How to convert the Adobe 10 PDF to Adobe LiveCycle ES2 so that I can make the text boxes expandable?

When I convert the Adobe 10 PDF to Adobe LiveCycle ES2 it is a static document, thus not allowing me to make the text boxes expandable.  How do I take a current Adobe 10 PDF with Text and convert it to Adobe LiveCycle ES2 so that I can make the text boxes expandable?

Hi Alan,
TextField objects can expand dynamically.  There are a few things that you need to do:
1. The TextField object should be contained in a subform that is set to Content: Flowed.  This isn't technically necessary, but if you have anything below the expanding text box and the subform is set to Positioned, the text will expand and overlay what's below.
2. On the Field tab of the text field's Object property tab, check the Allow Multiple Lines checkbox
3. On the Layout tab, check the Expand To Fit checkbox under Y:/Height
4. Set the PDF Render Format under Form Properties/Defaults to Dynamic XML Form.  If you're previewing in Designer, don't forget to set the preview to Dynamic too.

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    //DESCRIPTION: Autoflow selected overset story
              if (app.documents.length > 0
                                  && app.selection.length == 1
                                  && app.selection[0].hasOwnProperty("parentStory")
                                  && app.selection[0].parentStory.overflows) {
                        app.doScript(fixOverset, undefined, app.selection[0].parentStory, UndoModes.entireScript, "Fix Overset");
              } else {
                        alert("There must be a selection that identifies the overset story.");
              function fixOverset(story) {
                        while (story.overflows) {
                                  var aDoc = story.parent;
                                  var lastTF = story.textContainers.pop();
                                  var lastPage = lastTF.parentPage;
                                  if (lastPage instanceof Page == false) {
                                            alert("Story ends on pasteboard; no action taken.");
                                  var master = lastPage.appliedMaster;
                                  var newPage = aDoc.pages.add(LocationOptions.after, lastPage);
                                  newPage.appliedMaster = master; // may not be necessary
                                  var liveArea = getLiveBounds(newPage);
                                  var newTF = newPage.textFrames.add({geometricBounds : liveArea, layer : lastTF.itemLayer});
                                  newTF.previousTextFrame = lastTF;
                                  if (newTF.insertionPoints.length == 0
                                                      && lastTF.insertionPoints.length == 0) {
                                            // allows for paragraph style with startParagraph on specific page side
                                            alert("Story is permanently overset.");
              function getLiveBounds(page) {
                        var rO = page.parent.parent.viewPreferences.rulerOrigin;
                        var bounds = page.bounds;
                        if (rO == RulerOrigin.spreadOrigin) return returnBounds(page, bounds);
                        var width = bounds[3] - bounds[1];
                        if (rO == RulerOrigin.spineOrigin &&
                                            (page.side == PageSideOptions.leftHand ||
                                                      (page.side == PageSideOptions.rightHand &&
                                                                page.parent.pages.length > 1)) ||
                                  (rO == RulerOrigin.pageOrigin &&
                                            page.side == PageSideOptions.rightHand &&
                                                      page.parent.pages.length > 1)) {
                                            bounds[1] = bounds[1] - width;
                                            bounds[3] = bounds[3] - width;
                        return returnBounds(page, bounds);
                        function returnBounds(page, bounds) {
                                  return [
                                            page.side == PageSideOptions.leftHand ?
                                                      bounds[1] + page.marginPreferences.right :
                                                      bounds[1] + page.marginPreferences.left,
                                            bounds[2] - page.marginPreferences.bottom,
                                            page.side == PageSideOptions.leftHand ?
                                                      bounds[3] - page.marginPreferences.left :
                                                      bounds[3] - page.marginPreferences.right
               function selectIt(theObj) {
                        var myZoom = app.activeWindow.zoomPercentage;
                        app.activeWindow.zoomPercentage = myZoom;

