How to export time duration of BOIS tasks

Hi all,
Pleasae let me know is there any way of exporting the Task details like Task Name, Task date ,duration.

Hi Ankit,
You will get the Task transactional data in IS Repository tables. In IS Repository database, you will find Views related to Tasks from each module of IS. These Views are named like MMX_TASK, X stands for D, V and so on. For example, you will get all the Data Insight profile task under the View  MMV_Profile_Tasks.
Ramakrishna Kamurthy

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    Background: I am trying to display in a JTable, in two columns, the start position and time duration of an audio clip.
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    However I wish to display on screen in the table in HH:mm:ss:S format. eg. 00:01:12:7. The user can edit the cell and input values to update the internal member fields.
    Problem: I am finding it very difficult to implement this - what with the interactions of MaskFormatter, DefaultCellEditor etc.
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    Taking the Swing Tutorial TableFTFEditDemo example as a template,
    does anyone know how to do this?
    I can post my (buggy) modifications to the example code - if it would help.
    Appreciate any help.

    Here are my modifications to the TableFTFEditDemo example. If you run it, you get an exception
    like java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "18:00:03.500"
    The two modified classes are taken from the Tutorial and are listed below:
    * IntegerEditor is a 1.4 class used by
    import javax.swing.AbstractAction;
    import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
    import javax.swing.DefaultCellEditor;
    import javax.swing.JFormattedTextField;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    import javax.swing.JTable;
    import javax.swing.JTextField;
    import javax.swing.KeyStroke;
    import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.awt.Component;
    import java.awt.Toolkit;
    import java.text.DateFormat;
    import java.text.NumberFormat;
    import java.text.ParseException;
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
    import java.util.Calendar;
    import java.util.Date;
    import javax.swing.text.DateFormatter;
    import javax.swing.text.DefaultFormatterFactory;
    import javax.swing.text.MaskFormatter;
    import javax.swing.text.NumberFormatter;
    class TimeRenderer {
         float seconds;
         TimeRenderer(String str) {
              int hSec = Integer.parseInt(str.substring(0,2)) * 60 * 60;
              int mSec = Integer.parseInt(str.substring(2,4)) * 60;
              int sSec = Integer.parseInt(str.substring(4,6));
              float tSec = Integer.parseInt(str.substring(6,7))/10.0F;
              seconds = hSec + mSec + sSec + tSec;
    * Implements a cell editor that uses a formatted text field to edit Integer
    * values.
    public class IntegerEditor extends DefaultCellEditor {
         JFormattedTextField ftf;
         static Date zeroTime = new Date(0L);
         private boolean DEBUG = true;
         SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss.S");
         MaskFormatter maskFo = new MaskFormatter("##:##:##.#");
         protected MaskFormatter createFormatter(String s) {
              MaskFormatter formatter = null;
              try {
                   formatter = new MaskFormatter(s);
              } catch (java.text.ParseException exc) {
                   System.err.println("formatter is bad: " + exc.getMessage());
              return formatter;
         public IntegerEditor(int min, int max) throws ParseException {
              super(new JFormattedTextField(new MaskFormatter("##:##:##.#")));
              ftf = (JFormattedTextField) getComponent();
              // Set up the editor for the cells.
              ftf.setFormatterFactory(new DefaultFormatterFactory(new DateFormatter(sdf)));
              // React when the user presses Enter while the editor is
              // active. (Tab is handled as specified by
              // JFormattedTextField's focusLostBehavior property.)
              ftf.getInputMap().put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER, 0), "check");
              ftf.getActionMap().put("check", new AbstractAction() {
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                        if (!ftf.isEditValid()) { // The text is invalid.
                             ftf.postActionEvent(); // inform the editor
                        } else
                             try { // The text is valid,
                                  ftf.commitEdit(); // so use it.
                                  ftf.postActionEvent(); // stop editing
                             } catch (java.text.ParseException exc) {
         // Override to invoke setValue on the formatted text field.
         public Component getTableCellEditorComponent(JTable table, Object value,
                   boolean isSelected, int row, int column) {
              JFormattedTextField ftf = (JFormattedTextField) super
                        .getTableCellEditorComponent(table, value, isSelected, row, column);
              System.out.println("value:" + value);
    //          long milliseconds =(long) (Float.parseFloat(value.toString()) * 1000);
              long milliseconds =(long) (((Float) value).floatValue() * 1000);
              Date dt = new Date(milliseconds);
              return ftf;
         // Override to ensure that the value remains an Integer.
         public Object getCellEditorValue() {
              JFormattedTextField ftf = (JFormattedTextField) getComponent();
              Object o = ftf.getValue();
              try {               
                   Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
                   float seconds = cal.getTimeInMillis()/1000.0F;
                   return sdf.format(o);
                   //return new Float(seconds);
