How to find/get "Magic Bell" Alert Sound Effect

I've been looking everywhere for this alert sound on my Mac Pro (Magic Bell) I checked the System > Library > Sounds. for this file and cant find it anywhere, even searching with spotlight.
I wanted to dupe it across to my Mac Book Pro as its a nice alert sound, it seems strange that I cant find it.
The Mac Pro was upgraded from Tiger OS several months ago (whenever Leopard was released) so Im not sure if its a sound from that OS or from an app or where it came from since its not on my Mac Book Pro (which came with Leopard on it)
I've installed the same apps on my laptop as to whats on the desktop.
Anyone know where I can get this sound from or at least search within the app container/packages to see if its within those?

The system sounds are all aiff, AFAIK, so a search for .aiff should turn it up.
There are some sounds in the Developer package and FYI, any sounds you add, don't add them to the system library, but if you create a sounds folder in the
/Library directory they will be seen by the system without modifying the original library.
In Sound preferences, these additional sounds show up as "System Shared" and not Built-in.
You don't mean the glass tink do you?

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    The system sounds are all aiff, AFAIK, so a search for .aiff should turn it up.
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