How to Export an Order Via XML

How can we "Export an Order Via XML" using OOTB classes as mentioned in ATG Commerce Programming Guide?

I have set classpath as well, but getting errors.
C:\ATG\ATG9.1\home\bin>set classpath=%CLASSPATH%;C:\ATG\ATG9.1\home\lib\ojdbc14.jar
C:\ATG\ATG9.1\home\bin>set classpath=%CLASSPATH%;C:\ATG\ATG9.1\home\lib\_MyModule_slib_sclasses.jar
C:\ATG\ATG9.1\home\bin>set classpath=%CLASSPATH%;C:\jboss-4.2.3.GA\lib\jboss-common.jar
C:\ATG\ATG9.1\home\bin>startSQLRepository -m MyModule -repository /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository orders.xml | ATG
ATG Log Colorizer v1.1 Copyright (c) 2007 Kelly Goetsch - [email protected]
Application Server: jboss
The following installed ATG components are being used to launch:
ATGPlatform version 9.1 installed at C:\ATG\ATG9.1
JAVA_ARGS: -Datg.dynamo.home="." -Datg.dynamo.root=".\.." -Datg.dynamo.display= -Djava.naming.factory.url.pkgs=atg.jndi.url -Datg.dynamo.modulepath=".
\.." -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -Datg.dynamo.server.home="." -XX:MaxPermSize=96m -XX:MaxNewSize=96m -Datg.dynamo.modules=DAS;US
Cellular;DSS -Datg.dynamo.layers= -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000
DYNAMO_MODULES: @@atg/env/Startup.modules@@
CONFIGPATH: @@atg/env/Startup.configPath@@;.\.\PublishingAgent\deploymentconfig\live\config;..\DAS\config\dtmconfig.jar;
CLASSPATH: .\locallib\;.\lib\launcher.jar;.\locallib\;.\lib\launcher.jar;LASSPATH;C:\ATG\ATG9.1\home\lib\ojdbc14_g.jar;
PATH: C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\
Program Files\Support Tools;D:\data\notes;C:\program files\notes;C:\Program Files\ManageSoft\Common;C:\Program Files\Tor
toiseSVN\bin;C:\jdk1.5.0_16\bin;C:\eclipse-ganymede-atg\plugins\org.apache.ant_1.7.0.v200803061910\bin;C:\Program Files\
Windows Imaging\;;.\..\DAS\os_specific_files\i486-unknown-win32;.\..\DAS\os_specific_files\i486-unknown-win32\ice
**** info Wed Jul 27 15:23:25 IST 2011 1311760405899 /DPSLicense atg.service.ServiceResources->dynamoPrin
tMaxSessions : Only 20 concurrent sessions can be managed with this license
**** info Wed Jul 27 15:23:25 IST 2011 1311760405909 /DPSLicense atg.service.ServiceResources->dynamoPrin
tMaxDynamoServers : Only 3 Dynamo server(s) can be used concurrently with this license
**** info Wed Jul 27 15:23:25 IST 2011 1311760405909 /DPSLicense DPS is licensed to Proquire LLC - Develo
**** info Wed Jul 27 15:23:25 IST 2011 1311760405909 /DPSLicense atg.service.ServiceResources->unlimitedL
icenseMsg : This product is licensed for an unlimited number of CPUs.
**** info Wed Jul 27 15:23:29 IST 2011 1311760409504 /atg/dynamo/service/jdbc/SDSRepository SQL Repository s
tartup complete
**** info Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410085 /atg/commerce/pricing/priceLists/PriceLists SQL Repo
sitory startup complete
**** info Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410095 /atg/commerce/pricing/Promotions Resolving reference
to /atg/commerce/catalog/ProductCatalog
**** Warning Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410726 DistributorSender No remote servers configured
**** info Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410966 /atg/commerce/catalog/ProductCatalog SQL Repository s
tartup complete
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository Error parsing templa
te: atg.repository.RepositoryException: Your user defined property has
an invalid property-type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The deta
iled error is: {2}
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository Your user defined pr
operty has an invalid property-type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The detailed error is: {2}
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository Your user defined pr
operty has an invalid property-type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The detailed error is: {2}
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository Your user defined pr
operty has an invalid property-type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The detailed error is: {2}
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository Your user defined pr
operty has an invalid property-type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The detailed error is: {2}
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository Your user defined pr
operty has an invalid property-type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The detailed error is: {2}
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository Your user defined pr
operty has an invalid property-type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The detailed error is: {2}
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository Your user defined pr
operty has an invalid property-type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The detailed error is: {2}
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository Your user defined pr
operty has an invalid property-type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The detailed error is: {2}
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository Your user defined pr
operty has an invalid property-type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The detailed error is: {2}
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository Your user defined pr
operty has an invalid property-type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The detailed error is: {2}
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository Your user defined pr
operty has an invalid property-type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The detailed error is: {2}
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository Your user defined pr
operty has an invalid property-type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The detailed error is: {2}
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository Your user defined pr
operty has an invalid property-type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The detailed error is: {2}
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository Your user defined pr
operty has an invalid property-type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The detailed error is: {2}
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository Your user defined pr
operty has an invalid property-type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The detailed error is: {2}
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository Your user defined pr
operty has an invalid property-type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The detailed error is: {2}
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository Your user defined pr
operty has an invalid property-type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The detailed error is: {2}
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository Your user defined pr
operty has an invalid property-type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The detailed error is: {2}
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository Your user defined pr
operty has an invalid property-type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The detailed error is: {2}
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository Your user defined pr
operty has an invalid property-type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The detailed error is: {2}
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository Your user defined pr
operty has an invalid property-type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The detailed error is: {2}
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository Your user defined pr
operty has an invalid property-type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The detailed error is: {2}
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository atg.repository.R
epositoryException: Your user defined property has an invalid property
-type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The detailed error is: {2}
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository Your user defined pr
operty has an invalid property-type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The detailed error is: {2}
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository Your user defined pr
operty has an invalid property-type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The detailed error is: {2}
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository Your user defined pr
operty has an invalid property-type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The detailed error is: {2}
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository Your user defined pr
operty has an invalid property-type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The detailed error is: {2}
