How to clear this type of run time error

good eve,
i am migrating sql server procedures to oracle procedures
i am trying to execute char(39) function in plsql is the following way correct and if this way is correct i am getting
run time error like
create or replace
procedure Sel_subgroup(key in varchar2,gradename in varchar2)
gid res_grades.grade_id%type;
gn res_grades.gradename_en%type;
stid sub_topics.subtopic_id%type;
stn sub_topics.subtopicname_en%type;
cc res_grades.countrycode%type;
estid exsub_topics.exsub_topics_id%type;
estn exsub_topics.exsubtopicname_en%type;
d_stmt varchar2(500);
type ref_cursor is ref cursor;
rc ref_cursor;
d_stmt :='SELECT RG.Grade_ID,RG.Gradename_'||key||',ST.SubTopic_ID,ST.SubTopicname_'||key||', RG.CountryCode,
Est.ExSub_Topics_ID, Est.ExSubTopicname_'||key||' from
Res_Grades RG INNER JOIN Sub_Topics ST ON RG.Grade_Id= ST.Grade_ID
INNER JOIN ExSub_Topics Est ON ST.SubTopic_ID = Est.Sub_Topics_Id
Where Gradename_'||key||' = '''||gradename||'''';
open rc for d_stmt;
fetch rc into gid,gn,stid,stn,cc,estid,estn;
if rc%found then
end if;
end loop;
close rc;
end Sel_subgroup;the out screen result is:
Connecting to the database rasool.
Process exited.
Disconnecting from the database rasool.can u please help me,
thanking you,

to samb,
It doesn't look like you are getting a runtime error. Is it possible your query is returning no rows?
If you are sure your query should be returning rows, you probably need to check if DBMS_OUTPUT is enabled in SQL Developer (View menu I think).my query is returning a row
where where 123=key and 'FUBAR'=gradename?
If so, you want 3 single-quotes at the end of the string, not 4:
You sure? I think 4 is correct.i am sure 4 is correct i have tried as per jeenesh said
to jeenesh
SQL> ed
Wrote file afiedt.buf
  1  create or replace
  2  procedure Sel_subgroup(key in varchar2,gradename in varchar2)
  3  as
  4   d_stmt varchar2(500);
  5  begin
  6  d_stmt :='SELECT RG.Grade_ID,RG.Gradename_'||key||',ST.SubTopic_ID,ST.SubTopicname_'||key||', RG.CountryCode,
  7  Est.ExSub_Topics_ID, Est.ExSubTopicname_'||key||' from
  8  Res_Grades RG INNER JOIN Sub_Topics ST ON RG.Grade_Id= ST.Grade_ID
  9  INNER JOIN ExSub_Topics Est ON ST.SubTopic_ID = Est.Sub_Topics_Id
10  Where Gradename_'||key||' = '''||gradename||'''';
11  dbms_output.put_line(d_stmt);
12* end Sel_subgroup;
SQL> /
Procedure created.
SQL> set serverout on
SQL> exec Sel_subgroup('1','TEST');
SELECT RG.Grade_ID,RG.Gradename_1,ST.SubTopic_ID,ST.SubTopicname_1,
Est.ExSub_Topics_ID, Est.ExSubTopicname_1 from
Res_Grades RG
INNER JOIN Sub_Topics ST ON RG.Grade_Id= ST.Grade_ID
Est ON ST.SubTopic_ID = Est.Sub_Topics_Id
Where Gradename_1 = 'TEST'
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.i have also executed your code sir it is my coding,i found that the part of dbms_output.put_line in my ref cursor loop is not displaying me the print.
to karthick arp
Did enable serveroutput?yes i have enabled it with buffer size 200000
Billy Verreynne     & Frank Kulash
as per you said sir i have done and got an error my code as follows
SQL> var rc refcursor
SQL> var key varchar2(2)
SQL> var gradename varchar2(30)
SQL> exec :key :='EN';
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> exec :gradename :='PRE-K';
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> begin sel_subgroup(key => :key, gradename => :gradename,rc => :rc); end;
  2  /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> print rc
ORA-24338: statement handle not executed
SP2-0625: Error printing variable "rc"how to handle this error sir

