How to combine with JSP??

I am a newble to Flex 2
I am confuse that how can i combine with JSP to send and
retrive data with mysql ??
I have seen some examples that juz make a linking with jsp
which is printed to XML format for data extracting.
But how to insert and retrive data dynamically?
Some people say that it can directly programming mxml in .jsp
by importing mxml tag library....and finally complie on the web
server. But .... Wazz is the reason i have to buy flex builder.....
Are there any way i can program with jsp in flex 2 ?
i am sorry for my poor english
any help will be highly appreciated

Can you elaborate on what you're looking for?
UCM comes with a number of sample custom element forms. These forms are leveraged within a pretty strict context of the site studio contributor. The primary api is javascript based.
I don't believe you would be restricted on the types of custom element forms you can create if you're implementing into a jsp/x site. I believe the issue is mostly dependent on how you're calling the SS contributor.

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    I think you should read a book on JSP. My recommendation will be 'Web Development with Java Server Pages' from Manning publications.
    /Sreenivasa Kumar Majji.
    Well, I'm new to the JSP technology and I've read some
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    Previously did u do the prgs in JDBC. Implement those prgs in JSP. U have to know where, which type of sciplets u have to use. Simplly try for select,delete,update.

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    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMessage;
    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMessages;
    import com.latchiya.Constants;
    import com.latchiya.model.Staffinfo;
    import com.latchiya.service.Manager;
    import com.latchiya.webapp.form.StaffinfoForm;
    * Action class to handle CRUD on a Staffinfo object
    * @struts.action name="staffinfoForm" path="/staffinfos" scope="request"
    * validate="false" parameter="method" input="mainMenu"
    * @struts.action name="staffinfoForm" path="/editStaffinfo" scope="request"
    * validate="false" parameter="method" input="list"
    * @struts.action name="staffinfoForm" path="/saveStaffinfo" scope="request"
    * validate="true" parameter="method" input="edit"
    * @struts.action-forward name="edit" path="/WEB-INF/pages/staffinfoForm.jsp"
    * @struts.action-forward name="list" path="/WEB-INF/pages/staffinfoList.jsp"
    * @struts.action-forward name="search" path="/staffinfos.html" redirect="true"
    public final class StaffinfoAction extends BaseAction {
    public ActionForward cancel(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
    HttpServletRequest request,
    HttpServletResponse response)
    throws Exception {
    return mapping.findForward("search");
    public ActionForward delete(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
    HttpServletRequest request,
    HttpServletResponse response)
    throws Exception {
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
    log.debug("Entering 'delete' method");
    ActionMessages messages = new ActionMessages();
    StaffinfoForm staffinfoForm = (StaffinfoForm) form;
    // Exceptions are caught by ActionExceptionHandler
    Manager mgr = (Manager) getBean("manager");
    Staffinfo staffinfo = (Staffinfo) convert(staffinfoForm);
    mgr.removeObject(Staffinfo.class, staffinfo.getStaffId());
    new ActionMessage("staffinfo.deleted"));
    // save messages in session, so they'll survive the redirect
    saveMessages(request.getSession(), messages);
    return mapping.findForward("search");
    public ActionForward edit(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
    HttpServletRequest request,
    HttpServletResponse response)
    throws Exception {
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
    log.debug("Entering 'edit' method");
    StaffinfoForm staffinfoForm = (StaffinfoForm) form;
    // if an id is passed in, look up the user - otherwise
    // don't do anything - user is doing an add
    if (staffinfoForm.getStaffId() != null) {
    Manager mgr = (Manager) getBean("manager");
    Staffinfo staffinfo = (Staffinfo) convert(staffinfoForm);
    staffinfo = (Staffinfo) mgr.getObject(Staffinfo.class, staffinfo.getStaffId());
    staffinfoForm = (StaffinfoForm) convert(staffinfo);
    updateFormBean(mapping, request, staffinfoForm);
    return mapping.findForward("edit");
    public ActionForward save(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
    HttpServletRequest request,
    HttpServletResponse response)
    throws Exception {
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
    log.debug("Entering 'save' method");
    // Extract attributes and parameters we will need
