How to deactive imessages

How do i deactive my imessaging from the iphone 4. I no longer have the phone.

According to
If you still cannot deactivate iMessage after you perform the steps above, or if you no longer have access to the iPhone, please contact Apple support for assistance.

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    I recently traded my iPhone for an android.  I didn't deactivate or turn off iMessage before I traded it in.  How can I do this on my Mac?

    Hey bradleypt2000!
    Here is the information that will help you address this situation:
    iOS: Deactivating iMessage
    If you can't deactivate iMessage after you perform the steps above or you can't access the iPhone, please contact Apple Support.
    Thanks for being a part of the Apple Support Communities!

  • How to move iMessage account to different mobile phone number

    I am going to change mobile phone number and I would like to know how
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    2) how to transfer the "history" (old messages) from my old phone number to the new one

    Hello, matteos72. 
    Thank you for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    Make sure that your new number is updated in Settings > Phone > My Number.  Once this done, follow the steps in the quoted section below.  Next, sign back into iMessage and FaceTime.  The history will not be modified as no data is deleted. 
    Unlink a phone number
    To remove a phone number from an Apple ID, sign out of FaceTime and Messages on your iPhone:
    Settings > Messages > Send & Receive. Tap your Apple ID, then tap Sign Out.
    Settings > FaceTime. Tap your Apple ID, then tap Sign Out.
    This should remove your phone number from other devices using the same Apple ID with FaceTime and Messages. If the phone number is still available on other devices after you sign out of FaceTime and iMessage on the iPhone, you may need to sign out of iMessage and FaceTime on all your devices, then sign in to FaceTime and Messages again on devices you want to use.
    Note: If you no longer have access to the iPhone that is using the number you want to remove, reset your Apple ID password.
    iOS and OS X: Link your phone number and Apple ID for use with FaceTime and iMessage
    Jason H.

  • How to fix imessage error on ios8.1.2 .. Already reset network still same issue please help

    How to fix imessage error on ios8.1.2 .. Already reset network still same issue please help

    Hi ashmanryan36,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities. Based on what you stated, it sounds like you are having trouble with iMessage. It looks like you have already done some troubleshooting. I would recommend that you read these articles, they may be helpful in troubleshooting your issue.
    If you can't send or receive messages on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch - Apple Support
    You did not mention what the error was but since you are running 8.1.2 and update is available and my help. 
    Update the iOS software on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch - Apple Support

  • How to disable iMessage for a single contact?

    Hello apple communites, I have a simple and hopefully simple to answer question..
    I am curious as to how to disable iMessaging for a single contact.  My sister when she got her phone number originally had an iPhone, she has since gotten an android and kept the same phone number.  However I am running into issues with text messages to her, my phone still thinks she has an iPhone and continues to send every text as an iMessage, resulting in a failed message.  I can easily hit the "send again as a text message" option and the message/picture sends as normal.  I however find this a bit fustrating, and have tried everything I can think of to attempt to disable this.  However all the online tutorials I can find regarding disabling iMessage turns the feature off completly, I don't wish to do that. 
    I have attempted to completely delete, (including all existing all texts and call history), and then re-add the contact, but that does not work either, my iPhone still attempts to send messages to my sister as an iMessge. Any help, if any, would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    Your sister needs to disable iMessage on her iPhone if the iPhone is still available if she hasn't already done so.
    If she has, does she have iMessage enabled with the same Apple ID on another iOS device or on a Mac as was used to activate iMessage on her iPhone?

  • How come my iMessage on my iPad doesn't send messages

    how come my iMessage on my iPad doesn't  send messages.

    I can't tell you without more information. Have you set it up correctly? Have you gone through the troubleshooting steps?

  • How do you iMessage from the MacBook Pro

    How do you iMessage from the MacBook Pro?

    Lord Of The Weirdos wrote:
    And if you don't use that computer often be prepared for the mountains of new notifications the next time you run it.  Especially if your like me and use your iPhone and iPad a lot for texting people.  Wish iMessage in ML would know what you read somewhere else like iPad and iPhone does
    I don't quite understand what you are saying? If i recieve and read an iMessage on the iPhone and then switch on my Mac, I don't get a notification about a new message, but that iMessage appears on the conversation.

  • How to deactive a button in application toolbar

    how to deactive a button in application toolbar?

