How to display the related Contacts for an Activity

From the configuration, the user could select mutliple Contacts per one Activity record.
In the analytics report, I would like to fetch ALL of these contacts (*NOT only the primary contact*). I cannot see any subject area from the "Design Analyses" could serve this purpose.
Does anyone have solution about this ? Thanks.

in the reporting section try "Shared Activities".

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    try the TSTC table with SE16.
    Hope it helps,

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    /* Server Support Specialist */

    Proxy settings are not set in Active Directory
    The below code works for 2003 servers and Win XP
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    -computername $env:computername
    foreach ($objItem in $colItems) {
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    You can try checking the registry values- Works in 2008 + and Windows 7
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    P01                                   umbrella                 rainyday
    P02                                  tent                         waterproof
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  • How to display the source code for this friggin' file.

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    -"Will code for foo."
    package org.opencyc.webserver;
    * Class WebServer is simple multithreaded HTTP server
    * with CGI limited to a Cyc connection on default port 3600.
    * <p>
    import java.util.*;
    import java.util.jar.*;
    import java.text.*;
    import org.opencyc.util.*;
    public class WebServer extends Thread {
         * Singleton WebServer instance.
        public static WebServer current;
         * Default HTTP port.
        protected static int DEFAULT_PORT = 80;
         * Default Cyc base port.
        protected static int DEFAULT_CYC_PORT = 3600;
         * Default directory to serve files from on non-Windows OS.
        protected static String DEFAULT_DIR = "/";
         * Default directory to serve files from on Windows.
        //protected static String DEFAULT_WIN_DIR = "C:\\";
        protected static String DEFAULT_WIN_DIR = "k:\\opencyc\\run\\httpd\\htdocs";
         * File cache capacity.
        protected static final int CACHE_CAPACITY = 100;
         * File cache to improve file serving performance.
        protected static Hashtable fileCache = new Hashtable(CACHE_CAPACITY);
         * Number of files served from this web server.
        protected static long nbrFilesServed = 0;
         * Number of files served from this web server that were found in the cache.
        protected static long nbrCacheHits = 0;
         * Server socket for accepting connections.
        protected ServerSocket server;
         * Directories to serve files from.
        protected ArrayList dirs;
         * Map from String (jar root) to JarFile[] (jar class path).
        protected HashMap map;
         * Webserver HTTP port.
        protected int port;
         * Cyc HTML host.
        protected String cycHost = "localhost";
         * Cyc HTML port.
        protected int cycPort;
         * Expand jar tress.
        protected boolean trees;
         * Requests flag.
        protected boolean traceRequests;
         * Constructs a WebServer object.
         * @param port the port to use
         * @param directories the directory to serve files from
         * @param trees true if files within jar files should be served up
         * @param traceRequests true if client's request text should be logged.
         * @exception IOException if the listening socket cannot be opened, or problem opening jar files.
        public WebServer() throws IOException {
            server = new ServerSocket(port);
         * Class Task processes a single HTTP request.
        protected class Task extends Thread {
             * Socket for the incoming request.
            protected Socket sock;
             * Client socket to the Cyc KB HTML server.
            protected Socket cycHtmlSocket;
             * Output tcp stream.
            protected DataOutputStream out;
             * Contains the file request path for a not-found error message.
            protected String notFoundPath;
             * Contains the first line of a request message.
            protected String methodLine;
             * Contains the body of a POST method.
            protected String bodyLine;
             * Constructs a Task object.
             * @param sock the socket assigned for this request.
            public Task(Socket sock) {
                this.sock = sock;
             * Processes the HTTP request.
            public void run() {
                if (traceRequests)
                    Log.current.println("connection accepted from " + sock.getInetAddress());
                notFoundPath = "";
                try {
                    out = new DataOutputStream(sock.getOutputStream());
                    try {
                    catch (Exception e) {
                        Log.current.println("file not found: " + notFoundPath);
                        try {
                            out.writeBytes("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\n");
