How to edit a datagridview/textboxes using tableadapters in c# and sql

I am wondering what is the best way to edit a database that has multiple tables. 
(Section 1) I have a Administration, Teacher and Student table that is linked up with the Person table which has a Primary Key. 
The Person table consists of the general information of the person.
The Student table consists of information about the student; student ID and qualification code.
The Teacher table consists of information about the teacher; teacher ID, Reg No and password.
The Administration table consists of information about the admin; admin ID, Role and password.
As the Primary Key in the Person table is the ID, I have linked up with each of the other's table with their appropriate ID. 
(Section 2) I have a Course and Qualification table that is linked up with the Student and Teacher table as well as each other. 
The course table constists of the Course ID, Course Name ... and Teacher ID.
The Qualifications table consists of Qualification Code, Qualification Name and Duration. 
There is a section where I have to create a view which shows just the Student ID, Course ID and has the Student's Marks in it. 
I have got a combobox which then links up with the dgv(datagridview).
I have got insert and delete methods for both sections. Here is an example of the insert method into the Admin/Person table. 
personTableAdapter.Insert(aFirstName.Text, aSurname.Text, Convert.ToDateTime(aDoB.Text), aPhone.Text, aAdd1.Text, aAdd2.Text, aSuburb.Text, aState.Text, aPostcode.Text, AdminType.Text);
administrationTableAdapter.Insert(Convert.ToInt32(aAID1.Text), aRole.Text, aPassword.Text);
MessageBox.Show(aFirstName.Text + " " + aSurname.Text + " has been added. Your ID is " + aAID1.Text);
catch (Exception ex)
Here is an example of the delete method in the Admin/Person table.
personTableAdapter.Delete(Convert.ToInt32(aID.Text), aFirstName.Text, aSurname.Text, Convert.ToDateTime(aDoB.Text), aPhone.Text, aAdd1.Text, aAdd2.Text, aSuburb.Text, aState.Text, aPostcode.Text, AdminType.Text);
administrationTableAdapter.Delete(Convert.ToInt32(aAID.Text), aRole.Text, aPassword.Text);
MessageBox.Show("Person Deleted");
catch (Exception)
MessageBox.Show("Cannot delete Person");
Those methods above are working fine, what I'm having problems with, is with the editing/updating part. 
I have tried a few things and haven't worked. 
Here's an example of an edit, while trying to use textboxes. 
personTableAdapter.Update(aFirstName.Text, aSurname.Text, Convert.ToDateTime(aDoB.Text), aPhone.Text, aAdd1.Text, aAdd2.Text, aSuburb.Text, aState.Text, aPostcode.Text, AdminType.Text, Convert.ToInt32(aID.Text), aFirstName.Text, aSurname.Text, Convert.ToDateTime(aDoB.Text), aPhone.Text, aAdd1.Text, aAdd2.Text, aSuburb.Text, aState.Text, aPostcode.Text, AdminType.Text);
administrationTableAdapter.Update(aRole.Text, aPassword.Text, Convert.ToInt32(aAID.Text), aRole.Text, aPassword.Text);
MessageBox.Show("Person Updated");
Here I tried to do the new values/original values, while trying to use textboxes
personTableAdapter.Update(aFirstName.Text, aSurname.Text, Convert.ToDateTime(aDoB.Text), aPhone.Text, aAdd1.Text, aAdd2.Text, aSuburb.Text, aState.Text, aPostcode.Text, AdminType.Text, Convert.ToInt32(aID.Text), aFirstName.Text, aSurname.Text, Convert.ToDateTime(aDoB.Text), aPhone.Text, aAdd1.Text, aAdd2.Text, aSuburb.Text, aState.Text, aPostcode.Text, AdminType.Text);
administrationTableAdapter.Update(aRole.Text, aPassword.Text, Convert.ToInt32(aAID.Text), aRole.Text, aPassword.Text);
Trying to use the example through the mdsn, this is trying to use the datagridview.
_30002195DataSet.PersonDataTable deletedPerson = (_30002195DataSet.PersonDataTable)
_30002195DataSet.PersonDataTable newPerson = (_30002195DataSet.PersonDataTable)
_30002195DataSet.PersonDataTable modifiedPerson = (_30002195DataSet.PersonDataTable)
if (deletedPerson != null)
if (newPerson != null)
if (modifiedPerson != null)
catch (System.Exception ex)
if (deletedPerson != null)
if (newPerson != null)
if (modifiedPerson != null)
Now because I am trying to edit a certain user which requires the Person table along with the other table, it just doesn't seem to work at all. 
With the datagridview, I made a new view in the sql and it has both tables combined and shows when I bring it out from the datasource, but where I go into the dataset builder and try to create an update method, all I get is the "Update" not what
I would get when I created the update method from just the person's table by itself. 
Can someone provide me with an example or help me out someway because I am struggling with this, I can't seem to find much information at all. 

