How to compress mp3 library

I have a huge library of mp3 music, over 115Gb. 
I'd like to compress it (lower bitrate) but keep the play count and ratings from windows media player.
I've tried Adobe Media Encoder, keeping all metadata and replacing the original files after conversion but the WMP considers them new files.

You could use the
Metadata Backup tool to export all play counts and ratings to an XML file, and to import this metadata back from XML later.
Tim De Baets

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    <i>File size: 3,63,232 bytes
    Offset to first frame header: 2,630 bytes
    MPEG version .0; Layer III
    Bitrate: VBR (Xing); Sample rate: 44,00 Hz
    Channel mode: Joint stereo
    Private: No; CRCs: No; Copyrighted: No
    Original: No; Emphasis: None
    Frame size: ,52 samples/frame
    Frame length: 47 bytes/frame (unpadded)
    Pad size: byte(s)
    Estimated frames: 8,945
    Estimated time: 3:54 (234 secs.)</i>
    This is after importing the file into the PC Music Library and clicking "Update Tag." I didn't modify anything, just told it to re-write the ID3 tag:
    <i>File size: 3,63,232 bytes
    Offset to first frame header: 2,630 bytes
    MPEG version .0; Layer III
    Bitrate: VBR (Xing); Sample rate: 44,00 Hz
    Channel mode: Joint stereo
    Private: No; CRCs: No; Copyrighted: No
    Original: No; Emphasis: None
    Frame size: ,52 samples/frame
    Frame length: 47 bytes/frame (unpadded)
    Pad size: byte(s)
    Estimated frames: 8,945
    Estimated time: 3:54 (234 secs.)</i>
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    Offset to first frame header: 2,600 bytes
    MPEG version .0; Layer III
    Bitrate: 224 kbps; Sample rate: 44,00 Hz
    Channel mode: Joint stereo
    Private: No; CRCs: No; Copyrighted: No
    Original: No; Emphasis: None
    Frame size: ,52 samples/frame
    Frame length: 73 bytes/frame (unpadded)
    Pad size: byte(s)
    Estimated frames: 4,96
    Estimated time: 2:0 (30 secs.)</i>
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    (At first, I told it to fix 'em. Now I'm going through and restoring the backups it made.)

    i have used mp3-libary many times before because it said a large amount of my collection was corrupted. but it seams to be i havent used media source to import them so i think they may have actually be corrupt. but interesting findings.

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    *How to open a different iTunes library*
    Click the icon to launch iTunes and immediately press and _hold down_ the SHIFT key. After a short while you will be prompted to *Choose or create an iTunes library*. This feature can be used to switch between different library files.
    The normal layout it that the main iTunes folder goes inside whatever the Windows default music folder is called, e.g. C:\Users\Michael\Music\iTunes for you on Windows 7. Inside the iTunes folder are a bunch of library files and a folder called iTunes Music or, post iTunes 9, iTunes Media. Provided all your content is inside this media folder you can relocate the enclosing iTunes folder at will. The steps I outlined above are an attempt to reconnect your library so that it becomes portable. I realise your music is already in the E:\MP3 folder, but I don't don't know what value you have under Edit > Preferences > Advanced > iTunes Media Folder Locataion. After copying your library files to E:\ and opening the library there you need to make sure that this setting reads E:\MP3 otherwise the next step of copying back to C:\Users\Michael\Music\iTunes may not work. This is also the reason for the cycle of opening and closing iTunes - to make sure that iTunes has a had a chance to switch from using absolute references to your files to relative references (or at least ones that it will update) which it should do if your media is inside the "media folder" before you move or copy the library. Backup the existing content of C:\Users\Michael\Music\iTunes before you copy the content from E:\ so that you can undo the steps you take if it breaks your library.
    BTW like you, I manually manage my music, but I don't necessarily advocate this as the best way to do it. If you're prepared to yeild control to iTunes you could just consolidate your library onto the C: drive and allow iTunes to *Keep the iTunes Media* folder organised. If you want to keep manually managing then the best layout is one in which the library is portable. That is a library folder containing a media folder. You can pretty much orgainse stuff in the media folder any way you like but it's more effort than leaving it all to the application. You should also disable any automatic file organising options in Windows Media Player and ideally change it's rip folder to the main iTunes media folder location.

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    The only compression option is the quality pop-up menu below the options AAC, MP3, AIFF. Selecting low quality will give you a file size reduced by a factor of four.

