How to generate sql script of database user

hello, I would like to generate the SQL script definition of a database user using JDveloper IDE (from ide connection).
Best Regards.

You want to use jdeveloper to extract the info, don't you. The tool mostly used here is sql*plus.
You won't get any responses.
Sybrand Bakker
Senior Oracle DBA

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    cid id c_value
    1 1 zz
    2 1 yy
    3 2 zz
    4 2 xx
    5 3 ss
    6 3 tt
    The expected output is:
    CHILD_tab as (
    SELECT 1 cid, 1 id,'zz' c_value from dual union all
    SELECT 2 cid, 1 id,'yy' c_value from dual union all
    SELECT 3 cid, 2 id,'zz' c_value from dual union all
    SELECT 4 cid, 2 id,'xx' c_value from dual union all
    SELECT 5 cid, 3 id,'ss' c_value from dual union all
    SELECT 6 cid, 3 id,'tt' c_value from dual )

    I'm doing a lot of XML these days (too much perhaps) so here's a solution involving XQuery.
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    "WITH t AS (
    for $i in /ROWSET/ROW
    return concat( " SELECT ",
                    string-join($i/*/concat("'",ora:replace(text(),"'","''"),"' ",local-name()),", "),
                    " FROM dual" ),
    passing dbms_xmlgen.getXMLType('SELECT * FROM scott.emp')
    returning content
    ).getClobVal(), 1) AS WITH_CLAUSE
    FROM dual;
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    )It may be useful for small data sets only because we quickly hit ORA-01706.

  • How to execute sql scripts from Powershell across multiple databases

    Re: How to execute sql scripts from Powershell across multiple databases
    I have an tsql script that I want to run across a list of databases. How is the best way to do this in Powershell? Thanks.

    My example below, using just the SMO and not breaking up the batches, the ExecuteWithResults give the following error when the .sql file contains a GO. My script files are as simple as a DECLARE and then a GO.
    WARNING: SQL Script Failed
    The object of type "Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Internal.Format.FormatStartData" is not valid or not in the correct sequence. This is likely caused by a user-specified "format-list" comm
    and which is conflicting with the default formatting.
        + CategoryInfo          : InvalidData: (:) [out-lineoutput], InvalidOperationException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ConsoleLineOutputOutOfSequencePacket,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.OutLineOutputCommand
    Also, when executing from the ISE, is there a way to force the ISE to release the files. I am having to close the ISE and reopen my script every time I want to make a testing change to the .sql file.
    $scriptspath = "C:\temp\psExecuteSQLScripts\scripts"
    $SQLServer = "fidevc10"
    $SQLDB = "Bank03"
    # Create SMO Server Object
    $Server = New-Object ('Microsoft.SQLServer.Management.Smo.Server') $SQLServer
    # Get SMO DB Object
    $db = $Server.Databases[$SQLDB]
    # Load All SQL Scripts in Directory
    $scripts = Get-ChildItem -Path (Join-Path $scriptspath "*") -Include "*.sql" -Recurse
    # Loop through each script and execute
    foreach ($SQLScript in $scripts)
    $fullpath = $SQLScript.FullName
    # Read the Script File into Powershell Memory
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($fullpath)
    $script = $reader.ReadToEnd()
    # Execute SQL
    Write-Host "Executing $SQLScript on $SQLDB...."
    $ds = $db.ExecuteWithResults($script)
    Foreach ($t in $ds.Tables)
    Foreach ($r in $t.Rows)
    Foreach ($c in $t.Columns)
    Write-Host $c.ColumnName "=" $r.Item($c)
    Write-Host "Complete"
    catch [Exception]
    Write-Warning "SQL Script Failed"
    echo $_.Exception|format-list -force
    Write-Host " " -BackgroundColor DarkCyan

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    Your question pertains to the Database Export/Import. This forum exclusively focusses on the export/import utilities that come along with "Oracle Portal" which is a web-based tool. Could you please post your question under the RDBMS export/import or migration forum.