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    DATA: g_p type p.
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    Controller code continues
    private void createDirectBinding(OAWebBean oawebbean, String s, AttributeKey attributekey, String s1, String s2)
    OAWebBean oawebbean1 = oawebbean.findChildRecursive(s);
    oawebbean1.setAttributeValue(attributekey, new OADataBoundValueViewObject(oawebbean1, s2, s1));
    private void createDirectBinding(OAWebBean oawebbean, String s, AttributeKey attributekey, String s1)
    OAWebBean oawebbean1 = oawebbean.findChildRecursive(s);
    oawebbean1.setAttributeValue(attributekey, new OADataBoundValueViewObject(oawebbean1, s1, "DetailsPagePVO"));
    private void processRequestNormalDetails(OAPageContext oapagecontext, OAWebBean oawebbean)
    OAMessageChoiceBean oamessagechoicebean = (OAMessageChoiceBean)oawebbean.findChildRecursive("ExpTypeChoice");
    oamessagechoicebean = (OAMessageChoiceBean)oawebbean.findChildRecursive("GuestType");
    OAMessageTextInputBean oamessagetextinputbean = (OAMessageTextInputBean)oawebbean.findChildRecursive("Justification");
    if(oamessagetextinputbean != null)
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ExpTypeChoice", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "StartDate", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "Justification", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ExpenseGroup", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "LocationName", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "RBLocation", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "DetailMerchantName", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "DetailTaxClassification", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "DetailTaxCode", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "TaxRegNumber", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ReceiptNumber", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "Reference", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "TaxpayerID", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "AirTravelType", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "AirTicketClass", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "AirTicketNumber", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "AirFromLocation", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "AirToLocation", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "AccEndDate", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "MealNumberAttendees", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "MealAttendees", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "DetailDailyRate", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "DetailDailyRateCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "NumberOfDays", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "DetailDailyRateCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "DetailReceiptAmount", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "DetailReceiptAmountCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ReceiptCurrencyChoice", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "ReceiptCurrencyChoiceCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "InverseExchRate", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "DetailExchRateCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ExchRate", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "DetailExchRateCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "DetailDailyRate", CURRENCY_CODE, "ReceiptCurrencyCode");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "DetailReceiptAmount", CURRENCY_CODE, "ReceiptCurrencyCode");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "DetailReimbursAmt", CURRENCY_CODE, "ReimbursementCurrencyCode");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ParentGuestTypeSortableHeader", REQUIRED_ATTR, "FB_GuestTypeColReq");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ParentGuestNameSortableHeader", REQUIRED_ATTR, "FB_GuestNameColReq");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ParentGuestTitleSortableHeader", REQUIRED_ATTR, "FB_GuestTitleColReq");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ParentGuestTaxIdSortableHeader", REQUIRED_ATTR, "FB_GuestTaxIdColReq");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ParentGuestEmployerSortableHeader", REQUIRED_ATTR, "FB_GuestEmployerColReq");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ParentGuestEmployerAddrSortableHeader", REQUIRED_ATTR, "FB_GuestEmployerAddressColReq");