              } catch (Exception exc) {
                   System.err.println("getCellEditorValue: can't parse o: " + o);
                   return null;
         // Override to check whether the edit is valid,
         // setting the value if it is and complaining if
         // it isn't. If it's OK for the editor to go
         // away, we need to invoke the superclass's version
         // of this method so that everything gets cleaned up.
         public boolean stopCellEditing() {
              JFormattedTextField ftf = (JFormattedTextField) getComponent();
              if (ftf.isEditValid()) {
                   try {
                   } catch (java.text.ParseException exc) {
              } else { // text is invalid
                   return false; // don't let the editor go away
              return super.stopCellEditing();
    * is a 1.4 application that requires one other file:
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JDialog;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
    import javax.swing.JTable;
    import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel;
    import java.awt.Dimension;
    import java.awt.GridLayout;
    import java.text.ParseException;
    * This is exactly like TableDemo, except that it uses a
    * custom cell editor to validate integer input.
    public class TableFTFEditDemo extends JPanel {
        private boolean DEBUG = false;
        public TableFTFEditDemo() throws ParseException {
            super(new GridLayout(1,0));
            JTable table = new JTable(new MyTableModel());
            table.setPreferredScrollableViewportSize(new Dimension(500, 70));
            //Create the scroll pane and add the table to it.
            JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(table);
            //Set up stricter input validation for the integer column.
         //   table.setDefaultEditor(Float.class,
           //                        new IntegerEditor(0, 100));
         //If we didn't want this editor to be used for other
         //Integer columns, we'd do this:
              new IntegerEditor(0, 100));
            //Add the scroll pane to this panel.
        class MyTableModel extends AbstractTableModel {
            private String[] columnNames = {"First Name",
                                            "Last Name",
                                            "# of Years",
            private Object[][] data = {
                {"Mary", "Campione",
                 "Snowboarding", new Float(5.7), new Boolean(false)},
                {"Alison", "Huml",
                 "Rowing", new Float(3.5), new Boolean(true)},
                {"Kathy", "Walrath",
                 "Knitting", new Float(2.9), new Boolean(false)},
                {"Sharon", "Zakhour",
                 "Speed reading", new Float(20.8), new Boolean(true)},
                {"Philip", "Milne",
                 "Pool", new Float(10.5), new Boolean(false)}
            public int getColumnCount() {
                return columnNames.length;
            public int getRowCount() {
                return data.length;
            public String getColumnName(int col) {
                return columnNames[col];
            public Object getValueAt(int row, int col) {
                return data[row][col];
             * JTable uses this method to determine the default renderer/
             * editor for each cell.  If we didn't implement this method,
             * then the last column would contain text ("true"/"false"),
             * rather than a check box.
            public Class getColumnClass(int c) {
                 Object obj = getValueAt(0, c);
                 System.out.println("getColumnClass.obj:" + obj);
                return obj.getClass();
            public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int col) {
                //Note that the data/cell address is constant,
                //no matter where the cell appears onscreen.
                if (col < 2) {
                    return false;
                } else {
                    return true;
            public void setValueAt(Object value, int row, int col) {
                if (DEBUG) {
                    System.out.println("Setting value at " + row + "," + col
                                       + " to " + value
                                       + " (an instance of "
                                       + value.getClass() + ")");
                data[row][col] = value;
                fireTableCellUpdated(row, col);
                if (DEBUG) {
                    System.out.println("New value of data:");
            private void printDebugData() {
                int numRows = getRowCount();
                int numCols = getColumnCount();
                for (int i=0; i < numRows; i++) {
                    System.out.print("    row " + i + ":");
                    for (int j=0; j < numCols; j++) {
                        System.out.print("  " + data[i][j]);
         * Create the GUI and show it.  For thread safety,
         * this method should be invoked from the
         * event-dispatching thread.
         * @throws ParseException
        private static void createAndShowGUI() throws ParseException {
            //Make sure we have nice window decorations.
            //Create and set up the window.
            JFrame frame = new JFrame("TableFTFEditDemo");
            //Create and set up the content pane.
            TableFTFEditDemo newContentPane = new TableFTFEditDemo();
            newContentPane.setOpaque(true); //content panes must be opaque
            //Display the window.
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            //Schedule a job for the event-dispatching thread:
            //creating and showing this application's GUI.
            javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    try {
                        } catch (ParseException e) {
                             // TODO Auto-generated catch block

