How to Create a Table in Oracle with XML data type.

Dear ALL,
What are the requirements for creating a table with xml datatype in Oracle: The steps would help very much to know the scripting of the table and how to query and either insert/update and remove data from that table.
Any help, direction, advise would be highly appreciated.

Reffer to this Note.243554.1.
In a nut shell you will need to run catqm.sql

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    The xml variable (org.w3c.doc.Document) is a native xml data type. That means you can use xml functions and/or xPath expressions on the content of the variable.
    The document variable (com.adobe.idp.Document) is a more generic data type that can store any binary data. If you happen to store xml in that data type, you won't be able to run xml functions or xPath expression directly on the variable content since it's treated as binary data.
    If  you don't need to manipulate or access the content of the xml, then either data types will work. Otherwise, I would use the xml data type.
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    What is problem?
      2      type t_v_tbl_rec is record( cumid number,
      3                                  col1 varchar(50),
      4                                  col2 varchar(50),
      5                                  col3 varchar(50),
      6                                  col4 varchar(50),
      7                                  col5 varchar(50),
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      9      type t_v_tbl is table of t_v_tbl_rec index by binary_integer;
    10      v_v_tbl t_v_tbl;
    11  begin
    12      v_v_tbl(1).cumid := 1;
    13      dbms_output.put_line(v_v_tbl(1).cumid);
    14  end;
    15  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

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                <atividade nome="name">
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                 (other atividades)
            (other projetos)
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        - Atividade.nome:
            (start button) etapa1
            (start button) etapa2
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            (start button) etapa2
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                            method="POST" contentType="application/xml"
                            fault="handleFault(event);" >
                            <s:request xmlns="">
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                    <s:VerticalLayout />
                                <s:HorizontalLayout />
                            <s:Button />
                            <s:Label text="{data.nome}" />
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    Thanks in advance.

    A lot of the information you need is in Adobe's scripting guide  Also there is a very useful Adobe guide to Calculations and Scripts (and while it is for version 6 it is still very good because of the way it is laid out)
    The Javascript could be used in the Layout: Ready event.
    For italic font:
    if (...some test...)
         this.font.posture = "italic";
         this.font.posture = "normal";
    For bold font:
    if (...some test...)
         this.font.weight = "bold";
         this.font.weight = "normal";
    The script will change the font for the complete field. I don't think you can change parts of a field.You can also change font colour and font type (the guides above will help).
    Good luck,

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    Hi Andy,
    When you create a Menu, the option dropdown for the menu has Default, but under that you will see HTML CSS Only option which creates a ul li structure.
    For the Menu Module options you can find more information from the knowledgebase:
    If you would like to use the version 2 menu module you can find a bit of a guide I wrote here:

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    var dsList = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("myincludes/categories.php", "export/row/subcat");
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      <div spry:repeat="dsCategories dsList" class="SpotlightAndStackedRow">
        <div class="SpotlightContainer">
          <div class="SpotlightColumn"> {category} {subcat} </div>
        <br style="clear:both; line-height: 0px" />
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    You have to declare all your SPRY Datasets in the region:
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  • Dynamic Table UI Element with different data type for each cell

