How to format listbox items with dashes (no binding)?

Hi all,
I have a couple of listboxes that I fill with data just by assigning the lists (List<Int32> or List<String>) to  myListbox.ItemsSource. I think I need to convert Int32 to string first, then add dashes. The string list I can just add the
dashes. I also need to get the original value (either Int32 or String) when I select an item in any listboxes from the selectionChanged event.
I read about value converters but I'm not sure how to use them without data binding.
Can someone point me in the right direction please?
//---- List<Int32>
List<Int32> woList = new List<Int32>();
//assume woList=1234567, 3456789. I need to display it as 12345-67, 34567-89
workOrderListbox.ItemsSource = woList;
//---- List<String>
List<String> pnList = new List<String>();
//assume pnList=123456789AXC, SDF3456789FR. I need to display it as 12-3456789-AXC, SD-F345678-9FR
partNumberListbox.ItemsSource = pnList;

You could just define an ItemTemplate for the ListBox and then use a converter as usual:
namespace WpfApplication61
public class YourConverter : IValueConverter
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
string s = value as string; //or string s = System.Convert.ToInt32(value).ToString();
if (s.Length < 12)
return s;
return string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", s.Substring(0,2), s.Substring(2,7), s.Substring(9));
public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
throw new NotImplementedException();
<ListBox Name="partNumberListbox" xmlns:local="clr-namespace:WpfApplication61">
<local:YourConverter x:Key="conv"/>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=., Converter={StaticResource conv}}"/>
public Window2()
List<String> pnList = new List<String>();
partNumberListbox.ItemsSource = pnList;
The UI element in the visual ListBoxItem container (TextBlock) that gets created will always binds to some source property of the object in the ItemsSource.
You can not apply a StringFormat on a string value and also using a converter is a more flexible way to customize the display of a source property.
Hope that helps.
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    Hi Kumar,
    Refer the book of chapter ID or find out on internet you will get the chapter ID.
    Still if you not able to get  the chapter id then consult with excise advisory.
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    The view instance should be the same as the view instance (view object) specified for your region.
    If the View Attribute already that you need already exists in the View Object then you can use it.
    Otherwise you have to extend the View Object and add the new attribute to it.

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    Thanks Mahesh for the reply and post you share it was useful.
    But this does not solve the core of the issue. You are uploading attachments after creation of item and multiple files are being attached in loop. This is kind of iterative update to an existing item with attachments. This will end up creating multiple versions. 
    What I am trying to achieve is to create an item along with multiple attachments in a go. No item updates further to attach a file.
    Please suggest how this can be done in one go. SharePoint does it when one creates an item with multiple attachment.
    Thanks for your reply.

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    Do the following:
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    3. Click on the Options button, set the partition scheme to GUID (only required for Intel Macs) then click on the OK button. Set the number of partitions from the dropdown menu (use 1 partition unless you wish to make more.) Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Partition button and wait until the volume(s) mount on the Desktop.
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    You have to backup any data on the hard drive first.
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    If 10 out of 10 experts in any field say something is bad, you should probably take their opinion seriously.

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    hi Praisty,
    thanks for the reply
    i have a second opinion on your statement that no matter whatever tcode you use for payment it will clear the open item. Even in F-58, if u make partial payment it will not clear you open item. But i didnt use f-58 as i said earlier.
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    First field is Cost Center
    Second field is creation Date
    3rd field is KF1
    4th field is KF2
    5th field is KF3
    I have put the date field( in the row) as this is required for calculating formula for KFs. But I have set that as No display.
    The date in the info cube is as follows.
    Cost Ceneter  Date( no Display)   KF1     KF2      KF3
    CC1           01/01/2006          100     150      200
    CC1           02/02/2006          75      100      95
    CC1           05/02/2006          125      95      125
    CC2           01/02/2006          75       25      85
    CC2           02/02/2006          85       65      10
    As the Date field is in query set to No display so the date appearing in the report is as follows
    CC1       100        150        200
              75         100        95
              125          95        125
    CC2       75           25        85
              85           65        10
    But I want the aggregated value at cost senter level i.e.
    CC1       300         245       420
    CC2       160         90         95
    I can not remove the Date frield from query as there is a formula variable defined on the date field.
    Please let me know how to bring the report to the required format.
    Message was edited by:
            Bill Bryan

    If you are in new Bex, you can do it.
    You will have to create another (set of) CKF on top of the current ones (which do exception aggregation on DOCNUM) and set the exception aggregation on date.
    Say you have
    To have a 'before aggregation' behavior for CKF1 when CH3 is not present, you will create a CKF2 = CKF1 with exception aggregation on CH3.
    Now, if you want to remove CH2 and have the 'before aggregation' behavior you will need to create another CKF3 = CKF2 with exception aggregation on CH2.
    ie for each level of aggregation, you will have to define a new CKF/Formula with corresponding exception aggregation - this is what will be needed to get you your output.
    Message was edited by:
            Ajay Das

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