How to display dynamically generated SVG image

Hello, I need some help on this issue...
I need my page to display programmatically generated SVG image. but if i directly pass SVG string to the page like <h:outputText value="#{MyBean.SVGresult}"/> it will pop up a download dialog box. what should i do to properly include my svg into the page by using embed tag??

The h:graphicImage does not appear to handle svg; maybe it should be extended. I'm still looking for the best way to do it. I don't know if I have the right solution but here is what I have done so far. This will throw up a x, y polyline graph.
Put a panelGrid as place holder in the jsp
      <h:panelGrid  title="Report" style="color=black" border="0" id="dataReports" columns="1" binding="#{dataAnalysis.dataReport}">
      </h:panelGrid>Then take a 'template' svg and fill it in with the dynamic additions and changes in the backing bean. In a submit action
                generateSVGGraph(twothetaArray, intensityArray);
                UIColumn c=new UIColumn();
                HtmlOutputText op=new HtmlOutputText();
                op.setTitle("header text");
                op.setValue("header text");
                //c.getChildren().add("<embed src=\"../phase.svg\" align=\"left\" width=\"500\" height=\"500\" type=\"image/svg+xml\"/>");
                //javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentBodyTag embed=new javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentBodyTag();
                com.hypernex.jsf.ext.html.HtmlEmbedGraphic embedGraphic=new com.hypernex.jsf.ext.html.HtmlEmbedGraphic();
               c=new UIColumn();
                op=new HtmlOutputText();
                op.setTitle("header text");
                op.setValue("header text");
                HtmlOutputText out=new HtmlOutputText();
                //out.setTitle("Figure 1.  Powder intensity as dependent on 2&theta;.");
                out.setValue("Figure "+phaseGraphCount+".  Powder intensity as dependent on 2Theta.");
    protected void generateSVGGraph(double[] x, double[] y)
        //FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
        //Create an svg graph of the equation.
        org.apache.batik.dom.svg.SAXSVGDocumentFactory svgFactory=new org.apache.batik.dom.svg.SAXSVGDocumentFactory("org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser");
           org.apache.batik.dom.svg.SVGDOMImplementation svgDOMImplementation=new org.apache.batik.dom.svg.SVGDOMImplementation();
        org.w3c.dom.DocumentType dt=null;//svgDOMImplementation.createDocumentType("svg","-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN",f.toURI().toString());
     org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGDocument svgOMDocument=null;
            System.out.println("dir "+(new".")).toURI().toString());
            svgOMDocument=(org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGDocument)svgFactory.createDocument((new"../webapps/jsf-wita/siteadmin/templates/graph-template.svg")).toURI().toString(), new"../webapps/jsf-wita/siteadmin/templates/graph-template.svg")));//new org.apache.batik.dom.svg.SVGOMDocument(dt, (org.w3c.dom.DOMImplementation)svgDOMImplementation);
            org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGSVGElement root=svgOMDocument.getRootElement();
                    org.apache.batik.dom.svg.SVGOMGElement primary_g=new org.apache.batik.dom.svg.SVGOMGElement("", (org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractDocument)svgOMDocument);
                    primary_g.setAttribute("style","stroke:black; fill:none; stroke-width:1");
                    //double[] x=new double[4*90];
                    //double[] y=new double[x.length];
                        //methodArgs[0]=new Double(Math.toRadians(x[0]));
                    //y[0]=((Double)method.invoke(mathmlObject, methodArgs)).doubleValue();
                    double xMin=x[0];
                    double yMin=y[0];
                    double xMax=x[x.length-1];
                    double yMax=xMax;
                    double xOfyMax=yMin;
                    StringBuffer points=new StringBuffer();
                    for(int index=0;index<x.length-1;index++)
                        //System.out.println(x[index]+" "+y[index]);
                        //methodArgs[0]=new Double(Math.toRadians(x[index]));
                        //y[index]=((Double)method.invoke(mathmlObject, methodArgs)).doubleValue();
                        double cx=x[index];
                        double cy=y[index];
                    org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGTextElement xLabel=(org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGTextElement)svgOMDocument.getElementById("xLabel");
                    org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGTextElement xMinimumLabel=(org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGTextElement)svgOMDocument.getElementById("xMinimumLabel");
                    org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGTextElement xMaximumLabel=(org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGTextElement)svgOMDocument.getElementById("xMaximumLabel");
                    org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGTextElement yMinimumLabel=(org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGTextElement)svgOMDocument.getElementById("yMinimumLabel");