    Hi Experts,
    I have a problem with a dynamic Table UI Element in Web Dynpro ABAP. I have the following coding:
    METHOD set_col_row .
      TYPE-POOLS: icon.
        lv_node         TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node,
        lv_node_info    TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node_info,
        lv_element      TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element,
        lt_attributes   TYPE wdr_context_attr_info_map,
        lv_table        TYPE REF TO cl_wd_table,
        lv_table_column TYPE REF TO cl_wd_table_column,
        lv_text_view    TYPE REF TO cl_wd_text_view,
        lv_image TYPE REF TO cl_wd_image,
        lv_text_edit TYPE REF TO cl_wd_text_edit,
        lv_header       TYPE REF TO cl_wd_caption,
        attribute       LIKE LINE OF lt_attributes,
        lv_index       TYPE string,
        lv_cur_row         TYPE i,
        path            TYPE string,
        lv_value           TYPE string,
        attr_name       TYPE string,
        l_trc_point_id  TYPE string,
        l_num_cols      TYPE string,
        l_num_rows      TYPE string,
        lv_text         TYPE string,
        lv_index2 TYPE i,
        lr_ress_selections TYPE REF TO /its/di_2_cpr_ress_selections,
        lt_comp_tab TYPE cl_abap_structdescr=>component_table,
        ls_comp_tab LIKE LINE OF lt_comp_tab,
        lv_count TYPE i,
        lv_col_count TYPE i,
        lv_col_count_read TYPE i,
        lv_index_read TYPE i,
        lv_num_cols_minus_1 TYPE i,
        lv_bind_lv_value TYPE string,
        wd_standard_cell TYPE REF TO cl_wd_table_standard_cell,
        lv_data_count TYPE i,
        lv_data_count_str TYPE string,
        wd_table_column TYPE REF TO cl_wd_table_column,
        lv_column_id TYPE string.
         TYPE ANY.
    Instanz der Klasse /ITS/DI_2_CPR_RESS_SELECTIONS
      lr_ress_selections = /its/di_2_cpr_ress_selections=>factory( ).
      ASSIGN lr_ress_selections->gr_table->* TO gt_comp_tab.
      ls_comp_tab-name = 'SUMME'.
    APPEND ls_comp_tab TO lt_comp_tab.
    ls_comp_tab-name = 'CELL_VARIANT'.
      APPEND ls_comp_tab TO lt_comp_tab.
      CLEAR ls_comp_tab.
      l_num_rows = num_rows + 1.
      CONDENSE l_num_rows.
      l_num_cols = num_columns + 1.
      CONDENSE l_num_cols.
    UI-Element 'TABLE'
      lv_table ?= wd_this->m_view->get_element( 'TBL_TABLE' ).
      lv_table->remove_all_columns( ).
    Kontext-Knoten 'TABLE'
      lv_node = wd_context->get_child_node( 'TABLE' ).
      lv_node_info = lv_node->get_node_info( ).
      lv_node_info->remove_dynamic_attributes( ).
      attribute-type_name = 'STRING'.
      lv_num_cols_minus_1 = num_columns - 1.
    Für jede Spalte einmal tun
      DO lv_num_cols_minus_1 TIMES.
        lv_index = sy-index + 1.
        CONDENSE lv_index.
        lv_table_column = cl_wd_table_column=>new_table_column( ).
        lv_column_id = lv_table_column->id.
    Spaltenüberschriften setzen
        IF lv_index EQ 1. "Beim ersten Durchlauf --> erste Spalte = "Ressourcen"
          lv_text = text-010.
          sy-index = 0.
        ELSE. "Danach für jede weitere Spalte eine Zeile aus der gt_comp_tab nehmen
          lv_index_read = lv_index - 1.
          READ TABLE lt_comp_tab INDEX lv_index_read INTO ls_comp_tab.
          lv_text = ls_comp_tab-name.
          lv_header = cl_wd_caption=>new_caption( text = lv_text ).
          lv_table_column->set_header( lv_header ).
        CONCATENATE 'TABLE.A' lv_index INTO path.
        lv_text_view = cl_wd_text_view=>new_text_view( bind_text = path ).
        lv_table_column->set_table_cell_editor( lv_text_view ).
        lv_table_column->bind_selected_cell_variant( 'TABLE.CELL_VARIANT' ).
        lv_table->add_column( lv_table_column ).
        wd_table_column ?= wd_this->m_view->get_element( lv_column_id ).
    *****************Test Cell Variant*************************************************
        IF lv_index GT 1.
          LOOP AT .
              IF sy-tabix EQ lv_cur_row.
              Name zuweisen
              Zuweisen ob Blatt oder nicht
                lv_element->set_attribute( name = 'NAME' value = lv_value ).
                ASSIGN COMPONENT 'IS_LEAF' OF STRUCTURE set_attribute( name = attr_name value = lv_value ).
    Now my problem is, that I need for every ROW of my table UI Element a different cell editor. I know how to change it for the column. But is not my issue. I want to have images (traffic lights red and green) in some rows. The other rows should have numbers. The coding works, so that I have all the data at the right place in my table, only the images are shown as a string, because the cells of these rows have the cell editor Text_View. I tried something with cell variants (with cl_wd_table_standard_cell), but it was not possible for me to get a cell variant "image" in these cells/rows were I need it. 
    I hope you understand my problem and now what to do here.
    Thanks a lot in advance.
    Best Regards,

