How to determine the data content of the uploaded PDF from local

I have a requirement wherein I will create a new program to upload PDF(contains contract information) from my local directory. Then base on the data in the PDF, I need to perform some contract validtion with SAP. The problem is, I do not know how to extract the data in the PDF. How to do so?
Thanks for your inputs.

Hello Marc,
As we know in conventional ABAP when PDF file is read, SAP converts into binary format which is not directly readable. There are various applications which converts PDF to Text files, using these tools PDF file can be converted, uploaded and read the data.
SAP Portal technology gives reading PDF files option.
Pls  have a look at page 11

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    Michael Sital

    method if_ex_order_save~check_before_save.
      data gs_status type zsmgl_status.
      data lt_tguid  type crmt_object_guid_tab.
      data lt_orderadm_h type crmt_orderadm_h_wrkt.
      data lt_status type crmt_status_wrkt.
      data ls_status like line of lt_status.
      data lt_partner type crmt_partner_external_wrkt.
      data ls_partner like line of lt_partner.
      data lt_partner_h  type table of crmt_partner_com.
      data lt_partner_h1 type crmt_partner_comt.
      data ls_partner_h like line of lt_partner_h.
      data ls_field_names type crmt_input_field_names.
      data lt_field_names type crmt_input_field_names_tab.
      data lv_logical_key(42) type c.
      data lt_input_fields  type crmt_input_field_tab.
      data ls_input_fields like line of  lt_input_fields  .
      data gt_partner_h type crmt_partner_external_wrkt.
      data gs_partner_h like line of gt_partner_h.
      data lt_cjest type table of crm_jest.
      data ls_cjest type crm_jest.
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      clear lt_partner.
      clear lt_orderadm_h.
      insert iv_guid  into table lt_tguid.
      call function 'CRM_ORDER_READ'
          it_header_guid       = lt_tguid
          et_status            = lt_status
          et_orderadm_h        = lt_orderadm_h
          et_partner           = lt_partner
          document_not_found   = 1
          error_occurred       = 2
          document_locked      = 3
          no_change_authority  = 4
          no_display_authority = 5
          no_change_allowed    = 6
          others               = 7.
      if sy-subrc = 0.
    Get in only  if status is changed to Inprogress.
        clear ls_cjest.
        select single * from crm_jest into ls_cjest where objnr = iv_guid and inact = ' '.
        if ls_cjest-stat = 'E0010'.
          read table lt_status into ls_status with key status = 'E0002'.
          if sy-subrc = 0.
    Read Status from Intermidiate Table.
            select single * from zsmgl_status into gs_status
                                     where guid = iv_guid
                                     and   stat = 'E0002'
                                     and   inact = ''.
            if sy-subrc = 0.
    make copy to _h table
              loop at lt_partner into ls_partner.
                move-corresponding ls_partner to ls_partner_h.
                append ls_partner_h to lt_partner_h.
                clear ls_partner_h.
              loop at lt_partner_h into ls_partner_h where partner_fct = 'SLFN0003' or partner_fct = 'SLFN0004'.
                case ls_partner_h-partner_fct.
                  when 'SLFN0003'.
                    ls_partner_h-ref_partner_no = gs_status-partner_number.
                    ls_partner_h-partner_no = gs_status-partner_number.
                    modify lt_partner_h from ls_partner_h transporting  ref_partner_no partner_no.
                    clear ls_partner_h.
                  when 'SLFN0004'.
                    if gs_status-bu_partner is not initial.
                      ls_partner_h-ref_partner_no = gs_status-bu_partner.
                      ls_partner_h-partner_no = gs_status-bu_partner.
                      ls_partner_h-partner_no = ' '.
                      ls_partner_h-ref_partner_no = ' '.
                    modify lt_partner_h from ls_partner_h transporting  ref_partner_no partner_no.
                    clear ls_partner_h.
            lt_partner_h1[] = lt_partner_h[].
            loop at lt_partner_h1 into ls_partner_h where ref_partner_fct = 'SLFN0003' or ref_partner_fct = 'SLFN0004' .
              clear ls_field_names.
              ls_field_names-fieldname = 'PARTNER_FCT'.
              insert ls_field_names into table lt_field_names.
              ls_field_names-fieldname = 'PARTNER_NO'.
              insert ls_field_names into table lt_field_names.
              ls_field_names-fieldname = 'DISPLAY_TYPE'.
              insert ls_field_names into table lt_field_names.
              ls_field_names-fieldname = 'NO_TYPE'.
              insert ls_field_names into table lt_field_names.
              ls_field_names-fieldname = 'KIND_OF_ENTRY'.
              insert ls_field_names into table lt_field_names.
              ls_input_fields-ref_guid    = iv_guid.
              ls_input_fields-ref_kind    = 'A'.
              ls_input_fields-objectname  = 'PARTNER'.
              ls_input_fields-field_names = lt_field_names.
              lv_logical_key = '0000'.
              lv_logical_key+4 = ls_partner_h-partner_fct.
              lv_logical_key+12 = ls_partner_h-partner_no.
              lv_logical_key+28 = ls_partner_h-ref_display_type.
              lv_logical_key+30 = ls_partner_h-ref_no_type.
              ls_input_fields-logical_key = lv_logical_key.
              insert ls_input_fields into table lt_input_fields.
            call function 'CRM_ORDER_MAINTAIN'
                it_partner        = lt_partner_h1
                ct_input_fields   = lt_input_fields
                error_occurred    = 1
                document_locked   = 2
                no_change_allowed = 3
                no_authority      = 4
                others            = 5.