    Simple example
    This example shows how to create a toolbar with a single Exit button, used to exit the program.
    Create a screen and add a custom container named TOOLBAR_CONTAINER
       REPORT sapmz_hf_toolbar .
       TYPE-POOLS: icon.
       CLASS cls_event_handler DEFINITION DEFERRED.
    G L O B A L   D A T A
         ok_code                    LIKE sy-ucomm,
    Reference for conatiner
         go_toolbar_container       TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container,
    Reference for SAP Toolbar
         go_toolbar                 TYPE REF TO cl_gui_toolbar,
    Event handler
         go_event_handler           TYPE REF TO cls_event_handler.
    G L O B A L   T A B L E S
    Table for registration of events. Note that a TYPE REF
    to cls_event_handler must be created before you can
    reference types cntl_simple_events and cntl_simple_event.
         gi_events                  TYPE cntl_simple_events,
    Workspace for table gi_events
         g_event                    TYPE cntl_simple_event.
          CLASS cls_event_handler DEFINITION
       CLASS cls_event_handler DEFINITION.
               FOR EVENT function_selected OF cl_gui_toolbar
                 IMPORTING fcode,
               FOR EVENT dropdown_clicked OF cl_gui_toolbar
                 IMPORTING fcode posx posy.
          CLASS cls_event_handler IMPLEMENTATION
       CLASS cls_event_handler IMPLEMENTATION.
         METHOD on_function_selected.
           CASE fcode.
             WHEN 'EXIT'.
               LEAVE TO SCREEN 0.
         METHOD on_dropdown_clicked.
         Not implented yet
         SET SCREEN '100'.
       *&      Module  STATUS_0100  OUTPUT
       MODULE status_0100 OUTPUT.
         IF go_toolbar_container IS INITIAL.
    Create container
           CREATE OBJECT go_toolbar_container
               container_name = 'TOOLBAR_CONTAINER'.
    Create toolbar
           CREATE OBJECT go_toolbar
               parent = go_toolbar_container.
    Add a button
           CALL METHOD go_toolbar->add_button
             EXPORTING fcode       = 'EXIT'            "Function Code
                       icon        = icon_system_end   "ICON name
                       is_disabled = ' '               "Disabled = X
                       butn_type   = cntb_btype_button "Type of button
                       text        = 'Exit'            "Text on button
                       quickinfo   = 'Exit program'    "Quick info
                       is_checked  = ' '.              "Button selected
    Create event table. The event ID must be found in the
    documentation of the specific control
           CLEAR g_event.
           REFRESH gi_events.
           g_event-eventid    = go_toolbar->m_id_function_selected.
           g_event-appl_event = 'X'.    "This is an application event
           APPEND g_event TO gi_events.
           g_event-eventid    = go_toolbar->m_id_dropdown_clicked.
           g_event-appl_event = 'X'.
           APPEND g_event TO gi_events.
      Use the events table to register events for the control
           CALL METHOD go_toolbar->set_registered_events
                  events = gi_events.
    Create event handlers
           CREATE OBJECT go_event_handler.
           SET HANDLER go_event_handler->on_function_selected
             FOR go_toolbar.
           SET HANDLER go_event_handler->on_dropdown_clicked
              FOR go_toolbar.
       ENDMODULE.                 " STATUS_0100  OUTPUT

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    Hello Friends,
      Any one knows how to deactive container monitor in SWUD.. Because i am getting error in  SM58 status text 'Screen output without connection to user' ..  I think i did activated container monter on in SWUD..
    John .

    Hi John,
    Please use .
    When a task is executed, the container content is displayed in a dialog
    box where changed container elements are flagged by a star. To switch
    the container monitor off, choose Debug off in the container monitor.
    The data displayed in the container monitor can also be found in the
    workflow trace.

  • How to Deactive the Organisation and Group in BP tcode?

    Hi All,
    In CRM, Tcode BP, In the Application Toolbar Objects like Person,Organisation and Group.
    In that How to Deactive the Organistaion and Group.and the Person should be active only.
    Please let me know it.

    A simple solution would be:
    Goto transaction 'BUSD' (transaction to maintain roles).
    Select the role '000000'(Business Partner -General) -> Click on theDetails (CtrlShiftF2) in the tool-bar above. In the new screen showing the details of the role disable the Category 'GROUP' for thisrole. This would disable the 'Create Group' button in the 'BP'transaction.The role '000000' is the basic role for a partner. If the requirement is to disable the group button for all the roles -> Follow the same procedure for the remaining roles.
    Edited by: Smita Singh on Jun 30, 2008 2:00 PM

  • How to disable iMessage for certain contacts

    I was wondering how to disable iMessage for certain contacts!

    Try deleting the phone number from the persons contact and then re-entering it as a new number.
    You don't have to delete the entire contact.
    Worked for me.

  • How to disable iMessage for an old Apple ID which is only used for AppStore?

    How to disable iMessage for an old Apple ID which is only used for AppStore?
    I used my old Apple ID for iMessage and AppStore Apps. Now I'm using my iCloud Account (second Apple ID) on my Mac as iCloud and iMessage Account.
    New Apple ID - iCloud & iMessage (**** thing that I can't use my okd Apple ID for iMessage and another for iCloud) on new Mac
    Old Apple ID - AppStore, iMessage days ago
    So now how to disable the iMessage function for my old Apple ID which isn't used anymore?
    Thank you!

    Yeah the problem is that I want to be reachable by:
    *new apple id
    *mobile number
    *old apple id
    *mobile number
    Problem - if I set in Settings => Messages => Receive at:
    *new apple id
    *mobile number
    Others still can see my old apple id as "iMessage" although it isn't used a iMessage anymore. So how to disbale iMessage function for that?

  • HT201365 How can the iMessages and FaceTime be activated with this new ISO 7 update? When I enter my Apple ID & password it won't do anything. Says waiting for activation!! Help!

    How can the iMessages and FaceTime be activated with this new ISO 7 update? When I enter my Apple ID & password it won't do anything. Says waiting for activation!! Help!

    Hi there,
    You may find the troubleshooting steps in the article below helpful.
    iOS: Troubleshooting FaceTime and iMessage activation
    -Griff W.

  • Hello, i have a problem. My boyfriend has got an iPhone 3gs but we have a problem, we don't know how to get iMessage on his phone. Do you know how we could do ?

    Hello, i have a problem. My boyfriend has got an iPhone 3gs but we have a problem, we don't know how to get iMessage on his phone. Do you know how we could do ?

    Then you should have iMessage.  Go to Settings > Messages to turn it on and set your Receive At address.  Note that iMessage uses the Messages app... standard texts are gree, iMessages are blue.

  • How can i imessage from my mac?

    how can i imessage from my mac?

    If you have Mac OS X 10.6.8 like your product info indicates, you cannot. Messages requires OS X Mountain Lion (10.8) or later.
    See Updating Mac OS.

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