How to free up memory on iPhone

I have the usual iPad, mini iPad and iPhone5. I am trying to take pictures but I have no space available. I have a lot of music and looking to remove some as this has taken up several gigabiytes of space ( 9.3 of 13.3 GB). How do I do this as it still shows 0 available having removed over 100 songs.

Ah, the infamous "Other"… This may help: ne-or-ipad/1/

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    2. Does anyone know what goes on "Other"? It's not the music, apps, ibooks, tv shows, podcasts, movies, etc. It's 3.72 GB of space that I would like to manage as well.
    Appreciate any help. Thank you!

    Ah, the infamous "Other"… This may help: ne-or-ipad/1/

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    The game likely needs to be installed from the DVD onto your iBook's hard drive. Obviously, you will need to check the specs of the game to see how much space is recommended by the game maker for the game to run and run efficiently.
    500 megabytes likely isn't enough to run a game. This is the space on your iBook's hard drive, correct, and not the disc itself?

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    Ngage and music store will only eat RAM you cannot say that to increase efficiency to memory management. Features are always here to eat RAM:d
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    ghanoz2480 wrote:
    emmmh,,,see the following documentation:
    Edited by: ghanoz2480 on 10 Mei 09 6:58From your link:
    "Calling the gc method *_suggests_* that the Java Virtual Machine expend effort toward recycling unused objects in order to make the memory they currently occupy available for quick reuse. When control returns from the method call, the Java Virtual Machine has made a best effort to reclaim space from all discarded objects. "
    That does not guarantee that the gc will be run.
    As the OP has already said, and as Jos has already highlighted - what the OP wants to do cannot be done in java.

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    The easiest way is to connect to iTunes and update from there.  Or, yes, you will have to delete a few of your largest programs, download & update to iOS7 and then re-download those programs you deleted.

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    Anon 38042 297 15%
    Exec and libs 1161 9 0%
    Page cache 39329 307 15%
    Free (cachelist) 12152 94 5%
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    see this URL and alternatively you can add temp SWAP

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    Page 68 of the manual:
    "Delete a video: In the videos list, swipe left or right over the video, then tap Delete. "

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    Good day all,
    I have a 4S that had 5+G of "other" that I was trying to free up.  I searched and searched, tried all the suggestions and had no success.  I tried a full restore and freed up the memory but didn't want to loose all my settings, app folders, etc.  After a process of elimination the solution that worked for me was to delete txt messages!  When I went from the 3G to the 4S I restored from a back up.  I've never delete any of my txt message history...  so all that information, photos, videos, etc were being caried from one device to the other for like 3 years!
    I started with a test.  Pluged in my 4S, synced it.  Registered 5.2GB of "other".  I ejected the phone from itunes.  I deleted my wifes txt message (with whom I txt the most).  I plugged back in and "other" dropped down by an entire Gig!!  So, I tried again with another that I txt often...  and sure enough when down another Gig.
    So, I decided to take the plug and start off fresh...  I deleted ALL of my txt messages and my "other" memory went down to .52gigs!
    This is why a FULL restore has been successful for those trying to clear out "other" memory.  When you initiate a Full restore, you are cleaning out your entire memory of txt messages which includes large files of photos and videos!
    So this is what worked for me folks!  I hope it helps someone!

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    Any help with these issues will much be appreciated!!

    "Other" is all of the data for all of the built in apps. If you delete its contents all of your built in app data will disappear. Some of what is contained in other:
    email messages and attachments
    Calendar entries
    Text messages
    MMS messages and attachments
    Genius data
    Music cover art
    Operating system settings
    Safari cache
    Game Center status
    Music catalog
    Probably a few I've missed. There was a problem in an earlier version where deleted MMS messages left behind their attachments, but that has been fixed as of 6.1. Some people suggest deleting your music on the phone. DON'T DO IT! The reason that deleting music recovers some Other space is because it deletes cover art. But is also screws up your music, which will no longer play correctly.
    You will find posts from people who said they recovered over 1 GB of space by just deleting old text messages.
    If you want Other to be smaller you will have to keep less data on your phone; delete old MMS and texts, delete old email (especially from the "deleted" folder), clear the cache, eliminate cover art.
    Your Other is so large, however, that there may be corrupt data contained in it (unless you send a lot of MMS messages with large attachments). If this is the case you should restore the phone as New.
    For your other question, the easiest way is to copy your iTunes library folder from the old computer to the new computer. For the hard way, see: Syncing to a "New" Computer or replacing a "crashed" Hard Drive