                    org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGTextElement yMaximumLabel=(org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGTextElement)svgOMDocument.getElementById("yMaximumLabel");
                    for(int index=0;index<x.length-1;index++)
                        points.append(" ");
                    org.apache.batik.dom.svg.SVGOMGElement g=new org.apache.batik.dom.svg.SVGOMGElement("", (org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractDocument)svgOMDocument);
                    g.setAttribute("transform", "translate(100, 550)");
                    g.setAttribute("style","stroke:black; fill:none; stroke-width:1");
                    org.apache.batik.dom.svg.SVGOMPolylineElement polyLine=new org.apache.batik.dom.svg.SVGOMPolylineElement("", (org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractDocument)svgOMDocument);
                    polyLine.setAttribute("fill", "none");
                    polyLine.setAttribute("stroke", "blue");
                    polyLine.setAttribute("transform", "scale(1, -1)");
                    polyLine.setAttribute("stroke-width", "1");
                    polyLine.setAttribute("points", points.toString());
                   javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory tFactory = javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory.newInstance();
                   javax.xml.transform.Transformer intermediateTransformer=tFactory.newTransformer(new"../webapps/jsf-wita/stylesheets/identity.xsl"));
                                intermediateTransformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.ENCODING, "iso-8859-1");
                                intermediateTransformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");
                     intermediateTransformer.transform(new javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource(svgOMDocument), new"../webapps/jsf-wita/session/phase"+phaseGraphCount+".svg")));
        catch(javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException tce)
            System.out.println("tce err: "+tce.getMessage());
        catch(javax.xml.transform.TransformerException te)
            System.out.println("te err: "+te.getMessage());
        catch( fnfe)
        catch( ioe)
* Created on May 16, 2004, 8:12 AM
package com.hypernex.jsf.ext.html;
import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import javax.faces.context.ResponseWriter;
* @author  hyperdev
public class HtmlEmbedGraphic extends javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase
    /** Creates a new instance of HtmlEmbedGraphic */
    public HtmlEmbedGraphic()
    public String getFamily()
        return "javax.faces.Data";
    public boolean isRendered()
        return true;
public void encodeBegin(FacesContext context,
  UIComponent component) throws {
  if ((context == null) || (component == null)){
      System.out.println("encodeBegin NullPointerException "+context);
    throw new NullPointerException();
      System.out.println("encodeBegin "+context+" "+component);
  //MapComponent map=(MapComponent) component;
  ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
  writer.startElement("embed", this);
  writer.writeAttribute("src", getAttributes().get("src"),"id");
public void encodeEnd(FacesContext context) throws {
  if ((context == null)){
    throw new NullPointerException();
  //MapComponent map = (MapComponent) component;
  ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
  writer.startElement("embed", this);
  writer.writeAttribute("src", getAttributes().get("src"),"id");
  writer.writeAttribute("align", getAttributes().get("align"),"id");
  writer.writeAttribute("width", getAttributes().get("width"),"id");
  writer.writeAttribute("height", getAttributes().get("height"),"id");
  writer.writeAttribute("type", getAttributes().get("type"),"id");
}graph-template.svg - More static parts of the graphic can be put in here.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" contentScriptType="text/ecmascript" width="100%" zoomAndPan="magnify" contentStyleType="text/css" viewBox="0 0 600% 600%" height="100%" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0">
<g style="stroke:black; fill:none; stroke-width:1">
<g id="visuals" style="stroke:black; fill:none; stroke-width:1" transform="translate(100, 550)">
<rect id="box" transform="scale(1, -1)" x="1" y="1" width="500" height="500" fill="none" stroke="black" stroke-width="1.5"/>
<g id="labels" transform="scale(1, 1)">
<text id="xLabel" x="250" y="50" text-anchor="middle"
        font-family="Verdana" font-size="24" fill="blue" >x label</text>
<text id="xMinimumLabel" x="0" y="20" text-anchor="middle"
        font-family="Verdana" font-size="18" fill="blue" >0.0</text>
<text id="xMaximumLabel" x="500" y="20" text-anchor="middle"
        font-family="Verdana" font-size="18" fill="blue" >100.0</text>
<text id="yMinimumLabel" x="-3" y="-3" text-anchor="end"
        font-family="Verdana" font-size="18" fill="blue" >0.0</text>
<text id="yMaximumLabel" x="-3" y="-500" text-anchor="end"
        font-family="Verdana" font-size="18" fill="blue" >100.0</text>
<g id="data" style="stroke:black; fill:none; stroke-width:1" transform="translate(10, 550)">