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                         bind_tooltip      = l_bind_value ).
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                        view              = me->if_salv_wd_view~r_view
                        bind_value_source = l_source_point
                        bind_label        = l_bind_value
                        bind_tooltip      = l_bind_value ).
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          lr_wd_value type ref to cl_wd_numeric_value.
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        lr_wd_value = cl_wd_numeric_value=>new_numeric_value(
                        view       = me->if_salv_wd_view~r_view
                        bind_value = l_bind_value ).
        lr_wd_point->add_value( lr_wd_value ).
          r_container = lr_wd_group
          r_child     = value ).

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                                     USING v_type TYPE any
                                     CHANGING itab_out TYPE table.
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      DATA: v_data_row LIKE LINE OF itab_in,                " THIS WON'T COMPILE!
                 v_blank_row LIKE LINE OF itab_in.              " blank row
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          APPEND v_data_row TO itab_out.
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    ENDFORM.                    "beautify_itab

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    REPORT  z_get_itab_type_at_run_time.
    DATA: BEGIN OF itab_in OCCURS 0,
             seatsocc_b LIKE sflight-seatsocc,
             fldate LIKE sflight-fldate,
          END OF itab_in,
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    INTO TABLE itab_in
    FROM sflight
    WHERE carrid = 'AA' AND
          connid = '0017'
    ORDER BY seatsocc_b.
    PERFORM beautify_itab
    LOOP AT itab_out INTO wa_itab_out.
      WRITE: / wa_itab_out.
    *&      Form  beautify_itab
         -->ITAB_IN    text
         -->V_KET_FIELD   text
         -->ITAB_OUT   text
    FORM beautify_itab TABLES itab_in TYPE table
                       USING  v_prog_name LIKE sy-repid
                              v_itab_in_name TYPE any
                              v_key_field_name TYPE rstrucinfo-compname
                       CHANGING  itab_out TYPE table.
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            v_field_name LIKE rstrucinfo-compname,
            v_old_key TYPE string,
            v_field_value TYPE string,
            v_data_line TYPE string,
            v_tabix LIKE sy-tabix,
            c_blank_row TYPE string VALUE ''.
      FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_field>,
                     <fs_field_list> TYPE  rstrucinfo.
    gets all of the components of a structure
          program    = v_prog_name
          fieldname  = v_itab_in_name
          components = itab_fields.
      LOOP AT itab_in ASSIGNING <fs_data_line>.
        v_tabix = sy-tabix.
        LOOP AT itab_fields ASSIGNING <fs_field_list>.
          v_field_name =  <fs_field_list>-compname.
          ASSIGN COMPONENT v_field_name OF STRUCTURE
                        <fs_data_line> TO <fs_field>.
          v_field_value = <fs_field>.
          IF v_key_field_name = v_field_name.
            IF v_old_key <> v_field_value.
              v_old_key = v_field_value.
              IF v_tabix > 1.
                APPEND c_blank_row TO itab_out.
              CLEAR v_field_value.
          CONCATENATE v_data_line v_field_value INTO v_data_line
                      SEPARATED BY space.
        APPEND v_data_line TO itab_out.
        CLEAR v_data_line.
    ENDFORM.                    "beautify_itab

