How to control Citadel logging

I have Pot object that reflects actual tank level. Sometimes communication in the field is broken and I have last value of Pot object in the Citadel database during comm failure. This results with incorrect data when viewing data using Hypertrend object. Is there a way to mark the trend line with different color if communication tag goes to zero or is there a way to stop logging data if communication fail.

QGood() and QBad() uses the lookout quality features for object properties/data members. An example is the Red X that goes across objects that on no connected.  Some drivers do not have quality features (we have a custom driver that doesn't use quality features).  Modbus uses the quality features.
Good luck
Mike Crabtree - Lead Developer
Destek of Nevada, Inc. / Digital Telemetry Systems, Inc.
(866) 964-6948 / (760) 247-9512

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    It is important to specify both, the oracle version and os version when posting, so confusions can be avoided.
    In this particular case, since you are referring to asm and grid control you could be talking about either 10gR1, 10gR2 or 11gR1; but I strongly suggest you to avoid us to be guessing. In either case, you sould go to the maintenance tab of the target database and program a scheduled 'delete noprompt obsolete;' procedure. This will purge the information stored at the Flash recovery area, which I assume you have declared inside the ASM.
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    OK ...
    Parameter file:
    It will normally be in the $ORACLE_HOME/dbs directopry. It could be aan init{sid}.ora or a spfile{sid}.ora ... do not edit an SPFILE as yu could corrupt it.
    If it's an init{sid}.ora, use any editor to see the actual content.
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    Control File:
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    Johann Lodina.

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    bluespan wrote:
    Hi, I'm a newbie , but I would like to intercept and log to file some real time data pushed on a page with stock values I don't know what this means. There are words that I understand ("intercept and log to file", "data", "pushed", "page", "stock"), but they don't mean anything to me when put together.
    Is it possible ? Depends.
    I need a hint , where to start . If this was your site, I'd say it'd be easy to do with filters or aspects.
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    <TD><script charset="UTF-8" src=p.php?pid=applet_embed&name=quoteline&width=980&height=39&root=xyz.framework.BaseControl &pa=xyz.QuoteLine&par=a%3A2%3A%7Bs%3A6%3A%22symbol%22%3Bs%3A7%3A%22BIT%5EAGL%22%3Bs%3A8%3A%2 2nostatus%22%3Bi%3A1%3B%7D&config_id=quoteline&mypid=quote&javavm=sun&javaversion=1.6.0_02&clearAll= &clearCache=></script></TD>
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    I controled EssbaseServer0 log file as below.
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    ####<Sep 10, 2012 4:17:24 PM EEST> <Info> <Common> <EPMDEMO> <EPMServer0> <Thread-210> <<anonymous>> <> <0000JakKwXh5UcO5yjP5iW1GB3xV0000XS> <1347283044515> <BEA-000628> <Created "1" resources for pool "EPMSystemRegistry", out of which "1" are available and "0" are unavailable.>
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    [2012-09-10T16:17:38.161+03:00] [EPMServer0] [NOTIFICATION] [] [] [tid: 73] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 0000JakKzrg5UcO5yjP5iW1GB3xV0000X_,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.calcmgr.common.CalcMgrODLLogger] [APP: CALC#] [SRC_METHOD: logInfoMsg] Global role for user: admin is ADMINISTRATOR
    Both of them didn't contain any rule information. I used the rule as DistributionCalc.
    thank you.