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    emptyText="#{bindings.CountryView1.viewable ? 'No data to display.' : 'Access Denied.'}"
    var="row" rowBandingInterval="0"
    rowSelection="single" id="t1">
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    <af:column headerText="#{}"
    sortable="true" sortProperty="#{}" id="c1">
    <af:outputText value="#{row[]}" id="ot1"/>
    <af:forEach items="#{bindings.CountryView1.attributeDefs}" var="def">
    <af:outputText value="#{}" id="ot2"/>
    <af:outputText value="#{bindings.CountryView1.attributeCount}" id="ot3"/>
    it's quite weird for me. The vo.getAttributeCount() is 6, but #{bindings.CountryView1.attributeCount} shows 5. And column Addtion3 never shows up.
    what's the matter? How can I show the dynamic added column Addtion3?
    Edited by: simon li on 2012-9-10 下午7:31
    Edited by: simon li on 2012-9-10 下午8:00

    Can you check the tree binding (CountryView1 - in the pagedef) and see it has the 5 attributes hardcoded in it. If yes, try removing everything and then run the page to see if it works fine.

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    Looking at your sequencefile.
    You seem to be trying to save into FlieGlobals.InfoName a string with the values of "FileGlobals.Info_0".."FileGlobals.Info_n" where n is the value of Parameter.TestSocket.Index.
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    I realise this is a cutdown sequence file but you must make sure These variable actually exist in either FileGlobals or StationGlobals. Also with FileGlobals each SequenceFile has its own FileGlobals unless you have set the properties of the SequencFile to use a common FileGlobals.
    What was the precise error you was seeing as it will properly telling you what variable of property it can't find.
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    Zack H wrote:
    > Lazaro,
    > It depends on what you want displayed in the heading for each id.
    > Please elaborate.
    > Thanks,
    > Zack H.
    Zack..I have several projects listed under several project id's...
    so when a user selects project id 00164 then it should display something like "Project document for Jon Doe"
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    Can you help me to fix that ?
    Best regards,
    - John
    Attachments: ‏54 KB

    Hi John,
    the sine looks like it should look with your VI!
    You convert the DDT to a scalar DBL. That conversion will only use the first sample of the generated sine waveform - usually this is always the same (offset) value when you generate full periods… Or to put it in a mathematical expression: sin(0°)+4 = 4!
    When you want to display waveform you should work with waveforms!
    Actually, I have used Dynamic data type in order to simulate an signal.
    Well, I also simulated a signal in my example VI. I didn't use any ExpressVI to do so…
    In a few weeks, I will receive a sensor. I will use in LabView 'DAQ Assistant' whose the ouput is a Dynamic Data.
    Nobody forces you to use the DAQAssistent ExpressVI. There are nice DAQmx functions available and LabVIEW comes with a lot of ready-to-use example VIs…
    That's why, I used in first place, the 'Simulate signal'. So I think I should keep Dynamic Data Type
    I do think you don't need to use the DDT. I think it's better to understand what is going on in your VI. And I think the DDT will be no help for you…
    Best regards,
    CLAD, using 2009SP1 + LV2011SP1 + LV2014SP1 on WinXP+Win7+cRIO
    Kudos are welcome

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    You have been long enough in forum and still come out with these one liners. Problem statement is not clear.

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    we are generating a tree.xml file in server side as follows.
    path = getServletConfig().getServletContext().getRealPath("/QBE/jsp/tree.xml");
    BufferedWriter out1 = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(path),"UTF8"));
    out1.write(xmlString + "</tree>");
    "xmlString" holds the data in xml tag format.
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         var tree = new WebFXLoadTree("SMQ/AMQ List", "tree.xml");
    Please help me out how to solve this...
    thanks in advance,
    Edited by: Ranganatha on Jun 5, 2008 5:18 AM

    Hey if you want any more information regarding this problem, i can provide.

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    I am storing the image name in bean. I want to use the <html:img> tag to display my images. How can i do that using struts.
    Something or sort..
    <html:img src=bean:write name="pageEntry" property="pageImg"/>
    Thank You

    * In your web.xml file, add the struts-html-el.tld definition from the struts\contrib\struts-el\lib directory
    * Add this tag library to your JSP page; something like:
    <%@ taglib uri="WEB-INF/struts-html-el.tld" prefix="html-el" %>* Refer to the following example:
    <html-el:img src="${pageEntry.pagePic}" />* This assumes that pageEntry is a Bean, and pagePic is a bean variable accessed by the getPagePic() method.

  • How to display dynamic images

    I'm an amateur website developer an im trying to create a
    page where by clients can type in their name and a table of images
    show up depending on what their name is. How can i do this using
    Many Thanks

    No - they have used the least secure type of password entry
    possible -
    The form tag is this -
    <form name="f" onSubmit="submitPW(); return false">
    On submit the form sends its data to the submitPW() function,
    which is also
    defined in plaintext on that same page (in the head) -
    <script language="JavaScript">
    function submitPW() {
    password =
    if(password != "")
    this.location.href = password + "/index.html"
    // -->
    This function just loads a page that is in the folder named
    with the bride's
    surname, so if you entered "Smith", you would get the page at
    this link -
    <a href="Smith/index.html"....
    Could be quite a problem if you had more than one client
    named Smith....
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "koldjg2" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:g60car$9sm$[email protected]..
    > This is an example of it being implementated:
    > they done what you suggested?

  • How to display dynamic page content in an external application (MS Word)?

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    I had the idea of updating the dynamic page with hard coded html prior to each export - but I can't find where the dynamic page definition is stored in the database.
    Any ideas/better solutions out there?

    dynamic page:
    theUser varchar2(30) := portal30.COE_GET_CV_PERSON;
    v_output varchar2(6) := portal30.COE_GET_CV_OUTPUT;
    v_no number;
    v_url varchar2(500):= '';
    IF v_output = 'WORD' THEN htp.script('startWord('||''''||v_url||''''||');','Javascript');
    ELSE null;
    etc ...
    <script language="JavaScript">
    function startWord(strFile)
    var myApp = new ActiveXObject("Word.Application");
    if (myApp != null)
    myApp.Visible = true;

Maybe you are looking for