How to dynamic set messageInputText item data type?

I have a LOV and other messageInputText items on the page. I need to be able to change the messageInputText item data type based on the value selected from LOV. How can I do that?

1)Allow PPR on the item that receives the LOV values
2)Edit the VO query and create a SQL based column, which in turn will control the switcher. Something like –
decode(nvl(to_char(EmployeeEO.END_DATE), 'N'), 'N', 'DataType1', 'DataType2') AS DELETE_SWITCHER
3)Now add a switcher region with two cases in your page. Each case should represent the two possible values defined in the SQL based column ( “DataType1”, DataType2” in the above example).
4)Add two messageTextInput items under each case, but with different datatypes.

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    Hi kkcci88888,
    According to your description, you create a chart and many values display on X axis, then you can’t see the actual date value clearly. So you want to make X axis values group on date, right?
    In your scenario, since there are too many records within 7 days, it will have too many date appear on the category (X-axis). However, we could specify the dataset fields group on day values, and make label displays as YYYY-MM_DD using expression. Please
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    3. Preview the report.
    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Best regards,
    Qiuyun Yu

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    Hi Envision3D
    Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately, none of this
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    | HR | <==== pre-populated <select> form field
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    xfc-datatype = 'string'.
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    * define Fld2
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    append xfc to ifc.
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    That's right, use STRG as the datatype.  Please see the example program.
    report zrich_0003.
    type-pools: slis.
    data: new_table type ref to data,
          new_line  type ref to data.
    data:  xfc type lvc_s_fcat,
           ifc type lvc_t_fcat.
    field-symbols: <dyn_table> type standard table,
      clear xfc.
      xfc-fieldname = 'Field1' .
      xfc-datatype = 'STRG'.
      append xfc to ifc .
      clear xfc.
      xfc-fieldname = 'Field2' .
      xfc-datatype = 'STRG'.
      append xfc to ifc .
    * Create dynamic internal table and assign to FS
      call method cl_alv_table_create=>create_dynamic_table
          it_fieldcatalog = ifc
          ep_table        = new_table.
      assign new_table->* to <dyn_table>.
    * Create dynamic work area and assign to FS
      create data new_line like line of <dyn_table>.
      assign new_line->* to <dyn_wa>.
      assign component 1 of structure <dyn_wa> to <fs>.
      <fs> = 'This is string 1'.
      assign component 2 of structure <dyn_wa> to <fs>.
      <fs> = 'This is string 2'.
      append <dyn_wa> to <dyn_table>.
    * Write the values of internal table.
      loop at <dyn_table> into <dyn_wa>.
          assign component sy-index of structure <dyn_wa> to <fs>.
          if sy-subrc <> 0.
          write:/ <fs>.
    Rich Heilman

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    May be a rude way .. but it works.
    Add narrative view and use Java script to change the column headings based on the variables.
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
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    var rows= a.getElementsByTagName('tr');
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    Editing the same post to remove irrelevant information.
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  • New Effective CAL essay: How do I create an abstract data type in CAL?

