How to determine itab type at run time

I need to write a subroutine that organizes data in internal tables for presentation by a smartform. There are a few similarly structured internal tables all with the same field name ("recipe_type") by which the data is sorted. My problem is that how I can determine the type of the itab inside my subroutine at run time? Is it ever possible in ABAP?
The subroutine code is attached below. Thanks for any help.
FORM beautify_itab    TABLES itab_in TYPE table
                                 USING v_type TYPE any
                                 CHANGING itab_out TYPE table.
Data declaration
  DATA: v_data_row LIKE LINE OF itab_in,                " THIS WON'T COMPILE!
             v_blank_row LIKE LINE OF itab_in.              " blank row
Organize the display of the table data
  LOOP AT itab_in INTO v_data_row.
    IF v_type <> itab_in-recipe_type.                     " 'recipe_type' is the sort key for the incoming itabs
      v_type = itab_in-recipe_type.
      IF sy-tabix > 1.
        APPEND v_blank_row TO itab_out.
      APPEND v_data_row TO itab_out.
      CLEAR v_data_row-recipe_type.
      APPEND v_data_row TO itab_out.
ENDFORM.                    "beautify_itab

The following code does what I want, but only if the input itab structure is declared first in the program. It won't work if the itab is declared as itab_in TYPE TABLE OF sflight. This is because the function 'GET_COMPONENTS_LIST'  only can load the structure of a field declared explicitly in the program.  Does anybody know of any method to load the structure of an itab based off a dtab? 
Thanks you guys for answers. Points have been rewarded.
REPORT  z_get_itab_type_at_run_time.
         seatsocc_b LIKE sflight-seatsocc,
         fldate LIKE sflight-fldate,
      END OF itab_in,
      itab_out TYPE TABLE OF string,
      wa_itab_out TYPE string.
SELECT seatsocc_b fldate
INTO TABLE itab_in
FROM sflight
WHERE carrid = 'AA' AND
      connid = '0017'
ORDER BY seatsocc_b.
PERFORM beautify_itab
LOOP AT itab_out INTO wa_itab_out.
  WRITE: / wa_itab_out.
*&      Form  beautify_itab
     -->ITAB_IN    text
     -->V_KET_FIELD   text
     -->ITAB_OUT   text
FORM beautify_itab TABLES itab_in TYPE table
                   USING  v_prog_name LIKE sy-repid
                          v_itab_in_name TYPE any
                          v_key_field_name TYPE rstrucinfo-compname
                   CHANGING  itab_out TYPE table.
  DATA: itab_fields TYPE TABLE OF rstrucinfo,
        v_field_name LIKE rstrucinfo-compname,
        v_old_key TYPE string,
        v_field_value TYPE string,
        v_data_line TYPE string,
        v_tabix LIKE sy-tabix,
        c_blank_row TYPE string VALUE ''.
  FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_field>,
                 <fs_field_list> TYPE  rstrucinfo.
gets all of the components of a structure
      program    = v_prog_name
      fieldname  = v_itab_in_name
      components = itab_fields.
  LOOP AT itab_in ASSIGNING <fs_data_line>.
    v_tabix = sy-tabix.
    LOOP AT itab_fields ASSIGNING <fs_field_list>.
      v_field_name =  <fs_field_list>-compname.
                    <fs_data_line> TO <fs_field>.
      v_field_value = <fs_field>.
      IF v_key_field_name = v_field_name.
        IF v_old_key <> v_field_value.
          v_old_key = v_field_value.
          IF v_tabix > 1.
            APPEND c_blank_row TO itab_out.
          CLEAR v_field_value.
      CONCATENATE v_data_line v_field_value INTO v_data_line
                  SEPARATED BY space.
    APPEND v_data_line TO itab_out.
    CLEAR v_data_line.
ENDFORM.                    "beautify_itab

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                        view              = me->if_salv_wd_view~r_view
                        bind_value_source = l_source_point
                        bind_label        = l_bind_value
                        bind_tooltip      = l_bind_value ).
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          lr_wd_value type ref to cl_wd_numeric_value.
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        lr_wd_value = cl_wd_numeric_value=>new_numeric_value(
                        view       = me->if_salv_wd_view~r_view
                        bind_value = l_bind_value ).
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          r_child     = value ).