    String s = oapagecontext.getParameter("source");
    String s1 = oapagecontext.getParameter("event");
    if("StartDateUpdate".equals(s1) && "StartDate".equals(s))
    setFocusToField("StartDate", oawebbean);
    } else
    if("AmountUpdateReceiptCurrency".equals(s1) && "ReceiptCurrencyChoice".equals(s))
    setFocusToField("ReceiptCurrencyChoice", oawebbean);
    private void processRequestItemizationDetails(OAPageContext oapagecontext, OAWebBean oawebbean)
    OAWebBean oawebbean1 = oawebbean.findChildRecursive("ItemizedDetails");
    OAMessageChoiceBean oamessagechoicebean = (OAMessageChoiceBean)oawebbean1.findChildRecursive("IPL_ExpTypeChoice");
    OAMessageChoiceBean oamessagechoicebean1 = (OAMessageChoiceBean)oawebbean1.findChildRecursive("ChildExpTypeChoice");
    oamessagechoicebean = (OAMessageChoiceBean)oawebbean1.findChildRecursive("ExpenseType");
    oamessagechoicebean = (OAMessageChoiceBean)oawebbean1.findChildRecursive("ChildGuestType");
    OAMessageLayoutBean oamessagelayoutbean = (OAMessageLayoutBean)oawebbean1.findChildRecursive("ChildExpTypeLayout");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "IPL_ExpTypeChoice", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "IPL_StartDate", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "IPL_Justification", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "IPL_LocationName", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "IPL_RBLocation", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "IPL_MerchantName", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "IPL_TaxRegNumber", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "IPL_ReceiptNumber", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "IPL_Reference", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "IPL_TaxpayerID", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildExpTypeChoice", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildStartDate", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildReceiptCurrencyChoice", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildJustification", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildExpenseGroup", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildLocationName", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildRBLocation", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildDetailMerchantName", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildDetailTaxClassification", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildDetailTaxCode", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildAirTravelType", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildAirTicketClass", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildAirTicketNumber", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildAirFromLocation", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildAirToLocation", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildAccEndDate", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildMealNumberAttendees", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildMealAttendees", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildDetailReceiptAmount", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "SharedCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "IPL_ReceiptCurrency", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "DetailReceiptAmountCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "IPL_OriginalReceiptAmount", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "DetailReceiptAmountCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "IPL_ExchangeRate", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "DetailExchRateCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "IPL_InverseExchangeRate", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "DetailExchRateCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildDetailDailyRate", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "DetailDailyRateCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildNumberOfDays", STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, "DetailDailyRateCSS");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ExpenseReimAmountHeader", TEXT_ATTR, "ReceiptAmountColHeader");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "IPL_ReimbursementAmount", CURRENCY_CODE, "ReimbursementCurrencyCode");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ItemizationDetailsHeader