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    ErrorDialog.png ‏8 KB

    Hi Shawn,
    Thank you for replying to my post. The checkErr is just an error handling macro defined in ivi.h to goto Error: tag when the function returns a non-zero value. I have been using the checkErr macro (as well as viCheckErr and other macros) in my driver.
    Using the same hp34401a specific driver as an example, please allow me to explain my question in more details:
    Let's take the hp34401a_close function as an example. It is a simple function with only a few lines of code:
    When the hp34401a_close function is run from its front panel using an invalid session handle (e.g. "8" in this screen capture):
    You will get three "Non-Fatal Run-Time Error" popup dialogs, one from each of the IVI library functions that it calls: Ivi_LockSession, Ivi_UnlockSession, and Ivi_Dispose. However, there is no "Non-Fatal Run-Time Error" popup dialog from the hp34401a_close itself.
    My IVI-C specific driver is behaving identical to the hp34401a specific driver.
    In comparison, if run niDCPower_close function from its front panel using an invalid session handle (using the same "8" in this screen capture):
    You will only get one "Non-Fatal Run-Time Error In Function Panel" from the niDCPower_close function itself:
    I think the behavior of niDCPower driver is much better than the hp34401a driver. It replaces the three "Non-Fatal Run-Time Error" popup dialogs from the IVI library with a single "Non-Fatal Run-Time Error In Function Panel" popup dialog from the driver function itself. I would like to do the same thing with my driver but have not figured out how to display a "Non-Fatal Run-Time Error In Function Panel" dialog. Thanks in advance for your help!

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    that are 20.10.2008     
    1.09:26:15     gopinath     SAPUSER     800     C     SYNTAX_ERROR               CRM_MKTTG_PROC_TG_FEXP_BATCH     1     14:05:55     gopinath          000     C     DBIF_RSQL_INVALID_REQUEST               SAPMSYST     1
    and i check in event viewer also in that it is showing that.
    SAP-Basis System: Transaction Canceled 00                  671 ( SYNTAX_ERROR 20081020092615gopinath                        SAPUSER     8001        )
    with Regards,

    I would suggest you to create a OSS request using and ask SAP to help on this

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    Please rectify this problem?
    Run time error '429'
    Active x component can't ceate object
    help me out

    Runtime Errors         DYNPRO_FIELD_CONVERSION
    Date and Time          07.05.2010 08:49:15
         A conversion error occurred.
    What happened?
         The current screen processing was terminated, since a situation
         occurred from which it could not continue processing.
         This is probably due to an error in the current screen of the ABAP
    What can you do?
         Make a note of the actions and input which caused the error.
         To resolve the problem, contact your SAP system administrator.
         You can use transaction ST22 (ABAP Dump Analysis) to view and administe
         termination messages, especially those beyond their normal deletion
    Error analysis
         The program flow was interrupted and could not be resumed.
         Program "SAPMJ1IFN" tried to display fields on screen 1210. However, an
         error occurred while this data was being converted.

  • Trapping Run-Time Errors

    We have defined a Setup Function in a sequence we are running. When a 'FAIL'
    is returned from this function a run-time error is generated and a run-time
    error window is displayed. Is it possible to trap this error and not display
    the window in certain circumstances? The function generating the error is
    We are running LabWindows 5.0 and TestExecutive 2.0.1.
    We would appreciate any help.
    Joe Colson

    You can prevent LabWindows from breaking on library
    errors with SetBreakOnLibraryErrrors(). I don't know if
    this will work for TestExecutive functions.
    Reed Blake
    Beta Technology
    Industrial and Scientific Computing
    int break_state, status
    break_state = SetBreakOnLibraryErrors (0); // Disable break on library
    status = GetFileSize (name, &file_size); // Labwindows library
    SetBreakOnLibraryErrors (break_state); // Restore break state.
    Joe Colson wrote in message <[email protected]>...
    >We have defined a Setup Function in a sequence we are running. When a
    >is returned from this function a run-time error is generated and a run-
    >error window is displayed. Is it possible to trap this error and not
    >the window in certain circumstances? The function generating the error is
    >We are running LabWindows 5.0 and TestExecutive 2.0.1.
    >We would appreciate any help.
    >Joe Colson

  • [b]Run time error in Invoking Servlet to J2ME tool kit[/b]