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    A couple of notes regarding others' helpful posts:
    The small icons is sort of a red herring - there is nothing about small icons that prohibits the date from showing, but if your taskbar is only one row high, there will not be enough space to SEE the date with small icons. I use small icons and a two row
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    best regards,

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    Do you know if your load can be programmed to do the current transition for you? I have a Sorensen that has two programmable levels which can be set to constant current, resistance or power. You can program it to go from one level to the other after a programmable time. You can also program the rising and falling slew rates independantly. The load has an analog 0-10V input that can be connected to a function generator, arbitrary waveform generator or one of the NI DAQ cards so that you can make any current waveform you want.
    Although I am not familiar with Agilent loads I would be surprised if they can not do something similar. If your load has this capability then that is definately the way to go. Even with LabVIEW Real Time you will have to consider communications latency issues especially if they are not deterministic.
    LabVIEW 2012

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    Is this the appropriate forum for these questions?
    Any help is appreciated.

    I moved this question to an ABAP forum. Here's the [thread|ST03 Export: How to export all instances and task types?;.

  • How to calculate the time duration on a datetime column?

    Hi guys,
    I've done some search on this forum and everywhere else but I can't seem to get this right, at the beggining it sounded like something very simple to accomplish, for the instance with Excel but I'm struggling to get it to work with Crystal Reports on Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.
    I have a datetime column (SQL Server 2000) that I wanted to calculate the the time duration on the report group footer, unfortunatelly the built-in SUM function cannot be applied and I've tried several formulas that I've found on the internet without any luck. I'm using a datetime column to store only the time because I'm stuck with SQL Server 2000 which doesn't have a time data type.
    Would you guys know how to do it by any chance?
    Some sample code I've tried:
    Thanks a lot,
    Edited by: Paul Doe on Dec 12, 2009 5:41 PM
    Some sample data:
    =========     =================
    JOHN DOE      1900-01-01 01:00:05
    JOHN DOE      1900-01-01 00:20:00
    JOHN DOE      1900-01-01 01:30:15
    =========     =================
    HOURS WORKED: 02:50:20
    Edited by: Paul Doe on Dec 12, 2009 5:42 PM
    Edited by: Paul Doe on Dec 12, 2009 5:45 PM