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    01.sql ---Sucess
    02.sql --- Fail -- intimate and not to execute rest of sql files

    933663 wrote:
    I am going to create the database
    dbname.sqlSo i need to validate each and every .sql whether it succeed or not. if there is failure then needs to notify the user. Use the SQL*Plus macro/command, WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT <n>, to terminate a sql script when it hits an error - and have it return a specific exit code to the caller (o/s command line in this case). Note that exit codes are typically defined as a single byte in shells - which means it can only returns 0 to 255.
    In the command line shell, check the exit code of the previous command - which would be command than ran sqlplus and the sql script. If the exit code is for example 255, then you know the WHENEVER SQLERROR command was executed. And then you cease processing sql scripts.
    Simplistically (I do not do Windows), it will look as follows:
    --// sql script
    whenever sqlerror exit 255
    ... rest of the script
    @echo off
    rem command shell script
    prompt executing script 1
    sqlplus -s /nolog @sqlscript1.sql
    if ERRORLEVEL 255 goto :ScriptFailed
    prompt executing script 2
    sqlplus -s /nolog @sqlscript2.sql
    if ERRORLEVEL 255 goto :ScriptFailed
    goto :Success
    echo ...
    goto :End
    echo ..
    goto :End

  • How to call SQL Script in DBMS_SCHEDULER

    How to call SQL Scripts in DBMS_SCHEDULER?
    Things I got working
    1) Successfully created and tested a PL/SQL that was created under SQL Workshop->SQL Scripts (I named it 'TEST'). I was able to run this no problem.
    2) Successfully created a DBMS_SCHEDULER that runs every minutes. (See below)
        job_name => 'myjob',
        job_type => 'plsql_block',
        job_action => 'null;',
        start_date => '19-JUL-11 03.10.00 PM', /* Remember to use the DB time, not your local time if not specifying a timezone */
        repeat_interval => 'freq=minutely',
        enabled => true);
    end;The problem i am having is to make the PL/SQL script (named 'TEST') runs every minute. Its probably very easy to do that but i dont seems like finding any examples online.
    I tried replacing the job_action attribute to " job_action => 'begin TEST; END;', " However, that did not work.
    I am stuck here for couple hours already, any clues would be great :)
    Thanks in advance
    Application Express
    Edited by: John Lau on Aug 14, 2012 12:47 PM
    Edited by: John Lau on Aug 14, 2012 12:48 PM

    The PL/SQL is pretty long, I would like to call it from a different location rather then putting the whole coding as part of the argument. Sounds like I should be looking into procedure package in database?
    I will do some more research on procedure package, how to create one and how to call from it.

  • Generate sql scripts

    can we create sql scripts in ssis ; just like we create new excel files on package execution .

    well I simplified  requirement:
    I  want to run  an SP  and run this query  and return the below update statement as output.
    :select BusinessEntityID, into #temp from [HumanResources].[Employee]
    where jobtitle ='Engineering Manager'
    update ph
    set ph.payfrequency=10*2
    from [HumanResources].[EmployeePayHistory] ph  where BusinessEntityID in (select * from #temp)
    Hi Chelseasadhu,
    Do you want to generate such an T-SQL script as you posted above or you want to execute the above script in a SSIS package? If the former, there is not a stock task/component in SSIS can generate T-SQL script; if the later, you can execute
    the script via Execute SQL Task. One option is to use Script Task or Script Component to generate SQL script via SQL Server Management Objects (SMO):
    Mike Yin
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to restore SQL Server 2008 database to SQL Server Express 2012

    How to restore SQL Server 2008 database to SQL Server Express 2012.
    I BACKED UP a SQL Server 2008 database from work, which runs the enterprise version of 2008, and I tried to RESTORE it to my new 64-Bit home PC which is running the new SQL Server Express 2012 64-Bit (Advanced Edition).
    But if fails. I get the following message text.
    Can anyone help me please. I thought restoring a 2008 database to the later version 2012 would be possible.
    Here is the error message. Thanks.
    TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
    Restore of database failed. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.RelationalEngineTasks)
    System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: The database was backed up on a server running version 8.00.2039. That version is incompatible with this server, which is running version 11.00.3128. Either restore the database on a server that supports the backup, or use a
    backup that is compatible with this server. (Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoExtended)