      <p><strong>How do I create an abstract data type in CAL?</strong></p>  <p> </p>  <p>An <em>abstract data type</em> is one whose internal representation can be changed without needing to modify the source code of client modules that make use of that type. For software maintainability, it is a good idea to make a type that is subject to change or enhancement into an abstract data type. Another reason to create an abstract data type is to enforce invariants for values of the type that can only be ensured by using <em>constructor functions</em> (i.e. functions that return values of that type).</p>  <p> </p>  <p>In principle it is simple to create an abstract data type in CAL. For an algebraic data type, make the type constructor public and all data constructors private. For a foreign data type, make the type constructor public and the implementation scope private. If a scope qualifier is omitted, the scope is taken to be private.</p>  <p> </p>  <p>For example, the Map algebraic data type has the public type constructor Map and the data constructors Tip and Bin are each private, so it is an abstract data type.</p>  <p> </p>  <p>/** A map from keys (of type {@code k@}) to values</p>  <p>   (of type {@code a@}). */</p>  <p><strong>data</strong> <strong>public</strong> Map k a <strong>=</strong></p>  <p>    <strong>private</strong> Tip <strong>|</strong></p>  <p>    <strong>private</strong> Bin</p>  <p>        size      <strong>::</strong> <strong>!</strong>Int</p>  <p>        key       <strong>::</strong> <strong>!</strong>k</p>  <p>        value     <strong>::</strong> a</p>  <p>        leftMap   <strong>::</strong> <strong>!(</strong>Map k a<strong>)</strong></p>  <p>        rightMap  <strong>::</strong> <strong>!(</strong>Map k a<strong>);</strong></p>  <p><strong> </strong></p>  <p><strong> </strong></p>  <p>There are a number of invariants of this type: the size field represents the number of elements in the map represented by its Bin value. The keys in leftMap are all less than key, which in turn is less than all the keys in rightMap.  In particular, non-empty Map values can only be created if the key parameter type is a member of the Ord type class.</p>  <p> </p>  <p>Values of the Map type can be created outside the Cal.Collections.Map module only by using constructor functions such as insert:</p>  <p> </p>  <p>insert <strong>::</strong> Ord k <strong>=></strong> k <strong>-></strong> a <strong>-></strong> Map k a <strong>-></strong> Map k a<strong>;</strong></p>  <p><strong>public</strong> insert <strong>!</strong>key value <strong>!</strong>map <strong>= ...</strong></p>  <p> </p>  <p>The owner of the Cal.Collections.Map module must ensure that all invariants of the Map type are satisfied, but if this is done, then it will automatically hold for clients using this function.</p>  <p> </p>  <p>Some examples of foreign abstract data types are Color, StringNoCase  and RelativeDate:</p>  <p> </p>  <p><strong>data</strong> <strong>foreign</strong> <strong>unsafe</strong> <strong>import</strong> <strong>jvm</strong> <strong>private</strong> "java.awt.Color"</p>  <p>    <strong>public</strong> Color<strong>;</strong></p>  <p><strong> </strong></p>  <p><strong>data</strong> <strong>foreign</strong> <strong>unsafe</strong> <strong>import</strong> <strong>jvm</strong> <strong>private</strong> "java.lang.String"</p>  <p>    <strong>public</strong> StringNoCase<strong>;</strong></p>  <p><strong> </strong></p>  <p><strong>data</strong> <strong>foreign</strong> <strong>unsafe</strong> <strong>import</strong> <strong>jvm</strong> <strong>private</strong> "int"</p>  <p>    <strong>public</strong> RelativeDate<strong>;</strong></p>  <p> </p>  <p>The private implementation scope for Color means that a foreign function whose type involves Color can only be declared in the Cal.Graphics.Color module where the Color type is defined. A foreign function declaration involving the Color type relies on the compiler knowing that the Color type corresponds to java.awt.Color to resolve the corresponding Java entity i.e. it must know about the implementation of the Color type. Having a private implementation scope means that the Color type can be changed to correspond to a different Java class, or indeed to be an algebraic type, without the risk of breaking client code.</p>  <p> </p>  <p>In all these three cases there are useful, and different, design reasons to adopt a private implementation scope:</p>  <p> </p>  <p>For RelativeDate, the Java implementation type int represents a coded Gregorian date value in the date scheme used by Crystal Reports. Not all int values correspond to valid dates, and the algorithm to map an int to a year/month/day equivalent is fairly complicated, taking into account things like Gregorian calendar reform. Thus, it is desirable to hide the implementation of this type.</p>  <p> </p>  <p>For StringNoCase, the implementation is more straightforward as a java.lang.String. The reason to adopt a private implementation scope is to ensure that all functions involving StringNoCase preserve the semantics of StringNoCase as representing a case-insensitive string value. Otherwise it is very easy for clients to declare a function such as:</p>  <p> </p>  <p><strong>foreign</strong> <strong>unsafe</strong> <strong>import</strong> <strong>jvm</strong> "method replace"</p>  <p>    replaceChar <strong>::</strong> StringNoCase <strong>-></strong> Char <strong>-></strong> Char <strong>-></strong> StringNoCase<strong>;</strong></p>  <p> </p>  <p>which does not handle case-insensitivity correctly, but is a perfectly valid declaration. This declaration results in a compilation error when it is placed outside the module in which StringNoCase is defined because of the private implementation scope of StringNoCase.