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    What is the problem you are trying to solve?
    Presumably, when you're creating a stored procedure, you know what schema owns it. So it's pretty trivial to simply create a local variable L_OWNER in your procedure, assign it the value of the schema owner, and then use that owner. Most people don't really need to figure out at runtime what they already knew at compile time.
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    I am not aware of any way to determine the destination port based on event logs. However, you can try to use NetMon or other software to catch packages to see if it works.
    As for application, you can check the Process Information in the event.
    Best Regards,

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              > I have a <input type=file ...> control in my form, and the user use that
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              > Frances

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    Start with the docs.
    Best Regards
    Krystian Zieja / mob

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    Make sure that Total Heap + Native memory will be consider as total Memory.
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    So let assume if you have 4GM RAM then out of the 4GB you can allocate 2GB as Heap and 512m as Perm in case of Hot spot and remaining will be consider as Native memory.
    But in case of 64 bit will change you will have good amount of the memory so you can use plenty of Heap and Perm size.
    Still if you have query let me know.

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    item 3: 2011.4-2012.4
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    Points will be rewarded.

    Hi Vincent,
    if you want to check the internal currency value, you can not know from the field contents what is the second decimal. Because ABAP currency fields (CURR) are connected to currency key CUKY. For USD or EUR you have two decimals, japanese yen have no decimals where as some arabian pound have three decimals. The default are 2 decimals; all excetions can be found in table TCURX.
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    Just multiply the value with 10 to the power of decimals, e.g. USD value * ( 10 ** 2 ). Then do a MOD: second_decimal_of_currency = ( value * ( 10 ** decimals ) mod 10.
    If result is zero, then the second decimal of currency is equal to 0.