  • How to free phone memory in n95 8gb

    Newbie here, My device is n95 8gb. Upon scanning memory n then phone memory details shows that "88 mb" space is used by message, even the inbox having 4-5 messages and 15 message in self created folder n all are simply text message, no mms no email no attachments etc. As earlier i hav told my problem is 88 mb memory encroached by message only. While i set in message settings to use mass memory for "memory in use" option the day i bought the phone. Remembering one thing that from day 1 phone shows 88 mb memory used by message upon scanning. Why and how ?? i can not understand till now. I hav deleted all message from inbox, sent, drafts etc even deleted mailbox but of no use to 88. Please Please Please Please Someone help me i just want to get rid off this 88 mb n frequent message of "Low phone memory close / delete some app first" Sorry for writing such a long post but actually i think giving proper history and condition may help u people to finally help me out. So why message hav that much used memory and how can i free up some mb

    you can back up your stuff by either downloading nokia pc suite or ovi suite\
     yes you can backup on your memory card, cards do get corrupt sometimes. once you back up via pc suite or ovi do as GS had suggested in the above mentioned post. 
    yes the *#7370# formats only phone memory   
    You know what I love about you the most, the fact that you are not me ! In love with technology and all that it can offer. Join me in discovery....

  • How to free up memory while running?

    i´m using a custom OPUI written in LV.
    In there i start TestStand 3.5.
    The model of Teststand then starts two parallel-sequences (as "New Execution" that are loaded in Sequence-File-Load and looping all the time.
    One parallel-sequence checks the buttons of the OPUI and the other parallel-sequence is controling a climatic chamber. When a special temperature is reched then it executes "Test UUT" of the model-sequence (also as "New Execution").
    Everything works fine but someone is eating memory. Everytime when a Test UUT is done the memory goes up. And after it is finished the memory is not released.
    So my question is: How can i free up unused memory (like garbage collector) in teststand, or in LV if there is a special action needed.
    Or perhaps the teststep-results are not removed? So that i create 100s of new executions and they all keep the results?
    I already clicked on "Disable result recording for all steps" in the two parallel-sequences and in all steps in the model. So that i think that only the Mainsequence Callback is creating results.
    Has someone any ideas what i can do?
    Thanks for everything

    If you have result collection disabled for all of your steps then the memory leak is likely due to something else. You might not be closing a reference that you should be. Try to narrow down which part(s) of your sequence are leaking the memory by either stepping through things one step at a time and looking at memory usage or perhaps by cutting out parts of your sequence until the problem goes away. Also, if it's not your sequence then it might be your custom UI that is leaking the memory, to determine this, try running your sequence in the sequence editor and/or one of the UIs that ship with TestStand and see if the problem goes away.
    Hope this helps,

  • How to free the memory after closing JavaFX Stage?

    I am creating a JavaFx application which contain a button. When I click on that button, it opens a new stage containing a table with thousands of data. It's working fine. But the problem is, when I close the Stage of that table, memory is not getting free by the application i.e. everytime when I open the new stage for table then memory is get increased. Is there any issue with JavaFX? or I have to do something else?
    I have tried to set everything null at the time of closing of that stage but still memory is not getting free.
    My button click code is :
    btn.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
                public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
                    Stage stage = new Stage();
                    Table1Controller controller = (Table1Controller) Utility.replaceScene("/tablesample/Table1.fxml", stage);
                    InputStream in = TableSample.class.getResourceAsStream("icon_small.png");
                    try {
                        stage.getIcons().add(new Image(in));
                    } finally {
                        try {
                        } catch (IOException ex) {
    Utility.replacescene method : It loads the scene from given fxml and set to stage. At final It return controller object for that scene.
    public static Initializable replaceScene(String fXml, Stage mystage) {
            InputStream in = null;
            try {
                FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader();
                in = Utility.class.getResourceAsStream(fXml);
                loader.setBuilderFactory(new JavaFXBuilderFactory());
                AnchorPane page;
                try {
                    page = (AnchorPane) loader.load(in);
                } finally {
                Scene scene = new Scene(page);
                return loader.getController();
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                return null;

    Is there any issue with JavaFX? or I have to do something else?It's likely an issue with your application code (though it could be a bug in the JavaFX platform too).
    Either way debugging most memory issues in JavaFX (except for ones the graphics card texture related) is the same as debugging them in Java - so just use standard Java profiling tools to try to track down any memory leaks you have.
    Such work is as much an art as a science and takes some experience to get right, so grab your detective cap, download and use the tools linked and try and track it down: (recommended tool). (this link is really old and somewhat outdated but explains some of the underlying concepts better than some newer articles I found).

  • How to free up memory leak?

    Hi Friends,
    DB = Oracle 10g
    Apps=EBS R12
    OS = Linux RHEL 4
    My server physical RAM is 4Gb.
    At fresh reboot the Memory consumption is 80M only.
    When I started DB is goes up to 800Mb memory usage.
    When I started Apps is goes up to 2Gb.
    But when I shutdown DB and Apps I am expecting is will go back to 80M.
    but still the 2Gb is used.
    When I startup DB and Apps again the usage goes up to 4Gb.
    How do I resolve this please :(
    What is command in Linux that will list all memory usage per module/apps sorted memory size ?
    Thanks a lot

    have a look at this thread:
    tuning Linux semaphores

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