How to find the sum of an advanced table column?

Hi All,
Good Morning..
I have requirement where i need to calculate the sum of a column in an advanced table.and i need to put that value into some other field.
i am doing customization so i can't touch the Standard page i need to achieve it through Pro-grammatically..
my column name is unit price in the advanced table i need the code to calculate the sum of the unit price.
Thanks in advance

Hi Bharat,
No need for Programatic way as Advanced Table already provides this facility.
The following steps describe how to enable Totaling for a column in the footer of an advanced table.
Step 1: In the Structure pane of OA Extension, select the column container for which you want to enable Totaling Any column except for the first column can be totaled. Set the Total Value property for this column container to True.
Step 2: In the Structure pane, select your advancedTable region and choose New > footer from the context menu. OA Extension creates an advancedTables Components folder containing a footer named child, that contains a tablefooter container (labeled tableFooter1).
Step 3: Select the tableFooter container and choose New > total from the context menu. OA Extension creates a tableFooter Components folder containing a total named child, that contains a new totalRow item as shown in the figure below.
Please let me know if you are still unable to get the Total Column

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         O /* This is a child who makes N references to each of the follow N parent tables (here: three), and so on. */
        /↑\ Fks
       O"O O" <-- level 2 for first table (circle)
      /↑\ Fks
    "o"o"o" <-- level 1 for middle table (circle)
       ↑ Fk
    - each circle represents a table;
    - red tables no have foreign key
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    I started thinking about the following:
    First I have to know how to take the children:
    select distinct child.table_name child
      from all_cons_columns father
      join all_cons_columns child
    using (owner, position)
      join (select child.owner,
                   child.constraint_name fk,
                   child.table_name child,
                   child.r_constraint_name pk,
                   father.table_name father
              from all_constraints father, all_constraints child
             where child.r_owner = father.owner
               and child.r_constraint_name = father.constraint_name
               and father.constraint_type in ('P', 'U')
               and child.constraint_type = 'R'
               and child.owner = 'OWNER') aux
    using (owner)
    where child.constraint_name =
       and child.table_name = aux.child
       and father.constraint_name =
       and father.table_name = aux.father;Thinking...
    Let's Share!
    My thanks in advance,
    Edited by: BluShadow on 01-Apr-2011 15:08
    formatted the code and the hierarchy for readbility