    I am tried to invoke a servlet to my J2ME tool kit.
    invoking will happen when user press command button on
    the mobile phone, but when i do this there were run
    time error called
    "Warning: To avoid potential deadlock, operations that
    may block, such asnetworking, should be performed in a
    different thread than the commandAction() handler."
    There are no compile errors and also i am using Jrun
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
    import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
    public class ServletInvoke extends MIDlet implements CommandListener
         String url="http://localhost:8100/servlet/HelloServlet";
         private Display dis;
         private Command cmd;
         private Form frm;
         public ServletInvoke()
         public void startApp()
              frm=new Form("My Project");
              cmd=new Command("Click",Command.SCREEN,2);
         public void pauseApp()
         public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional)
         void invokeServlet(String url)throws IOException
              HttpConnection c=null;
              InputStream is=null;
              StringBuffer b=new StringBuffer ();
              TextBox t=null;
                   c.setRequestProperty("IF-Modified-Since","20 Jan 2001 16:19:14 GMT");
                   int ch;
                   t=new TextBox("First Servlet",b.toString(),1024,0);
         public void commandAction(Command command,Displayable dis)
                   catch(IOException e)
    }PLS if can give me a working sample code as a soluation to above problem.

    import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
    import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
    public class ServletInvoke extends MIDlet implements CommandListener
         String url="http://localhost:8100/servlet/HelloServlet";
         private Display dis;
         private Command cmd;
         private Form frm;
         public ServletInvoke()
         public void startApp()
              frm=new Form("My Project");
              cmd=new Command("Click",Command.SCREEN,2);
         public void pauseApp()
         public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional)
         public void commandAction(Command command,Displayable dis)
                   HTTPConnection conn = new HTTPConnection();
                   catch(IOException e)
    class HTTPConnection extends Thread
         String url = null;
         void invokeServlet(String url)
              this.url = url;
         public void run()
              HttpConnection c=null;
              InputStream is=null;
              StringBuffer b=new StringBuffer ();
              TextBox t=null;
                   c.setRequestProperty("IF-Modified-Since","20 Jan 2001 16:19:14 GMT");
                   int ch;
                   t=new TextBox("First Servlet",b.toString(),1024,0);

  • How do I fix this run time error crash on start up?

    Whe I start Elements 10, it stops and waits at the "Organize" or "Edit" choice. (normal operation.) I chose edit and it crashes with a C++ run time error.

    See if this Adobe troubleshooting document helps:

  • I have a Macbook Pro 15" that is three and a half years old.  Although it has slowed a bit, it still runs well and runs every program I need. Any tips for how to keep this old computer running well and in good health?

    I have a Macbook Pro 15" that is three and a half years old.  Although it has slowed a bit, it still runs well and runs every program I need. Any tips for how to keep this old computer running well and in good health?
    I have a 250 gig drive and try to keep at least 100 gigs unused at all times, 4 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM memory, back up with Time Machine and CrashPlan, and have OS X 10.7.3.
    This was my first Mac since an old Apple II GS.  After that I used PC's and got really good at reformatting, replacing drives, reinstalling, defragging, resolving software conflicts, etc.  Since switching back to Macs (five in my extended family now), I haven't had to do any of those things. So, although, the cost is three times as much, the aggrevation has been ten times less.
    I'm retired and living on a fixed income and would therefore like to keep this computer running as opposed to constatntly upgrading.
    That said, any tips?
    It does have a crack on the left of the screen case about 3/4'' up from the bottom.  I've posted that as another question.