", TEXT_ATTR, "ChildDetailHeader");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildDetailDailyRate", CURRENCY_CODE, "ReceiptCurrencyCode");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildDetailReceiptAmount", CURRENCY_CODE, "ReceiptCurrencyCode");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildDetailReimbursAmt", CURRENCY_CODE, "ReimbursementCurrencyCode");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ReceiptAmount", CURRENCY_CODE, "ReceiptCurrencyCode");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "IPL_OriginalReceiptAmount", CURRENCY_CODE, "ReceiptCurrencyCode");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildGuestTypeSortableHeader", REQUIRED_ATTR, "FB_GuestTypeColReq");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildGuestNameSortableHeader", REQUIRED_ATTR, "FB_GuestNameColReq");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildGuestTitleSortableHeader", REQUIRED_ATTR, "FB_GuestTitleColReq");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildGuestTaxIdSortableHeader", REQUIRED_ATTR, "FB_GuestTaxIdColReq");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildGuestEmployerSortableHeader", REQUIRED_ATTR, "FB_GuestEmployerColReq");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ChildGuestEmployerAddrSortableHeader", REQUIRED_ATTR, "FB_GuestEmployerAddressColReq");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "BusinessExpValue", TEXT_ATTR, "ItemizationTotalBusinessExpenses");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "BusinessExpValue", CURRENCY_CODE, "ReceiptCurrencyCode");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "PersonalExpValue", TEXT_ATTR, "ItemizationTotalPersonalExpenses");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "PersonalExpValue", CURRENCY_CODE, "ReceiptCurrencyCode");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ReceiptAmountValue", TEXT_ATTR, "ExpenseReportLinesVO", "ReceiptCurrencyAmount");
    createDirectBinding(oawebbean, "ReceiptAmountValue", CURRENCY_CODE, "ReceiptCurrencyCode");
    OAMessageTextInputBean oamessagetextinputbean = (OAMessageTextInputBean)oawebbean1.findChildRecursive("IPL_Justification");
    oamessagetextinputbean = (OAMessageTextInputBean)oawebbean1.findChildRecursive("ChildJustification");
    String s = oapagecontext.getParameter("source");
    String s1 = oapagecontext.getParameter("event");
    if("DuplicateItemization".equals(s) || "RemoveItemization".equals(s) || "AddItemization".equals(s) || "SingleSelectionChange".equals(s1))
    setFocusToField(oamessagechoicebean1.getID(), oawebbean);
    } else
    OAMessageTextInputBean oamessagetextinputbean1 = (OAMessageTextInputBean)oawebbean.findChildRecursive("ChildDetailDailyRate");
    OADataBoundValueViewObject oadataboundvalueviewobject = new OADataBoundValueViewObject(oamessagetextinputbean1, "DetailDailyRateRendered", "DetailsPagePVO");
    Boolean boolean1 = (Boolean)oadataboundvalueviewobject.getValue(oapagecontext.getRenderingContext());
    if(boolean1 != null && boolean1.booleanValue())
    setFocusToField("ChildDetailDailyRate", oawebbean);
    } else
    setFocusToField("ChildDetailReceiptAmount", oawebbean);
    } else
    if("StartDateUpdate".equals(s1) && "IPL_StartDate".equals(s))
    setFocusToField("IPL_StartDate", oawebbean);
    } else
    if("IPL_ReceiptCurrencyChange".equals(s1) && "IPL_ReceiptCurrency".equals(s))
    setFocusToField("IPL_ReceiptCurrency", oawebbean);
    private void setFocusToField(String s, OAWebBean oawebbean)
    OABodyBean oabodybean = (OABodyBean)OAWebBeanUtils.findParentByType(oawebbean, "BODY", oracle/apps/fnd/framework/webui/beans/OABodyBean);
    private void createPPRFlexRegions(OAPageContext oapagecontext, OAWebBean oawebbean)
    OAWebBean oawebbean1 = oawebbean.findChildRecursive("AdditionalFields");
    OAWebBean oawebbean2 = oawebbean.findChildRecursive("ChildAdditionalFields");
    String s = oapagecontext.getProfile("AP_WEB_DESC_FLEX_NAME");
    if(s == null || "N".equals(s) || "H".equals(s))
    OAApplicationModule oaapplicationmodule = oapagecontext.getApplicationModule(oawebbean1);
    Vector vector = (Vector)oaapplicationmodule.invokeMethod("getExpenseTypesVector");
    Vector vector1 = (Vector)vector.elementAt(0);
    Vector vector2 = (Vector)vector.elementAt(1);
    Vector vector3 = new Vector();
    Vector vector4 = new Vector();
    Boolean boolean1 = (Boolean)oaapplicationmodule.invokeMethod("IsItemizedLine");
    for(int i = 0; i < vector1.size(); i++)