I have used the designer to create a new datagridview, when using that dgv it doesn't want to update to the relevent tables in my database. So say you have the person and admin dgv together and you need to update it, how would you get it to work
to the database? I did just end up using 2 seperate dgv's but it won't get accepted.
_30002195DataSetTableAdapters.PersonTableAdapter personTableAdapter = new _30002195DataSetTableAdapters.PersonTableAdapter();
// person table
_30002195DataSetTableAdapters.AdministrationTableAdapter administrationTableAdapter = new _30002195DataSetTableAdapters.AdministrationTableAdapter();
// admin table
ViewSetTableAdapters.AdminViewTableAdapter adminviewTableAdapter = new ViewSetTableAdapters.AdminViewTableAdapter();
// tried using this for both the admin/person tables together but didn't work?
adminViewBindingSource.EndEdit(); //both
catch (Exception ex)
 So, how would I write the code so it edits both the tables from just the one dgv?
Based on these words above, it seems that the key issue is that you want to display and edit the data of two tables with a single datagridview, right? If so, I am afraid that I would recommend you consider using code other than designer to get that done.
Are these table store in the same database?
If so, then you could consider getting that done with ADO.NET, we could getting the data of multiple table with sql query. You could consider
using sql query to get all data from multiple tables
of database, and then fill them to a single datatable.
For query issue, you could consider getting help from
Transact-SQL forum.
If not, then we need to create update query for both table and execute these queries with sperate connection strings.
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    Customer | 123 | 123 | 456 | 876 |
    VIN | 321XYZ | 432ABC | 999PDQ | 888QWE |
    Year | 2012 | 2012 | 2000 | 2010 |
    Make | Honda | Toyota | Ford | Mercedes|
    Odometer | 1900 | 2300 | 45586 | 38332 |
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    The permission level that I have in the Oracle environment is 'read only'. This is also be the permission level of the users of the query I am trying to build.
    As requested, here is the 'create' SQL to build a simple table that has the type of data I am working with.
    My real select query will have more than 350 columns and the rows returned will be 25 rows of less, but for now I am prototyping with just seven columns that have the different data types noted in my sample data.
    NOTE: This SQL has been written and tested in MS Access since I do not have permission to create and populate a table in the Oracle environment and ODBC connections are not allowed.
    CREATE TABLE tbl_MyDataSource
    (Customer char(50),
    VIN char(50),
    Year char(50),
    Make char(50),
    Odometer long,
    InvDate date,
    Amount currency)
    Here is the 'insert into' to populate the tbl_MyDataSource table with four sample records.
    INSERT INTO tbl_MyDataSource ( Customer, VIN, [Year], Make, Odometer, InvDate, Amount )
    SELECT "123", "321XYZ", "2012", "Honda", "1900", "2/15/2012", "987";
    INSERT INTO tbl_MyDataSource ( Customer, VIN, [Year], Make, Odometer, InvDate, Amount )
    VALUES ("123", "432ABC", "2012", "Toyota", "2300", "1/10/2012", "6546");
    INSERT INTO tbl_MyDataSource ( Customer, VIN, [Year], Make, Odometer, InvDate, Amount )
    VALUES ("456", "999PDQ", "2000", "Ford", "45586", "4/25/2002", "456");
    INSERT INTO tbl_MyDataSource ( Customer, VIN, [Year], Make, Odometer, InvDate, Amount )
    VALUES ("876", "888QWE", "2010", "Mercedes", "38332", "10/13/2010", "15973");
    Which should produce a table containing these columns with these values:
    Customer     VIN     Year     Make     Odometer     InvDate          Amount
    123 | 321XYZ | 2012 | Honda      | 1900          | 2/15/2012     | 987.00
    123 | 432ABC | 2012 | Toyota | 2300 | 1/10/2012     | 6,546.00
    456 | 999PDQ | 2000 | Ford     | 45586          | 4/25/2002     | 456.00
    876 | 888QWE | 2010 | Mercedes | 38332          | 10/13/2010     | 15,973.00
    The desired result is to use Oracle 9i to convert the columns into rows using sql without using any scripts if possible.
    Column1          Column2          Column3          Column4          Column5
    Customer | 123 | 123 | 456 | 876
    VIN | 321XYZ | 432ABC | 999PDQ | 888QWE
    Year | 2012 | 2012 | 2000 | 2010
    Make | Honda | Toyota | Ford | Mercedes
    Odometer | 1900 | 2300 | 45586 | 38332
    InvDate | 2/15/2012 | 1/10/2012 | 4/25/2002 | 10/13/2010
    Amount | 987.00 | 6,546.00 | 456.00 | 15,973.00
    The syntax in SQL is something I am not yet sure of.
    You said:
    "Don't use the same name or alias for two different things. if you have a table called t, then don't use t as an alais for an in-line view. Pick a different name, like ordered_t, instead.">
    but I'm not clear on which part of the SQL you are suggesting I change. The code I posted is something I pieced together from some of the other postings and is not something I full understand the syntax of.
    Here is my latest (failed) attempt at this.
    select *
      from (select * from tbl_MyDataSource) t;
    with data as
    (select rownum rnum, t.* from (select * from t order by c1) ordered_t), -- changed 't' to 'ordered_t'
    rows_to_have as
    (select level rr from dual connect by level <= 7 -- number of columns in T
    select rnum,
           max(decode(rr, 1, c1)),
           max(decode(rr, 2, c2)),
           max(decode(rr, 3, c3)),
           max(decode(rr, 4, c3)),      
           max(decode(rr, 5, c3)),      
           max(decode(rr, 6, c3)),      
           max(decode(rr, 7, c3)),       
      from data, rows_to_have
    group by rnumIn the above code the "select * from tbl_MyDataSource" is a place holder for my select query which runs without error and has these exact number of fields and data types as order shown in the tbl_MyDataSource above.
    This code produces the error 'ORA-00936: missing expression'. The error appears to be starting with the 'with data as' line if I am reading my PL/Sql window correctly. Everything above that row runs without error.
    Thank you for your great patients and for sharing your considerable depth of knowledge. Any help is gratefully welcomed.