    ActionMessages messages = new ActionMessages();
    StaffinfoForm staffinfoForm = (StaffinfoForm) form;
    boolean isNew = ("".equals(staffinfoForm.getStaffId()) || staffinfoForm.getStaffId() == null);
    Manager mgr = (Manager) getBean("manager");
    Staffinfo staffinfo = (Staffinfo) convert(staffinfoForm);
    // add success messages
    if (isNew) {
    new ActionMessage("staffinfo.added"));
    // save messages in session to survive a redirect
    saveMessages(request.getSession(), messages);
    return mapping.findForward("search");
    } else {
    new ActionMessage("staffinfo.updated"));
    saveMessages(request, messages);
    return mapping.findForward("edit");
    public ActionForward search(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
    HttpServletRequest request,
    HttpServletResponse response)
    throws Exception {
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
    log.debug("Entering 'search' method");
    Manager mgr = (Manager) getBean("manager");
    request.setAttribute(Constants.STAFFINFO_LIST, mgr.getObjects(Staffinfo.class));
    return mapping.findForward("list");
    public ActionForward unspecified(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
    HttpServletRequest request,
    HttpServletResponse response)
    throws Exception {
    return search(mapping, form, request, response);
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import org.apache.struts.action.Action;
    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
    import org.apache.struts.upload.FormFile;
    import com.latchiya.Constants;
    import com.latchiya.webapp.form.UploadForm;
    * This class handles the uploading of a resume (or any file) and writing it to
    * the filesystem. Eventually, it will also add support for persisting the
    * files information into the database.
    * <p>
    * <i>View Source</i>
    * </p>
    * @author Matt Raible
    * @struts.action name="uploadForm" path="/uploadFile" scope="request"
    * validate="true" input="failure"
    * @struts.action-forward name="failure" path="/WEB-INF/pages/uploadForm.jsp"
    * @struts.action-forward name="success" path="/WEB-INF/pages/uploadDisplay.jsp"
    public class UploadAction extends Action {
    public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
    HttpServletRequest request,
    HttpServletResponse response)
    throws Exception {
    // Did the user click the cancel button?
    if (isCancelled(request)) {   
    return (mapping.findForward("mainMenu"));
    //this line is here for when the input page is upload-utf8.jsp,
    //it sets the correct character encoding for the response
    String encoding = request.getCharacterEncoding();
    if ((encoding != null) && (encoding.equalsIgnoreCase("utf-8"))) {
    response.setContentType("text/html; charset=utf-8");
    UploadForm theForm = (UploadForm) form;
    //retrieve the name
    String name = theForm.getName();
    //retrieve the file representation
    FormFile file = theForm.getFile();
    //retrieve the file name
    String fileName = file.getFileName();
    //retrieve the content type
    String contentType = file.getContentType();
    //retrieve the file size
    String size = (file.getFileSize() + " bytes");
    String data = null;
    String location = null;
    // the directory to upload to
    String uploadDir =
    servlet.getServletContext().getRealPath("/resources") + "/"
    + request.getRemoteUser() + "/";
    //write the file to the file specified
    File dirPath = new File(uploadDir);
    if (!dirPath.exists()) {
    //retrieve the file data
    InputStream stream = file.getInputStream();
    //write the file to the file specified
    OutputStream bos = new FileOutputStream(uploadDir + fileName);
    int bytesRead = 0;
    byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];
    while ((bytesRead =, 0, 8192)) != -1) {
    bos.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
    location = dirPath.getAbsolutePath()
    + Constants.FILE_SEP + file.getFileName();
    //close the stream
    // place the data into the request for retrieval on next page
    request.setAttribute("friendlyName", name);
    request.setAttribute("fileName", fileName);
    request.setAttribute("contentType", contentType);
    request.setAttribute("size", size);
    request.setAttribute("data", data);
    request.setAttribute("location", location);
    //destroy the temporary file created
    //return a forward to display.jsp
    return mapping.findForward("success");
    i want to get second jsp file ie upload file to student file
    if anybody know please tell i am new to java side

    ur not able to give solution
    insted giving comment mind ur words being in software fied
    commentting like bad words not good i warn u mind ur words

  • How can I create a Login-page with jsp???

