?
    How to create a program that recognizes that the entry coefficients?Are you asking about how to parse out the coefficients from the string "3x^4 + 4x^3 - 8x^2 + 5x^1 + 2x^0"? If you define the format to strictly follow that example, this should get you started:
    Strip out the spaces
    Split the String on "x^"
    That should give you [3, 4+4, 3-8, 2+5, 1+2, 0]
    Split each resulting String on "+ | -", preserving the operator as a token so you can apply the correct sign to the coeff.
    That should leave you with [3, 4, +, 4, 3, -, 8, 2, +, 5, 1, +, 2, 0]. Every other number is a coeff, the rest are the degrees.
    You can strip out the +, since those coeffs are already positive, and strip out the - after negating the following number. This is all assuming that you have to write this yourself. There is no doubt already a library or 5 out there that does this for you.

  • Calling a java function from xquery

    I'm pretty new to ODSI and xquery, so forgive me if what I'm asking is too trivial, but I need to find a way to call a java function from inside xquery. I know xquery can do this through external functions, but can't find any example on how the query prolog declaration should be, nor how the function should look like. Could someone enlighten me?
    Pedro Ivo

    You can do this 2 ways that I know of (Mike probably has more ideas too)
    1. Register an inversion function:
    [How to use an inversion function|]
    2. Create a physical data service based on a java function. I have used this approach for both custom JDBC database operations and straight Java processing, with pretty good results.
    Good luck,
    Edited by: jhoffmanme on Apr 14, 2010 9:57 AM

  • Call a Java Function From Abap

    Hi, I need to call a java function from ABAP,  I have a WAS 640 to deploy the module.
    I have found this tutorial...
    [ABAP calls Java via RFC|/people/thorsten.franz3/blog/2008/11/21/abap-calls-java-via-rfc-1-introduction]
    The problem is that it uses a newer version of WAS and it implements EJB 3.0 wich only works on Java 5, but my WAS has java 1.4.2.
    Anyone knows how to adapt this Blog to a WAS 640 version ?
    Or Perhaps there is another way of doing this, maybe publishing my function as a web service.

    Why don't you expose your Java functionality as a Web Service and consume it in ABAP program. That should be much easier and the web service can be used in other places as well.
    Best regards,
    Ritesh Chopra

  • How to call a SQL function from an XSL expression

    In R12, in Payroll Deposit adivce/Check writer, We need to sort the earnings tag <AC_Earnings> in to two different categories as regular and other earnings. In the DB and form level of element defintiion we have a DFF which differentiates between the two kinds of earnings. But the seeded XML that is gerneated by the check writer does not have this field.
    The seeded template displays all the earnings in one column. How can we achieve this in the template without modifying the seeded XML.
    The one approach i have is to write a function and based on the return value sort the data. For this I need to know :
    1) How to call a SQL function from an XSL expression that is allowed in BI template.
    If anyone ahs faced similar requirements please share your approach.

    Thank u..
    but i'd seen that link wen i searched in google..
    Is it possible without using any 3rd party JARs and all?
    and more importantly plz tell me what should be preferred way to call a javascript function?
    Do it using addLoadEvent() or Windows.Load etc
    Call it thru Xsl? (I donno how to do dis)
    Thanks in Advance..
    Edited by: ranjjose on Jun 3, 2008 8:21 AM

  • How to call a Java class from another java class ??

    Hi ..... can somebody plz tell me
    How to call a Java Class from another Java Class assuming both in the same Package??
    I want to call the entire Java Class  (not any specific method only........I want all the functionalities of that class)
    Please provide me some slotuions!!
    Waiting for some fast replies!!
    Smita Mohanty

    Hi Smita,
    you just need to create an object of that class,thats it. Then you will be able to execute each and every method.
    you have developed and, both are in same package.
    in implementaion of
    class B
                A obj = new A();
                 //to access A's methods
                // to access A's variable
               A.variable= value.
               A.setvariable() or A.getvariable()

  • How to call the 'DETAIL' function in ALV for a program?

    Dear Friends,
    I have a prf_tree (TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_tree), and I added below codes to add an new button for displaying the detail record, it works fine:
    CALL METHOD prf_toolbar->add_button
          fcode     = prf_tree->mc_fc_detail
          icon      = icon_detail
          butn_type = cntb_btype_button
          text      = ''
          quickinfo = 'Show Details'.
    Everytime I click this new button, a window will popup and display the record details.
    My question is: how to call this standard function  ('DETAIL' function) in a program? for example:
    CASE ldf_ok_code.
        WHEN gcf_okcode_save.
          PERFORM okcode_save.
          CHECK  gdf_nodkey_9003 IS NOT INITIAL.
          PERFORM SHOW_DETAIL.(How to write this code to display the detail data of the selected record?)
      Thanks a lot!

    Go for Interactive Reporting
    like When u click on the output then it will show the Detail report u want .
    for that purpose Pls
    Use Hide command .
    And call another report
    by using SUBMITT Program

  • How to call external Java code from Animate project?

    I am creating a trainer using Animate that needs to interface with an aircraft model written in Java.  Is there a way to call external Java functions from Animate?

    you can import external java files by yepnope
                                  'your java script file address.js',
                             ],complete: init});
    function init() {
    codes that work with your js file can be write in here

Maybe you are looking for