                            out.writeBytes("Server: Cyc WebServer\r\n");
                            out.writeBytes("Connection: close\r\n");
                            out.writeBytes("Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n");
                            out.writeBytes("<TITLE>404 Not Found</TITLE>\n");
                            out.writeBytes("<H1>404 - Not Found</H1>\n");
                        catch (SocketException se) {
                catch (Exception e) {
                finally {
                    try {
                    catch (IOException e) {
             * Reads the HTTP request and obtains the response.
             * @exception IOException when HTTP request has an invalid format.
            private void getBytes() throws IOException {
                // Below logic is complex because web browsers do not close the
                // socket after sending the request, so must parse message to find
                // the end.
                BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(sock.getInputStream()));
                ArrayList inBytes = new ArrayList(200);
                int ch = 0;
                boolean postMethod;
                methodLine = in.readLine();
                //if (traceRequests)
                //    Log.current.println("methodLine=" + methodLine);
                bodyLine = "";
                if (methodLine.startsWith("POST /"))
                    postMethod = true;
                    postMethod = false;
                //if (traceRequests)
                //    Log.current.println("postMethod=" + postMethod);
                int ch1 = -1;
                int ch2 = -1;
                int ch3 = -1;
                int ch4 = -1;
                // Read the HTTP request headers.
                while (true) {
                    ch =;
                    inBytes.add(new Integer(ch));
                    ch1 = ch2;
                    ch2 = ch3;
                    ch3 = ch4;
                    ch4 = ch;
                    if (ch1 == '\r' && ch2 == '\n' && ch3 == '\r' && ch4 == '\n')
                    if ((! postMethod) &&
                        (! in.ready()) &&
                        ch1 == -1 &&
                        ch2 == -1 &&
                        ch3 == '\r' &&
                        ch4 == '\n') {
                        inBytes.add(new Integer('\r'));
                        inBytes.add(new Integer('\n'));
                byte[] byteArray = new byte[inBytes.size()];
                for (int i = 0; i < inBytes.size(); i++) {
                    Integer ich = (Integer) inBytes.get(i);
                    byteArray[i] = ich.byteValue();
                String headers = new String(byteArray);
                if (postMethod) {
                    String lcHeaders = headers.toLowerCase();
                    int i = lcHeaders.indexOf("content-length: ");
                    String contentLength = lcHeaders.substring(i + 16);
                    int j = contentLength.indexOf("\r\n");
                    contentLength = contentLength.substring(0, j);
                    int bodyLen = (new Integer(contentLength)).intValue();
                    for (int k = 0; k < bodyLen; k++) {
                        bodyLine = bodyLine + (new Character((char);
                String line = methodLine + "\r\n" + headers + bodyLine;
                if (traceRequests)
                if (postMethod)
                    if (line.startsWith("GET /"))
                    else {
                        Log.current.println("Invalid request = " + line);
                        throw new IOException();
             * Processes an HTTP GET method.
             * @param httpGetPath the path of the file to get.
             * @exception IOException if the file is not found.
            private void processHttpGet(String httpGetPath) throws IOException {
                int i = httpGetPath.indexOf(' ');
                if (i > 0)
                    httpGetPath = httpGetPath.substring(0, i);
                Log.current.println(methodLine + " from " + sock.getInetAddress().getHostName());
                i = httpGetPath.indexOf("cg?");
                if (i > 0) {
                    cycHtmlRequest(httpGetPath.substring(i + 3));
                notFoundPath = httpGetPath;
                i = httpGetPath.indexOf('/');
                if (i < 0 || map == null) {
                    if (map == null || httpGetPath.endsWith(".jar")) {
                        for (int j = 0; j < dirs.size(); j++) {
                            String dir = (String) dirs.get(j);
                            String nativePath = dir + httpGetPath;
                            nativePath = nativePath.replace('/', File.separatorChar);
                            if (fileCache.containsKey(nativePath)) {
                                writeDataBytes((byte[]) fileCache.get(nativePath));
                            try {
                                File f = new File(nativePath);
                                byte[] fileBytes = getBytes(new FileInputStream(f), f.length());
                                if (fileCache.size() >= CACHE_CAPACITY)
                                fileCache.put(nativePath, fileBytes);
