How to check the Production order exits

Hi Experts
Modification to processing of Command Orders & Tickets
We require a modification to the processing being performed on sales data originating from the Command Concrete system and potentially from other systems yet to come online (e.g. Pinkenba Cement plant).
The Sap process involved is ZINT_INBOUND_POLLING and within that, ZINT_CSTPORD_ROUTINES.
The problem
Currently there is an assumption that every sales order (and its deliveries) will include a product which is made to order, i.e. for which a production order will be required.
In ZINT_CSTPORD_ROUTINES, a check is made to identify the production order linked to the sales order. If there is no such production order (usually because of the customeru2019s credit status) then processing of the ticket is terminated.
This assumption would fall down if an order was to be raised (in Command) on which there is no concrete material. For example, if we sold a bag of pigment or a screed to a customer. In this case the item would be sold from stock and there would be no need for a production order.
The solution
In the routine which checks for the existence of a production order, modify the code as follows:
Inspect each item on the sales order
If (and only if) there is at least one item with a category of u201CZTACu201D then check for a production order, otherwise process the order in the usual manner.
*&      Form  process_inbound_data
      Create prod. orders from ticket data extracted from the COMMAND
      system. Note that large portions of the code in this routine
      have been copied from the retired ZPPU_COMMAND_PRODUCTION
      interface program. This was done (1) because the old code works
      and (2) to save development time.
     -->T_ZINT_IDATA  Internal table of interface data
     -->T_ZINT_PARAM  Internal table of interface parameters
     -->T_ZINT_MSLOG  Internal table of messages
     -->P_ZINT_ID     Interface ID
     -->P_ZINT_TY     Inteface type
     -->P_ZINT_IS     IDOC group for interface
     -->P_ZINT_DL     Flag: delete IDOC group when complete
     -->P_ZINT_AL     Flag: run in standalone mode
     -->P_ZINT_NW     Flag: do not log warning messages
     -->P_ZINT_SQ     Interface sequence number
     <--P_ZINT_RC     Return code (<>0=>error)
form process_inbound_data  tables   t_zint_idata structure zint_idata
                                    t_zint_param structure zint_param
                                    t_zint_mslog structure zint_mslog
                           using    p_zint_id    type      zint_id
                                    p_zint_ty    type      zint_ty
                                    p_zint_is    type      zint_is
                                    p_zint_dl    type      zint_dl
                                    p_zint_al    type      zint_al
                                    p_zint_nw    type      zint_nw
                                    p_zint_sq    type      zint_sq
                           changing p_zint_rc    type      zint_rc.
program is continuing .............
I WANT TO WRITE A CODING HERE **********************
  if production order required then check
                for each item on sales order item list
                      with item category = 'ZTAC' then
                                 return true
                              end function
    if there is no production code
           these has to be check from VBAP TABLE field VBELN and PSTYV (ZTAC,ZTAN Etc)
  select * from Vbap WHERE VBELN = '00000269951' and VBAP.PSTYV = 'ZTAC','ZTAN' Etc
No production order?