    System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: The database was backed up on a server running version 8.00.2039. That version is incompatible with this server, which is running version 11.00.3128. Either restore the database on a server that supports the
    backup, or use a backup that is compatible with this server. (Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoExtended)
    Are you sure your database is SQL server 2008 from error message it seems your SQL server version is 2000.I guess you have multiple versions of SQL server.
    AFAIK you cannot restore backup of SQL server 2000 to 2012 directly .Restore it first to SQL 2008/2008R2 or 2005 then take backup again of new database created and then you would be able to restore it on 2012.Its kind of intermediate way
    Also make sure your DB size is less than 10 G as max DB size supported by Express edition is 10 G and if your DB size is more than 10 G restore will fail.
    You are also trying to restore enterprise DB backup on express edition so you will loose enterprise features on express edition
    Please mark this reply as the answer or vote as helpful, as appropriate, to make it useful for other readers

  • Store sql script in database

    Hi all,
    pls is there any way to store a sql script in database and be able to run it from a report or a form.
    many thanks,

    you can store functions, procedures and packages in a database and there a many ways to execute them.
    select my_function(my_parameter) from dual;
    please specify your sql script, for a more exact response

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    How to Use Discoverer Desktop without Database User ?

    You'll need to have access to some sort of database account to use the tool. If you just loaded the tool onto a machine, Disco is not going to be useful - you need to create an end user layer, and business areas.
    I suggest you start here:

  • How to get SQL script for generating table, constraint, indexes?

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    Can someone give me some edvice?

    I'd like to get from somewhere Oracle tool for
    generating simple SQL script for generating table,
    indexes, constraint (like Toad) and it has to be
    Oracle tool but not Designer.
    SQL Developer is similar to Toad and is an Oracle tool.

  • Help! Need to generate SQL script file in every build of every changes in database project on TFS

    Hi everyone,
                I want to accomplish a task in TFS that I need to auto generate the database changes as SQL script file in drop folder for every build.
    For ex.: If I add a table in a database and then check in the changes, I need to get that create table script in the drop folder as .sql file extension
    I want to automate the build too for every check in. Help me out and guide me a step by step procedure because since I am new to TFS build in visual studio.

    Check out SSDT:
    It can generate a DACPAC which can be used to update a SQL Database through the commandline. To ensure that the .sql file executed is compatible with the target database schema it contains a compiled version of teh schema and will generate the change script
    If you want, you call SqlPackage,exe to generate a SQL script if you want to inspect it before executing.
    My blog:

  • Generating .sql script for all objects of a User/Schema

    Hi All,
    What are the ways in which I can generate scripts for a full USER (all objects) with dependencies. (by dependencies I mean for example that PK be created first before creating FK).
    We can export the full schema using (exp rows=n) but this will generate a .dmp file. I want a .sql file which can be run on any other machine (from SQL> prompt) so that user and all objects are created (without the need to use "imp").

    But the easiest way to do this would be to do an export with rows=N and then an import.
    You coule do an export and then let run the import utility with indexfile=<you_name_it>.sql and this way you'll get a file with all statements included (but table definition commented out).
    Or you do it yourself (DIY-method), where you have to select all your relevant objects and their dependencies.

  • Generating SQL Script for Existing Tables and DBs

    is it possible to generate automatically a SQL-Script from an existing table or oracle database ?
    I want to export an existing table from an Oracle DB (g11) if its possible with the data.
    Perhaps somebody could me explain how to to do this.
    I am using the "SQL Developer 2.1" and the "enterprise manager konsole".
    I'm a rookie in using this tools.
    Thank you for any informations.
    N. Wylutzki

    If you want to export data, you should use the export utility. This is documented:

  • Generating SQL Scripts

    What would be the best way to generate an SQL script from a development environment to a customer site?
    Any suggestions greatly apprecaited.

    If your question is about running a SQL script from box 1 to box 2, you could just configure your Net8 (tnsnames,sqlnet.ora) so that you can "talk" to the other database.
    If your question is about having an application build sqlscripts, then I would use generic coding with bind variables or lexical variables.
    If on the other hand, you want to just generate the SQL Scripts for users to execute at the other site, just send them your SQL in a text file.

Maybe you are looking for