How to get the passcode?

I upgraded to ios7 .  but it asked me to key in the passcode.
but i forgot
how to reset it?

That looks like the step in the iOS 7 installer that asks you to put in a passcode, which isn't clear about the fact that you do not have to do that.  There have been others who did that step and did not realize they would have to use the number sequence again and did not write it down.
At least that is my guess.

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    Hi Kranthi,
    Every webdynpro component has a global controller called the component controller which is visible to all other controllers within the component.So whenever you want to share some data in between 2 different views you can just make it a point to use the component controller's context for the same. For your requirement (within your popups view context) you will have have to copy the component controllers context to your view. You then will have to (programmatically) fill this context with your desired data in this popup view. You can then be able to read this context from whichever view you want. I hope that this would have made it clear for you. Am also giving you an [example|http://****************/Tutorials/WebDynproABAP/Modalbox/page1.htm] which you can go through which would give you a perfect understanding of all this. In this example the user has an input field in the main view. The user enters a customer number & presses on a pushbutton. The corresponding sales orders are then displayed in a popup window for the user. The user can then select any sales order & press on a button in the popup. These values would then get copied to the table in the main view.

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    var j=0;
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    if(null != lpi && lpi.checked)
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                 onchange="retrieveOptions()" styleId="firstBox" indexed="true">
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                        <td align="left" class="rowcolor1">
                        <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
                              function retrieveOptions(){
                             var sel = document.querydefs.options;
                             var selectedOption = sel[sel.selectedIndex].value;

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                        <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
                              function retrieveOptions(){
                             var sel = document.querydefs.options;
                             var selectedOption = sel[sel.selectedIndex].value;
                           </script>This java script is not working at all..its not printing anything in document.write();
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    <td class="rowcolor1" width="20%">
    <html:select styleClass="text" name="querydefs" property="shortcut"
                             onchange="retrieveSecondOptions()" styleId="firstBox"
                             <html:options collection="advanced.choices" property="shortcut"
                                  labelProperty="label"  />
                        </html:select>i tried with this also. but no use..i'm not the getting the seleced option...
    function retrieveOptions(){
    firstBox = document.getElementById('firstBox');
        selectedOption = firstBox.options[firstBox.selectedIndex].value;
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    Dear All,
    Good Afternoon,
    I want to set the 0 value to the fields at the time of page loading.
    For this,
    i tried the following ways
    OAMessageTextInputBean bean1=(OAMessageTextInputBean) webBean.findChildRecurssive("fieldid");
    for getting the values i used
    String id=pageContext.getParameter("fieldid");
    but i returns null values only while it has 0 value.
    how can get the 0 value from that field

    In order to set values you should use:
    OAMessageTextInputBean bean1=(OAMessageTextInputBean) webBean.findChildRecurssive("fieldid");
    and in order to grab the values from the fields
    String id=(String)pageContext.getParameter("fieldid");

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    I am newer to java.
    we are using oracle database.
    How to get the data from struct data type using java code.
    Thanks in Advance.

    Hi Rajeev,
    To retrieve a FilterContainer you will need to traverse the report structure:
    ReportStructure boReportStructure = boDocumentInstance.getStructure();
    ReportContainer boReportContainer = (ReportContainer) boReportStructure.getReportElement(0);
    FilterContainer boFilterContainer = null;
    if (boReportContainer.hasFilter()) {
         boFilterContainer = boReportContainer.getFilter();
    } else {
         boFilterContainer = boReportContainer.createFilter(LogicalOperator.AND);
    Calling boDocumentInstance.getStructure() will retrieve the entire structure for the document.
    Calling boReportStructure.getReportElement(0) will retrieve the structure for the first report of the document.
    Hope this helps.

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    <?xml version="1.0"?>
         <oblix:authentication xmlns:oblix="" type="basic">
         <oblix:request application="userservcenter" function="workflowDeactivateUserSave">
              <oblix:param name="ObWorkflowName">obworkflowid=9bbb88b273b1012d000086E812d695ad,obcontainerId=workflowDefinitions,o=Oblix,dc=dnb,dc=com</oblix:param>          
              <oblix:param name="uid">[email protected],ou=dnbCustomers,ou=People,dc=dnb,dc=com</oblix:param>
              <oblix:param name="attrName_1">UserID</oblix:param>
              <oblix:param name="attrValue_1">[email protected]</oblix:param>
              <oblix:param name="attrValue_1_old">[email protected]</oblix:param>
              <oblix:param name="attrOperation_1">REPLACE</oblix:param>
              <oblix:param name="attrName_2">ApplicationID</oblix:param>
              <oblix:param name="attrValue_2">12345611</oblix:param>
              <oblix:param name="attrValue_2_old">123456</oblix:param>
              <oblix:param name="attrOperation_2">REPLACE</oblix:param>
              <oblix:param name="attrName_3">SubscriberNum</oblix:param>
              <oblix:param name="attrValue_3">09787655</oblix:param>
              <oblix:param name="attrValue_3_old">09787655</oblix:param>
              <oblix:param name="attrOperation_3">REPLACE</oblix:param>
              <oblix:param name="noOfFields">3</oblix:param>
    How to get the values "ApplicationID","SubscriberNum" inside the preaction hook (c++). Please provide suggestions.

    Read the doc, write the code, test it and debug it .

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