    Kappy's Personal Suggestions for OS X Maintenance
    For disk repairs use Disk Utility.  For situations DU cannot handle the best third-party utilities are: Disk Warrior;  DW only fixes problems with the disk directory, but most disk problems are caused by directory corruption; Disk Warrior 4.x is now Intel Mac compatible. Drive Genius provides additional tools not found in Disk Warrior.  Versions 1.5.1 and later are Intel Mac compatible.
    OS X performs certain maintenance functions that are scheduled to occur on a daily, weekly, or monthly period. The maintenance scripts run in the early AM only if the computer is turned on 24/7 (no sleep.) If this isn't the case, then an excellent solution is to download and install a shareware utility such as Macaroni, JAW PseudoAnacron, or Anacron that will automate the maintenance activity regardless of whether the computer is turned off or asleep.  Dependence upon third-party utilities to run the periodic maintenance scripts was significantly reduced since Tiger.  These utilities have limited or no functionality with Snow Leopard or Lion and should not be installed.
    OS X automatically defragments files less than 20 MBs in size, so unless you have a disk full of very large files there's little need for defragmenting the hard drive. As for virus protection there are few if any such animals affecting OS X. You can protect the computer easily using the freeware Open Source virus protection software ClamXAV. Personally I would avoid most commercial anti-virus software because of their potential for causing problems. For more about malware see Macintosh Virus Guide.
    I would also recommend downloading a utility such as TinkerTool System, OnyX 2.4.3, or Cocktail 5.1.1 that you can use for periodic maintenance such as removing old log files and archives, clearing caches, etc.
    For emergency repairs install the freeware utility Applejack.  If you cannot start up in OS X, you may be able to start in single-user mode from which you can run Applejack to do a whole set of repair and maintenance routines from the command line.  Note that AppleJack 1.5 is required for Leopard. AppleJack 1.6 is compatible with Snow Leopard. There is no confirmation that this version also works with Lion.
    When you install any new system software or updates be sure to repair the hard drive and permissions beforehand. I also recommend booting into safe mode before doing system software updates.
    Get an external Firewire drive at least equal in size to the internal hard drive and make (and maintain) a bootable clone/backup. You can make a bootable clone using the Restore option of Disk Utility. You can also make and maintain clones with good backup software. My personal recommendations are (order is not significant):
    Carbon Copy Cloner
    Data Backup
    Deja Vu
    Synk Pro
    Synk Standard
    Visit The XLab FAQs and read the FAQs on maintenance, optimization, virus protection, and backup and restore.
    Additional suggestions will be found in Mac Maintenance Quick Assist.
    Referenced software can be found at CNet Downloads or MacUpdate.
    Be sure you have an adequate amount of RAM installed for the number of applications you run concurrently. Be sure you leave a minimum of 10% of the hard drive's capacity as free space.
    Adding more RAM, if feasible, and a new, faster hard drive may also help pep it up a little.

  • How to debug  a run time error encountered while executing ZFunction Module

    Hi all,
    My requirement is to create a ZFunction Module that Generated a sales order
    for multiple line items and works for both Variant Configurable material and a Normal Material.
    I am using BAPI_SLSTRANSACT_CREATEMULTI in my Zfunction Module to create a
    Sales order
    My ZFunction Module works well if I give normal material as input.
    It also works well and generates a sales order if I give all Variant Configurable materials as input.
    But if I give both Variant Configurable material and a normal material it throws a run time error.
    Can some one tell me what is wrong? can some one suggest me how to debug this run time error
    Termination occurred in the ABAP program "SAPLCRM_CONFIG_OW" - in                            
    The main program was "RS_TESTFRAME_CALL ".                                                                               
    In the source code you have the termination point in line 63
    of the (Include) program "LCRM_CONFIG_OWF02".                                                
    Source Code Extract                                                                               
    Line SourceCde                                                                               
    |   33|                                       LT_CUXI_CUPRT                                       
    |   34|                                       LT_CUXI_CUVAL                                       
    |   35|                                       LT_CUXI_CUVK                                        
    |   36|                                       LS_CUXI_CUCFG.                                      
    |   38|  PERFORM CREATE_PRICING_CSTIC USING IS_CONFIG-CUCFG-CFGINFO.                              
    |   40|* set config to cbase                                                                      
    |   41|  CALL FUNCTION 'COM_CUXI_SET_SINGLE_CFG'                                                  
    |   42|       EXPORTING                                                                           
    |   43|            I_CFG_HEADER          = LS_CUXI_CUCFG                                          
    |   44|            I_ROOT_INSTANCE       = CV_INT_OBJ_NO                                          
    |   45|            I_LOGSYS              = LV_LOGSYS                                              
    |   46|       IMPORTING                                                                           
    |   47|            E_ROOT_INSTANCE       = CV_INT_OBJ_NO                                          
    |   48|       TABLES                                                                               
    |   49|            I_TAB_INSTANCES       = LT_CUXI_CUINS                                          
    |   50|            I_TAB_PART_OF         = LT_CUXI_CUPRT                                          
    |   51|            I_TAB_VALUES          = LT_CUXI_CUVAL                                          
    |   52|            I_TAB_VAR_KEYS        = LT_CUXI_CUVK                                           
    |   53|            I_TAB_RESTRICTIONS    = LT_CUXI_CURES                                          
    |   54|       EXCEPTIONS                                                                          
    |   55|            INVALID_INSTANCE      = 1                                                      
    |   56|            INTERNAL_ERROR        = 2                                                     
    OTHERS                = 3.                                                        58
    |   59|  IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.                                                        
    |   60|    if sy-msgno is initial.                                                      
    |   62|    else.                                                                             
    |   64|              WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    |   65|    endif.                                                                               
    |   66|  ENDIF.                                                                               
    |   68|ENDFORM.                               " CONFIG_TO_CBASE                                   