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    gid res_grades.grade_id%type;
    gn res_grades.gradename_en%type;
    stid sub_topics.subtopic_id%type;
    stn sub_topics.subtopicname_en%type;
    cc res_grades.countrycode%type;
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    estn exsub_topics.exsubtopicname_en%type;
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    Est.ExSub_Topics_ID, Est.ExSubTopicname_'||key||' from
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    Where Gradename_'||key||' = '''||gradename||'''';
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    end if;
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    to samb,
    It doesn't look like you are getting a runtime error. Is it possible your query is returning no rows?
    If you are sure your query should be returning rows, you probably need to check if DBMS_OUTPUT is enabled in SQL Developer (View menu I think).my query is returning a row
    where where 123=key and 'FUBAR'=gradename?
    If so, you want 3 single-quotes at the end of the string, not 4:
    You sure? I think 4 is correct.i am sure 4 is correct i have tried as per jeenesh said
    to jeenesh
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  create or replace
      2  procedure Sel_subgroup(key in varchar2,gradename in varchar2)
      3  as
      4   d_stmt varchar2(500);
      5  begin
      6  d_stmt :='SELECT RG.Grade_ID,RG.Gradename_'||key||',ST.SubTopic_ID,ST.SubTopicname_'||key||', RG.CountryCode,
      7  Est.ExSub_Topics_ID, Est.ExSubTopicname_'||key||' from
      8  Res_Grades RG INNER JOIN Sub_Topics ST ON RG.Grade_Id= ST.Grade_ID
      9  INNER JOIN ExSub_Topics Est ON ST.SubTopic_ID = Est.Sub_Topics_Id
    10  Where Gradename_'||key||' = '''||gradename||'''';
    11  dbms_output.put_line(d_stmt);
    12* end Sel_subgroup;
    SQL> /
    Procedure created.
    SQL> set serverout on
    SQL> exec Sel_subgroup('1','TEST');
    SELECT RG.Grade_ID,RG.Gradename_1,ST.SubTopic_ID,ST.SubTopicname_1,
    Est.ExSub_Topics_ID, Est.ExSubTopicname_1 from
    Res_Grades RG
    INNER JOIN Sub_Topics ST ON RG.Grade_Id= ST.Grade_ID
    INNER JOIN ExSub_Topics
    Est ON ST.SubTopic_ID = Est.Sub_Topics_Id
    Where Gradename_1 = 'TEST'
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.i have also executed your code sir it is my coding,i found that the part of dbms_output.put_line in my ref cursor loop is not displaying me the print.
    to karthick arp
    Did enable serveroutput?yes i have enabled it with buffer size 200000
    Billy Verreynne     & Frank Kulash
    as per you said sir i have done and got an error my code as follows
    SQL> var rc refcursor
    SQL> var key varchar2(2)
    SQL> var gradename varchar2(30)
    SQL> exec :key :='EN';
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> exec :gradename :='PRE-K';
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> begin sel_subgroup(key => :key, gradename => :gradename,rc => :rc); end;
      2  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> print rc
    ORA-24338: statement handle not executed
    SP2-0625: Error printing variable "rc"how to handle this error sir

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    But you also need to install JRE x86 on x64 systems, since most people actually use the 32bit browsers on x64 systems.
    The detection logic is actually pretty simple -- just check the right registry hive to find the installation location of the BIN\JAVA.DLL. Both pathnames are stored in HKLM\Software\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\1.7 in the registry value "JavaHome",
    but the x86 path is stored in the 32-bit hive and the x64 path is stored in the 64-bit hive.
    Lawrence Garvin, M.S., MCSA, MCITP:EA, MCDBA
    SolarWinds Head Geek
    Microsoft MVP - Software Packaging, Deployment & Servicing (2005-2014)
    My MVP Profile:
    The views expressed on this post are mine and do not necessarily reflect the views of SolarWinds.

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    Using dynamic sql you can pass column name to function. well I am not getting what you really want to do ? Please write in more detail. By the way I am providing one example here. see it uses dynamic sql.
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    return number is
    v_stmt varchar2(500);
    v_stmt := 'update emp
    set '||p_columnname_varchar2||' = '||to_char(p_value_number)||'
              where empno = 7369';
    execute immediate v_stmt;
    return 0;
    call to this function can be like this..
    v_number               number;
    v_number := fun_updtest('SAL',5000);
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    Hi Audumbar,
    Check these ...
    P.S Please mark helpful answers

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    Thanks all for the valuable inputs.
    I have created a hashtable of primitive data types in the form of "int" as key and "Integer.TYPE" as the object in that element of the hashtable.
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    So I want to cast it at runtime. How can I do it?
    Here is the code I am trying (which generates the above exception)
    public static void setBeanField(Class pCls,Object pObj,String pMethodName ,Object pColumnValue,Class
    Class[] paramTypes = new Class[]{pColumnTypeClass};
    Object[] args = new Object[]{pColumnValue};
    Method meth = pCls.getMethod(pMethodName,paramTypes);
    }catch(Exception e){
    System.out.println("Exception in TestInrospection.setBeanField " + e);
    thanks in advance-

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    Any help/ideas?
    Outputting it in CSV or similar is not an option.
    Go to Solution.