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    제품 : RMAN
    작성날짜 : 2002-12-09
    이 자료는 Oracle 9.2 이상의 RMAN에서 사용 가능한 MAXSIZE 기능에 대하여
    설명할 것이다.
    How to restore archive logs with limited disk space
    Old Backup을 사용하여 RMAN으로 database를 recvoery할때, 모든 archived
    redo logfile들을 Restore할 destination의 disk space가 모자란 경우를 종종 만난다.
    이러한 경우 여러 개의 restore and recovery job으로 나누어 수행한다.
    즉, 첫 번째 restore and recovery job이 끝나면 archived redo logfile들을 지우고
    다음 적용될 것들을 restore한다. 그리고 다시 Recovery를 수행한다. 이러한 작업을
    원하는 시점까지 recovery를 하기위해 반복적으로 수행한다.
    Oracle 9iR2(9.2.0.x)부터 RMAN은 MAXSIZE option을 제공하는데 이것은 archive log
    file이 restore될 disk의 space를 control할 수 있게 해 준다.
    만약 disk space가 매우 제한적이라면, 즉 예를 들어 모든 archive log의 size 합보다
    disk free space가 적다면 MAXSIZE option을 사용하는 것은 매우 유용하다.
    이 OPTION이 기술되면 RMAN은 Media Manager에게 disk space 크기에 부합하는 만큼만
    archive log들을 restore하도록 한다. 부가적인 restore operation들은 restore된
    마지막 archive log가 적용될 때마다 발생한다.
    MAXSIZE option은 이러한 작업들을 하나의 rman job으로 처리하게 해 주고
    실수를 하지 않게 해 준다.
    아래는 MAXSIZE를 설명하기 위한 예제이며 총 6 단계로 구성되어 있다.
    STEP 1: Add data to the database to enforce log switches
    STEP 2: Backup the database and archive logs and delete the logs
    STEP 3: Add additional data to enforce new log switches
    STEP 4: Remove the data file and simulate a database crash
    STEP 5: Restore the data file from the backup
    STEP 6: Recover the database using MAXSIZE
    위 예제는 Unix와 Windows 모두에 적용될 수 있다.
    STEP 6 는 다음과 같은 조건으로 두 번 수행될 것이다.
    1) MAXSIZE가 archive log size보다 작은 경우:
    이 경우 RMAN-6558 Error message를 만나게 된다.
    그러므로 MAXSIZE를 archive log보다는 크게 설정해야한다.
    2) MAXSIZE가 archive log size보다 큰 경우:
    예를 들어 여러 개의 archive log를 포함할 수 있을 정도로 크게 설정하면
    restore/recovery는 user에게 transparent하게 수행되어진다.
    즉 archive log들은 restore된 후 applied되고 deleted되어 진다. 다시 새로운
    archive log들이 restore되어지고 applied된 후 deleted 되어 진다. 이러한 작업은
    recovery가 끝날 때까지 반복되어진다. 이러한 작업들이 진행되는 동안 RMAN은
    아무런 Message도 발생시키지 않는다.
    # Step 1: INSERT enough new data to generate log switches
    create table rman_tst (col1 varchar2 (10));
    for i in 1..30000 loop
    insert into rman_tst values(i,'test');
    end loop;
    # Step 2: BACKUP the database and the archive logs automatically
    # and then delete the input
    run {
    backup database format='/web01/usupport/krosenme/admin/backups/db_%d%s%t'
    plus archivelog format='/web01/usupport/krosenme/admin/backups/arch_%d%s%t'
    delete input;
    # Step 3: INSERT enough new data to generate new log switches
    for i in 1..30000 loop
    insert into rman_tst values(i,'test');
    end loop;
    # Step 4: REMOVE users01.dbf file and crash the database
    mv users01.dbf
    shutdown abort
    # Restore is now needed as the data file is deleted. The backup was
    # taken before the new data was added to it, thus archive logs are
    # needed to bring the database up to date
    # Step 5: RESTORE the data file from the full backup
    run {
    restore datafile '/web01/usupport/krosenme/oradata/kro_920/users01.dbf';
    # Step 6: RECOVER
    run {
    recover database delete archivelog maxsize 10 K;
    # This will fail with RMAN-6558 as the archived log has a size of 16 KB,
    # which is bigger than MAXSIZE limit of 10 KB. So the error is expected
    # and MAXSIZE works as designed.
    # Now rerunning STEP 6: but with MAXSIZE 50 K
    run {
    recover database delete archivelog maxsize 50 K;
    Recovery Manager Reference, Release 2 (9.2)

    cold backup means offline backup, you shut database normally and copy datafiles to another location.
    i think operating system does not matter that much but it is RedHat Linux Enterprise Server.
    backing up archivelogs whith rman script which is:
    run {
    allocate channel c1 type disk format '$BKUPLOC/arch_%d_%u_%s_%p.bkp';
    change archivelog all validate;
    backup archivelog time between 'SYSDATE - (30*60/(60*60*24))' and 'sysdate';
    release channel c1;
    so here is the details.
    1. because everything is lost, we restored all files(datafiles, controlfiles, redologs etc) from offline backup meaning copied all files from another location to corresponding location.
    2. want to apply archive logs which were created after cold backup till disk failure and we have these archive logs with backups which were taken by rman.
    first of all, we want to register these archive log rman backups(because these backup information does not exist in restored controlfile)
    and then restore them and then apply them.
    we need rman commands to register these backups and restore them.

  • How to controll traces like: ZPAK_4CIDM84URKZ0RNLVYDK6DSSAO_PC_FINISH.TRC

    Hi Gurus
    I notice in my BW 7.4 system some logs on filesystem level with names like:
    ZPAK_4CIDM84URKZ0RNLVYDK6DSSAO is a InfoPackage.
    Do You have any idea how to control such traces ?
    I'am looking for TX name in SAP, instead of deleting such traces from cron.
    Best Regards

    Hi Gurus
    I notice in my BW 7.4 system some logs on filesystem level with names like:
    ZPAK_4CIDM84URKZ0RNLVYDK6DSSAO is a InfoPackage.
    Do You have any idea how to control such traces ?
    I'am looking for TX name in SAP, instead of deleting such traces from cron.
    Best Regards


    Dear All,
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    I want to restrict enduser while creating new SO with ref. to old SO. Only for returns they should be able to use Billing refrence. Pl. suggest how to control the with reference to ealier SO.

    Nikhil Deshpande,
          If you dont want allow create a sales order in referent to other one, just delete the copy control between these sales order type, so when the user tries to create a SO in reference to other one a message is displayed that is not possible.

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    We do have very specific requirement which SAP doesn`t recommend in terms of multi-sessioning for a user.So we are little worried upon the challeges.Could you please share your ideas/Experience on following?
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      Though SAP doesn`t recommned more than one but our client requires 2 or more than that but we need to fix it either 
      2 or 3.
      So we are looking for specific setting for this.
    2.What are the challenges we need to face if we implement option 1?
    3.Specially in interaction record management
        a. Is there chance of loosing the data if agent has opened more than two session.
        b. In which session interaction record data will get stored,the one on which agent picked up the call or in the latest 
    Please let me know if I am not clear enough on any point.
    Thanks in advance,
    Shailendra Tolambiya

    Hi Shailendra,
    The following wiki page might be useful in this respect:
    Best Regards,

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    If you mean copy files from one to the other you can connect the two via firewire cable and boot one into Target Disk Mode.

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    Check the copy control for transactions in
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