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    Yes, you need to import sound. It's just File>Import>Open External Library (in CS4, the third step may be different for others), and then browse to the files you want. They'll be put into the library.
    To do what you're asking, I would put the sounds into each of their own movie clips, and have buttons inside the movie clips to control the timeline. For instance, the pause button would just have the onRelease = function(){ stop(); }; code applied to it.
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    MP3 files are already tightly compressed. Use a service such as YouSendIt instead.

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    Synchronize your iPhone: Sync your iPhone, iPad, and iPod with iTunes using USB - Apple Support
    Or purchase iTunes Match.
    Make sure you add the MP3 files to your iTunes library: Add music to iTunes - Apple Support

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    dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/
    Referenced from: /Users/paulthompson/Documents/Programming/Build Products/Debug/LibraryIncludeTest
    Reason: image not found
    sharedlibrary apply-load-rules all
    Data Formatters temporarily unavailable, will re-try after a 'continue'. (Cannot call into the loader at present, it is locked.)
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    EDIT* Oh, I should mention that the actuall binary that gets built after adding the library WILL execute properly in the Finder, or from terminal, just not with the Build & Go, or Go commands from within xcode.
    Message was edited by: TraxusIV

    TraxusIV wrote:
    Results of otool:
    @rpath/ (compatibility version 0.0.0, current version 0.0.0)
    /usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib (compatibility version 7.0.0, current version 7.9.0)
    /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 123.0.0)
    Macintosh-9:Debug paulthompson$ otool -L /Applications/CERNRoot/root/lib/
    @rpath/ (compatibility version 0.0.0, current version 0.0.0)
    /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 125.2.0)
    /usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib (compatibility version 7.0.0, current version 7.9.0)
    I honestly don't know much about @rpath. I found this page that explains it a bit more:
    So, since I don't want to deploy with the environment variable set, I should ask, what IS the correct, MacOS X way to do it?
    The best way to find that is to look at how Apple does it. They put frameworks in /System/Library/Frameworks and regular shared libraries in the standard places. You can do the same. Put your frameworks into /Library/Frameworks and your shared libraries into /usr/local-based paths.
    If you want to create stand-alone executables that can be installed via drag-n-drop, you can put shared libraries inside the application bundle. If your shared libraries/frameworks are elsewhere, you will need some sort of installer to get them installed.
    I've been sifting through Apple's developer documentation but I have yet to find a concise, straightforward explanation of how to add shared libraries. I'm horribly confused at this point. Is there a good tutorial available anywhere for both the general unix case of linking to dylibs and .so's, and the Mac specific case?
    Hopefully someone else knows an answer for this one.
    *EDIT* I do already have the variable defined both in ~/.MacOS/environment.plist and also in Xcode as an additional user variable.
    I'm not sure about the whole RPATH thing. Setting environment.plist will define environment variables for use in the Finder, but that is really a hack. There are better ways to do it, but if you are porting some open-source programs, that may be the only way. You should be able to define those variables in Xcode. You have to selected the debug executable under "Exectuables"

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    Hello TWBuddha,
    You can use the directions listed in the following article, under "External drive." Just pick up at 'Part 5.'
    iTunes: How to move your music to a new computer

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    Do you need to be on
    In closing it's more of how does this work? Does it work? Why wouldn't you want to use this feature if it saved space and made more sense? I guess I just would love some real clarity since not even the blogs are explaining how it works in every application.
    In closing part 2. It does seem to work really well, it's just those fringe cases. I just viewed all my photos on and they're all there, easy download of the high res, delete, it deletes from my camera roll on my phone, it's amazing, it works, it's magic. Just tell me what issues there are with storing only low res iPhone on my device and if there are none, game on!

    santiagofrommiami wrote:
    And of those 4.3GB of backup, my Photo Library is 1.4GB.
    So my question is, how do I prevent my Photo Library from being backed up to the cloud, since I already have a backup of it everytime I connect to iPhoto and it copies all those photos to my mac?
    I don't know, sorry. It's supposed to work alongside Photos & iCloud, so that photos are stored only once. When it doesn't work you have a couple of options as I see it –
    Delete the old backups on iCloud to hopefully start over (I don't like deleting the only backup of anything).
    Forget about iCloud backups & use iTunes to backup instead, it might not be suitable if you have no computer etc.
    Buy more storage for iCloud.
    I don't use iCloud backup, it bemuses me with issues like this, there is no easy way to resolve when it fails.
    And one more question while we are at it...can I erase iphoto from my computer now that I have the new Photos app?
    That is up to you. If you are happy you do not need it & have a backup of it go ahead & remove it. You can re-download it from the app store if it is already in your Mac App store account.

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