    I have to create a page with JSP code on the Netweaver Developer Studio.
    But I do not know how I do it.
    Can anyone tell me what to write in the portalapp.xml?
    An example would be very helpful.
    Thank you

    As you can see in the example:
    The portalapp.xml file (deployment descriptor) provides configuration information for your application, and defines the components and services in your application. For each component and service, you specify the implementing Java class and configuration information.
    For more information on the format of the portalapp.xml, see Deployment Descriptor (portalapp.xml).
            <property name="SharingReference" value=",,"/>
            <property name="Vendor" value="MY_COMPANY"/>
            <property name="SecurityArea" value="PERMISSION"/>
            <component name="SimpleNavigationExample">
                    <property name="ClassName" value="MY_CLASS"/>
                    <property name="SecurityZone" value="no_safety"/>
    You can only update in this example, your class name and other details:
    <property name="Vendor" value=""/>
    <property name="SecurityArea" value="MyCompany"/>
    <property name="ClassName" value="LOGINCLASS"/>
    <property name="SecurityZone" value="no_safety"/>
    Modify this portalapp.xml file as follows:
           1.      NAVIGATION SERVICE, so you must add references to the following portal applications that define these services:
           2.      In the <application-config> section, create the following properties that help to define the security zone for all components and services in this application:
    ○     Vendor: String identifying the company or organization that provided the application, for example,
    ○     SecurityArea: String identifying the security area for the application, for example, NetWeaver.portal.
           3.      In the <component-config> section for the mySiteMap component, create the property SecurityZone to define the specific security zone for the component.
    For Permission, check this document:

  • How to render a JSP page dynamically with JSF controls ??

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    I am new to JAVA and JSF. I am recently started doing a web project. First we started using plain JSP and servlets and now we are going to use JSF.
    Now I am facing one problem with JSF. In a JSP page, I am having a combobox and a div and when i am selecting a value from the combo box, the div should be filled with some controls(like text boxes and comboboxes, buttons, etc) according to the selection.
    I have done this in plain JSP with the help of XML/XSLT, AJAX and JavaScript. i.e. XML contains the details of the controls and XSLT transformer will give me controls in a string format in the server, AJAX helps to retrieve it and I have to simply set the div.innerHTML property to that string. It is working fine.
    Now with JSF, I need to add JSF controls into my XML file, and it inturn returns the corresponding string having JSF controls easily, but i could not set it directly to div's innerHTML as the String contains JSF controls (Moreover, these JSF controls are linked with JAVA beans).
    Is there any provision to add JSF controls to a running page dynamically or is there any provision to convert the above mentioned string of JSF controls to normal HTML controls like the JSF taglibraries doing.??
    thanks in advance
    Edited by: naash007 on Apr 20, 2009 4:17 AM
    Edited by: naash007 on Apr 20, 2009 5:45 AM

    That's simply asking for trouble. Do not suggest to use JSTL in combination with JSF.
    JSF already provides almost everything which the JSTL flow control tags provides in flavour of the 'rendered' attribute.

  • Help me!! How to use JavaScript with JSP ??

    I am using JDeveloper and I created a screen in JSP which uses a bean for database connectivity and retriving info onto the page.
    The page has a ListBox where list items are populated from the database.My requirement is
    whenever the list is changed the page shuold be refreshed with the selected item info.
    I tried to use 'JavaScript' for triggering the event with 'onChange' event of the ListBox.But the event is not getting invoked. I think JavaScript is not working with JSP.
    Please help me with how to Use javaScript with JSP or any other alternative where I can meet my requirement.
    I have one more question...I have gone through the JSP samples in OTN and I am trying do download the sample 'Travel servlet' which show list of countries...etc
    I have also gone through the 'readme' but I don't know how to extract .jar file.
    I would be great if you could help me in this.