    Hey Amit...
    Can I Create a Sales order for VC and Non VC items using BAPI_SLSTRANSACT_CREATEMULTI
    Is it a limitation for BAPI_SLSTRANSACT_CREATEMULTI
    I am trying to create a Sales Order using a Zprogram. I have used BAPI_SLSTRANSACT_CREATEMULTI. If I give the input as Normal material I am able to generate a sale order. If I give the input as VC material I am able to generate a sales order. But if I give both VC and Normal material as input, I get a run time error as follows.
    Is it a limitation for BAPI_SLSTRANSACT_CREATEMULTI that we cannot create a sales order with both VC and Non-VC items or am I missing some data which I need to pass when I give both VC and Non VC items? I get this error only for my Zprogram. But if I try to create an order on screen manually I donu2019t get any error. This happens only if I create an order with my Zprogram.
    Some one please help me u2026I am just stuggling to get this doneu2026
    I dint find any posts that gives me information about this error.
    CUX1 034 u201CNo root instance found in header datau201D                                                                               
    In the source code you have the termination point in line 63                                   of the (Include) program "LCRM_CONFIG_OWF02".

  • Run-time error '13':  Type mismatch

    There are A and B excel files.
    And two different POV-dimension in two excel files
    VBA code below:
    Dim vtGrid As Variant
    Dim vtDimNames As Variant
    Dim vtPOVNames As Variant
    x = HypRetrieve("sheet1")
    x = HypUseLinkMacro(True)
    x = HypGetSourceGrid("sheet1", vtGrid)
    ref = HypMenuVRefresh()
    x = HypGetPOVItems(vtDimNames, vtPOVNames)
    MsgBox (vtPOVNames(6))
    Range("a3").Value = "date: " & vtPOVNames(6) & " - " & vtPOVNames(3)
    Range("a4").Value = "dep : " & vtPOVNames(0)
    There is not any attribute dimension in pov A excel file.
    There is one attribute dimension in pov B excel file.
    The same VBA code excute is normal in A excel file.
    But the same VBA code excute is "run-time error '13': Type mismatch " in B excel file.
    The error '13' in the row of MsgBox (vtPOVNames(6)).
    Is attribute dimension in pov cause this question?
    And how did I solve this question?