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    // Print out the type and file name of each row.
                int type = ftplrs.getType();
                if(type == FtpListResult.DIRECTORY)
                else if(type == FtpListResult.FILE)
                else if(type == FtpListResult.LINK)
                else if(type == FtpListResult.OTHERS)
                out.print(ftplrs.getName() +"<br>");
            }I have tried with the code below:
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           // Print out the type and file name of each row.
                int type = ftplrs.getType();
                if(type == FtpListResult.DIRECTORY)
                    <%= "DIR\t" %>
    <%            else if(type == FtpListResult.FILE) %>
                    <%= "FILE\t" %>
    <%            else if(type == FtpListResult.LINK)  %>
                    <%= "LINK\t" %>
    <%            else if(type == FtpListResult.OTHERS) %>
                    <%= "OTHER\t" %>
    <%            String temp = ftplrs.getName() +"<br>");
                  <%= temp > <br>
    </textarea>I get the following error:
    Location: /myJSPs/jsp/grid-portal-project/processviewfiles_dir.jsp
    Internal Servlet Error:
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile Note: has been deprecated.
    C:\tomcat\jakarta-tomcat-3.3.1\work\DEFAULT\myJSPs\jsp\grid_0002dportal_0002dproject\ 'else' without 'if'.
    else if(type == FtpListResult.FILE)
    C:\tomcat\jakarta-tomcat-3.3.1\work\DEFAULT\myJSPs\jsp\grid_0002dportal_0002dproject\ 'else' without 'if'.
    else if(type == FtpListResult.LINK)
    C:\tomcat\jakarta-tomcat-3.3.1\work\DEFAULT\myJSPs\jsp\grid_0002dportal_0002dproject\ 'else' without 'if'.
    else if(type == FtpListResult.OTHERS)
    C:\tomcat\jakarta-tomcat-3.3.1\work\DEFAULT\myJSPs\jsp\grid_0002dportal_0002dproject\ ';' expected.
    String temp = ftplrs.getName() +"");
    4 errors, 1 warning
         at org.apache.tomcat.facade.JasperLiaison.javac(
         at org.apache.tomcat.facade.JasperLiaison.processJspFile(
         at org.apache.tomcat.facade.JspInterceptor.requestMap(
         at org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.processRequest(
         at org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.internalService(
         at org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.service(
         at org.apache.tomcat.modules.server.Http10Interceptor.processConnection(
         at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$
    Please help???