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository Your user defined pr
operty has an invalid property-type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The detailed error is: {2}
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository Your user defined pr
operty has an invalid property-type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The detailed error is: {2}
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository Your user defined pr
operty has an invalid property-type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The detailed error is: {2}
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository Your user defined pr
operty has an invalid property-type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The detailed error is: {2}
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository Your user defined pr
operty has an invalid property-type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The detailed error is: {2}
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository Your user defined pr
operty has an invalid property-type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The detailed error is: {2}
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository Your user defined pr
operty has an invalid property-type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The detailed error is: {2}
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository Your user defined pr
operty has an invalid property-type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The detailed error is: {2}
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository Your user defined pr
operty has an invalid property-type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The detailed error is: {2}
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository Your user defined pr
operty has an invalid property-type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The detailed error is: {2}
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository Your user defined pr
operty has an invalid property-type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The detailed error is: {2}
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository Your user defined pr
operty has an invalid property-type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The detailed error is: {2}
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository Your user defined pr
operty has an invalid property-type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The detailed error is: {2}
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository Your user defined pr
operty has an invalid property-type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The detailed error is: {2}
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository Your user defined pr
operty has an invalid property-type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The detailed error is: {2}
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository Your user defined pr
operty has an invalid property-type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The detailed error is: {2}
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository Your user defined pr
operty has an invalid property-type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The detailed error is: {2}
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository Your user defined pr
operty has an invalid property-type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: The detailed error is: {2}
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository at atg.adapter.g
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository at atg.adapter.g
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository at atg.adapter.g
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository at atg.adapter.g
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository at atg.adapter.g
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository at atg.adapter.g
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository at atg.adapter.g
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository at atg.nucleus.G
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository at atg.nucleus.N
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository at atg.nucleus.N
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository at atg.nucleus.N
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository at atg.nucleus.N
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository at atg.nucleus.N
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository at atg.nucleus.N
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository at atg.nucleus.N
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository at atg.nucleus.G
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository at atg.nucleus.G
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository at atg.nucleus.N
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository at atg.nucleus.N
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository at atg.nucleus.N
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository at atg.nucleus.N
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository at atg.adapter.g
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository at atg.adapter.g
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:30 IST 2011 1311760410986 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:49 IST 2011 1311760429092 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository java.sql.SQLExceptio
n: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:49 IST 2011 1311760429092 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:49 IST 2011 1311760429092 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository [++SQLSelect++]
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:49 IST 2011 1311760429092 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository SELECT ORDER_ID,SUB
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:49 IST 2011 1311760429092 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository FROM DCSPPX_ORDER
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:49 IST 2011 1311760429092 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository WHERE 1 = 2
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:49 IST 2011 1311760429092 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository (no parameters)
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:49 IST 2011 1311760429092 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository [--SQLSelect--]
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:49 IST 2011 1311760429092 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:49 IST 2011 1311760429092 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository The table: "DCSPPX_O
RDER" does not appear to be defined correctly in the database. Either the table does not exist, the repository does not
have SELECT permission on it, or the definition of the table is incompatible with the template in use.
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:49 IST 2011 1311760429102 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository java.sql.SQLExceptio
n: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:49 IST 2011 1311760429102 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:49 IST 2011 1311760429102 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository [++SQLSelect++]
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:49 IST 2011 1311760429102 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository SELECT ORDER_ID,DEP
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:49 IST 2011 1311760429102 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository FROM CDEDIT_SERVI
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:49 IST 2011 1311760429102 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository WHERE 1 = 2
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:49 IST 2011 1311760429102 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository (no parameters)
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:49 IST 2011 1311760429102 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository [--SQLSelect--]
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:49 IST 2011 1311760429102 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:49 IST 2011 1311760429102 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository The table: "CDEDIT_S
ERVICE_RESULT" does not appear to be defined correctly in the database. Either the table does not exist, the repository
does not have SELECT permission on it, or the definition of the table is incompatible with the template in use.
**** Error Wed Jul 27 15:23:49 IST 2011 1311760429112 /atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository java.sql.SQLExceptio
n: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00942: table or v