    Nocycle not work in 9.2 and, even that would work, would not be appropriate.
    With your help, I decided a much simpler way (but there is still a small problem, <font color=red>IN RED</font>):
    -- 1
      type udt_roles is table of varchar2(30) index by pls_integer;
      cRoles udt_roles;
      execute immediate 'create user philips
        identified by philips';
      select granted_role bulk collect
        into cRoles
        from user_role_privs
       where username = user;
      for i in cRoles.first .. cRoles.count loop
        execute immediate 'grant ' || cRoles(i) || ' to philips';
      end loop;
    -- 2
    create table philips.root1(root1_id number,
                               constraint root1_id_pk primary key(root1_id)
    grant all on philips.root1 to philips;
    create or replace trigger philips.tgr_root1
       before delete or insert or update on philips.root1
    create table philips.root2(root2_id number,
                               constraint root2_id_pk primary key(root2_id)
    grant all on philips.root2 to philips;
    create or replace trigger philips.tgr_root2
       before delete or insert or update on philips.root2
    create table philips.node1(node1_id number,
                               root1_id number,
                               node2_id number,
                               node4_id number,
                               constraint node1_id_pk primary key(node1_id)
                               constraint n1_r1_id_fk foreign key(root1_id)
                               references philips.root1(root1_id) enable,
                               constraint n1_n2_id_fk foreign key(node2_id)
                               references philips.node2(node2_id) enable,
                               constraint n1_n4_id_fk foreign key(node4_id)
                               references philips.node4(node4_id) enable);
    grant all on philips.node1 to philips;
    create or replace trigger philips.tgr_node1
       before delete or insert or update on philips.node1
    create table philips.node2(node2_id number,
                               root1_id number,
                               node3_id number,
                               constraint node2_id_pk primary key(node2_id)
                               constraint n2_r1_id_fk foreign key(root1_id)
                               references philips.root1(root1_id) enable,
                               constraint n2_n3_id_fk foreign key(node3_id)
                               references philips.node3(node3_id) enable);
    grant all on philips.node2 to philips;
    create or replace trigger philips.tgr_node2
       before delete or insert or update on philips.node2
    create table philips.node3(node3_id number,
                               root2_id number,
                               constraint node3_id_pk primary key(node3_id)
                               constraint n3_r2_id_fk foreign key(root2_id)
                               references philips.root2(root2_id) enable);
    grant all on philips.node3 to philips;
    create or replace trigger philips.tgr_node3
       before delete or insert or update on philips.node3
    create table philips.node4(node4_id number,
                               node2_id number,
                               constraint node4_id_pk primary key(node4_id)
                               constraint n4_n2_id_fk foreign key(node2_id)
                               references philips.node2(node2_id) enable);
    grant all on philips.node4 to philips;
    create or replace trigger philips.tgr_node4
       before delete or insert or update on philips.node4
    -- out of the relational model
    create table philips.node5(node5_id number,
                               constraint node5_id_pk primary key(node5_id)
    grant all on philips.node5 to philips;
    create or replace trigger philips.tgr_node5
       before delete or insert or update on philips.node5
    -- 3
    create table philips.dictionary(table_name varchar2(30));
    insert into philips.dictionary values ('ROOT1');
    insert into philips.dictionary values ('ROOT2');
    insert into philips.dictionary values ('NODE1');
    insert into philips.dictionary values ('NODE2');
    insert into philips.dictionary values ('NODE3');
    insert into philips.dictionary values ('NODE4');
    insert into philips.dictionary values ('NODE5');
    create or replace package body philips.pck_restore_philips as
      procedure sp_select_tables is
        aExportTablesPhilips     utl_file.file_type := null; -- file to write DDL of tables   
        aExportReferencesPhilips utl_file.file_type := null; -- file to write DDL of references
        aExportIndexesPhilips    utl_file.file_type := null; -- file to write DDL of indexes
        aExportGrantsPhilips     utl_file.file_type := null; -- file to write DDL of grants
        aExportTriggersPhilips   utl_file.file_type := null; -- file to write DDL of triggers
        sDirectory               varchar2(100) := '/app/oracle/admin/tace/utlfile'; -- directory \\bmduhom01or02 