    Yes indeed this works:
    <textarea name="showDirectoryContent" rows="10" cols="70">
           // Print out the type and file name of each row.
                int type = ftplrs.getType();
                if(type == FtpListResult.DIRECTORY)
                    <%= "DIR\t" %>
    <%}            else if(type == FtpListResult.FILE)  {%>
                    <%= "FILE\t" %>
    <%}            else if(type == FtpListResult.LINK)  {%>
                    <%= "LINK\t" %>
    <%}            else if(type == FtpListResult.OTHERS) %>
                    <%= "OTHER\t" %>            
                  <%= ftplrs.getName() %>

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    Would you please elaborate more about your Lync environment?
    Please check if you meet the following configuration requirements:
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    Eason Huang
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    There is the scenario that users configured hundreds of subscriptions for reports. Now they want to disable all the subscriptions, but Reporting Services and SQL Server Agent service should be enable, so the subscriptions will not delivery reports to users
    and users could run the reports and create jobs on the server.
    To achieve this requirement, we need to list all subscriptions and their schedules by running query, then use loop statement to disable all the subscription schedules by Job name.
    On the Start menu, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server instance, and then click SQL Server Management Studio.
    Type Server name and select Authentication, click Connect.
    Click New Query in menu to open a new Query Editor window.
    List all subscriptions and their schedules by running the following query:
    Use ReportServer
    SELECT   c.[Name] ReportName,           
    s.ScheduleID JobName,           
    ss.[Description] SubscriptionDescription,           
    ss.DeliveryExtension SubscriptionType,           
    c.[Path] ReportFolderPath,           
    row_number() over(order by s.ScheduleID) as rn             
    ReportSchedule rs           
    INNER JOIN Schedule s ON rs.ScheduleID = s.ScheduleID           
    INNER JOIN Subscriptions ss ON rs.SubscriptionID = ss.SubscriptionID           
    INNER JOIN [Catalog] c ON rs.ReportID = c.ItemID AND ss.Report_OID = c.ItemID   
    select * from #temp
    Use the loop statement to disable all the subscription schedules by Job name:
    @count INT,
    @maxCount INT  
    SET @COUNT=1  
    SELECT @maxCount=MAX(RN)
    @job_name VARCHAR(MAX)                  
    WHILE @COUNT <=@maxCount        
    SELECT @job_name=jobname FROM #temp WHERE RN=@COUNT  
    exec msdb..sp_update_job @job_name = @job_name,@enabled = 0     
    RINT @job_name   
    SQL Agent – Disable All Jobs
    Applies to
    Reporting Services 2008
    Reporting Services 2008 R2
    Reporting Services 2012
    Reporting Services 2014
    Please click to vote if the post helps you. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