    elseif lva_prodord is initial.
      clear v_messg.
      call function 'CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_OUTPUT'
          input  = lva_filemat
          output = lva_filemat.
    No production order found - log a warning message.
      concatenate 'Production Order not be found for'
                  'Command order' lva_cmdord
                  'Material'      lva_filemat
                  'Customer'      lwa_02-customer
        into v_messg separated by space.
      perform write_log_entry
        tables t_zint_mslog
        using  'E' 'ZINT_CSTPORD_ROUTINES'
                     lwa_01-ticketnumber.                " RJS
Production Order WAS found... Continue creating IDOCS
    lwa_hdrlevel-postg_date = lwa_01-ticketdate.
Obtain the storage location parameter value.
    read table t_zint_param with key zint_fn = 'LGORT'.
    if sy-subrc ne c_noerr.
      perform write_log_entry
        tables t_zint_mslog
        using  'E' 'ZINT_CSTPORD_ROUTINES'
                   'Parameter LGORT is missing from ZINT_PARAM'
                   lwa_01-ticketnumber.                " RJS
    loop at l_it_05 into lwa_05
      where ticketnumber = lwa_01-ticketnumber.
      clear lwa_gm_item_create.
      lva_filemat = lwa_05-material.
      if lva_filemat eq lva_prodmat.
        concatenate 'Command ticket-' lwa_05-ticketnumber
          into lwa_hdrlevel-conf_text.
        lwa_hdrlevel-conf_quan_unit = lwa_05-unitofmeasure.
        lwa_hdrlevel-yield          = lwa_05-quantity.
check whether the confirmed value + current delivery value is equal *
the production order qty. If the production order value is less
than the total delivered value, set final conf indicator  and clear
        lva_wemng = lva_wemng + lwa_05-quantity.
        if lva_wemng < lva_psmng.
          lwa_hdrlevel-clear_res      = c_false.
          lwa_hdrlevel-fin_conf       = ' '.
          lwa_hdrlevel-clear_res      = c_true.
          lwa_hdrlevel-fin_conf       = 'X'.
        move: 'Z1BP_PP_HDRLEVEL' to t_idoc_data-segnam,
              lwa_hdrlevel       to t_idoc_data-sdata.
        append t_idoc_data.
        clear lva_formmat.
        lva_formmat                   = lwa_05-material.
        lwa_gm_item_create-material   = lva_formmat.
        lwa_gm_item_create-plant      = lwa_03-plant.
        lwa_gm_item_create-ref_date   = lwa_01-ticketdate.
        lwa_gm_item_create-prod_date  = lwa_01-ticketdate.
        lwa_gm_item_create-move_type  = '101'.
        lwa_gm_item_create-spec_stock = 'E'.
        lwa_gm_item_create-sales_ord  = lva_saleord.
        lwa_gm_item_create-entry_qnt  = lwa_05-quantity.
        lwa_gm_item_create-entry_uom  = lwa_05-unitofmeasure.
        lwa_gm_item_create-orderid    = lva_prodord.
        lwa_gm_item_create-move_mat   = lva_formmat.
        lwa_gm_item_create-move_plant = lwa_03-plant.
        lwa_gm_item_create-mvt_ind    = 'F'.
        clear t_idoc_data.
        move: 'E1BP2017_GM_ITEM_CREATE' to t_idoc_data-segnam,
              lwa_gm_item_create        to t_idoc_data-sdata.
        append t_idoc_data.
        clear: lva_loggr,
        lva_formmat = lwa_05-material.
        select single loggr into lva_loggr from marc
          where matnr = lva_formmat
          and   werks = lwa_03-plant.
        if sy-subrc ne 0.
          clear v_messg.
          No logistics handling group - log a warning message.
          concatenate 'No logistics handling group for material'
                      'in plant'
            into v_messg separated by space.
          perform write_log_entry
            tables t_ldata
            using 'W' 'ZINT_CSTPORD_ROUTINES'