                                Log.current.println("...from " + nativePath);
                            catch (IOException e) {
                    throw new IOException();
                String jar = httpGetPath.substring(0, i);
                httpGetPath = httpGetPath.substring(i + 1);
                JarFile[] jfs = (JarFile[]) map.get(jar);
                if (jfs == null)
                    throw new IOException();
                for (i = 0; i < jfs.length; i++) {
                    JarEntry je = jfs.getJarEntry(httpGetPath);
    if (je == null)
    writeDataBytes(getBytes(jfs[i].getInputStream(je), je.getSize()));
    throw new IOException();
    * Processes an HTTP POST method.
    * @exception IOException if the file is not found.
    private void processHttpPost() throws IOException {
    Log.current.println("POST " + bodyLine + " from " + sock.getInetAddress().getHostName());
    * Reads the specified number of bytes and always close the stream.
    * @param in the file to be read for subsequent downloading.
    * @param length the number of bytes to read from the file.
    * @return An array of bytes from the file.
    * @exception IOException if an error occurs when processing the file.
    private byte[] getBytes(InputStream in, long length) throws IOException {
    DataInputStream din = new DataInputStream(in);
    byte[] bytes = new byte[ (int) length];
    try {
    finally {
    return bytes;
    * Sends the HTML request to Cyc.
    * @param cycPath the portion of the URL which is given to the Cyc HTML server.
    private void cycHtmlRequest(String cycPath) {
    String request = sock.getInetAddress().getHostName() + "&" + cycPath + "#";
    System.out.println("request=" + request);
    ArrayList bytes = new ArrayList(10000);
    try {
    cycHtmlSocket = new Socket(cycHost, cycPort);
    System.out.println("cycHost=" + cycHost + " cycPort=" + cycPort);
    BufferedReader cycIn = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(cycHtmlSocket.getInputStream()));
    PrintWriter cycOut = new PrintWriter(cycHtmlSocket.getOutputStream(), true);
    int ch = 0;
    while (ch >= 0) {
    ch =;
    bytes.add(new Integer(ch));
    catch (Exception e) {
    byte[] byteArray = new byte[bytes.size()];
    for (int i = 0; i < bytes.size() - 1; i++) {
    Integer ich = (Integer) bytes.get(i);
    byteArray[i] = ich.byteValue();
    try {
    catch (Exception e) {
    * Responds to the HTTP client with data content from the requested URL.
    * @param bytes the array of bytes from the URL.
    * @exception IOException if there is an error writing to the HTTP client.
    public void writeDataBytes(byte[] bytes) throws IOException {
    out.writeBytes("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n");
    out.writeBytes("Server: Cyc WebServer\r\n");
    out.writeBytes("Connection: close\r\n");
    out.writeBytes("Content-Length: " + bytes.length + "\r\n");
    String prefix = (new String(bytes)).toLowerCase();
    if (prefix.indexOf("<html>") > -1)
    out.writeBytes("Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n");
    out.writeBytes("Content-Type: application/java\r\n\r\n");
    * Respond to the HTTP client with text content from the requested URL.
    * @param bytes the array of bytes from the URL.
    * @exception IOException if there is an error writing to the HTTP client.
    public void writeTextBytes(byte[] bytes) throws IOException {
    out.writeBytes("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n");
    out.writeBytes("Server: Cyc WebServer\r\n");
    out.writeBytes("Connection: close\r\n");
    out.writeBytes("Content-Length: " + bytes.length + "\r\n");
    out.writeBytes("Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n");
    * Gets properties governing the web server's behavior.
    private void getProperties() {
    port = DEFAULT_PORT;
    String portProperty = System.getProperty("org.opencyc.webserver.port", "");
    if (! portProperty.equalsIgnoreCase(""))
    port = (new Integer(portProperty)).intValue();
    Log.current.println("Listening on port " + port);
    cycPort = DEFAULT_CYC_PORT;
    String cycPortProperty = System.getProperty("org.opencyc.webserver.cycPort", "");
    if (! cycPortProperty.equalsIgnoreCase(""))
    cycPort = (new Integer(cycPortProperty)).intValue();
    Log.current.println("Cyc connections directed to port " + cycPort);
    String dirsProperty = System.getProperty("org.opencyc.webserver.dirs", "");
    dirs = new ArrayList(3);
    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(dirsProperty, ";", false);
    while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
    String dir = st.nextToken();
    trees = false;
    String treesProperty = System.getProperty("org.opencyc.webserver.trees", "");
    if (! treesProperty.equalsIgnoreCase(""))
    trees = true;
    traceRequests = false;
    String traceRequestsProperty = System.getProperty("org.opencyc.webserver.traceRequests", "");
    if (! traceRequestsProperty.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
    traceRequests = true;
    Log.current.println("tracing requests");
    * Adds transitive Class-Path jars to jfs.
    * @param jar the jar file
    * @param jfs the list of jar files to serve.
    * @param dir the jar file directory.