    Based on where the error is occurring, it looks like the value returned by vtPOVNames(6) is not defaulting to a string datatype for the msgbox.
    Try 'cstr(vtPOVNames(6))' to force conversion of the value into a string. Also, you may want to test for nulls using IsNull() and empty variant values using IsEmpty().
    It doesn't look like the code you posted shows vtPOVNames being populated. If you're populating the names yourself, you could always use a string array instead of a variant array. Just dim the string array using a statement such as, "Dim strPOVNames(6) as String" or "Dim strPOVNames() as String" in case you need to ReDim the array later to size it for a non-fixed set of POV names.
    Hope this helps.

  • MS VB Run-Time Error '13': Type Mismatch

    I'm new to the forum, and just starting a trial of RH7 as my
    company decides whether we'll upgrade from our X4 product or switch
    to a different HAT. Before attempting to import my existing HPJ
    project, I opened the sample Application Help project. Frequently
    when I switch among topics, I get a Microsoft Visual Basic dialog
    box that says Run-Time Error '13': Type Mismatch. I have to click
    the End button to close the dialog box. Does anyone have any idea
    what causes the error? I got that error also in X4 when switching
    among topics in my own project (on a different computer).

    Hello Brian,
    I'm thrilled!!! Your clue was enough to set me in the right
    direction, so after spending many hours searching for the solution
    to this problem lately and in the past, it appears to finally be
    solved. Initially just unchecking the other add-ins didn't do the
    trick, and the situation seemed to get worse and worse--I couldn't
    save files because Word kept giving me error messages that macros
    were disabled (which I didn't know how to rectify), and RH kept
    freezing. I noticed after a while that the RoboHelp menu in Word
    would have disappeared when RH froze, and that the template would
    have changed to If I reattached the
    template, RH would unfreeze, but later the template would switch
    back to Normal and RH would freeze again. I was initimidated to
    edit the registry. Finally I came upon this page
    where the author Linda gave the path to the Word startup folder
    where I found some templates whose filenames were preceded by
    tildes (corrupt?). I deleted those and other junk and I temporarily
    deleted the template at Linda's suggestion. Since then,
    the run-time errors have no longer occurred and the other problems
    have not recurred. I THINK I'm back on track! I'm thrilled because
    my boss encouraged me to uninstall and re-install Office and
    migrate to different HAT, a time-consuming process I'd rather avoid
    at least until the current release is completed. Thank you so much
    for your help!!

  • After updating my itunes per the update notice I received a run-time error R6034 message. Now I am unable to use iTunes. What can I do to repair this error?

    After updating my iTunes per the update notice I received a run-time error R6034. Now I am unable to access iTunes at all.
    Can someone tell me how to correct this problem?

    Uninstall your existing copy of iTunes. Delete any copies of the iTunesSetup.exe (or iTunes64Setup.exe) installer files from your downloads areas for your web browsers and download a fresh copy of the iTunes installer from the Apple website:
    (The current build of the installer was changed a few days ago, which fixed the bulk of the reports of MSVCR80.dll/R6034/APSDaemon.exe/Error-7/AMDS-could-not-start trouble ... but the build number on the installer was not changed. So we're trying to make sure you do the reinstall using a "new good" installer instead of an "old bad".)
    Does the install with the new copy of the installer go through properly? If so, does that clear up the error message?
    If you still have the same error messages cropping up, then try the procedures from the following user tip:
    Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates

  • How to pass column name at run time in function.

    how to pass column name at run time in function as parameter.
    thank in advance
    pramod patel

    Using dynamic sql you can pass column name to function. well I am not getting what you really want to do ? Please write in more detail. By the way I am providing one example here. see it uses dynamic sql.
    Create or replace function fun_updtest (p_columnname_varchar2 in varchar2,
    p_value_number in number)
    return number is
    v_stmt varchar2(500);
    v_stmt := 'update emp
    set '||p_columnname_varchar2||' = '||to_char(p_value_number)||'
              where empno = 7369';
    execute immediate v_stmt;
    return 0;
    call to this function can be like this..
    v_number               number;
    v_number := fun_updtest('SAL',5000);
    Adinath Kamode

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