    Hi Experts, I have a problem with a dynamic Table UI Element in Web Dynpro ABAP. I have the following coding: METHOD set_col_row . TYPE-POOLS: icon. DATA: lv_node TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node, lv_node_info TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node_info, lv_element TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element, lt_attributes TYPE wdr_context_attr_info_map, lv_table TYPE REF TO cl_wd_table, lv_table_column TYPE REF TO cl_wd_table_column, lv_text_view TYPE REF TO cl_wd_text_view, lv_image TYPE REF TO cl_wd_image, lv_text_edit TYPE REF TO cl_wd_text_edit, lv_header TYPE REF TO cl_wd_caption, attribute LIKE LINE OF lt_attributes, lv_index TYPE string, lv_cur_row TYPE i, path TYPE string, lv_value TYPE string, attr_name TYPE string, l_trc_point_id TYPE string, l_num_cols TYPE string, l_num_rows TYPE string, lv_text TYPE string, lv_index2 TYPE i, lr_ress_selections TYPE REF TO /its/di_2_cpr_ress_selections, lt_comp_tab TYPE cl_abap_structdescr=>component_table, ls_comp_tab LIKE LINE OF lt_comp_tab, lv_count TYPE i, lv_col_count TYPE i, lv_col_count_read TYPE i, lv_index_read TYPE i, lv_num_cols_minus_1 TYPE i, lv_bind_lv_value TYPE string, wd_standard_cell TYPE REF TO cl_wd_table_standard_cell, lv_data_count TYPE i, lv_data_count_str TYPE string, wd_table_column TYPE REF TO cl_wd_table_column, lv_column_id TYPE string. FIELD-SYMBOLS:  LIKE LINE OF lt_attributes,  TYPE ANY TABLE,  TYPE ANY,  TYPE ANY,  TYPE ANY. * Instanz der Klasse /ITS/DI_2_CPR_RESS_SELECTIONS lr_ress_selections = /its/di_2_cpr_ress_selections=>factory( ). ASSIGN lr_ress_selections->gr_table->* TO . lt_comp_tab = lr_ress_selections->gt_comp_tab. ls_comp_tab-name = 'SUMME'. * APPEND ls_comp_tab TO lt_comp_tab. * ls_comp_tab-name = 'CELL_VARIANT'. APPEND ls_comp_tab TO lt_comp_tab. CLEAR ls_comp_tab. l_num_rows = num_rows + 1. CONDENSE l_num_rows. l_num_cols = num_columns + 1. CONDENSE l_num_cols. * UI-Element 'TABLE' lv_table ?= wd_this->m_view->get_element( 'TBL_TABLE' ). lv_table->remove_all_columns( ). * Kontext-Knoten 'TABLE' lv_node = wd_context->get_child_node( 'TABLE' ). lv_node_info = lv_node->get_node_info( ). lv_node_info->remove_dynamic_attributes( ). attribute-type_name = 'STRING'. lv_num_cols_minus_1 = num_columns - 1. * Für jede Spalte einmal tun DO lv_num_cols_minus_1 TIMES. lv_index = sy-index + 1. CONDENSE lv_index. lv_table_column = cl_wd_table_column=>new_table_column( ). lv_column_id = lv_table_column->id. * Spaltenüberschriften setzen IF lv_index EQ 1. "Beim ersten Durchlauf --> erste Spalte = "Ressourcen" lv_text = text-010. sy-index = 0. ELSE. "Danach für jede weitere Spalte eine Zeile aus der gt_comp_tab nehmen lv_index_read = lv_index - 1. READ TABLE lt_comp_tab INDEX lv_index_read INTO ls_comp_tab. lv_text = ls_comp_tab-name. lv_header = cl_wd_caption=>new_caption( text = lv_text ). lv_table_column->set_header( lv_header ). ENDIF. CONCATENATE 'TABLE.A' lv_index INTO path. lv_text_view = cl_wd_text_view=>new_text_view( bind_text = path ). lv_table_column->set_table_cell_editor( lv_text_view ). lv_table_column->bind_selected_cell_variant( 'TABLE.CELL_VARIANT' ). lv_table->add_column( lv_table_column ). wd_table_column ?