How to hightlight the text in a component which is not derived from JTextCo

I have a swing componet, but it is not JTextComponent. I need to highlight the text in that compont when it gets the focus. How do I do that? Thanks,

Methods inherited from class versata.vfc.VSChoiceBase ::
addChoiceListener, addMissingChar, displayText, focusGained, focusLost, getBackground, getCodeTable, getDataFieldName, getDataFieldNumber, getDataSource, getDataSourceName, getDisabledForeground, getDisplayedText, getForeground, getForm, getFormat, getFormatter, getHelpURL, getMetaColumn, getNextFocusableComponent, getStatusText, getTabOrder, getTabStop, getTag, getTextComponent, getToolTip, grabFocus, initializeControl, isAllowMultipleValue, isDataDirty, isEditable, isFocusTraversable, isManagingFocus, keyReleased, keyTyped, mouseClicked, mouseDragged, mouseEntered, mouseExited, mouseMoved, mousePressed, mouseReleased, paintComponent, postEvent, processEvent, removeChoiceListener, requestFocus, reshape, setAllowMultipleValue, setBackground, setCodeTable, setDataDirty, setDataFieldName, setDataFieldNumber, setDataSource, setDataSourceName, setDisabledForeground, setEditable, setEnabled, setFont, setForeground, setFormat, setFormatter, setHelpURL, setNextFocusableComponent, setStatusText, setTabOrder, setTabStop, setTag, setToolTip, setToolTipText
Methods in VSPickChoice
afterFormInitialize, afterPickFill, beforePickFill, CurrentComponentChanged, CurrentDataControlChanged, dataChanged, getDisplayMode, getPick, getPickName, getQueryText, getText, hasPick, hideChoiceWindow, keyPressed, queryModeChanged, setDisplayMode, setPick, setPick, setPickName, setText, updateNotify

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             int componentIndex = 0;
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              for (int i = 0; i <5; i++) {
                   jtp.add(new JLabel("labelText"+i));
              Component[] lbl = new Component[jtp.getComponentCount()];
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          lbl = jtp.getComponents();
          int componentIndex = 0;
          for (int i = 0; i < lbl.length; i++) {
    When I do like the above, it just works fine. Can u share a little bit more of your code?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

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    hello Bhanu,
    From SAP Help, find the known Infosource help document, I copy part of the documentation below (see in between two dashed lines):
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    "Highlighting data in JSP sounds strange".
    Without looking at your search specific algorithms I feel you are finally going to display a page (HTML content) to user which contains highlighted text. Highlighting is not directly related to server side language you use (JSP, ASP, PHP etc.). This is purely HTML and CSS. However, server side script (such as JSP) should generate HTML content for getting highlight effect.
    Following HTML shows highlighted text using background-color property on span element.
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
          <p style="font-size:1.1em">This is a long paragraph which contains <span style="background-color: yellow;">highlighted text</span> and non highlighted text.</p>
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    It would help to me if any one can answer my question.
    Thanks in advance .

    U can fetch the texts for the items using
        g_f_tdname = xvttp-vbeln.
        g_f_obj = p_obj.
        g_f_langu = 'DE'.
        REFRESH g_t_lines.
        CLEAR g_t_lines.
                  id                      = p_var
                  language                = g_f_langu
                  name                    = g_f_tdname
                  object                  = g_f_obj
                  lines                   = g_t_lines
                  id                      = 1
                  language                = 2
                  name                    = 3
                  not_found               = 4
                  object                  = 5
                  reference_check         = 6
                  wrong_access_to_archive = 7
                  OTHERS                  = 8.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
                 WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    The Required fields are,
    Text-id ,language,name,object.
    Let me know if you further require help.