                      lwa_01-ticketnumber.                " RJS
          clear lva_loggr.
        if lwa_03-satsur eq 'T'.
          lwa_e1edl21-lprio = 30.
          lwa_e1edl21-lprio = 20.
        if lwa_03-satsur eq 'T'.
          lwa_e1edl21-lprio = 10.
          lwa_e1edl21-lprio = '  '.
      lwa_e1edl21-berot = lwa_04-driver.
      move: 'E1EDL21'   to t_idoc_data-segnam,
            lwa_e1edl21 to t_idoc_data-sdata.
      append t_idoc_data.
      lwa_e1edl55-qualf = '001'.
      lwa_e1edl55-refnr = lva_saleord.
      move: 'E1EDL55'   to t_idoc_data-segnam,
            lwa_e1edl55 to t_idoc_data-sdata.
      append t_idoc_data.
Loop at materials - create delivery entry for each
      loop at l_it_05 into lwa_05
        where ticketnumber = lwa_01-ticketnumber.
        clear t_idoc_data.
        lwa_e1edl24-matnr = lwa_05-material.
        lwa_e1edl24-werks = lwa_03-plant.
        lwa_e1edl24-vfdat = lwa_01-ticketdate.
        lwa_e1edl24-lfimg = lwa_05-quantity.
        lwa_e1edl24-vrkme = lwa_05-unitofmeasure.
        lwa_e1edl24-lgort = t_zint_param-zint_fv.
        clear lva_loggr.
        lva_formmat = lwa_05-material.
        clear lva_loggr.
        select single loggr into lva_loggr from marc
          where matnr = lva_formmat
          and   werks = lwa_03-plant.
        if sy-subrc ne 0.
        No logistics handling group - log a warning message.
          concatenate 'No logistics handling group for material'
                      'in plant'
            into v_messg separated by space.
          perform write_log_entry
            tables t_ldata
            using 'W' 'ZINT_CSTPORD_ROUTINES'
                      lwa_01-ticketnumber.                " RJS
          lva_loggr = 'BBIN'.
        if lva_loggr is initial.
          move: 'E1EDL24'   to t_idoc_data-segnam,
                lwa_e1edl24 to t_idoc_data-sdata.
          append t_idoc_data.
      clear: lva_xabln,
Matching ticket against a Delivery?
      select single xabln vbeln into (lva_xabln,lva_vbeln) from likp
          where xabln = lwa_01-ticketnumber.
      if sy-subrc = 0.
If found, does this delivery match the sales order?
        select * from vbfa into l_vbfa
          where vbelv = lva_saleord
          and   vbeln = lva_vbeln.
No matching delivery found, or Matching delivery, but for other Sls Ord
      if lva_xabln is initial
      or ( lva_vbeln <> space and l_vbfa is initial ).
        if not lva_saleord is initial.
          perform create_delivery_idocs tables t_zint_mslog
                                        using  s_idcgp
          concatenate 'Error finding a Sales Order for ticket "'
                      '" reprocess the file AFTER'
                      ' the sales order issues have been fixed'
          into        lva_outtext.
          perform write_log_entry tables t_zint_mslog
                                  using  'E'
                                         lwa_01-ticketnumber. " RJS
        concatenate 'Command Ticket "'
                    '" has already been processed into delivery "'
        into        lva_outtext.
        perform write_log_entry tables t_zint_mslog
                                using  'I'
                                       lwa_01-ticketnumber. " RJS
        refresh t_idoc_data.
    refresh t_idoc_data.
Write out all messages collected so far
    perform update_data tables t_zint_mslog
                        using p_zint_id p_zint_ty.
Write out all messages collected so far
  perform update_data tables t_zint_mslog
                      using p_zint_id p_zint_ty.
endform.                    " process_inbound_data