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    Please could someone let me know how to send purchase order via e-mail.
    I am an BC.
    e-mailing is functionning however I am not very familiar in settings for MM

    No, you do not need to touch ME_PRINT_PO. You need to put code before and after ME_PRINT_PO in the print program.
    Step 1 - Copy the standard print program SAPFM06P to make a Z version, lets call it ZSAPFM06P
    Step 2 - Copy include FM06PE02 to make a Z version, lets call that ZFM06PE02.
    Step 3 - ZSAPFM06P change the statement "Include FM06PE02" to read "Include ZFM06PE02".
    Step 4 - In include ZFM06PE02 you will find a subroutine called "ENTRY_NEU". In this subroutine you will see it first calls ME_READ_PO_FOR_PRINTING then calls ME_PRINT_PO. Before it calls ME_PRINT_PO just put:
    l_nast-nacha = 1.
    CLEAR l_nast-dimme.
    This means that ME_PRINT_PO will not e-mail, it will create a spool request.
    Step 5 - Still in ZFM06PE02, after ME_PRINT_PO has been called, add new code. First check that ent_retco EQ 0. If it does not then exit.
    Step 6 - Get the spool ID created by ME_PRINT_PO by either moving sy-msgv1 to a variable or select from NAST.
    Step 7 - Call function CONVERT_OTFSPOOLJOB_2_PDF using the spool ID from step 6, and put the result from table PDF into an internal table you can use later. ALso store the export variable pdf_bytecount, you will need it later.
    Step 8 - Call function SX_TABLE_LINE_WIDTH_CHANGE using the table from step 7 as content_in and put the results from content_out into a new internal table.
    Step 9 - Add some text into a internal table of type solisti1, this will be the body text of the e-mail.
    Step 10 - Add whatever receivers you want into an internal table of type somlreci1. If you just want it to go to the address that the PO would have gone to anyway, select the e-mail address from ADR6 where the address number = l_doc-xekko-adrnr, that is the data from the PO.
    Step 11 - Populate an internal table of type sopcklsti1 with data relevant to your PDF table from step 8 and the text table from step 9. You will have to put the size of the PDF from step 7 (pdf_bytecount) on the PDF line and the size of the text will be the number of lines of text * 255.
    Step 12 - Add info to a structure of type sodocchgi1. You can add the e-mail title in here, field obj_descr. Also add the size of the PDF and the size of the text from step 12 into doc_size, and give the doc a name in field obj_name. This can be anything, ZPDFPO for example.
    Step 13 - Call SO_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1 using the tables from steps 8, 9, 10 and 11 and the structure from step 12. You can amend the sending e-mail also. Set commit_work to space.
    Step 14 - That is all you need, but I actually call function RSPO_R_RDELETE_SPOOLREQ to delete the spool request created in step 4, then call NAST_PROTOCOL_UPDATE to add some more messages to the processing log of the PO.
    That is all.