    String s1 = vector1.elementAt(i).toString();
    String s2 = (String)vector2.elementAt(i);
    String s3 = (new StringBuilder()).append("DFF_").append(s1).toString();
    int j = createFlexBean(true, oapagecontext, oawebbean1, s1, s2, s3);
    String s4 = (new StringBuilder()).append("ChildDFF_").append(s1).toString();
    j = createFlexBean(false, oapagecontext, oawebbean2, s1, s2, s4);
    vector4.addElement(new Integer(j));
    } else
    Serializable aserializable[] = {
    Class aclass[] = {
    oaapplicationmodule.invokeMethod("configurePVOForDFF", aserializable, aclass);
    private int createFlexBean(boolean flag, OAPageContext oapagecontext, OAWebBean oawebbean, String s, String s1, String s2)
    OAMessageLayoutBean oamessagelayoutbean = (OAMessageLayoutBean)createWebBean(oapagecontext, "MESSAGE_LAYOUT_BEAN", null, null);
    String s3 = (new StringBuilder()).append("DFF_").append(s).append("Rendered").toString();
    ArrayList arraylist = (ArrayList)oapagecontext.getTransactionTransientValue("flexList");
    Object obj = null;
    Object obj1 = null;
    if(arraylist != null)
    OADescriptiveFlexBean oadescriptiveflexbean = (OADescriptiveFlexBean)arraylist.get(0);
    String s4 = (String)arraylist.get(1);
    if(oadescriptiveflexbean != null && s4 != null && s.equals(s4) && oadescriptiveflexbean.getUINodeName().equals(s2))
    oamessagelayoutbean.setAttributeValue(RENDERED_ATTR, new OADataBoundValueViewObject(oamessagelayoutbean, s3, "DetailsPagePVO"));
    return oadescriptiveflexbean.getIndexedChildCount(null) - 2;
    OADescriptiveFlexBean oadescriptiveflexbean1 = (OADescriptiveFlexBean)createWebBean(oapagecontext, "DESCRIPTIVE_FLEX", null, s2);
    oamessagelayoutbean.setAttributeValue(RENDERED_ATTR, new OADataBoundValueViewObject(oamessagelayoutbean, s3, "DetailsPagePVO"));
    oadescriptiveflexbean1.setAttributeValue(READ_ONLY_ATTR, new OADataBoundValueViewObject(oadescriptiveflexbean1, "SDP_PageReadOnly", "DetailsPagePVO"));
    oadescriptiveflexbean1.setAttributeValue(FLEXFIELD_NAME, "AP_EXPENSE_REPORT_LINES");
    oadescriptiveflexbean1.setAttributeValue(FLEXFIELD_APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME, "SQLAP");
    oadescriptiveflexbean1.setAttributeValue(REGION_APPLICATION_ID, OIECommonConstants.STATIC_INTEGER_222);
    } else
    oadescriptiveflexbean1.setFlexContext(oapagecontext, s1);
    catch(Exception exception)
    return 0;
    return oadescriptiveflexbean1.getIndexedChildCount(null) - 2;
    private void ManualPPR(OAPageContext oapagecontext, OAWebBean oawebbean)
    OAPartialPageRenderUtils.addPartialTargets(oapagecontext, "DetailsPageButtonBar");
    OAPartialPageRenderUtils.addPartialTargets(oapagecontext, "LeftColumn");
    OAPartialPageRenderUtils.addPartialTargets(oapagecontext, "RightColumn");
    OAPartialPageRenderUtils.addPartialTargets(oapagecontext, "ChildLeftColumn");
    OAPartialPageRenderUtils.addPartialTargets(oapagecontext, "ChildExpTypeLayout");
    OAPartialPageRenderUtils.addPartialTargets(oapagecontext, "ChildRightColumn");
    OAPartialPageRenderUtils.addPartialTargets(oapagecontext, "MerchantFieldsHeader");
    OAPartialPageRenderUtils.addPartialTargets(oapagecontext, "MerchantFieldsLayout");
    OAPartialPageRenderUtils.addPartialTargets(oapagecontext, "IPL_MerchantFieldsHeader");
    OAPartialPageRenderUtils.addPartialTargets(oapagecontext, "IPL_MerchantFieldsLayout");
    OAPartialPageRenderUtils.addPartialTargets(oapagecontext, "IPL_LeftColumn");
    OAPartialPageRenderUtils.addPartialTargets(oapagecontext, "IPL_RightColumn");
    OAPartialPageRenderUtils.addPartialTargets(oapagecontext, "ChildEmployeeTableRN");
    OAPartialPageRenderUtils.addPartialTargets(oapagecontext, "ChildGuestTableRN");
    OAPartialPageRenderUtils.addPartialTargets(oapagecontext, "ItemizationMasterTable");
    protected static boolean PageHasExceptions(OAPageContext oapagecontext, OAWebBean oawebbean)
    Object aobj[] = (Object[])(Object[])oapagecontext.getTransactionTransientValue("FWK_PAGE_ERROR_TRXN_CACHE");
    Boolean boolean1 = (Boolean)aobj[3];
    return boolean1.booleanValue();
    private static void ClearExceptions(OAPageContext oapagecontext, OAWebBean oawebbean)
    Object aobj[] = (Object[])(Object[])oapagecontext.getTransactionTransientValue("FWK_PAGE_ERROR_TRXN_CACHE");
    Vector vector = (Vector)aobj[0];
    Vector vector1 = (Vector)aobj[1];
    Vector vector2 = (Vector)aobj[2];
    aobj[3] = Boolean.FALSE;
    Edited by: user13079906 on Oct 1, 2010 1:14 AM