        cTables                  udt_tables; -- collection to store table names for the relational depth
        -- omits all referential constraints:
        dbms_metadata.set_transform_param(dbms_metadata.session_transform, 'REF_CONSTRAINTS', false);
        -- omits segment attributes (physical attributes, storage attributes, tablespace, logging):
        dbms_metadata.set_transform_param(dbms_metadata.session_transform, 'SEGMENT_ATTRIBUTES', false);
        -- append a SQL terminator (; or /) to each DDL statement:
        dbms_metadata.set_transform_param(dbms_metadata.session_transform, 'SQLTERMINATOR', true);
        -- create/open files for export DDL:
        aExportTablesPhilips := utl_file.fopen(sDirectory, 'DDLTablesPhilips.pdc', 'w', 32767);
        aExportReferencesPhilips := utl_file.fopen(sDirectory, 'DDLReferencesPhilips.pdc', 'w', 32767);
        aExportIndexesPhilips := utl_file.fopen(sDirectory, 'DDLIndexesPhilips.pdc', 'w', 32767);
        aExportGrantsPhilips := utl_file.fopen(sDirectory, 'DDLGrantsPhilips.pdc', 'w', 32767);
        aExportTriggersPhilips := utl_file.fopen(sDirectory, 'DDLTriggersPhilips.pdc', 'w', 32767);
        select d.table_name bulk collect
          into cTables -- collection with the names of tables in the schema philips
          from all_tables t, philips.dictionary d
         where owner = 'PHILIPS'
           and t.table_name = d.table_name;
        -- execution
        -- closes all files
      end sp_select_tables;
      procedure sp_seeks_ddl(aExportTablesPhilips     in utl_file.file_type,
                             aExportReferencesPhilips in utl_file.file_type,
                             aExportIndexesPhilips    in utl_file.file_type,
                             aExportGrantsPhilips     in utl_file.file_type,
                             aExportTriggersPhilips   in utl_file.file_type,
                             cTables                  in out nocopy udt_tables) is
        cDDL       clob := null; -- colletion to save DDL
        plIndex    pls_integer := null;
        sTableName varchar(30) := null;
        for i in cTables.first .. cTables.count loop
          plIndex    := i;
          sTableName := cTables(plIndex);
           * Retrieves the DDL and the dependent DDL into cDDL clob       *      
          * for the selected table in the collection, and writes to file.*
            cDDL := dbms_metadata.get_ddl('TABLE', sTableName, 'PHILIPS');
            sp_writes_ddl(aExportTablesPHILIPS, cDDL);
            when dbms_metadata.object_not_found then
            cDDL := dbms_metadata.get_dependent_ddl('REF_CONSTRAINT', sTableName, 'PHILIPS');
            sp_writes_ddl(aExportReferencesPhilips, cDDL);
            when dbms_metadata.object_not_found2 then
            cDDL := dbms_metadata.get_dependent_ddl('INDEX', sTableName, 'PHILIPS');
            sp_writes_ddl(aExportIndexesPhilips, cDDL);
            when dbms_metadata.object_not_found2 then
            cDDL := dbms_metadata.get_dependent_ddl('OBJECT_GRANT', sTableName, 'PHILIPS');
            sp_writes_ddl(aExportGrantsPhilips, cDDL);
            when dbms_metadata.object_not_found2 then
            cDDL := dbms_metadata.get_dependent_ddl('TRIGGER', sTableName, 'PHILIPS');
            sp_writes_ddl(aExportTriggersPhilips, cDDL);
            when dbms_metadata.object_not_found2 then
        end loop;
      end sp_seeks_ddl;
      procedure sp_writes_ddl(aExport in utl_file.file_type,
                              cDDL    in out nocopy clob) is
        pLengthDDL  pls_integer := length(cDDL);
        plQuotient  pls_integer := null;
        plRemainder pls_integer := null;
          * Register variables to control the amount of lines needed   *
         * for each DDL and the remaining characters to the last row. *
        select trunc(pLengthDDL / 32766), mod(pLengthDDL, 32766)
          into plQuotient, plRemainder
          from dual;
          * Join DDL in the export file.                            *
         * ps. 32766 characters + 1 character for each line break. *
        -- if the size of the DDL is greater than or equal to limit the line ...
        if plQuotient >= 1 then
          -- loops for substring (lines of 32766 characters + 1 break character):
          for i in 1 .. plQuotient loop
            utl_file.put_line(aExport, substr(cDDL, 1, 32766));
            -- removes the last line, of clob, recorded in the buffer:
            cDDL := substr(cDDL, 32767, length(cDDL) - 32766);
          end loop;
        end if;
          * If any remains or the number of characters is less than the threshold (quotient = 0), *
         * no need to substring.                                                                 *
        if plRemainder > 0 then
          utl_file.put_line(aExport, cDDL);
        end if;
        -- record DDL buffered in the export file:
      end sp_writes_ddl;
      -- executes main procedure:
    end pck_restore_philips;<font color="red">The problem is that I still have ...
    When creating the primary key index is created and this is repeated in the file indexes.
    How to avoid?</font>