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    Here's an xml file listing a couple of brother comedy teams:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    Open a new .fla and save it in the same folder as the .xml
    file. Place a List Component on the Stage and name it (in this
    case, "comicTeams_list"). In the first frame write the following
    //create XML object and load external xml file
    var broList:XML = new XML();
    broList.ignoreWhite = true;
    broList.onLoad = processList; // this is a function that will
    be written below
    function processList(success:Boolean):Void{
    trace("Load failure");
    function loadList():Void{
    var broName:String;
    var listEntries =
    for(var i:Number = 0;i<listEntries;i++){
    broName =
    //to make something happen when you click on a name in the
    List, create a Listener and function
    var broListListener:Object = new Object();
    broListListener.change = someAction; //"someAction" is a
    function to be written shortly
    //add the Listener to the List
    comicTeams_list.addEventListener("change", broListListener);
    function someAction(evtObj:Object):Void{
    var pickedBrother:String =;
    //write actions here, referencing pickedBrother variable
    The names of the Marx Brothers will appear in the box.
    This is written in AS2. When you post a question, it's a good
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    i need to export the table data in to xml file format. i got it through the GUI what they given.
    i'm using Oracle 10g XE.
    but i need to send the table name from Java programs. so, how to call the export commands from programming languages through. is there any sql commands to export the table contents in xml format.
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    i get the combined data with this query,
    select * from sales1 s1, sales2 s2 where order by;
    it given all the records, but i'm getting two ID fields (one from each table). how to avoid this. here i dont know how many fields will be there in each table. that will be known at runtime only.
    the static information is sales1 have one ID field with PK and sales2 will have one ID filed with FK.
    i need ur valuable suggestions.

    You can use DBMS_XMLGEN.getXML('your Query') for generating data in tables to XML format and you can use DBMS_XMLGEN.SETROWSETTAG to change the parent element name other wise it will give rowset as well as DBMS_XMLGEN.SETROWTAG for row name.
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    Hi Claudia,
    Yes, you can export the data available in BW to XML files using Open Hub Service.
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    If you have a PI server, I suggest you ask the PI person as I know nothing about PI.  The config for XML output in SRM is in SPRO > SRM Server > Cross Application Basic Settings > Set Output actions and Output Format

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    We cannot save the entire message from start to end. But what you can do is open the message and select any node whatever you want on the left hand side and then click on XML Message tab and click on Save Entire Message Version. This prompts you a place to save.
    Is this what you are looking for?

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    Can someone please help?
    Thank you!!
    Edited by: user11984882 on Jun 22, 2011 7:03 AM

    I guess that this zip-file contains a transport. This transportfiles have to be copied in the /usr/trans/data und /usr/trans/cofiles and imported by the transaction STMS.
    Thomas Jung wrote how to do this in this: How to import examples from book "Advanced BSP Programming"
    Perhaps your basis administrator can help you to do this?

  • I want to export acquired data via XML to a remote URL/web service. Is there some online reference for EXACTLY what XML features are available in 6.1?

    Is there any online reference to the XML methods available in 6.1?
    I would like to set up a LabView system that acquires data from local hardware, and then sends acquired data as XML "packets" to a remote web service. I can't seem to find any online reference to this when I search the site. I don't want the "gee golly 6.1 is cool" marketing stuff. Just a simple technical reference to abilities.

    If you're looking for more technical information about all the new features of 6.1, try the LabVIEW 6.1 Upgrade Notes. Here's what they say about the XML functions:
    "Use the Flatten to XML function located on the Functions»Advanced»Data Manipulation palette to convert any LabVIEW data type to the XML format according to the LabVIEW XML schema. Use the Unflatten from XML function located on the same palette to convert a data type in the XML format into LabVIEW data.
    For these conversions, LabVIEW uses a predefined XML schema that is described in labview\help\LVXMLSchema.xsd."
    Kelly Holmes
    LabVIEW Documentation
    Kelly H
    LabVIEW Documentation
    National Instruments

  • How-to use Excel for the XML file input?