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    <ul>I am using a wizard-created tabular form, instead of a manual tabular form; and </ul>
    <ul>Instead of using another page as a Popup to pass the parameter of the ROWNUM, I am using a plug-in called “Tabular Form Super LOV” which is a modified version of the SkillBuilders’ Super LOV that works on Tabular Forms. </ul>
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    I set up an example in in case someone would like to look at it:
    Workspace: ediazjorge
    Username: test
    Password: test
    App Name: Sample App
    App Number: 1550
    BTW, I am using Apex and Oracle DB 10.3.2.
    Thanks in advance,

    Hello VC,
    Thank you for your time and help.
    Unfortunately, it is still not working properly:
    1. When the Popup LOV opens, the first row of the tabular form is 0, the second row is 1, and so on. How can I assign the values starting with 1 and in the format *0001* ? (I am still a novice on Apex and new to JavaScript :-), sorry about that).
    --2. Also, when I close the Popup LOV, the value of P1_ROWNUM is ‘undefined’ again so I'm not sure if the Product Name column will be populated.--
    3. And finally, you are using the jQuery Selector uPopupLOVIcon, which is an attribute of the Cloudy Theme. In my real application (Apex, my element looks like: *<img src="/i/lov_16x16.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="Popup Lov" alt="List" style="vertical-align:middle;" align="middle" />*. What do you recommend me to use as a jQuery Selector?
    Again, I really appreciate your help and time. I think you solved the most difficult part.
    Thank you so much,
    Update: I just found out that the problem with my comment 2 is because I didn’t delete the previous dynamic action that set the value to P1_ROWNUM.
    Edited by: ediazjorge on Sep 18, 2012 11:20 AM

  • How to determine the mount point for directory /tmp ?

    Hello. I am installing Oracle 11gR2 RAC using 2 Virtual Machines (rac1 and rac2 whose OS are Oracle Linux 5.6) in VMPlayer and according to the tutorial
    I am installing Grid infrastructure. I am on step 7 of 10 (verify Grid installation enviroment) and get this error:
    "Free Space: Rac2: /tmp"
    Cause: Could not determine mount point for location specified.
    Action: Ensure location specified is available.
    Expected value: n/a
    Actual value: n/a
    I have checked the free space using the command:
    [root@Rac2 /]# df -k /tmp
    Filesystem     1k-blocks     used     Available     Use%     Mounted on
    /dev/sda1     30470144     7826952     21070432     28%     /
    As you see above, the free space is enough, but could not determine mount point for /tmp.
    Do any folk understand how to determine the mount point for directory /tmp ?

    I have just checked "/home/oracle/.bash_profile". But in my computer, there is no "oracle" under /home directory.Is this your first time Linux and Oracle installation? I had a brief look at your referenced link. The reason why you do not find a "oracle" user is because the instructions use "ora11g" instead, which, btw, is not standard. The directories of your installation and your installation source can be somewhat different from known standards and you will have to adjust it to your system.
    My best guess is that you have either missed something in the instructions or you need to ask the author of the blog what is wrong. The chance to find someone here who has experience with these custom instructions is probably unlikely.
    I suggest you try to locate the cluster verification tool, which should be in the bin directory of your grid installation. Alternatively you might want to check the RAC, ASM & Clusterware Installation forum: RAC, ASM & Clusterware Installation

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    String sResultSet=new String();
    ResultSet rs=statement.executeQuery(sSQL);
    sResultset=sResultSet + rs.getString(field1) + "||" + rs.getString(field2) + "||";
    vertical bars acts as delimeter
    supposedly this is the code:
    sResultset=sResultSet + rs.getString(field1) +"_" + rs.getFieldType() + "_"+
    rs.getFieldSize() + "||" + rs.getString(field2) +"_" + rs.getFieldType() + "_"+
    rs.getFieldSize() + "||";
    supposedly this is the code if rs.getFieldType() and rs.getFieldSize() methods are existing
    Anyone can give me an idea how to get the field type and field size of the database?
    thanks in advance

    Yes, but I dont know how to do it.
    Can you give me an example of using it.
    Thanks in advance

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    Hello experts!!!
    how have you resolved this issue???
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    Thank you very much in advance.
    Best regards,
    M. Cecilia Vacatello.

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    The JNI provides a native version to the java instanceof operator, this function takes two arguments
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    jclass myclass = env->FindClass("your class name");
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