    If you have to deal with Excel directly, I don't see how you're going to get around using Active X.
    MSDN page on using ActiveX

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    I have the 'Form' step type in my workflow and it will displays some values at the Run time. In this form I have one IO field called 'Comments'. So at the runtime manager can Enter the comments on it.
    Now my need is I need to get the 'Comments' data from that form. How can I get this value?
    Thanks in Advance,
    Helps will be Appreciated..

    I got the solution.
    Thanks All..

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    Please give me idea for Refresh System Document in Run Time using DI,basically I am using  system columns for update for some scenarios.
    So please give solution that how should refresh system form.
    Thanks a lot.
    Ashish Singh.

    Please post above discussion in SDK forum.
    Thanks & Regards,

  • How to choose RT System at Run Time

    Variations of this question have been asked, but I'm not sure if they've been answered.
    We use LabVIEW RT to do a variety of behavior tests.  We have multiple experimenters using the same hardware, and each has his/her own set of "What I want to do" requirements.
    Originally, we used LabVIEW 7.0 (i.e. Before Project) to develop a Host and Remote (PXI) application.  The Host application was built as an .EXE, while the Remote was saved as an .LLB, copied to the PXI, and "invoked" at Run Time by calls to VI Server.  Note that this means that the code on the Remote might (is?) not be as compact, efficient, or optimized as if we had built an .EXE.  But we definitely can have Bob's Experiment, Jane's Experiment, and Joe's Experiment on the PC (as separate executables), and each could respectively call Bob's RT, Jane's RT, or Joe's RT on the PXI at run time.  No need to have LabVIEW (or LabVIEW expertise) on this system, and Bob, Jane, and Joe can be "ordinary users".
    "Modern LabVIEW" takes a slightly different (and probably better) view towards Real-Time -- both the Host and Remote programs are built as Executables (the RT is built as an .RTEXE).  We can "pre-deploy" the RT code to the PXI, and set it to run at Startup.  This makes getting the RT side "running" semi-automatic -- all you need to do (if it isn't running) is reboot the PXI.
    But what if you want Bob, Jane, and Joe's version, selectable by running (on the Host) Bob, Jane, or Joe's Host application?
    I'm playing with the following algorithm, which seems to work.  I'm presenting it here to get feedback, especially if there is a "better way" to do this.
    The key to this method is that there is an .INI file on the Remote, C:\ni-rt.ini, that contains, among other things, the RT Target's Startup Application path (by default, this is C:\ni-rt\startup\startup.rtexe).
    Consider three Projects, Project Bob, Project Jane, and Project Joe.  Within each Project, a Host executable is built having a name like "UI Bob" (or "Jane" or "Joe"), while the Target executable is given the name "RT Bob" (or "Jane" or "Joe").  The three .RTEXE files are copied to the Target and placed in the Startup folder, C:\ni-rt\startup.
    Now run one of the Host executables.  It does the following:
    FTP a copy of C:\ni-rt.ini from the Target to itself.
    Get the name of the Startup .RTEXE.
    If it is the "appropriate" name (i.e. if the Host program is UI Bob.exe, the Remote should be RT Bob.rtexe), do nothing, as the Target is already running the right code.
    Otherwise, we need to force the Target to run the correct Target code.  We can do this by changing the Startup entry in the .INI file to the Remote code we need (for example, RT Bob.rtexe), then tell the Remote to Reboot.  When it comes back, it will be running the appropriate RT code.
    The Host now goes ahead and tries to connect to the Remote.  If a connection cannot be established (for example, the Remote code might have stopped), a Reboot of the Remote might fix things up.
    Short of trying to write a single enormous program that encompasses every experimental scenario and situation (i.e. have a big Case Statement with a Bob, Jane, or Joe "choice", and a single executable that had everyone's code in it), this seemed to be a fairly simple way to have the robustness of compiled executables on both the Host and Remote machines, yet maintain the flexibility to let the (non-LabVIEW-guru) User choose which executable to run.
    I haven't fully deployed this system -- I'm currently at "Proof-of-Concept" stage, but I've got the various "pieces" working.  Does this seem like a sensible appropach?  Are there other, simpler, ways to accomplish this?
    Bob Schor

