How To Find "Secure Emails"

When Verizon needs to send you sensitive information, we store messages for you on your My Verizon account.
To retrieve your messages, Click link to "New (2) Messages" to the right of the My Perks Tab on the Account Overview screen. 
Please see screen shot below:

On your back up drive.

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    For starters, if you have not already done so, read about it in the JavaMail design specifications.
    Search for Message Security in the said document.

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    return (WnUser) em.createQuery
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    First off, you are not really doing:
    are you?
    If you enter the full line, it will read in all
    of the entries each time it is called.
    You should break each part into an object:
    I'm not sure what you are doing.
    Are you trying to compose an email?
    If so, why are you not using Recipients.Resolve()?
    Are you trying to get the recipients from an email?
    >>> On Friday, April 16, 2010 at 1:26 AM,
    hillp<[email protected]>
    > as title,
    > i can get the display name from the to, cc, bc edit box,
    > then i need to get the email address,
    > current i use object API to query:
    GWAccount‑>GWAddressBook‑>GWAddressBookEntrie >get_EmailAddress,get_Di
    > but i find it is really slow when there are many contacts, example
    > 10000.
    > so is there any other effective method to get the email address?

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    dompiemonte wrote:
    C159 wrote:
    I have just bought a deskjet 2540 printer and I cannot find the email adress for it so I can print from my blackberry.Also I can not find the claim code for it as well. Any suggestion on how to do this would be helpful.Just help me to make my printer work. I just need the printer email ad.As I explained above, the printer is not an ePrint-capable model.  The specifications for the printer can be found here.  They clearly state the printer is not able to print via ePrint. This is why you cannot find the claim code.  It does have "Wireless Direct" built into it - this can enable you to print wirelessly.  How to set up the DJ 2540 for wireless connections. WyreNut

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    If debit cards are accepted in your country, and if that particular card is accepted, then does it not have a security code on its signature strip
    Card security code :

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    If I need to find a deadlock last afternoon, how do I run sql query on System_health session to get it?
    I need specific sql script.
    I have already posted the query in this thread, but for you convenience here it is again:
    xed.value('@timestamp', 'datetime2(3)') as CreationDate,
    xed.query('.') AS XEvent
    SELECT CAST([target_data] AS XML) AS TargetData
    FROM sys.dm_xe_session_targets AS st
    INNER JOIN sys.dm_xe_sessions AS s
    ON s.address = st.event_session_address
    WHERE = N'system_health'
    AND st.target_name = N'ring_buffer'
    ) AS Data
    CROSS APPLY TargetData.nodes('RingBufferTarget/event[@name="xml_deadlock_report"]') AS XEventData (xed)
    ORDER BY CreationDate DESC
    Note that since System Health writes to a ring buiffer, data is not available forever.
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    Hi ,
    I hope the following will help you..., using the UTL_SMTP db package.
    PROCEDURE send_header(name IN VARCHAR2, header IN VARCHAR2) AS
    UTL_SMTP.WRITE_DATA(c, name || ': ' || header || UTL_TCP.CRLF);
    -- Open connection to SMTP gateway
    UTL_SMTP.HELO(c, '');
    UTL_SMTP.MAIL(c, '[email protected]');
    UTL_SMTP.RCPT(c, '[email protected]');
    send_header('From', '"Oracle Admin" ');
    send_header('To', '"Bob Smith" ');
    send_header('Subject', 'Automated Database Email');
    UTL_SMTP.WRITE_DATA(c, utl_tcp.CRLF || 'This is an automated email from the Oracle database.');
    UTL_SMTP.WRITE_DATA(c, utl_tcp.CRLF || 'The database is working for you!');

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    To set up iChat you need to specifically enter in a Screen Name (or two or more).
    These can be AIM based (AIM ones themselves or Apple IDs will login to the AIM servers) or Jabber Based (Any Jabber Server ID or Googletalk ID) which will login to the relevant Jabber Server.
    If you have a Google Mail ID you may already be using that Web page to Chat with GoogleMail Buddies.
    If in addition to this you Enable Talk on your Google Account you can use the Screen Name in iChat and in the Web Browser Plug-in for Macs (intels).
    So to get your Google Buddies that you may already in to iChat you have to do two things.
    1) Start up iChat and Add your Google Mail ID
    2) Have enabled TALK at Google for 1) to be able to Login.
    If your Address Card (The MY Card = Head and Shoulders Icon) in the Address Book has the Google Mail ID in already it may be Pre-filled when you run the iChat Start Up Screens (See top right-ish of this page)
    It is almost impossible to accidentally start up iChat so that you have a working Buddy List straight away (unless you have used an Screen Name somewhere else before).
    As has already been said I would check the iChat Menu > Preferences > Alerts and find out what sounds have been set.
    I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link.
    9:37 PM Sunday; March 7, 2010
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"

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    Hi Karla,
    The pritner does not have an email address, therefore you are not able to locate it, the Deskjet 2540 does not support the HP ePrint feature as you may see within the Mobile Printing Capabilitiy specifications below:
    To use the pritner on a Chromebook, you must set it as a Classic printer which means that you would need to connect the printer to a Windows PC or a Mac and then associate it with Google Cloud Print through that computer.
    You may find the steps to set up a Classic (Non-ePrint) printer below:
    Say thanks by clicking the Kudos thumb up in the post.
    If my post resolve your problem please mark it as an Accepted Solution

  • How to find out email address for my apple id

    Hello Folks.
    I have a bunch of songs that i bought and downloaded under an apple id that i don't currently use. I have forgotten the password for that account and I cant remember which e-mail, address was associated with it. How can I log in and authorize those songs please?