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    How to find the structural difference between two tables .
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE Production
    TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    P Prakash

    you could try something similar to this, for each table pair that you want to compare:
    SELECT 'TABLE_A has these columns that are not in TABLE_B', DIFF.*
      FROM (
              FROM all_tab_columns
             WHERE table_name = 'TABLE_A'
              FROM all_tab_columns
             WHERE table_name = 'TABLE_B'
          ) DIFF
    SELECT 'TABLE_B has these columns that are not in TABLE_A', DIFF.*
      FROM (
              FROM all_tab_columns
             WHERE table_name = 'TABLE_B'
              FROM all_tab_columns
             WHERE table_name = 'TABLE_A'
          ) DIFF;that's assuming, column_name, data_type and data_length are all you want to compare on.

  • How to find the sum of a column

    I need to find the sum of a column and use it in a different column. The following is the example.
    Column names: Feedback(Good, Avg, Poor), Count(no of good, no of avg, no of poor) and %age(Feedback/sum(feedback))
    I want to find the sum in Java class and also calculate the last column in java class.
    Please tell me some way to do it.

    oh.. ok ..thanks for letting me know.. i will formulate the question in a proper way:
    This is what my UI should look like:
    Rating Count Percent
    Excellent 2 20
    Good 6 60
    Poor 1 10
    Bad 1 10
    Now i have the following columns in the data base:
    Meaning and feedback_rating.
    So the following SQL Query:
    SELECT hrl.meaning rating,
    sum(decode(bcpi.feedback_rating, null, 0, 1)) counted
    from cmp_cwb_person_info bcpi ,
    hr_lookups hrl
    group by hrl.meaning
    will give me the result as
    rating counted
    Excellent 2
    Good 6
    Poor 1
    Bad 1
    Now I want a third column as percentage : Earlier we were doing this calculation in the sql query itself, so the query was like
    SELECT hrl.meaning rating,
    sum(decode(bcpi.feedback_rating, null, 0, 1)) counted,
    sum(decode(bcpi.feedback_rating, null, 0, 1))/(max (select count (*) from cmp_cwb_person_info bcpi ,
    hr_lookups hrl )) percent
    from cmp_cwb_person_info bcpi ,
    hr_lookups hrl
    group by hrl.meaning
    Hence the third column (percent) was calculated in the sql query itself.
    But now i feel that the performance of the query could be improved if we get the first two columns from the database and the calculate the third column programatically in the java code.
    So this is what I want to know. How can i do that?

  • How to find the sum based on two variables

    I have just started using Numbers, I have a spreadsheet which lists a number of transactions.
    On my chart I have Columns "Date", "Memo", "Type", and "Amount".
    The Type column is a drop down list. What I want to do and find the sum for transactions that fall between a date range (i.e. months 1-3) and that match a certain "Type". I can figure out how to use the sumif function to find the sum for a date range, however I cant figure out how then to only sum only those that match a type.
    Any help?

    This question arises from time to time in different situations. The answer is to first create an auxiliary column which calculates whether or not your multiple conditions have been met. In this case you have three - more than or equal a start date, less than or equal an end date, and a "Type".
    I'm assuming that your dates and "type" are flexible, so an extra table to enter your search data is shown below, but these three cells could be incorporated in your main table. The formula for the auxiliary column is:
    =IF(AND(Date>=Search Range :: A$2,Date<=Search Range :: B$2,Type=Search Range :: C$2),"SUM","")
    All rows with the word "SUM" satisfy the three conditions. The footer row contains the sum of the values meeting the desired conditions using:
    =SUMIF(Aux, “SUM”, Amount)
    Obviously this has to be reworked to your situation, but the auxiliary column is the key.
    Message was edited by: pw1840

  • How to find the Sum based on Like Dates

    Hello everyone,
    Column 1 contains "Date Sent", Column 2 contains "Dates of Service" and Column 3 contains the payment "Amount" in USD. I want to write a formula that will total up the sum of payment values from column 3 based on the date of payment (Column 1).

    Hi Jared,
    This will do what's illustrated in your example, but has a few restrictions:
    The dates must run in ascending order.
    To get a total for the last date, a later date (with no corresponding amount) must be entered after the last transaction.
    Entered in D2, and filled down the rest of column D:
    IFERROR is used to suppress the error message that arises from the formula in D10 referencing a cell in D11.

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    Hi Muthuraman,
    Can you check this bapi BAPI_INSPLOT_GETLIST.In this bapi there is a different selection criteria like material,material document no and all. I think you can use this for your report. Check this and post if need help.

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    Not locked objects, but for a table the locked rows.

    Check below links :
    How to find the locked row.
    who are waiting for same record?
    Girish Sharma

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    In custom page , Manager Search the Candidates and selects the candidate ROWS from advance table.
    The reqt is how to save the selected multiple rows into the database.

    hi Reetesh,
    In Custom page
    Supoose the Recruiter Search is for Position Finance Mangager , it retrieves 100 rows , out of which Recruiter select 10 rows .
    So in Such scenario how to save this 10 rows against Recruiter
    , i mean , Is i need to create custom table, to save Recruiter , these selected 10 rows.
    I hope u understand my question

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    Could any one please tell me how to find the standard function module to update the standard tables
    Thanks & Regards

    Hi sowmya,
    To find the function modules for standard tables you go for a where used list of that particular table and check only function module interfaces checkbox...
    and more over you can go for DB_UPDATE_TABLE will be the function module for updating database table..
    Hope this information would help you
    Narin Nandivada

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    Is there a function to find the longest record in a table? Or is there a data dictionary that would tell you which record contains the longest data?
    I have a table with five columns and one million records. I want to find the record (5 columns combined) with the longest data. Thank you.