</p>  <p> </p>  <p>For Color, the issue is somewhat more subtle. The java.awt.Color implementation type is semantically the same as the CAL Color type. The problem is that java.awt.Color is mutable (since it can be sub-classed to create a mutable type). It is preferable for a first-class CAL type to not be mutable, so we simply make the implementation scope private to ensure that this will be the case. </p>  <p> </p>  <p>A somewhat less encapsulated kind of abstract data type can be created using <em>friend modules </em>and <em>protected</em> scope. For example, if an algebraic type is public, and all its data constructors are protected, then the data constructors can be accessed in the friend modules of the module in which the type is defined. Effectively this means that the implementation of the semantics of the type stretches over the module in which the type is defined, and all of its friend modules. These must all be checked if the implementation of the type is modified. </p>  <p> </p>  <p>Given the merits of abstract data types discussed above, it is perhaps surprising that most of the core types defined in the Prelude module are not abstract data types. For example: Boolean, Char, Int, Double, String, List, Maybe, Either, Ordering, JObject, JList, and all record and tuple types are non-abstract types. </p>  <p> </p>  <p>There are different reasons for this, depending on the particular type involved. </p>  <p> </p>  <p>For example, Boolean, List, Maybe, Either and Ordering are all rather canonical algebraic data types with a long history in functional languages, with many standard functions using them. They are thus guaranteed never to change. In addition, their values have no particular design invariants that need to be enforced via constructor functions. Exposing the data constructors gives clients some additional syntactic flexibility in using values of the type. For example, they can pattern match on the values using case expressions or let patterns.</p>  <p> </p>  <p>Essentially the same explanation holds for record and tuple types. Although non-tuple record types are less canonical, they do correspond to the fundamental notion of an anonymous named-field product type. The "anonymous" here simply means that the programmer can create an entirely new record type simply by creating a value; the type does not have to be declared anywhere prior to use.</p>  <p> </p>  <p>Char, Int, Double, String, JObject and JList are foreign types where in fact part of the semantics of the type is that we want clients to know that the type is a foreign type. For example, we want clients to know that Prelude.Int is essentially the Java primitive unboxed int type, and has all the semantics you would expect of the Java int type i.e. this is quite different from RelativeDate which is using int as its implementation type in a very tactical way that we may choose to change. One can think of a public foreign type declaration with public implementation scope as simply introducing the Java type into the CAL namespace.</p>  <p> </p>  <p>One interesting point here is with CAL&#39;s naming convention for public foreign types. We prefix a type name by "J" (for "Java") for foreign types with public implementation type such that the underlying Java type is mutable. This is intended as mnemonic that the type is not a pure functional type and thus some caution needs to be taken when using it. For example, Prelude.JObject has public Java implementation type java.lang.Object.</p>  <p> </p>  <p>In the case where the underlying Java type is not mutable, we do not use the prefix, since even though the type is foreign; it is basically a first class functional type and can be freely used without concern. For example, Prelude.String has public Java implementation type java.lang.String.</p>  <p> </p>  <p>In the case where the implementation type is private, then the fact that the type is a foreign type, whether mutable or not, is an implementation detail and we do not hint at that detail via the name. Thus Color.Color has as its private Java implementation type the mutable Java type java.awt.Color. </p>  <p> </p>  <p>When creating abstract data types it is important to not inadvertently supply public API functions that conflict with the desired public semantics of the type. For example, if the type is publicly a pure-functional (i.e. immutable) type such as Color, it is important not to expose functions that mutate the internal Java representation.</p>  <p> </p>  <p>A more subtle case of inadvertently exposing the implementation of a type can occur with derived instances. For example, deriving the Prelude.Outputable and Prelude.Inputable type classes on a foreign type, whose implementation type is a mutable Java reference type, allows the client to gain access to the underlying Java value and mutate it
    (by calling Prelude.output, mutating, and then calling Prelude.input). The solution in this case is to not derive Inputable and Outputable instances, but rather to define a custom Inputable and Outputable instance that copies the underlying values.</p>