    Guess what, by further testing the code on the website mentioned above I got it working.
    Pus, I needed to change the grouping on the code, so I had to come up with a way to update the formulas based on the groupping field.
    Considering "call_date" is the field that you are groupping by on the designer use the following code to update the formula:
    CrystalReportObj = new ReportDocument();
    FieldDefinition FieldDef;
    //Get formula
    FormulaFieldDefinition FormulaDef1;
    FormulaDef1 = CrystalReportObj.DataDefinition.FormulaFields["SubHours"];
    //Get formula
    FormulaFieldDefinition FormulaDef2;
    FormulaDef2 = CrystalReportObj.DataDefinition.FormulaFields["subMinSec"];
    //Update the formula to work with the new grouping field,
    //this must be called first else will throw an exception
    FormulaDef1.Text = FormulaDef1.Text.Replace("call_date", "call_extension");
    FormulaDef2.Text = FormulaDef2.Text.Replace("call_date", "call_extension");
    //Get the new field we are grouping by
    FieldDef = CrystalReportObj.Database.Tables[0].Fields["call_extension"];
    //Replace current grouping field with the new one,
    //considering there only one group in the report, index 0
    CrystalReportObj.DataDefinition.Groups[0].ConditionField = FieldDef;
    Have fun.
    Edited by: Paul Doe on Dec 12, 2009 8:43 PM
    Edited by: Paul Doe on Dec 12, 2009 8:53 PM

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    How to send timer job email  to "assigned to" field value in a task list if due date is after two days from now?

    Create a SharePoint Designer Workflow and use "pause until date" option when an new item is created/update.
    Using Server Object model, I believe you can create the timer job from item event receiver.

  • How to Find Actual Time Spent on a TASK in TFS 2013 by using the scrum template

    Hi! Currently we are using the TFS 2013 version with Scrum template this template contains only Remaining work measure for Task item and there is no
    other option for getting the Actual time spent on particular Task and Bug having the option called Effort. How to find the Actual Time spent or Actual effort hours on particular TASK is it possible? In the similar way the Agile Template having the These options
    1 Original Estimate
    2 Completed Work
    3 Remaining Work 
    Can i use these 3 for Scrum Templete also?
    We require the feature similarly like Atlasian JIRA product (JIRA consist the Actual time, Estimation Time and Log).

    The Scrum template doesn't have these fields, tracking "spent time" is not really in line the philosophy of Scrum. it's tracking data that is not really useful anyway, unless you have to do some form of reporting. In which case you probably already
    have a system to track time in at a higher level. 
    The way TFS tracks time is very hard to use when you have a highly collaborative team, it would require you to create tasks for each person contributing to a task or constant re-asssigning of tasks to track the correct time spent. How else would you track
    two peopleworking together? Pair programming, for example is a practice we at highly promote. As well as pairing a tester and a developer up on applying ATDD when working on a story together. When a story is taking "too long" to move off
    the board a technique called swarming is often applied, in which all team members help out to move the story along at a higher pace or to get it unstuck. These ways of workign are very, very, very hard to capture in TFS. But we think the threshold to use these
    techniques should be very low. People should default to these ways of working and not be punished by bad functioning tooling.
    As mentioned by Alexandr, you can extend the Scrum template with the same fields the MSF templates use, but I would not recommend it. Instead, if you need to track time, first consider doing it in different tool and at a different level than task. Maybe
    feature, activity or product backlog item.
    If you still want to track time, then a tool like
    Imaginet Time Sheet can extend TFS in ways that make it a lot easier to track time against any work item.
    As a last resort, consider
    adding the fields from the MSF template, but I beg you to reconsider.
    My blog:

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    how to export photo to external hard drive?  (time capsule 3t)?
    Simple - launch iPhoto, select the phtoos and export (file menu ==> export) to the destination of yoru choice - see the user tip onexporting for details on the export optiopns -
    However is the Time Capsule being used for Time Machine backups? If it is do not use it as an external drive too - it needs to be dedicated to one use only
    cant find photo in hard drive. where does iphoto store photo? i looked for the foler everwhere....
    And this is a totally different question - by default in your iPhoto library - and to access then see the user tip on accessing yoru iPhoto files -
    You never access them directly - always using the supported access methods

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    Oh you need to do it in AE? That's... kinda.. unneeded but okay. Thanks!