    Hello testermike,
    After reviewing your post, I have located an article that can help in this situation. It contains advice on how to identify the account name of your Apple ID:
    Recovering a forgotten iTunes Store account name
    If you have forgotten your iTunes Store account name, you can recover it if you have made iTunes Store purchases by following these instructions:
    Note: In most cases, your iTunes Store account name will be your email address. You may want to try signing in using your email address as your iTunes Store account name.
    Open iTunes
    Highlight one of the items you have purchased (You can find your purchases in your Purchases playlist).
    Choose File > Get Info.
    Click the Summary tab.
    The Account Name area will list the account used to purchase the item. Unless you have changed accounts, this is your iTunes Store account name.
    Thank you for contributing to Apple Support Communities.

  • How to find the email address by display name

    as title,
    i can get the display name from the to, cc, bc edit box,
    then i need to get the email address,
    current i use object API to query: GWAccount->GWAddressBook->GWAddressBookEntrie->get_EmailAddress,get_DisplayName
    but i find it is really slow when there are many contacts, example 10000.
    so is there any other effective method to get the email address?

    First off, you are not really doing:
    are you?
    If you enter the full line, it will read in all
    of the entries each time it is called.
    You should break each part into an object:
    I'm not sure what you are doing.
    Are you trying to compose an email?
    If so, why are you not using Recipients.Resolve()?
    Are you trying to get the recipients from an email?
    >>> On Friday, April 16, 2010 at 1:26 AM,
    hillp<[email protected]>
    > as title,
    > i can get the display name from the to, cc, bc edit box,
    > then i need to get the email address,
    > current i use object API to query:
    GWAccount‑>GWAddressBook‑>GWAddressBookEntrie >get_EmailAddress,get_Di
    > but i find it is really slow when there are many contacts, example
    > 10000.
    > so is there any other effective method to get the email address?

  • How to find security code for Airport Extreme

    I need to find the security code for my Airport Extreme to connect to my Smart TV

    Unfortunately, locating the long 64 character code will rarely ever help, since most products will not accept a code of this length.
    Open Macintosh HD > Applications > Utilities > AirPort Utility
    Click on the AirPort Extreme icon, then click Edit
    Click the Base Station menu at the very top of the screen
    Click Show Passwords

  • How to Find Multiple Email Accounts

    I'm a new iPad user so sorry if this is a silly question! I have 2 email accounts, work and home. My home account opens fine, but my work email I know is set up, but it doesn't appear in my Inbox. I hear alerts that it's receiving emails, but I can't find them. What did I do wrong?

    Hi and welcome....
    Tap Settings on your Home screen then tap *Mail, Contacts, Calendars*.
    Under Accounts at the top of the window, make sure the work mail account has been set up.
    If not, tap *Add Account*
    You can edit that account from there also.

  • How to find out email id from CUA ?

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    All users are maintained with user id and email into SU01.

    Hi Prashant,
    To make it even more easy I would suggest that you use transaction SQVI. I tried it for this issue and it worked. I plan to use it now for other similar queries. In SQVI you can define a join of USR21 and ADR6 tables and construct a query around it which  would get you the data easily.
    Please follow the following steps for this:
    1. Go to transaction SQVI.
    2. Give the query name as Z*....
    3. Now press the create button.
    4. Give a title of your choice and in data source choose TABLE JOIN option. Choose Basis Mode option as well.Press enter.
    5. Now you come to the Join Definition Screen. Choose insert table and then choose ADR6 and USR21. After this go back.
    6. Now choose List fld. select TABSTRIP. From available fields option move
    User name in user master record  and Internet mail (SMTP) address to Fields in list. This will define out output fields.
    7. Choose SELECTION FIELDS tabstrip. Here move the value User name in user master record from available fields to Selection fields.
    8. Save the entries.
    9. Execute the query and give user ids of your choice and check for the output.
    Let me know if it worked for you!!. Please award points accordingly.

  • HT201912 How to find secure code on master card of debit card

    Cant review the apple id have a debit card but cant getting the secure code

    jaredfs wrote:
    i think on a master card it might be the 4-digit number on the front, slightly above and to the right of the raised numbers for the actual account.
    No, on a MasterCard, it's a 3-digit number printed on the back. It's American Express that has a 4-digit number on the front.

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