    * @exception IOException if an I/O error has occurred with the jar file.
    private void addJar(String jar, ArrayList jfs, String dir) throws IOException {
    Log.current.println("Serving jar files from: " + dir + jar);
    JarFile jf = new JarFile(dir + jar);
    Manifest man = jf.getManifest();
    if (man == null)
    Attributes attrs = man.getMainAttributes();
    if (attrs == null)
    String val = attrs.getValue(Attributes.Name.CLASS_PATH);
    if (val == null)
    dir = dir + jar.substring(0, jar.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar) + 1);
    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(val);
    while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
    addJar(st.nextToken().replace('/', File.separatorChar), jfs, dir);
    * Administrative accessor method that obtains list of directories from which files are served.
    public ArrayList getDirs() {
    return dirs;
    * Administrative method that updates the list of directories from which files are served.
    public synchronized void setDirs(ArrayList dirs) throws IOException {
    this.dirs = dirs;
    * Administrative accessor method that obtains number of files served.
    * @return The number of files served.
    public long getNbrFilesServed() {
    return nbrFilesServed;
    * Administrative accessor method that obtains number of files served from cache.
    * @return The number of files served from the cache.
    public long getNbrCacheHits() {
    return nbrCacheHits;
    * Administrative method that clears the file cache.
    public synchronized void clearFileCache() {
    Log.current.println("Clearing file cache");
    nbrFilesServed = 0;
    nbrCacheHits = 0;
    * Processes the directories from which files are served, expanding jar trees if
    * directed.
    * @exception IOException if problem occurs while processing the jar files.
    private void processDirectories() throws IOException {
    if (dirs.size() == 0)
    if (File.separatorChar == '\\')
    Iterator directories = dirs.iterator();
    while (directories.hasNext())
    Log.current.println("Serving from " +;
    if (trees) {
    map = new HashMap();
    for (int j = 0; j < dirs.size(); j++) {
    String dir = (String) dirs.get(j);
    String[] files = new File(dir).list();
    for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
    String jar = files[i];
    if (!jar.endsWith(".jar"))
    ArrayList jfs = new ArrayList(1);
    addJar(jar, jfs, dir);
    map.put(jar.substring(0, jar.length() - 4), jfs.toArray(new JarFile[jfs.size()]));
    * Provides the command line interface for creating an HTTP server.
    * The properties are:
    * <pre>
    * org.opencyc.webserver.port=<HTTP listening port>
    * </pre>
    * which defaults to 80.
    * <pre>
    * org.opencyc.webserver.cycPort=<Cyc connection port>
    * </pre>
    * which defaults to 3600.
    * <pre>
    * org.opencyc.webserver.dirs=<path>;<path> ... ;<path>
    * </pre>
    * with the argument enclosed in quotes if any path contains an
    * embedded space.
    * The default directory on Windows is C:
    * and the default on other systems is / the default
    * can be overridden with this property. By default, all files
    * under this directory (including all subdirectories) are served
    * up via HTTP. If the pathname of a file is <var>path</var> relative
    * to the top-level directory, then the file can be downloaded using
    * the URL
    * <pre>
    * http://<var>host</var>:<var>port</var>/<var>path</var>
    * </pre>
    * Caching of file contents is performed.
    * <pre>
    * org.opencyc.util.log=all
    * </pre>
    * If the all value is given, then all attempts to download files
    * are output.
    * <pre>
    * org.opencyc.webserver.traceRequests
    * </pre>
    * If this property has any value, then the client HTTP requests are
    * output.<p>
    * <pre>
    * org.opencyc.webserver.trees
    * </pre>
    * This property can be used to serve up individual files stored
    * within jar files in addition to the files that are served up by
    * default. If the property has any value, the server finds all jar files
    * in the top-level directory (not in subdirectories). For each
    * jar file, if the name of the jar file is <var>name</var>.jar, then any
    * individual file named <var>file</var> within that jar file (or within
    * the jar or zip files referenced transitively in the Class-Path manifest
    * attribute, can be downloaded using a URL of the form:
    * <pre>
    * http://<var>host</var>:<var>port</var>/<var>name</var>/<var>file</var>
    * </pre>
    * When this property has any value, an open file descriptor and cached
    * information are held for each jar file, for the life of the process.
    * @param args an unused array of command line arguments.
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println("OpenCyc Web Server");
    try {
    // Launch thread to accept HTTP connections.
    current = new WebServer();
    catch (IOException e) {
    * Just keep looping, spawning a new thread for each incoming request.
    public void run() {
    try {
    while (true) {
    // Launch thread to process one HTTP request.
    new Task(server.accept()).start();
    catch (IOException e) {