    Hello all,
    Following our discussion with Gerhard Steinhuber on the very nice tutorial from Horst Schaude , "How to upload mass data via XML File Input" , I am starting this new discussion.
    In the comments section of this previous cited tutorial, Rufat Gadirov explains how to use a generated XML from Eclipse instead of your XSD file as your source in Excel.
    However, in spite of all the instructions, I am still facing the same issue in Excel when I try to save my file as XML : "The XML maps in this workbook are not exportable".
    What I try to do is to create one or more Sales Orders with multiple Items in it from a XML File Input, using excel to enter data.
    The part with the File input is working (if I directly upload my file to the webDAV, it creates a sales order instance with multiple items).
    The only missing part is the Excel data input that I cannot make work. Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
    Here is my XML file that I try to use as a source in Excel before inputing data from Excel:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <p:MySalesOrderUploadedIntegrationInputRequest xmlns:p="" xmlns:xsi="">
        <List actionCode="01" listCompleteTransmissionIndicator="true" reconciliationPeriodCounterValue="0">
              <MyBuyerID schemeAgencyID="token" schemeAgencySchemeAgencyID="1" schemeID="token">token</MyBuyerID>
              <MyName languageCode="EN">MyName</MyName>
              <MyBillToParty schemeAgencyID="token" schemeAgencySchemeAgencyID="1" schemeAgencySchemeID="token" schemeID="token">token</MyBillToParty>
              <MyEmployeeResponsible schemeAgencyID="token" schemeAgencySchemeAgencyID="1" schemeAgencySchemeID="token" schemeID="token">token</MyEmployeeResponsible>
              <MySalesUnit schemeAgencyID="token" schemeAgencySchemeAgencyID="1" schemeAgencySchemeID="token" schemeID="token">token</MySalesUnit>
                    <MyItemProductID schemeAgencyID="token" schemeID="token">token</MyItemProductID>
                    <MyItemDescription languageCode="EN">MyItemDescription</MyItemDescription>
                    <MyRequestedQuantity unitCode="token">0.0</MyRequestedQuantity>
                    <MyConfirmedQuantity unitCode="token">0.0</MyConfirmedQuantity>
                    <MyNetAmount currencyCode="token">0.0</MyNetAmount>
              <MyBuyerID schemeAgencyID="token" schemeAgencySchemeAgencyID="1" schemeID="token">token</MyBuyerID>
              <MyName languageCode="EN">MyName</MyName>
              <MyBillToParty schemeAgencyID="token" schemeAgencySchemeAgencyID="1" schemeAgencySchemeID="token" schemeID="token">token</MyBillToParty>
              <MyEmployeeResponsible schemeAgencyID="token" schemeAgencySchemeAgencyID="1" schemeAgencySchemeID="token" schemeID="token">token</MyEmployeeResponsible>
              <MySalesUnit schemeAgencyID="token" schemeAgencySchemeAgencyID="1" schemeAgencySchemeID="token" schemeID="token">token</MySalesUnit>
                    <MyItemProductID schemeAgencyID="token" schemeID="token">token</MyItemProductID>
                    <MyItemDescription languageCode="EN">MyItemDescription</MyItemDescription>
                    <MyRequestedQuantity unitCode="token">0.0</MyRequestedQuantity>
                    <MyConfirmedQuantity unitCode="token">0.0</MyConfirmedQuantity>
                    <MyNetAmount currencyCode="token">0.0</MyNetAmount>
    Thank you all for your attention.
    Best regards.
    Jacques-Antoine Ollier

    Hello Jacques-Antoine,
    I suppose that as you have tried to construct a map from the schema, you have taken the elements from the List level down. In this case I also can't export the map.
    But if you take the elements from the level MySalesOrderUploaded down, you'll get the exportable map (screenshots)
    Best regards,
    Leonid Granatstein

  • PO via XML in R/3 or ECC 6.0

    Dear Friends,
    Did anyone establish the functionality of sending Purchase Orders via XML in R/3 or ECC 6.0 (there is no SRM existing).  I knew that in SRM there is a default functionality existing, but want to know how can the same approach be achieved from R/3 Enterprise version or ECC 6.0.
    Kindly advise me with your inputs on how can this be achieved.
    Appreciate your valuable inputs.
    Kind Regards,

    Please Go thru this Link--> Hope this will be helpful to you

  • Programming IP Phones via XML

    I'm sorry but I'm bit confused how send and receive informations via XML to/from the IP Phones.
    I have a CUCM 6.1.x and some Cisco IP Phones.
    What I would like to know is how can we communicate via XML from our ASP.Net application.
    I have read the documentation "Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development Notes", precisely the chapter "Cisco IP Phone XML Object Quick Reference".
    We have configured on the CUCM the external web server which is our server on which runs our application.
    Have we simply to send some xml commands to the Call Manager passing the DEV ID of the phone in order to show a text message on the IP Phone Screen ?
    What is the correct procedure?
    Thank you very much in advance!