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         private static final Color HIGHLIGHT_COLOR = new Color(0, 0, 128);
         public MyCellRenderer() {
         public Component getListCellRendererComponent(
              JList list,
              Object value,
              int index,
              boolean isSelected,
              boolean cellHasFocus)
              String entry = (String)value;
              setFont(new Font("Ariel", Font.BOLD, 18));
              if(isSelected) {
              } else {
              return this;
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    i post a code that i use as model for my project.
    package com.chuidiang.ejemplos;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
    import javax.swing.JTable;
    import javax.swing.WindowConstants;
    import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel;
    * Ejemplo de cómo hacer una "cabecera" lateral en un JTable. Idea original de
    * Leunamal en
    * Básicamente consiste en hacer que la primera columna: - No sea editable. - No
    * sea seleccionable. - Tenga el mismo render que el JTableHeader superior.
    * @author chuidiang
    public class CabeceraLateral {
          * Crea y visualiza una ventana con un JTable que tiene cabecera en la parte
          * superior y en la columna izquierda
          * @param args
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              // Un modelo de datos que hace la primera columna (la de
              // la cabecera lateral) no editable.
              DefaultTableModel tm = new DefaultTableModel(10, 5) {
                   public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int column) {
                        if (0 == column)
                             return false;
                        return super.isCellEditable(row, column);
              // Titulos para la cabecera superior. El primero es vacio,
              // puesto que corresponde
              tm.setColumnIdentifiers(new String[] { "", "A", "B", "C", "D" });
              // Valores para la primera columna, que es la cabecera lateral.
              for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                   tm.setValueAt(i + 1, i, 0);
              // JTable al que se le pasa el modelo recien creado y se
              // sobreescribe el metodo changeSelection para que no permita
              // seleccionar la primera columna.
              JTable t = new JTable(tm) {
                   public void changeSelection(int rowIndex, int columnIndex,
                             boolean toggle, boolean extend) {
                        if (columnIndex == 0)
                             super.changeSelection(rowIndex, columnIndex + 1, toggle,
                             super.changeSelection(rowIndex, columnIndex, toggle,
              // Se pone a la primera columna el render del JTableHeader
              // superior.
              t.getColumnModel().getColumn(0).setCellRenderer(t.getTableHeader().getDefaultRenderer()); //here i set the render for the column. But when i try to aling the text, this column loose the effect.
              // Creación y visualización de la ventana completa.
              JFrame v = new JFrame("Cabecera lateral");
              JScrollPane sp = new JScrollPane(t);

    The word is "align" not aling.
    To right-align the first column, you can do this in a prepareRenderer override.    JTable t = new JTable(tm) {
          public void changeSelection(int rowIndex, int columnIndex,
                  boolean toggle, boolean extend) {
            if (columnIndex == 0) {
              super.changeSelection(rowIndex, columnIndex + 1, toggle,
            } else {
              super.changeSelection(rowIndex, columnIndex, toggle,
          public Component prepareRenderer(TableCellRenderer renderer, int row, int column) {
            Component c = super.prepareRenderer(renderer, row, column);
            if (column == 0) {
              ((JLabel) c).setHorizontalAlignment(JLabel.RIGHT);
            return c;
        };You can find other alternatives to your approach by searching the net for "[JTable row header|]"

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    need answer to this question.
    how to transport the text elements in the reports?
    Edited by: venkata kumar on Feb 18, 2008 1:33 PM

    Hi Venkata,
    Text Elements are a component/part of the SAP script and are not individual ABAP objects within the SAP environment hence they cannot be transported independently.
    You would need to make changes in your text elements in the SAP script which would result in the SAP script being saved under a transport and moving the transport across the landscape would result in the text elements also getting transported.
    In short: Move SAP script - to move text elements.

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    Dear Kranthi..
    The datas of the Application is the following:
    General Information About the Application and Component
    Application: FITE_REQUEST
    Web Dynpro Component: FITV_FPM
    Window Information: FPM_WINDOW
    View Information: Layout_view
    Information on Field
    Field ID: HELPTEXT
    Type of UI Element : Explanation
    Attributes of UI Element
    I dont found this method L_MESSAGE_MANAGER->REPORT_T100_MESSAGE.
    Please can give more suggestions for found the method
    Thanks in advance
    Carmen G.

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    I want to get the caret position of component which is embedded in StyledDocument / JTextPane.
    How has it to be done?
    Thank you very much!!!

    The Document doesn't know which textPane it belongs to. (It could even be shared by mulitple textPanes).
    You get the caret position of a any text component by using:

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    how to print the text in points wise in sap script.
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    2. what r  u doing.
    3.where r u.
    like this i want numbering.. waiting for ur replys.

    declare a counter
    data : cnt type char 4.
    print :
    cnt = cnt + 1.
    &cnt& &text&
    cnt = cnt + 1. and so on.
    if the data is in an internal table
    loop at internal_table.
    cnt = cnt + 1.
    write form.
    in script -&cnt& &text&
    Edited by: NIKHILKUMAR POOJARI on Nov 17, 2008 11:18 AM

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             explian how to print the text in only last but one page in sapscripts? wher to write the code? plz if possible explain in detail with an example?

    The total no pages is given by &SAPSCRIPT-FORMPAGES& command.
    So u can handle the situation in ur form like this
    p1 TEXT
    /: endif
    Try in this way it may help u.

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    Qualcuno sa come collegare il testo in due o più caselle di testo nella versione 5.0 di Pages. Grazie per le vostre risposte.

    It's just one of the many, many features that have been eliminated or changed. Leave feedback for the Pages team using the link in the Pages menu and review & rate the new versions in the Mac App Store.
    If you previously had iWork '09, those apps are still in your Applications folder in a folder named iWork '09. You can continue to use them to get things done.

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