    I want to thank you for responding to the thread I started on the forum at Your solution to my problem of needing to print the code of the html pages that the file I included generates was just what I was looking for. However, I have some further questions to ask, if you don't mind. To clarify my task I should say that your rephrasing of the problem is accurate: "You wan't to display the contents of the HTML file that the web server produces in response of client's request?"
    Yes, this is what I need to do, but also it needs to display the source code of that html file that the server produces in response to the client's request. Also, in this case, I am the client requesting that the server return some html file, and I'm not sure where the server is. But the file that I shared on the forum is on my local machine. I was wondering if I could modify this file at my home so that any html file the server returns to me would automatically display the source code. This is a school project of mine and I am stuck on this one thing here.
    Further, where would I put the "foo.html" file so it can be written to?
    FileOuputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("foo.html");
    Thanks so much for your help. I look forward to your response, at your convenience.

  • HTML Client: How to display the edit screen of an item given its ID?

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    But how to edit another item instead of the selected item? Like How to edit an item whose ID # is 10? i.e How to display the edit screen for an item with ID # 10?

    The methods such as 'editSelected' apply to screen property collections. Picking these pre-selected options automatically configure the parameter as '<my-collection>.selectedItem'.
    If you want an action not directly related to the screen properties then you can choose one of the screen commands under the 'Navigation' list starting with 'show', as in 'show<my-screen-name'. If the screen command accepts parameters then you can
    configure the parameter passing manually. In your example, if you added a local 'int' data property to the screen you could assign the ID to that and bind the parameter passed to the screen to that.
    In the instances when not even that is sufficient, well then you write your own custom method.
    Dave Baker | AIDE for LightSwitch | Xpert360 blog | twitter : @xpert360 | Xpert360 website | Opinions are my own. For better forums, remember to mark posts as helpful/answer.

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    I have friends all over Europe, does it matter what number they use to call me? Nope! All incoming calls are free for me.
    The only time you ever have to worry about which number is if you get charged for incoming domestic/international calls.
    You can tag their number (work/home/iphone) and that may show on the CallerID accordingly.
    It should show, John Doe
    underneath,    work/home/mobile
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    If the admin login I display admin_form.fmb and if user login I display

    In my forms I hide tab pages according the role using something like the following script in the WHEN_NEW_FORM_INSTANCE trigger.
    So the user can not navigate to tabs which are vorbiden by his role.
    CURSOR users_roles_cur IS SELECT granted_role FROM user_role_privs
    WHERE username=(SELECT user FROM dual);
    user_roles_rec users_roles_cur%ROWTYPE;
    IF users_roles_cur%ISOPEN
    CLOSE users_roles_cur;
    END IF;
    OPEN users_roles_cur;
    FETCH users_roles_cur INTO user_roles_rec;
    EXIT WHEN users_roles_cur%NOTFOUND;
    MESSAGE (user_roles_rec.granted_role);
    IF RTRIM(user_roles_rec.granted_role,' ') = 'BLA-BLA'
    tb_pg_id := FIND_TAB_PAGE('activity');
    IF GET_TAB_PAGE_PROPERTY(tb_pg_id, visible) = 'FALSE' THEN
    SET_TAB_PAGE_PROPERTY(tb_pg_id, visible, property_true);
    END IF;
    END IF;
    CLOSE users_roles_cur;
    Other solution may be is to use an initial form which only will detect the user role and run the appropriate form.
    Other solutions are also possible.