= wd_this->m_view->get_element( lv_column_id ). ******************Test Cell Variant************************************************** IF lv_index GT 1. LOOP AT  ASSIGNING . ASSIGN COMPONENT 'TYPE' OF STRUCTURE  TO . ADD 1 TO lv_data_count. lv_data_count_str = lv_data_count. CONCATENATE 'A' lv_index lv_data_count_str INTO path. wd_standard_cell = cl_wd_table_standard_cell=>new_table_standard_cell( view = wd_this->m_view variant_key = 'FLDATE' ). IF  = '01' OR  = '04'. lv_image = cl_wd_image=>new_image( bind_source = path view = wd_this->m_view ). wd_standard_cell->set_editor( lv_image ). wd_standard_cell->set_cell_design( '01' ). ELSE. lv_text_view = cl_wd_text_view=>new_text_view( bind_text = path view = wd_this->m_view ). wd_standard_cell->set_editor( lv_text_view ). wd_standard_cell->set_cell_design( '02' ). ENDIF. wd_table_column->add_cell_variant( wd_standard_cell ). ENDLOOP. ENDIF. ************************************************************************************* CONCATENATE 'A' lv_index INTO attribute-name. lv_node_info->add_attribute( attribute ). ENDDO. DO num_rows TIMES." Für jede Zeile einmal tun lv_cur_row = sy-index. lv_element = lv_node->create_element( ). lv_node->bind_element( new_item = lv_element set_initial_elements = abap_false ). DO l_num_cols TIMES. ADD 1 TO lv_col_count. IF lv_count LT 1. LOOP AT  ASSIGNING . IF sy-tabix EQ lv_cur_row. * Name zuweisen ASSIGN COMPONENT 'NAME' OF STRUCTURE  TO . "NAME lv_value = . * Zuweisen ob Blatt oder nicht lv_element->set_attribute( name = 'NAME' value = lv_value ). ASSIGN COMPONENT 'IS_LEAF' OF STRUCTURE  TO . "NAME lv_value = . lv_element->set_attribute( name = 'IS_LEAF' value = lv_value ). ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDIF. IF lv_count GT 0. lv_col_count_read = lv_col_count - 1. lv_index = sy-index. LOOP AT  ASSIGNING . IF sy-tabix EQ lv_cur_row. CLEAR ls_comp_tab. READ TABLE lt_comp_tab INDEX lv_col_count_read INTO ls_comp_tab. ASSIGN COMPONENT ls_comp_tab-name OF STRUCTURE  TO . lv_value = . CONDENSE lv_index. CONCATENATE 'A' lv_index INTO attr_name. lv_element->set_attribute( name = attr_name value = lv_value ). ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDIF. lv_count = lv_count + 1. ENDDO. CLEAR lv_col_count. CLEAR lv_count. ENDDO. ENDMETHOD. I definied my table in Layout Tab of the View and create here in thos method dynamicly my columns. lv_table_column = cl_wd_table_column=>new_table_column( ). . . lv_table->add_column( lv_table_column ). In  I have my data that should be shown later in my table. So I create for each row in this fieldsymbol in a loop: lv_element = lv_node->create_element( ). lv_node->bind_element( new_item = lv_element set_initial_elements = abap_false ). Later I fill every cell in my table with a different value with this loop: LOOP AT  ASSIGNING . IF sy-tabix EQ lv_cur_row. CLEAR ls_comp_tab. READ TABLE lt_comp_tab INDEX lv_col_count_read INTO ls_comp_tab. ASSIGN COMPONENT ls_comp_tab-name OF STRUCTURE  TO . lv_value = . CONDENSE lv_index. CONCATENATE 'A' lv_index INTO attr_name. lv_element->set_attribute( name = attr_name value = lv_value ). ENDIF. ENDLOOP. Now my problem is, that I need for every ROW of my table UI Element a different cell editor. I know how to change it for the column. But is not my issue. I want to have images (traffic lights red and green) in some rows. The other rows should have numbers. The coding works, so that I have all the data at the right place in my table, only the images are shown as a string, because the cells of these rows have the cell editor Text_View. I tried something with cell variants (with cl_wd_table_standard_cell), but it was not possible for me to get a cell variant "image" in these cells/rows were I need it. I hope you understand my problem and now what to do here. Thanks a lot in advance. Best Regards, Ingmar