    Dear watson2000!
    The function "VSIZE" tells you the number of bytes in the internal representation of a column which means the size of a value within a column. An example of vsize can be found here:
    So I think you should try it with this query to get the size of the longest record:
    SELECT MAX(VSIZE(column1)) +
           MAX(VSIZE(column2))  +
           MAX(VSIZE(column3))  +
           MAX(VSIZE(column4))  +
           MAX(VSIZE(column5)) AS "Maximum Row"
    FROM your_table;To identify the longest record try like this:
    SELECT rowid
    FROM   your_table
    GROUP BY rowid
    HAVING  (MAX(VSIZE(column1)) +
             MAX(VSIZE(column2)) +
             MAX(VSIZE(column3)) +
             MAX(VSIZE(column4)) +
             MAX(VSIZE(column5))) = (SELECT MAX(VSIZE(column1)) +
                                          MAX(VSIZE(column2))  +
                                          MAX(VSIZE(column3))  +
                                          MAX(VSIZE(column4))  +
                                   FROM your_table;)I hope that these two queries could be of help to you.
    yours sincerely
    Florian W.
    Edited by: Florian W. on 23.04.2009 20:53

  • How to capture the row  value in Advanced Table on OAF ?

    I was wondering, if anyone has any idea as to how to capture a row value on an advanced table on a OAF Page.
    I am currently trying to capture the Expense Report Number ( first column) on the Track Expenses Reports table on the page /oracle/apps/ap/oie/webui/HomePG.
    Any idea would be helpful ?
    Thank You

    856070 wrote:
    This is what I am looking for :
    Default Functionality
    On the expenses home page there is a table for the Submitted expenses Table ( advanced table) with multiple Expense Number rows , which has a link associated with every expense number. When the user clicks the expense number link , EBS takes you to a more detail information page. ---As per default functionality :::whene ever user clicks on link it will takes u to details info page based expense no right.
    ---Check the property of the Destination URL of the ExpensionNumber column.
    ---In this property u can find the page path and paramam ex:pexpencenumber.
    Customized functionality
    I would like to capture the Expense number on the detailed page to call another application based on the expense number. The expense number on the
    detailed page is not available on the request-parameter or on the VO.
    I was thinking of capturing the ExpenseNumber when the user clicks it and save the expense number on a >transientvalue to retrieve it on the detaile dpage..but unable to do so.---Here get the paramereter pexpencenumber and pass it to another appilcation.
    Meher Irk

  • How to find the views created on a table..?

    Hi all,
    I am having one table name, EMP. I want to know what are the views created on this table. Is there any SQL query is there for this or any another
    way to find it.
    Thanks in advance.

    You can use ALL_DEPENDENCIES for that:
    SQL> create view emp_v as select * from emp;
    View created.
    SQL> select name
      2  ,      referenced_name
      3  ,      referenced_type
      4  from   all_dependencies
      5  where  name = 'EMP_V';
    NAME                           REFERENCED_NAME                                                  REFERENCED_TYPE
    EMP_V                          EMP                                                              TABLE
    1 row selected.
    SQL> select name
      2  ,      referenced_name
      3  ,      referenced_type
      4  from   all_dependencies
      5  where referenced_name = 'EMP';
    NAME                           REFERENCED_NAME                                                  REFERENCED_TYPE
    EMP_V                          EMP                                                              TABLE
    EMP_TRG                        EMP                                                              TABLE
    2 rows selected.
    SQL> Keep in mind that it matters whether you restrict on NAME or on REFERENCED_NAME.
    Ah, spoonfeeding!
    Don't you want him to learn something, and to become independent?Now you made me feel guilty ;) ( don't know what Saubhik posted originally, but anyway...)
    I blame my currently terribly slow connection for that...
    Anyway, OP, always start a quick search from the docs first.
    Chances are you'll find your answer yourself.
    Edited by: hoek on Oct 15, 2010 2:53 PM

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    1. BW infoset is a join between two ODS, so, there is no table.
    2. BW infoset is not the same than R/3 infoset. You won't find it in SQ02
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