Thread closed

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    Hi Hoo Laa,
    I have one way but little lengthy.
    Rebate condition always appears in the billing document.
    So 1st you extract the sales order list from Table VBAK.
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    CO78 is a one stop transaction for production order setting deletion flag, deletion indicator, archiving and finally deleting.
    Generally we schedule the following programs in background in the sequence below,
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    Dear Madelyn
    Go to VA05, give the date range and execute.  List of sale orders will be generated.  There you can see a tab "Status"  in which, the status would be like
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    Hi ,
    Through Standard SAP .. the same it not possible . Standard SAP will post the differences to one GL account ..The variance amount is not segregated..
    The way out is to use report KKO0  .( Product Costing Drill Down Reports  )  in CO . There are many reports available .. and you can compute the difference in CO Reports and manually make an entry in FI by manually reversing the original variance account and posting it to cost component wise variance accounts ..
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    In that case you can not reverse the the full order quantity you can only reverse the quantity which are in unrestricted storage loaction as a stock.
    You can cancle it through MB31 with 102 movement. If auto GR is there then you need to cancle it through CO13. After that also check the COGI and CO1P.
    Hope clear to you.

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    Object 0001 Long text
    Method 0001 (No selection)
    Program Type D Direct Input
    Structure: Header
    NAME -> 000001346041002000 (material no)
    ID -> 'BEST'
    SPRAS -> 'E'
    Structure: Items
    TEXTFORMAT -> '*'
    TEXTLINE -> Long text

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    Dear Zhao Gang,
    Check with this user Exits mentioned in this link,
    Prevent Production Order from "Release" if there is no Cost Estimate
    Re: User Exit at Production Order Release
    Check and revert back.

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    Hi Just wanted to check am I right that you are trying to check if you have enough Materials Available before you release or Save the order right ? if this is your business objective then when you create order you have material availability tab which checks and gives error if shortage is there. Please let me know if is this wht you asking for ?

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    I think it depends on your configuration. But check fields KDAUF and KDPOS in table AUFK.  or in table AFPO.
    Rich HEilman

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    I need ur help very urgently,
    I am using the BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE (movement code '03') for goods return against the production order (movement type '262').
    everything working fine, ie it gets updated in IM/WM.
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    I have attached the code, plese help me is there any other parameter to set for this BAPI.
    Thanks in advance.
    *Header Structure
    st_gm_code-gm_code = '03'. "
    st_gm_header-pstng_date = st_gm_header-doc_date = sy-datum.
    SORT itab BY aufnr matnr j_3asized.
    LOOP AT itab.
    itab_afs_gm_itemx-material = itab-matnr.
    itab_afs_gm_itemx-plant = itab-werks.
    itab_afs_gm_itemx-stge_loc = itab-lgort.
    itab_afs_gm_itemx-batch = itab-new_charg .
    itab_afs_gm_itemx-stock_cat = itab-j_4kscat.
    itab_afs_gm_itemx-stck_type = 'F'.
    itab_afs_gm_itemx-move_type = '262'.
    itab_afs_gm_itemx-entry_qnt = itab-j_3aerfmg .
    itab_afs_gm_itemx-grid_value = itab-j_3asized.
    itab_afs_gm_itemx-orderid = itab-aufnr.
    itab_afs_gm_itemx-move_reas = itab-move_reas.
    APPEND itab_afs_gm_itemx .
    INTO etenr
    FROM j_3abdsi WHERE aufnr = itab-aufnr
    AND matnr = itab-matnr.
    gr_afs-matdoc_itm = '0100'.
    gr_afs-sched_line_sku = etenr.
    gr_afs-stock_cat = itab-j_4kscat.
    gr_afs-grid_value = itab-j_3asized.
    APPEND gr_afs.
    goodsmvt_header = st_gm_header
    goodsmvt_code = st_gm_code
    goodsmvt_headret = st_gm_headret
    materialdocument = mat_doc
    matdocumentyear = doc_year
    goodsmvt_item = itab_afs_gm_itemx
    return = bapi_return
    afs_goodsmvt_sku = gr_afs.