  • How to create a table with events in smartforms?

    How to create a table with events view in smartforms?
    It doesn't like general table with header, main area and footer.
    for example:
    in smartforms: LE_SHP_DELNOTE
    table name is TABLEITEM(Delivery items table)

    Vel wrote:
    I am creating XML file using DBMS_XMLGEN package. This XML file will contain data from two different database tables. So I am creating temporary table in the PL/SQL procedure to have the data from these different tables in a single temporary table.
    Please find the below Dynamic SQL statements that i'm using for create the temp table and inserting the data into it.
    Before insert the V_NAME filed, i will be appending a VARCHAR field to the original data.
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'INSERT INTO TEMP_TABLE values (SEQUENCE.nextval,:1,:2)' USING V_NAME,vLastDate;What exactly i need is to eliminate the INSERT portion of it,Since i have to insert more 90,000 rows into it. Is there way to have the temp table created with data in it along with the sequence value as well.
    I'm using Oracle version.
    Edited by: 903948 on Dec 22, 2011 10:58 PMWhat you need to do to eliminate the INSERT statement is to -- as already suggested by others - eliminate the temporary table. You don't need it. It is just necessary overhead. Please explain why you (apparently) believe that the suggestion of a view will not meet your requirements.

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    If the user input years 2000 and 2002, the table should have columns 2000, 2001, 2002. But if the user input 2000 and 2001, the table will only have columns 2000 and 2001.
    Can I do it? How? Thanka a lot.

    Why did you create a new thread for this?
    How to create a table with varied number of columns?

  • How to create a table with editable column values.

    Hi everyone,
    I think this is very simple but i'm not able to find how to do this. This is my requirement. I need to create a table with n columns and 1 row initially. user should be able to enter data into this table and click of a button should insert data into the data base table. Also there should be a button at the bottom of the table to add 1 row to the table.
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    Go through the ToolBox tutorial Create Page & Advanced table section of OAF Guide.
    Step 1 - You require to create EO & a VO based on this EO. This EO will be of DataBase table where you want to insert the data.
    Step 2 - Create a Advanced table region. (Refer this Adavanced table section for more on this)
    Step 3 - Attach this VO in the BC4J component of Adavanced Table region.

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    how to create a table with datatype blob and insert a pdf file,
    give me the explain asap
    1.create the table?
    2.insert the pdffiles into tables? to view the files?
    Thanks & Regards
    Edited by: 895044 on Dec 5, 2011 2:55 AM

    895044 wrote:
    how to create a table with datatype blob and insert a pdf file,
    give me the explain asapPerhaps you should read...
    especially point 2.
    We're not just sitting here waiting to answer your question as quickly as possible for you.

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    thanks in advance

    We are having one table and now i am going to update that table's fields...
    for that in RFC function module we need to enter the fields in importing parameters (which are mandtory in table)
    and in source code just write like following....
    ( try to under stand that it contains some previous used table nad field and stucture and work area and function module names)
    ""Local Interface:
      DATA ls_mycust TYPE zl2cmy_customer.
      DATA: name1 TYPE name1_gp.
      DATA: sharpoint_url TYPE url.
      ls_mycust-usr_id        = usr_id.
      ls_mycust-logo_id       = logo_id.
      SELECT SINGLE name1 FROM kna1 INTO name1 WHERE kunnr = logo_id.
        ls_mycust-name1       = name1.
        SELECT SINGLE sharpoint_url FROM zl2c_CUSDASHBRD INTO sharpoint_url WHERE logo_id = logo_id.
          ls_mycust-sharpoint_url = sharpoint_url.
          INSERT into zl2cmy_customer values ls_mycust.
          COMMIT WORK.

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