  • How to export 2 different report with a link at the same time

    Do anybody know how to export 2 different report with a link at the same time. I currently create a report which link to another report. But when I want to export the 1st report I also want the 2nd report also be exported.
    Thank you very much.
    Best Rgds,
    SL Voon

    Export all the three components individually.
    It will generate 3 script files. Now run them from SQL>

  • How to set waveform time duration in labview

    please can anyone help me with how to set the waveform time duration in labview (for real time monitoring and measurement). i need to monitor the system in waveform chart with the time duration 10:00AM TO 4:00PM with the appropriate date. i  urgently need any useful information. thanks 

    If you are trying to manipulate the waveform data itself, look in to the Get Waveform Subset VI.
    If you are trying to alter the chart to show a specific section of the data, look in to the Chart's properties using a property node. Specific properties you want are XScale and YScale values.
    And like Dennis said, please provide what you've been trying to do. This makes it easier to help.

  • How to find out the top 10 data loads based on time duration?.

    We are working on performance tuning. so we want to find out the top 10 loads which had run long time in date wise.
    We need the load start time and end time of the load process, Infosource and datatarget name.
    There are nearly 1000 loads, So it is very difficult to collect the load's timings in RSMO.
    Is there any another alternative to collect the top 10 loads based on time duration in date wise?
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Gangaraju,
    You can install BI Statistics for getting these type of data.
    Or you check in RSDDSTAT or RSMDATASTATE_EXT or  table for the Load process time.
    Or goto t-code ST13 to get detailed analysis of a Process chain for a given period.
    Hope this helps.
    Ravi Kanth

  • How can I sync ical To Do Tasks? About time?

    any ideas on How can I sync ical To Do Tasks? ideally I'd like to sync to my ipad too
    I currently have Outlook 2011 syncing its tasks to ical nicely, just now need to put them onto my iphone then it would be perfect!
    I'm guessing there might be some apps that do this, but would love some suggestions if anyone has any?
    thanks in advance?

    Unfortunately this is far from easy. It used to be possible with MobileMe, but the process requires a CalDAV server, which very few website hosting services are.
    The first step is that you can't do this with an iCloud calendar: it has to be listed under 'On My Mac'. Control-click the calendar and choose 'Publish'. Set 'publish on' to 'A private server' (I'm looking at this on Snow Leopard, where the default is 'MobileMe', which obviously won't work - I don't know if Mountain Lion is different). What I see is this:
    You will want to check 'Publish changes automatically'.
    Unfortunately it now gets difficult. If you publish to an ordinary website hosting server, all you will get is a text file. MobileMe had the facility to take the published file and turn it into a structured web page. I'm afraid you may have a lot of difficulty in finding a server to do this - I did see a reference to one which claimed to be able to do this, but people were complaining that it didn't work and unfortunately I can't remember the name. iCal's instructions rather assume that you will be running your own server, which I would assume you don't want to get into - I wouldn't.
    The easier alternative is to publish publicly from an iCloud calendar - please see and expand 'Share a public calendar' - but recipients will need a CalDAV client to open it: iCal is of course one, and Google Calendars another (though I've seen complaints of it being flaky).

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    anybody can help me ?!
    Sample ‏45 KB

    worldviol wrote:
      I have a SubVI which gives me a string line, and I need that after end of this line ( which I gives me true value),  trig a timer to start to run to make the loop to wait for specific time duration. here I attached my VI, I hope it is clear.
    anybody can help me ?!
    can you be more specific? the string coming from your ""? and what string specifically are you looking for to make this event happen?
    start by looking at the "comparison" pallet for your T/F logic of what specific string you want, wired to your case statement and a timer....

Maybe you are looking for

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