    We have a similar need. We have used Cold Fusion to display data from Our Oracle Database. We have a simple SElect Box in HTML populated with the oracle data. When someone selects say the State of Pennsylvania. then we have an On change event that runs a Javascript to go get all the cities in Pennsylvania.
    Proble we are having is that inorder for the Javascript to work , we currently have to send all the valid data.
    Do you know of any way to dynamically query the the Oracle database in Javascript

  • How to combine a few PDF files into one with Adobe reader?

    how to combine a few PDF files into one with Adobe reader?

    Hi aho,
    You would need either Acrobat (link to free 30 day trial) or our PDF Pack subscription service to perform that task.
    What can I do with Reader?
    Let me know if you have further questions!
    Regards, Stacy

  • In the iMovie 11 event library, how can I get the iPhoto video clips to combine with my camcorder pics listed below and in chronological order?

    In the iMovie 11 event library, how can I get the iPhoto video clips to combine with my camcorder pics listed below and in chronological order?

    Try forcing iPhoto to load the Library on the External Hard drive by launching it while holding down the Option key. Choose the Library on the External HD, and quit iPhoto, see if iMovie can see the Library with the iPhoto Videos contained inside.

  • How to connect MySql database with JSP

    Dear everyone,
    how to connect MySql database with JSP......

    It's too bad that nobody has ever asked this question before...

  • Please help; how to write XML document with JSP?

    I try to write XML document with JSP...
    But I got wrong results everytime.
    The result is not XML file displayed in the browser,
    but HTML file.
    I even tried to use HTML special code for <, >, "
    but still display as HTML file not XML file.
    How to do this?
    Thanks in advance. I put my codes below.
    Here is code for the JSP (called stk.jsp):
    <%@ page contentType="text/xml" %>
    <%@ page import="bean.Stock" %>
    <jsp:useBean id="portfolio" class="bean.Portfolio" />
    <% java.util.Iterator pfolio = portfolio.getPortfolio();
    Stock stock = null; %>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <% while (pfolio.hasNext())
    stock = (Stock); %>
    <%=stock.getSymbol() %>
    <name><%=stock.getName() %> </name>
    <price><%=stock.getPrice() %> </price>
    <% } %>
    Here is the code for bean.Stock:
    package bean;
    public class Stock implements
    String symbol, name;
    float price;
    public Stock(String symbol, String name, float price)
    this.symbol = symbol; = name;
    this.price = price;
    public String getSymbol()
    return symbol;
    public String getName()
    return name;
    public float getPrice()
    return price;
    And here is bean.Portfolio:
    package bean;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.Vector;
    public class Portfolio implements
    private Vector portfolio = new Vector();
    public Portfolio()
    portfolio.addElement(new Stock("SUNW", "Sun Microsystem", 34.5f));
    portfolio.addElement(new Stock("HWP", "Hewlett Packard", 15.15f));
    portfolio.addElement(new Stock("AMCC", "Applied Micro Circuit Corp.", 101.35f));
    public Iterator getPortfolio()
    return portfolio.iterator();

    I'm not sure whta your query is but I tested your code as it is has been pasted and it seems to work fine. There is an XML output that I'm getting.
    Keep me posted.
    Good Luck!
    Eshwar Rao
    Developer Technical Support
    Sun microsystems

  • HOW can I call EJB with JSP?