    Hi Pandra801,
    When you create a the external content type, please try to add a filter based on your select statement.
    Or, try to create a stored procedure based on your select statement, then create ECT using the SQL stored procedure.
    A step by step guide in designing BCS entities by using a SQL stored procedure
    I hope this helps.
    Wendy Li
    TechNet Community Support

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    how can I set the insert date to auto update in Pages 5.2.2
    I am attempting to have the date in header auto update in a Pages file.
    I can insert it, but where is the AUTO UPDATE selection
    thank you

    Apple never included the auto-update feature for dates in Pages v5.2.2. You would have to single-click the date, and deliberately update it.
    If you have Pages ’09 v4.3 in /Applications/iWork '09, then it will allow you to configure auto-update of the date field. Right-click on the date, set the format, and click the selection for automatically update on open.

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    How to upload vendor open item data.

    HI Bhanu
    There are many threads on it.
    You can check the below one
    Pankaj Pandey

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    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I have done this.
    Have a hidden input field on form  <input name="ZoneExpiry" id="ExpiryDate" />
    Then have a function as follows:
    var dat=new Date();
                                                      dat.setDate(dat.getDate() + 365);
                                                      var monthname=new Array("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun", "Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec")
                                                      var pretty = dat.getDate() + "-" + monthname[dat.getMonth()] + "-" + dat.getFullYear();   
    Hope this helps.

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    how i can set dropDown item to 6th item from java code ?
    i have the value field of database and i can use it to set selected item of DropDown.
    so : can i use value field to set the selected item ?
    Thank u.

    Please go through the following thread which discusses about setting teh selected item for a dropdown:
    Hope it helps

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    The same question was asked just two days ago No Data Found: ORA-22992
    Nikolai Rochnik

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    when we sending the mails we are taking content from the database.
    The data is maintained in text data type column. Now i have to replace some of content in mail content
    (text data type column) from database. 
    I tried by using REPLACE function but data is truncated

    The data is maintained in text data type column.
    See REPLACE (Transact-SQL) => "If
    string_expression is not of type varchar(max) or
    nvarchar(max), REPLACE
    truncates the return value at 8,000 Bytes"
    You may should consider to Change the data type from "Text" (deprecated) to NVarChar(max).
    Otherwise you have to use
    UPDATETEXT (Transact-SQL) for the text data type.
    Olaf Helper
    [ Blog] [ Xing] [ MVP]

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    start here: []

  • Sysgen : How to read the input port data type, width and rate dynamically in a masked subsystem ?

    Hello everybody,
         I am designing a general purpose block in system generator. I pass the user parameters to the block through masking it. Some user parameters can change the block configuration. The input port data type, width and rate can also affect the block configuration.
         The problem is that these values (input port data type, width and rate) are subject to change. So I should read them dynamically, then change the block configuration through programming the "Initialization Commands" field. But unfortunately there is no straight way to read the input port information.
         There are some methods in for example the "Black Box". these are:
    input_width = this_block.port('din').width;
    input_rate = this_block.port('din').rate;
    But these methods are not applicable to a masked subsystem.
    I have tried other ways also. You can find them below. None of them worked.
    Does anybody know how can I solve this problem?
    Other ways I tried:
    ts = Simulink.Block.getSampleTimes([gcb '/Input'])

    Today we rely on Simulink to perform parameterization of your designs in two ways:
    Parameterizable Subsystems and Blocks : Parameters themselves can be MATLAB expressions that need to be evaluated for which we need the MATLAB interpreter
    The very useful Rate and Type propagation or Simulink compilation that allows us to specify types & rates in one location that gets systematically propagated to all.
    To truly make the HDL Netlist that is generated from SysGen parameterizable, we would have to implement some of this capability in the HDL netlist itself by:
    Using Generics(VHDL) or Parameters(Verilog) - We would have to capture the bit width(type) propagation through levels of hierarchies and finally parameterize the IP itself based on this value
    Since IP itself does not have this capability through generics, we would have to package a separate tcl script that updates the IP parameterization appropriately in response to top level parameters(or GUI parameters)
    Interpreting MATLAB expressions and translating them into VHDL/Verilog expressions (alternatively tcl expressions of IP). In simulink, mask parameters can be passed from one level to the next. Also parameterization of a block can be composed of Matlab expressions using variables from ancestor masks & the MATLAB interpreter – so we will need to somehow capture that as well.

  • How can I retrieve a LONG data type using ADO

    In VB I am using an ADODB object to retrieve data from an Oracle table that has a LONG data type column...
    I have tried using the GETCHUNK method but it only returns the first 150 or so characters no matter how
    many times I call it???? here is the sample code I'm using........
    Dim Cn As ADODB.Connection, Rs As ADODB.Recordset, SQL As String
    Dim sChunk() As Byte
    Set Cn = New ADODB.Connection
    Set Rs = New ADODB.Recordset
    Cn.CursorLocation = adUseServer
    Cn.Open "Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle.1;Password=hrzadmin;Persist Security
    Info=True;UserID=hadmin;Data Source=xxx.local"
    SQL = "SELECT trigger_body from user_triggers where trigger_name = 'MYTRIGGER'"
    Rs.Open SQL, Cn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
    Debug.Print Rs!trigger_name
    Debug.Print Rs!trigger_body
    sChunk = rs.Fields("trigger_body").GetChunk(500)
    Debug.Print sChunk

