How to export DV to Broadcast QT???

How do you export a 720x480 DV clip to a 720x486 clip to a .MOV for broadcast purpose? I tried opening a new sequence with the right presets but the video stay small. Is it in the export?
Thanks Guy

You cannot resize the clip without loss of quality. Simply tell them you material is DV, not SD. Yes, you can paste it into a 720x486 timeline and export it, but your active video pixels will still be 720x 480.
If they want it, they want it. If they're smart they'll take straight dv and do it themselves. I'd advise you to tell them that, then they have nobody to blame but themselves. Cash the check immediately.

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    1.You should export a self contained movie using current settings -same as your Timeline codec and make the deliverables from that, using Compressor. Only the broadcaster can tell you what they need. Ask each and everyone of them that you will be delivering to for their spec sheet.
    2. QuickTime Conversion will recompress the file, even if it is to the same codec as your Timeline.
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    Oracle DATABASE 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE      Production
    TNS FOR 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
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    SQL> declare                                                                                                               
      2    doc  DBMS_XMLDOM.DOMDocument;                                                                                       
      3    xdata  XMLTYPE;                                                                                                     
      5    CURSOR xmlcur IS                                                                                                    
      6    SELECT xmlelement("Employee",XMLAttributes('' AS "xmlns:xsi",                       
      7                                  '' AS "xsi:nonamespaceSchemaLocation")              
      8                              ,xmlelement("EmployeeNumber",e.empno)                                                     
      9                              ,xmlelement("EmployeeName",e.ename)                                                       
    10                              ,xmlelement("Department",xmlelement("DepartmentName",d.dname)                             
    11                                                      ,xmlelement("Location",d.loc)                                     
    12                                         )                                                                              
    13                   )                                                                                                    
    14     FROM   emp e                                                                                                       
    15     ,      dept d                                                                                                      
    16     WHERE  e.DEPTNO=d.DEPTNO;                                                                                          
    18  begin                                                                                                                 
    19    OPEN xmlcur;                                                                                                        
    20    FETCH xmlcur INTO xdata;                                                                                            
    21    CLOSE xmlcur;                                                                                                       
    22    doc := DBMS_XMLDOM.NewDOMDocument(xdata);                                                                           
    23    DBMS_XMLDOM.WRITETOFILE(doc, 'UTLDATA/marco.xml');                                                                  
    24  end;                                                                                                                  
    25  /                                                                                                                      
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

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    I think there are third-party programs which will do that, but you can also do it with Automator:
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    As you have said you are not a technical person try using Import Export wizard.
    Refer this link
    And another simplest one is to copy the result set from the query window. Right click the result and select "Copy with Headers".
    Regards, RSingh

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    Hi All,
    I have done as per your suggestion but here i have face the below problem, in print statment it give correct query, in EXEC ( EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @BCPCMD) it was displayed error message like below
    DECLARE @filepath
    SET @filepath
    = N'"D:\Temp\LDH_SQLErrorlog_'+CAST(YEAR(GETDATE())
    as varchar(4))
    as varchar(2)),2)
    as varchar(2)),2)+'.log" '
    Set @SQLServer
    = '''BCP "SELECT 
    * FROM   [tempdb].[dbo].[wErrorLog] " QUERYOUT '
    = '-c -t , -T -S '
    + @SQLServer + 
    = @BCPCMD1+ @filepath 
    + @BCPCMD2
    Print @BCPCMD
    -- Print out below
    * FROM   [tempdb].[dbo].[wErrorLog] " QUERYOUT "D:\Temp\LDH_SQLErrorlog_20130313.log" -c -t , -T -S servername'
      ''BCP' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    if i copy the print ourt put like below and excecute the CMD it was working fine, could you please suggest me what is the problem in above query.
    'BCP "SELECT  * FROM  
    [tempdb].[dbo].[wErrorLog] " QUERYOUT "D:\Temp\LDH_SQLErrorlog_20130313.log" -c -t , -T -S servername '
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    Tables like: RFCDES
    How can export this table ?
    How to import the table?
    It is very urgent, Please give me the solution as soon as possible
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    Points awarded

    Hi Ravi,
    Create a control file like "rfcdes_export.ctl"
    file '/usr/sap/data/export_rfc.dat’
    delete from rfcdes
    select * from rfcdes
    Take the export :
    R3trans -w rfcdes_export.log rfcdes_export.ctl
    Create the control file "rfc_import.ctl"
    file '/usr/sap/data/export_rfc.dat'
    Import it:
    R3trans -w rfc_import.log -u 1268 rfc_import.ctl
    Hope it will help you.
    Best Wishes.

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    I had no trouble finding the "Export" tools in the "File" menu. They are greyed out when no photo is selected, but they are functional after selecting one or more photos.
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    Use the photo set up in the iTunes sync

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    There are a number of methods including:
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    Also check out the Photo Manager Pro app.
     Cheers, Tom

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