How to get PL/SQL package to execute in VB

We have a PL/SQL reference cursor that returns values from Oracle table. we need to pass these values to MS Access tables using VB Code.
We created ODBC connection and were able to retrieve records from Oracle table in MS ACCESS. but now we need to retrieve cursor values. For that we are using the following code:
Option Explicit
Public m_adoCnn As New ADODB.Connection
Public Sub Command0_Click()
Dim sSQL As String
Dim m_adoRst As ADODB.Recordset
Dim m_adoCmd As ADODB.Command
Dim m_adoPrm As ADODB.Parameter
sSQL = "emp_hist_refcur.empsearch"
Set m_adoCmd = New ADODB.Command
With m_adoCnn
'.ConnectionString = "DSN=TGFSDBA_Test;Pwd=tgfsdba_ot35;UID=tgfsdba"
.ConnectionString = "Provider=msdaora;Data Source=TGFSDBA_Test;" & _
"User ID=tgfsdba;Password=tgfsdba_ot35;PLSQLRSet=1;"
.CursorLocation = adUseServer
End With
With m_adoCmd
.ActiveConnection = m_adoCnn
.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
.CommandText = sSQL
' .Parameters.Refresh
' Set m_adoPrm = .CreateParameter("pTest", adVarChar, adParamInput, 1)
'.Parameters.Append m_adoPrm
End With
'm_adoPrm.Value = "x"
Set m_adoRst = m_adoCmd.Execute
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
End Sub
But when we run it, it gives us TNSNAMES.ORA could not be resolved error and it highlights ".OPEN" in the code? What could be wrong? Please help.
When we run it using this connection string
'.ConnectionString = "DSN=TGFSDBA_Test;Pwd=tgfsdba_ot35;UID=tgfsdba"
Then we get error saying
Wrong number or type of arguments in a call.
Do we need to configure TNSNAMES, or install a driver or try a new connection string like OO4O instead of ADO?

I worked on my code some and I have reached a point where I have created a msg box which shows that I am connected to Oracle. I am executing it step by step (step into). When I reach
Set m_adoRst = m_adoCmd.Execute()
I get an error message Microsfot ODBC for Oracle: Syntax error or access violation.
We think that there is something wrong with the way we are passing the parameter.
Can you tell how to pass an OUT refcursor parameter? There is no IN in the procedure.
Option Explicit
Public m_adoCnn As New ADODB.Connection
Public Sub Command0_Click()
Dim m_Cnn As ADODB.Connection
Dim sSQL As String
Dim m_adoRst As ADODB.Recordset
Dim m_adoCmd As ADODB.Command
Dim m_adoPrm As New ADODB.Parameter
Dim emp_cursor As String
sSQL = "call emp_hist_refcur.empsearch(resultset 1000, fname)"
Set m_adoCmd = New ADODB.Command
With m_adoCnn
.ConnectionString = "DSN=TGFSDBA_Test;UID=tgfsdba;Pwd=tgfsdba_ot35"
.CursorLocation = adUseServer
MsgBox ("connected")
End With
With m_adoCmd
.CommandText = sSQL
.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
.ActiveConnection = m_adoCnn
Set m_adoPrm = .CreateParameter("pTest", adVarChar, adParamInput, 1)
.Parameters.Append m_adoPrm
' .Parameters.Refresh
End With
Set m_adoRst = m_adoCmd.Execute()
Do While Not m_adoRst.EOF
Debug.Print m_adoRst(0)
' Close the recordset.
'Print m_adoRst.Fields.Item
' End With
' m_adoPrm.Value = "x"
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
End Sub

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    by default all sql jobs are executed as sql server agent account, unless otherwise a proxy is setup.
    you can get the proxy information as Olaf mentioned, if the proxy_id is null for the step, it implies that the job step was executed as sql server service account and in such case it will be null
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    so, one work around is get the sql server agent service account and if the proxy is null, that means it ran as sql server agent account, so, use isnull function. the disadvantage would be if the sql server agent account was switched, you might not get the
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     try this code...
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    You have these many options to set, if sql_text is really huge. But better use a tool(TOAD) as it's really helpful and easy to use instead! (See my previous comment).
    column sql_text format A10000
    set echo off
    set head off
    set feed off
    set verify off
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    set long 1000000
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                                                o_errortext               OUT VARCHAR2,
                                                o_segment_id_list         OUT t_general_numlist ,
                                                i_Cable                   IN      VARCHAR2,
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                WHERE           Upper(TRIM(LEADING 0 FROM  cable)) = :i_Cable
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         END IF;                 
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               USING Upper(TRIM(LEADING 0 FROM   i_Cable)),i_Pair,i_termsysid,  i_COClli; 
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             o_errorcode := SQLCODE;
             o_errortext  := 'Error in select query to retrieve segment associated to cable pair: ' || SQLERRM;
    END      DetermineSegment;

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    the java.sql package has been part of java since 1.1 at least. so it is fairly safe to assume that if you have the jdk you have java.sql
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    you do not need to touch this however. what you need is to get the JDBC driver for Oracle.
    you can get that here...

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    Use AUDIT to trace all sql statement about table, views etc. (except column) :
    Or, if you are in 9i or later, you can use DBMS_FGA (you can audit just a column) :

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    Whether it is possible to get the full set of sql, i tried executing this it is gives the report part by part.
    I am not sure what the problem is.
    You get the top 5 SQL statements because of the "<6" part of the code. Would be top 10 if "<11" and so on.
    Maybe you have got to format the output a little in SQL*Plus to get it better readable - I leave that up to you :-)
    Kind regards

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    by default all sql jobs are executed as sql server agent account, unless otherwise a proxy is setup.
    you can get the proxy information as Olaf mentioned, if the proxy_id is null for the step, it implies that the job step was executed as sql server service account and in such case it will be null
    so, if it is null, it ran as sql server agent account.
    so, one work around is get the sql server agent service account and if the proxy is null, that means it ran as sql server agent account, so, use isnull function. the disadvantage would be if the sql server agent account was switched, you might not get the
    accurate information as the new account will show up though the job really ran as old account, to get this information, you need to  get this from the logmessage column as you mentioned above.
     try this code...
    /*from sql 2008r2 sp1, you get the service accounts using tsql,otherwise you have to query the registry keys*/
    declare @sqlserveragentaccount varchar(2000)
    select @sqlserveragentaccount= service_account
    from sys.dm_server_services
    where servicename like '%sql%server%agent%'
    select message,isnull(name,@sqlserveragentaccount) as AccountName
    from sysjobhistory a inner join sysjobsteps b
    on a.step_id=b.step_id and a.job_id=b.job_id
    left outer join sysproxies c on c.proxy_id=b.proxy_id
    Hope it Helps!!

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    Identifying the query is the hard part. If you can identify it(based on table access or some such parameter, getting the execution plan is easy in ST04 .

Maybe you are looking for