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    The design may be such that initially only one text box/select list will be available when the page launches. Then as ad when the user asks for more those will be available to the user accordingly.

    You can use Ajax to call textboxes and select list based on what user enters.
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    You can call Single Textbox and Select List using Ajax for any number of conditions.

  • How to convert the TEXT file into an XML using plsql code

    Hi all ,
    I need to convert an TEXT file into an XML file how can i do it
    Below is my sample TEXT file .
    TDETL00000000020000000000000120131021115854ST2225SKU77598059          0023-000000010000
    I want the above to be converted into the below format
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <!-- Processor splits text into lines -->
      <processor type="RegexDelimited">
            This is used to specify that a message should be created per line in
            the incoming file;
            NOTE: this was designed to work with all the processors, however it
            only works correctly with 'RegexDelimited' processors (check the
            enclosing top processor type)
      <!-- For lines beginning with FHEAD (File Header) -->
      <processor type="RegexMatch">
      <processor type="RegexMatch">
      <processor type="RegexMatch">
      <!-- For lines beginning with TDETL (Transaction Details) -->
      <processor type="RegexMatch">
      <processor type="RegexMatch">
      <processor type="RegexMatch">
      <regex>^(\d{10})(\d{14})(\d{14})(\w{2})(\d{4})(\w{3})([\w ]{13})([\w ]{5})(\d{2})(\d{2})([+-]{1})(\d{12})$</regex>
      <!-- For lines beginning with FTAIL (File Tail) -->
      <processor type="RegexMatch">
      <processor type="RegexMatch">
      <processor type="RegexMatch">

    Sorry, that doesn't make much sense.
    The XML you gave is a configuration file for txt2xml utility. It doesn't represent the output format.
    Are you a user of this utility?

  • How to add the text box with background color in Acrobat 9 Pro ? (Urgent)

    I have previously used the Callout tool to add the comments in a PDF file, but the comments were difficult to read as some of them were mixed with the pictures just shown below. Therefore , I hope that there's a tool that can create the box with background color, but I cannot find such tool. What should I do ? Hope to get the answer ASAP, as it's very urgent !
    P.S. The picture below is represent the problem: the comment are difficult to read.

    In the properties of the callout comment you can change the fill color.

  • How do I Expand the Text Box in Mail Stationery?

    I have a question about using stationery in Mail. Is there anything I can do to make the text box in certain templates to hold more content? It seems that, in some templates (like Bamboo, for example), the text box expands automatically as more content is keyed in. Yet, in the Tack Board template, for example, the text box does not expand beyond what seems to be a fixed length for content. How can I get the text box in Tack Board to expand for additional content?

    Please check text input state defined , also if the form is inserted in any container then try to test out the form with different text input boxes in a new page.
    Additionally , check the mid-hieght of text inserted in frame.

  • How to convert word doc into pdf - which product of adobe i need to use- what upgrades - am a newbie

    How to convert word doc into pdf - which product of adobe i need to use- what upgrades - am a newbie -  simple answers please - Thanks in advance.

    @Pipeline2007 - which version of Microsoft Office have you got? Older versions of Acrobat aren't compatible with the latest versions of Office, see this link for info:

  • I know that how to convert any documents to pdf file, but don't know how to get barcode on it. I am using windows 8.1. and want to see barcode on my documents before the print. Please help.

    I know that how to convert any documents to pdf file, but don't know how to get barcode on it. I am using windows 8.1. and want to see barcode on my documents before the print. Please help.

    Hi Frank ,
    Please refer to the following link and see if this helps.
    Sukrit Dhingra

  • How to convert the alv list data into pdf format

    Hi Expersts,
                      Is it possible to convert the alv list output data into PDF format? if yes, then please help me with this issue.
    thanks in advance,

    hii samad,
    you can go through these link.i hope it ll solve your purpose
    How to convert list output to PDF
    Display ALV list output in PDF format

  • How to convert an adobe document to a pdf, I'm signed in

    how to convert an adobe document to pdf, i'm signed in

    Hi Jill,
    I would like to assist!
    I do not see one of our subscription services in your account. Are you interested in purchasing PDF Pack to convert your document to PDF?
    What type of document are you working with? You mention an 'adobe document'? Would you mind being more specific?
    Here is a helpful document that explains more about Services
    I look forward to hearing back from you so I can help.
    Kindest regards, Stacy

  • How to convert JPG files to PDF

    Suggestions on how to convert JPG files to PDF using Adobe?

    You would either need the PDF Pack service, or Adobe Acrobat or Photoshop.

  • How to convert from image based pdf to text based pdf

    I have Adobe 9 Pro. How to convert from image based pdf to text based pdf? For example, if someone emails a scanned pdf to me, how do I convert that document into a text based pdf?

    To perform OCR, open the document and select: Document > OCR Text Recognition > Recognize Text Using OCR
    More information on the various options is in the Acrobat help doc.

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