    Hi Friends,
    I need ur help very urgently,
    I am using the BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE (movement code '03') for goods return against the production order (movement type '262').
    everything working fine, ie it gets updated in IM/WM.
    but when we check in the CO03 transaction for the production order, the qty withdrwan not gets updated in the component overview. still showing the old value. But when we used regular SAP transaction MB1A, it gets updated in CO03 (qty withdrwan in the component overview).
    How to solve this issue using this BAPI.
    I have attached the code, plese help me is there any other parameter to set for this BAPI.
    Thanks in advance.
    *Header Structure
    st_gm_code-gm_code = '03'. "
    st_gm_header-pstng_date = st_gm_header-doc_date = sy-datum.
    SORT itab BY aufnr matnr j_3asized.
    LOOP AT itab.
    itab_afs_gm_itemx-material = itab-matnr.
    itab_afs_gm_itemx-plant = itab-werks.
    itab_afs_gm_itemx-stge_loc = itab-lgort.
    itab_afs_gm_itemx-batch = itab-new_charg .
    itab_afs_gm_itemx-stock_cat = itab-j_4kscat.
    itab_afs_gm_itemx-stck_type = 'F'.
    itab_afs_gm_itemx-move_type = '262'.
    itab_afs_gm_itemx-entry_qnt = itab-j_3aerfmg .
    itab_afs_gm_itemx-grid_value = itab-j_3asized.
    itab_afs_gm_itemx-orderid = itab-aufnr.
    itab_afs_gm_itemx-move_reas = itab-move_reas.
    APPEND itab_afs_gm_itemx .
    INTO etenr
    FROM j_3abdsi WHERE aufnr = itab-aufnr
    AND matnr = itab-matnr.
    gr_afs-matdoc_itm = '0100'.
    gr_afs-sched_line_sku = etenr.
    gr_afs-stock_cat = itab-j_4kscat.
    gr_afs-grid_value = itab-j_3asized.
    APPEND gr_afs.
    goodsmvt_header = st_gm_header
    goodsmvt_code = st_gm_code
    goodsmvt_headret = st_gm_headret
    materialdocument = mat_doc
    matdocumentyear = doc_year
    goodsmvt_item = itab_afs_gm_itemx
    return = bapi_return
    afs_goodsmvt_sku = gr_afs.

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    check my web blog on search help exit...
    [Search help exit code|]

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    Hi Ramanujam,
            Thanks for your response.
         1. The dies can be used for the production of Pressing, Casting and Forging etc. These dies will be managed in the stores. The stores representatives will issue the die to the shop floor for an operation of a production order.They will return back the die once the production is completed at that operation using the die. How to map this process in the SAP.
            Typically, these dies can be treated as PRT materials in the SAP system.
         2. OPJK configuration is not sufficient. The same PRT will be assigned to the many production orders during the same time.The system won't block with only this setting. There are some other steps involved to complete the process.
                     I would like to know the complete procedure with all the steps to block the PRT once it was assigned to the production order operation. The same PRT is to be available for other production orders automatically once the operation is confirmed after production.

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    Hello Zita,
    Try to restart your portal after creating <b>ServiceUser</b> in both UME and KM.
    One more major difference between ServiceUser and normal portal user is that a ServiceUser does not have a UserAccount (IUserAccount)
    Object serviceContext = null;
            try {
                serviceContext = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction() {
                    public Object run() throws WcmException {
                        return ResourceFactory.getInstance().getServiceContext(CONTRACT_SERVICE_USER);
            } catch (PrivilegedActionException e) {
                logger.severe(e, "ResourceContext for the technical " + serviceUser +
                     " user could not be retrieved.");
    IResourceContext resCtx = (IResourceContext) serviceContext;
    So I modify all KM resources with this resCtx.
    Hope this helps ...
    Praveen Gudapati
    p.s. Points are always welcome for helpful answers

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    Hi, I try to use adapter-specific attributes in my Mail adapter. I set the "Use Adapter-Specific Message Attributes" indicator, but I do not get a result in the mapping and also in the SXMB_MONI the attributes are not visible. The documentation also

  • How do I add people to a " Reminders List " in Mavercks?

    How do I share a " Reminders List " ? I dont see the broadcast icon anymore in Mavericks.

  • Unexpected Signal : 11

    I have a critical java application running a sunOS 5.8 on X86, Java VM 1.4.2_03-b02. This application has been running for over a year without any problems and then it crashed with the following error report. Unexpected Signal : 11 occurred at PC=0xD

  • Graphical error in the finder (HELP)

    sometimes the finder appears to me ...... well that is? words appear in black ... and not let me do anything ... I am with the official version of Josemite apple store Mi mac: MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Late 2012) HELP ME!!!!

  • Error in Establishing socket !

    Hi i read the all previous forum related to this Problem "Error in establishing socket " i done all operations in that forum issue i have SQL2000 , & drivers connected with one SQL 2000 server but when i try to connect it on diff machine then it thro