    Is this a supported scenario, or does it use unsupported features?
    For example, can we call exec [ReportServer].dbo.AddEvent @EventType='TimedSubscription', @EventData='b64ce7ec-d598-45cd-bbc2-ea202e0c129d'
    in a supported way?
    Thanks! Josh

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    They are a nice image, with a gradient applied at the top, and I have a left side gif for the tab as well as an "over" image set for the tab(s) as well.
    I use the images in a css file to display the tabs on a web page.
    The gradient is across the top of the tab, which is a lighter color, almost going to white, and the rest of the tab is a light blue, with left and right top a slight rounded corner. I would like to preserve the gradient appearance, but change the light blue theme to an almost black (#333333) color.
    How can I do this in photoshop?

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    Is this at all possibleto accomplish in a single step?
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    I tried to road test this by downloading and installing the Vine App, but all I had was iPod Touch 4th generation which cannot be updated to meet the requirements for Vine App.
    So, please give the following its road test, and let us see if this works for you....
    1. Open Premiere Elements 13 to its Expert workspace. Edit Menu/Preferences/General and remove the check mark next to "Default Scale to Frame Size".
    2. Import your source media 1080p into Premiere Elements 13 (Add Media/Files and Folders) and make your 6 sec segment. You can selectively export that
    6 seconds segment without having to get rid of the rest of the Timeline
    a. move the gray tabs to span just that Timeline segment
    b. when in the export area make sure that there is a check mark next to Share Work Area Bar Only.
    This first screenshot was done with version 10, but points to the two requirements for selective import that applies to 13 as well.
    3. Go to Publish+Share/Mobile Phones and Players/Apple iPod, iPad, and iPhone/ with Presets = "Apple iPad 2,3, 4, Mini; iPhone 4S, 5, 5S; Apple TV3 - 1080p29.97"
    Under the Advanced Button.Video Tab of that preset customize the preset as shown in the following screenshot
    Video Tab opened to show details.....
    Check out the Multiplexer Tab to assure that
    Multiplexer = MP4
    Stream Compatibility = iPod
    This should give you a 480 x 480 H.264.mp4 file (6 seconds duration) saved to the computer hard drive location that you designate.
    You can also produce a file using Publish+Share/Computer/QuickTime. We can go
    into that next if necessary.
    We will be watching for your results.
    Thank you.

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    hello, thanks for the link, getting some now (i use yahoo)
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    I have been tinkerig with internet tools such as DVD Dcrypter, Smart Ripper, Video redo,Tmpgen etc. They are not helpful nor consistent.
    Is there any other way to accomplish the above. I would appreciate any help

    I found this -
    and this is the exact what i wanted.
    Thanks Sergio
    Russo for your response

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    public const string GlobalNavigationIncludeTypes = "__GlobalNavigationIncludeTypes";
    protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    SPWeb web = SPContext.Current.Web;
    const string webnavigationsettings = @"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-16' standalone='yes'?>
    <WebNavigationSettings Version='1.1'>
    <SwitchableSiteMapProviderSettings Name='CurrentNavigationSwitchableProvider' TargetProviderName='CurrentNavigation' />
    <TaxonomySiteMapProviderSettings Name='CurrentNavigationTaxonomyProvider' Disabled='True' />
    <SwitchableSiteMapProviderSettings Name='GlobalNavigationSwitchableProvider' UseParentSiteMap='True' />
    <TaxonomySiteMapProviderSettings Name='GlobalNavigationTaxonomyProvider' UseParentSiteMap='True' />
    <NewPageSettings AddNewPagesToNavigation='True' CreateFriendlyUrlsForNewPages='True' />
    if (web.GetProperty(Webnavigationsettings) != null)
    web.AddProperty(Webnavigationsettings, webnavigationsettings);
    if (web.GetProperty(GlobalNavigationIncludeTypes) != null)
    web.AddProperty(GlobalNavigationIncludeTypes, 3);
    I can do this with javascript but what about sandboxed c#?  

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