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    Hi all,
             I have 7 checkboxes, for each check box we have some seletion screen fields.if i select first check box,i want to display first slection screen fields only.
    and if we select more than one check box how to display the selection screen fields for selected check boxes,please help me this

    Try this code
    report z_13317_sdn2.
    tables : mara, marc, dd03l.
    parameters : p_chk1 as checkbox user-command ABC,
                 p_chk2 as checkbox user-command PQR,
                 p_chk3 as checkbox user-command XYZ.
    select-options : s_matnr for mara-matnr modif id A,
                     s_ersda for mara-ersda modif id A,
                     s_werks for marc-werks modif id B,
                     s_lvorm for marc-lvorm modif id B,
                     s_tab for dd03l-tabname modif id C.
    data: v_chk1,
    at selection-screen output.
      loop at screen.
        if screen-group1 = 'A' or
           screen-group1 = 'B' or
           screen-group1 = 'C'.
            screen-input = 0.
           modify screen.
      loop at screen.
        if v_chk1 = 'X'.
          if screen-group1 = 'A'.
            screen-input = 1.
            modify screen.
        if v_chk2 = 'X'.
          if screen-group1 = 'B'.
            screen-input = 1.
            modify screen.
        if v_chk3 = 'X'.
          if screen-group1 = 'C'.
            screen-input = 1.
            modify screen.
    at selection-screen.
      if sy-ucomm = 'ABC'.
        if v_chk1 = ' '.
          v_chk1 = 'X'.
          v_chk1 = ' '.
      if sy-ucomm = 'PQR'.
        if v_chk2 = ' '.
          v_chk2 = 'X'.
          v_chk2 = ' '.
      if sy-ucomm = 'XYZ'.
        if v_chk3 = ' '.
          v_chk3 = 'X'.
          v_chk3 = ' '.

  • How to display the header data on different position in alv report

    hi all,
    how to display the header data on different position in alv report.
    for example ,
    customer                                                   name
      xxxx                                                         xxxx
                     vendor        name     street 
                      xxxx         xxxx      xxxxx
    pls   help me .

    as per my understanding you need to trnasfer header internal table data  to pdf..
    please check the following links for internal table to pdf..
    Convertion of Internal table data to PDF
    This link is related to ur issue
    Re: how to insert the calling of the FM: OTF to PDF

  • How to add a related content for a particular document in UCM

    Hi All
    How to add a related content for a particular document in UCM. On which table it stores all the related document details. Can anyone suggest me a document which helps me to know how to add related contents for a document
    With thanks and regards

    I believe there is a PDF doc which comes with the component (it should be at your harddrive when you install it), which describes everything you will need.
    In a nutshell, there are two types of relationship: sibling - sibling, parent - child (there are some more nuances, but it follows the same logic).
    A relationship is created between two existing items (not sure, if you can also create a relationship for a new checked in item, but it would be just a usability). You select the type of relationship and the item - I believe depending on the relationship you may start from either item. The dialog to start is INFO (display metadata) or UPDATE (update metadata).
    When a relationship is created you may watch it also from either end (again INFO is the starting point).
    It is quite self-explanatory, so if you have the component installed you may just play around with it for a while and that is it.

  • In sap scripts how to display the driver program

        I Want to know the sap scripts How to display the output to driver program

    Go to NACE Transaction.
    Select application for ex: if sales V1.
    Click on output types.
    Select the output type for ex : BA00
    Double click on Processing routines.
    There you can find the Driver Program name and Script/smart form name.
    Reward if useful.