    Hi, I'm working with JSP and want to include some EJB. I dont know how can I access EJB through JSP. I dont know if I use the right code in JSP for calling EJB. Did someone know how to use that? Can someone tell me if is the right code in JSP in my example?
    Thanks, Kristjan
    THIS IS THE JSP: (useejb.jsp)
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="EJB" %>
    <%@ page import="mypackage1.MySessionEJB" %>
    <%@ page import="mypackage1.MySessionEJBHome" %>
    <%@ page import="mypackage1.impl.MySessionEJBBean" %>
    <EJB:useHome id="mySessionEJBHome" type="mypackage1.MySessionEJBHome" location="java:comp/env/ejb/mySessionEJB" local="false" />
    <EJB:useBean id="mySessionEJBBean" type="mypackage1.impl.MySessionEJBBean" local="false">
    <EJB:createBean instance="<%=mySessionEJBHome.create() %>" />
    <%= mySessionEJBBean.calc() %>
    package mypackage1.impl;
    import javax.ejb.SessionBean;
    import javax.ejb.SessionContext;
    import java.lang.String.*;
    public class MySessionEJBBean implements SessionBean
    public void ejbCreate(){}
    public void ejbActivate(){}
    public void ejbPassivate(){}
    public void ejbRemove(){}
    public void setSessionContext(SessionContext ctx){}
    public String calc(String value)
    return value + value;
    public String zanka(String x)
    return x;
    package mypackage1;
    import javax.ejb.EJBObject;
    import java.rmi.RemoteException;
    public interface MySessionEJB extends EJBObject
    public String calc(String value) throws RemoteException;
    String zanka(String x) throws RemoteException;
    package mypackage1;
    import javax.ejb.EJBHome;
    import java.rmi.RemoteException;
    import javax.ejb.CreateException;
    public interface MySessionEJBHome extends EJBHome
    public MySessionEJB create() throws RemoteException, CreateException;

    You might want to look at using a Java Bean wrapper, this can be done automically using WebSphere. It creates what is called an access bean which the JSP imports.

  • How to combine TrivialPageFlowEngine with JAZN XML-based provider ?

    With help TrivialPageFlowEngine possible will limit access to pages, and also to set pages for logon. However, JAZN XML-provider provides the same functionality. How to combine these two approaches

    can you help me with "TrivialPageFlowEngine"? Where can I get documentation for it to have a quick lokk before replying to your request. Oracle9iAS JAAS (aka JAZN) is based on the Java Authentication and Authorization Service and implements it's own provider.
    If you look in the OC4J demos for jazn, there are two samples explaining how to setup JAZN (If installing OC4J with Oracle9iDS or Oracle9iAS then jazn already is defined to be the default provider).
    If e.g. you use Oracle9iAS and configure (and deploy) a Servlet for basic authentication, then this automatically is performed by the Oracle Single Sign-on server (if configured for OID) or direct jazn-data.xml (if not using OID). All your code needs to do is to get the authenticated principal's name.
    From your posting it is not clear if you require authentication or authorization alike. Authorization requires permission classes to be written and assigned.

  • How to combine servlet and jsp

    I'm doing a project. My friend using jsp. and i using servlet..
    we are confused, how to combine servlet and jsp. or we can just use redirect??
    but it's still doesn't work properly...thanks for your helpp

    You can use RequestDispatcher interface for calling a JSP from a Servlet, or vice-versa.
    Following is the code for sending output to a JSP page from a servlet:
    javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher dispatcher = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher(�/Ashu.jsp�);
    - Ashutosh

  • 'fn' key shows desktop (not in combination with f11). How to turn this off?

    iMac 21.5-inch, Late 2012
    OS X Yosemite 10.10.2
    Whenever I press the 'fn' key (standalone) key it shows my desktop, which it makes it difficult for me to use this key in combination with the f1-f12 keys. I had a similar issue on my Macbook Air, which was resolved by changing my keyboard to the correct input source and double checking that no shortcuts had been installed for the keyboard. When I realised that my iMac had the same problem I went through the same steps but nothing changed this time.
    I've restored all shortcuts to default and made sure that my keyboard input source is one that matches my wireless keyboard.
    Any ideas on how to stop the 'fn' standalone key from showing my desktop?

    Hi nbmm000,
    I see that you are experiencing an issue with the function key on your keyboard. While I am sure you have already seen this step, it has not been mentioned in your post, so I thought I would mention it as a troubleshooting step:
    How to change the behavior of function keys on your Mac - Apple Support
    Thanks for coming to the Apple Support Communities!

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