    This is very similar to how you display information on a web browser, but instead of serving HTML from the web server, you serve XML (actually a subset of XML objects as listed in the "Cisco IP Phone XML Object Quick Reference"). You can either push information to phones (via CiscoIPPhoneExecute object and HTTP POST) or you can have user pull the information by selecting an application subscribed to the phones (accessible via Services button on the phone).
    If you want to push text to phones, you may want to look at PhoneTop Messenger, which allows you to push text, wave file, live audio, weather alerts, Amber alerts (missing child alerts), etc. to Cisco IP phone groups.

  • How to Distribute PO's via ALE

    My question is regarding ALE.
    How to distribute Purchase Orders via ALE without maintaining output control in individual PO
    or is there any transaction to maintain output control in Bulk..?
    Thanks for Your help...
    Govardhan Reddy

    PO data comes in Transacational data, for this type of information...we can use Message control for generating IDOCs.
    Step 1.
    Goto NACE - select Application Area "EF"- dbl click the output type button & select the output type of your requirement here and click on processing routines in left side pane.
    you will be taken to next screen...
    Medium : ALE
    Program: RSNASTED
    Form routine: ALE_PROCESSING & Save it
    Step 2:
    goto partner profiles T.code: we20
    select the partner type ...LS
    identify your partner... go to outbound parameters ...give new entry message type ORDERS & fill the general tab. in Message control tab.
    application area: EF
    message type: output type you selected in NACE transaction
    processing routine: ME10
    by the above configuration, it will generate PO IDOC for you.

  • How to export and email so others can play file?

    I recently had a ProCare appointment and learned how to export a movie via email. But since that makes choppy videos I learned how to use Expert Settings to change it to a QuickTime movie using h.264 and AAC. This results in a 2-3mb file at 30fps for a 30-45 second clip. Perfect.
    Well it works perfect for my Mac, but when I send it to other users (all Windows so far) they get an error saying the file is not a movie. They are using the latest QuickTime for Windows player.
    Any ideas?

    welcome tebelony to the  boards of discussions...
    I've read here such complains of Windows users often... I'm no Windows guy, but it seems so, that not every PC is able to playback h264.. (which needs indeed a very powerful machine.. even for playback..).
    and: Only Quicktime 7 (seven) this latest and excellent codec...
    Plan B)
    .. choose a different output codec... 'mpeg4' creates also nice results (small, good looking...) ... see in the Expert Settings ...
    for a while, I did use the free tool
    you export your iM project as 'QT/FullQuality' and use it as input for iSquint ... I tested some settings (click on >> this link << ), and got better results than with QT's mpeg4 ...

  • How to keep User Order when exporting a collection?

    I made a collection of about 300 VC's, chosen from many folders in my catalogue. These images were taken over a 10 year period, using 3 different cameras and having different names and file types. The collection was sorted by "User Order". I spent a good deal of time organizing the collection so that the images made visual sense when shown as a slide show on a digital album.
    I exported the collection to my hard drive as jpegs, and checked the box to place them back in my catalogue, in a designated subfolder within my parent folder. All went well except they are now completely out of order, and that order makes no logical sense whatsoever - not by date, metadata, filename, attributes, nothing that I can figure out. I have to start all over again to reorder them - something that will take several hours.
    What did I do wrong? How can I keep my designated user order when I export a collection? 
    I am using LR 4.3.
    Thanks for your replies.

    sunhotmoon wrote:
    What did I do wrong? How can I keep my designated user order when I export a collection? 
    Hi Rene,
    Lightroom does not maintain user order upon exporting. It would make no sense when not exporting back to catalog, but when exporting back to catalog I can see that it may be desirable - consider making a feature request (Idea) here:
    In the mean time, I *think* what most people do to assure export ordering is to name the files according to desired order, then sort by filename. I could be wrong about that, but that's all I got.
    Beware: If said approach is adopted, one would not be able to do incremental exports and maintain such ordering (e.g. when single image added to publish service), so all files would need to be re-exported if such change was made.
    I have requested access to sort order and added-order via plugin for plugin-assisted remedy, but so far no go.
    Another idea (which may not be acceptable) is to use capture-time to maintain sort order of exported photos (via a plugin like Exportant), then it would be easy enough to maintain user order by manipulating capture time (of exported photos I mean, post-export), but then you'd lose the true capture-time, granted: capture time could be put into some other field, but that might foul things up downstream... hmm - sorry for rambling/brain-storming out loud.
    Maybe somebody else has a better idea.

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