  • How to know the dynamic values for this :AND category_id_query IN (1, :3, )

    Hi Team,
    R12 Instance :
    Oracle Installed Base Agent User Responsibility --> Item Instances -->
    Item Instance: Item Instances > View : Item Instance : xxxxx> Contracts : Item Instance : xxxxx> Service Contract: xxxxx>
    In the above page there are two table regions.
    -------------------------------------Table Region---------------------------
    -------------------------------------Table Region---------------------------
    --the attachments are shown using the query from the fnd_lobs and fnd_docs etc...
    I want to know what are the document types are displayed in this page ?
    --We developed a custom program to attach the attachments to the  services contracts and the above seeded OAF page displays those needed.
    But after recent changes..the Attachments--> table region is not showing the attachments.
    I have verified the query..and could not find any clue in that..
    but i need some help if you guys can provide..
    SELECT *
    *(SELECT message_text*
    FROM fnd_new_messages
    WHERE message_name = 'FND_UNDEFINED'
    AND application_id = 0
    AND language_code  = userenv('LANG')
    *), d.FILE_NAME)FileName,*
    ad.category_id attachment_catgeory_id,
    DECODE(ad.category_id, NULL, d.category_id, ad.category_id) category_id_query,
    *) QRSLT*
    WHERE ((entity_name    ='OKC_K_HEADERS_V'-- :1
    AND pk1_value          IN ( 600144,599046) --:2
    AND category_id_query IN (1, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7) )
    AND datatype_id       IN (6,2,1,5)
    OR PUBLISH_FLAG        ='Y')))
    --='000180931' -- 'ADP118'
    The above seeded query is the one which is used for table region to retrieve the data..
    how to know the dynamic values for this : AND category_id_query IN (1, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7) )

    Hi Patricia,
    is it working for restricted key figure and calculated key figure ??
    Note Number Fisc Period Opening Days
    1 1 2
    2 1 3
    3 1 0
    because I have other restriction, so I create two restricted key figure..
    RK1  with restriction :  Total Number of Note,
    RK2  with restriction :  Total Opening Days ,
    then I Created a calculated key figure, average opening days in a period
    CK1 = RK2 / RK1..
    in this case, I am not sure if it will work or not..
    for example, during RK2 calclation, it might be this   2+3 = 5, the line with 0 will be ignored..
    during RK1 calcualtion, it might be 1 + 1 + 1 = 3. ---> Not sure in this case, the line with opening days 0 will be calculated or not..
    could you please confirm..

  • SRM 4.0- How to set the default values for product type (01) only for SC

    The radio button “Service” should not be visible.
    Also for search help (e.g. search for internal products) where a search should only be possible for product type 01 (goods). The system should not display the product type and internally always search for goods only.
    How to set the default values for product type (01) only for SC
    We needs to use Search help BBPH_PRODUCT which having parameter PRODUCT_TYPE
    Here we can set defalut value 01 but it is not correct one since same search help is using several places.
    We need to limit the search help results only for SC.
    Kindly help out me ASAP.

    The easiest way to set defautl values is to edit the batch class.
    Goto the characteiristic and go to update values.
    In here you probably have something like 0 - 100 as a spec range.
    On the next line enter the default value within this range.  At the end of the line, click in the box in the column labelled "D".  This indicates the defautl value for the characteristic.
    If you need to you can do this in the material classification view as well.
    Just to be clear, these values will only show up in the batch record.  You can not have defautl values in resutls recording screens.

  • How to display the sort value in the selection screen in the report title

    Dear All,
    How to display the sort value in the selection screen in the report title? I have selected a value in the selection screen for sorting , but i need that values by which i have sorted with in the report title. Can you please throw some light on this!!
    Good day,
    Thanks and regards
    Arun S

    Hi Arun,
    Try this.
    1, Set one dynamic parameter,
    2, Drag and drop that parameter into  your report title.
    3, Pass the value(sort value) dynamically from your application,
    4, Cheers..
    Other wise Try with Dataset, create a dataset and fill thev alue into that.. Then  set the data source from CR designer. and darg and drop that data column into the report.
    Hope this will work,
    Edited by: salahudheen muhammed on Mar 25, 2009 11:13 AM

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