    I have a similar code which works for chunk size >400,
    The image I am trying to retrieve is huge so the chunksize is also more.
    Did you try with any non meta table?
    For your reference I am pasting my application code below.
    Hope it helps.
    Private Sub cmdGetImage_Click()
    Dim bytchunk() As Byte 'variable to store binary data
    Dim destinationFileNum As Integer 'variable for filenumber
    'recordset for fetching Product Image for the product selected form the list
    Dim recProductImage As New ADODB.Recordset
    Dim offset As Long
    Dim totalsize As Long
    Dim roundTrips As Long
    'variables used in calculation of time taken to fetch the image
    Dim startTime As Currency, EndTime As Currency, time As Currency, Freq As Currency
    Dim i As Integer 'counter variable
    i = 0
    On Error GoTo ErrorText 'redirect to error handler
    '** Step 1 **'
    'validating if product is selected from the list
    If cboSelectProduct.Text = "" Then
    MsgBox "Select product from the list!"
    Exit Sub
    End If
    '** Step 2 **'
    'validating if "optChunk" optionbox is selected then
    '"txtChunksize" textbox should contain a value
    If optchunk.Value = True Then
    'validate if chunksize value is null
    If txtChunkSize.Text = "" Then
    MsgBox "Enter value for chunksize "
    Exit Sub
    End If
    'validating that the chunk size entered should be a positive value
    If CInt(txtChunkSize.Text) < 1 Then
    MsgBox "ChunkSize value should be positive!"
    Exit Sub
    End If
    End If
    '** Step 3 **'
    'open image column from product_information table using m_Oracon connection
    recProductImage.Open "SELECT product_image FROM product_information " & _
    " WHERE product_id =" & cboSelectProduct.ItemData(cboSelectProduct.ListIndex) _
    , m_Oracon, adOpenStatic _
    , adLockOptimistic, adCmdText
    'check if product image exists for the product selected
    If Not IsNull(recProductImage!product_image) Then
    'setting mouse pointer on the form "frmChunkSize" to wait state
    frmChunkSize.MousePointer = vbHourglass
    '** Step 4 **'
    'assigning "desitinationFileNum" variable to next file number
    'available for use
    destinationFileNum = FreeFile
    'allocates a buffer for I/O to the temporary file "tempImage.bmp"
    'at the current application path
    Open App.Path & "\tempImage.bmp" For Binary As destinationFileNum
    '** Step 5 **'
    'Get the frequency of internal timer in Freq variable
    QueryPerformanceFrequency Freq
    'start the timer
    QueryPerformanceCounter startTime
    'clear "imgProduct" imagebox
    imgProduct.Picture = LoadPicture("")
    '** Step 6 **
    If optValue.Value = True And optchunk.Value = False Then
    '** Step 7 **
    'using ADO Value property
    bytchunk = recProductImage("product_image").Value
    'appending byte arrary data to the temporary file
    Put destinationFileNum, , bytchunk
    'displaying "No. of Round Trips" in a label to 1
    lblRoundTrips = 1
    ElseIf optchunk.Value = True Then
    '** Step 8 **
    'converting the value entered "txtChunkSize" textbox to long
    'and assigning it to chunksize variable
    m_chunksize = CLng(txtChunkSize.Text)
    'assigning the actual size of the image retrieved to a variable
    totalsize = recProductImage("product_image").ActualSize
    'calculating and assigning the "No. of Round Trips" to a variable
    roundTrips = totalsize / m_chunksize
    'in case fragment of data left, incrementing roundtrips by 1
    If (totalsize Mod m_chunksize) > 0 Then
    roundTrips = roundTrips + 1
    End If
    'In this loop the image is retrieved in terms of chunksize
    'and appended to the temporary file
    Do While offset < totalsize
    '** Step 9 **
    'retrieving product_image from the recordset, in chunks of bytes
    bytchunk = recProductImage("product_image").GetChunk(m_chunksize)
    offset = offset + m_chunksize
    'appending byte arrary data to the temporary file
    Put destinationFileNum, , bytchunk
    'displaying "No. of Round Trips" in a label
    lblRoundTrips = roundTrips
    End If
    '** Step 10 **'
    'stop the timer after image retrieval is done
    QueryPerformanceCounter EndTime
    'close the opened file handle
    Close destinationFileNum

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