    Hey Bob.
    So I assume you're -completely- working with built executables?  You're not going to work in the editor environment to modify your projects at all?
    If this is the case, then having a generic deployment phase at the beginning of the executable (with a "setting up hardware for your app" splash screen) isn't a bad idea -
    Check the binary on the target, ensure it matches the binary you have on the host machine (in case you ever decide to update).
    If they don't match, FTP the new file down to replace the old one.
    FTP the ni-rt.ini file, ensure the startup exe is enabled and is pointing to the correct location.  
    If it's not enabled or not pointing to the correct startup file, modify the .INI file and FTP back to the target.
    If you had to update the INI file, ask target to reboot itself.  Wait 30 seconds, and wait for target to become available again.
    Connect to the target. If you cannot connect, reboot target.  If the target comes back and you still cannot connect to the app, notify user.
    That's almost exactly how we handle installation and deployment via MAX.  
    The big assumption here is that the built executables were all built with the same version of LabVIEW Real-Time.  If not, you'd need a system replication step in there to make sure the proper version of LabVIEW is on the target before launching the built .rtexe.  

  • How to Load a Panel during run time from a CVI dll

    I want to execute/load a panel during runtime, from a CVI dll function.
    my CVI dll "test.dll" has "READ_PAN" function. while executing this function from a Test Stand Action step i want Configure Panel (from FR_GUI.uir) to pop up.
    can you please suggest me how can i do this from my "test" project of CVI.
    int __stdcall __export RunFRConfig (CAObjHandle step,CAObjHandle thisContext)
        ERRORINFO errorInfo;
        char errMsg[1024];
        int pan;
        pan = LoadPanelEx (0, "FR_GUI.uir", READ_PAN, __CVIUserHInst);
        DisplayPanel (pan);
        DiscardPanel (pan);
        return 0;
       // sprintf(FinalErrMsg,"Configure Error: %s",errMsg);  
        return -1;

    Thanks for ur reply.
    Hello Asad,
    It is possible to maximize the run time previewer when calling reports from forms. U need to set a parameter named 'MAXIMIZE' to do that.
    I m attaching a code sample for u. This is working in my production environment.
    pl_id ParamList;
         pl_id := Get_Parameter_List('setProposal');
         IF NOT Id_Null(pl_id) THEN
              Destroy_Parameter_List( pl_id );
         END IF;
         pl_id := Create_Parameter_List('setProposal');
    // This parameter is set to hide parameter form at run time     
         Add_Parameter(pl_id, 'PARAMFORM', TEXT_PARAMETER, 'NO');
    // This parameter is used to maximize previewer window at run // time
         Add_Parameter(pl_id, 'MAXIMIZE', TEXT_PARAMETER, 'YES');
    Run_Product(REPORTS, 'sample.rep', SYNCHRONOUS, RUNTIME,
    FILESYSTEM, pl_id, NULL);
    Feel free to contact me if u need anymore assistance.
    Take care and bye

  • How to determine employee type (management vs nonmanagement) in WebDynpro

    I am running SP14.
    In my WebDynpro application, I need to hide/show a link based on if the employee is management or nonmanagement.
    What is the easiest way to determine the type of employee in a WebDynpro?  Is the management/non-management attribute already exposed and available to the WebDynpro?  Or do I need to invoke a BAPI/RFC to retrieve that information from SAP (eg Employee Group or Personnel Area)?
    Thanks for any help you can provide.

    You only need to call this RFC once and share the results with other views via context binding!
    In my applications I follow the Floorplan manager architecture and have one web dynpro component for all the frontend logic e.g. FcAddress
    In the component controller of FcAddress I setup model nodes for the RFC e.g.
    Address_Input (mapped to input RFC model class with all the import parameters of the RFC)
    Address_Output (mapped to either the output RFC model class with all the export parameters of the RFC or it includes another model node for Address_Records which is mapped to the export table parameter.)
    Address_Messages (mapped to the return parameter of the RFC (BAPIRET2).
    All other views with their component controllers are mapped to those model nodes to allow access to the RFC data.
    You can pass the userid to the RFC and then the RFC will get the related employee number via IT105/ST10. You just need to have the userid defined as an import parameter in the RFC.

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