How to import LDAP users into OSM users?

Can you please guide how to import LDAP users into OSM users?

Hi Menaka,
Refer u would find the necessary soultion.

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  • How to import your MS Active Directory users in an Oracle table

    I first tried to get a Heterogenous Connection to my MS Active Directory to get information on my Active Directory users.
    This doesn't work so I used an alternative solution:
    How to import your MS Active Directory users in an Oracle table
    - a Visual Basic script for export from Active Directory
    - a table in my database
    - a SQL*Loader Control-file
    - a command-file to start the SQL*Loader
    Now I can schedule the vsb-script and the command-file to get my information in an Oracle table. This works fine for me.
    Just to share my scripts:
    I made a Visual Basic script to make an export from my Active Directory to a CSV-file.
    'Export_ActiveDir_users.vbs                              26-10-2006
    'Script to export info from MS Active Directory to a CSV-file
    '     Accountname, employeeid, Name, Function, Department etc.
    '       Richard de Boer - Wetterskip Fryslan, the Nethterlands
    '     samaccountname          Logon Name / Account     
    '     employeeid          Employee ID
    '     name               name     
    '     displayname          Display Name / Full Name     
    '     sn               Last Name     
    '     description          Description / Function
    '     department          Department / Organisation     
    '     physicaldeliveryofficename Office Location     Wetterskip Fryslan
    '     streetaddress          Street Address          Harlingerstraatweg 113
    '     l               City / Location          Leeuwarden
    '     mail               E-mail adress     
    '     wwwhomepage          Web Page Address
    '     distinguishedName     Full unique name with cn, ou's, dc's
    'Global variables
        Dim oContainer
        Dim OutPutFile
        Dim FileSystem
    'Initialize global variables
        Set FileSystem = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        Set OutPutFile = FileSystem.CreateTextFile("ActiveDir_users.csv", True)
        Set oContainer=GetObject("LDAP://OU=WFgebruikers,DC=Wetterskip,DC=Fryslan,DC=Local")
    'Enumerate Container
        EnumerateUsers oContainer
    'Clean up
        Set FileSystem = Nothing
        Set oContainer = Nothing
        WScript.Echo "Finished"
    Sub EnumerateUsers(oCont)
        Dim oUser
        For Each oUser In oCont
            Select Case LCase(oUser.Class)
                   Case "user"
                        If Not IsEmpty(oUser.distinguishedName) Then
                            OutPutFile.WriteLine _
                   oUser.samaccountname      & ";" & _
                   oUser.employeeid     & ";" & _
                   oUser.Get ("name")      & ";" & _
                   oUser.displayname      & ";" & _
                    & ";" & _
                   oUser.description      & ";" & _
                   oUser.department      & ";" & _
                   oUser.physicaldeliveryofficename & ";" & _
                   oUser.streetaddress      & ";" & _
                   oUser.l           & ";" & _
                   oUser.mail           & ";" & _
                   oUser.wwwhomepage      & ";" & _
                   oUser.distinguishedName     & ";"
                        End If
                   Case "organizationalunit", "container"
                        EnumerateUsers oUser
            End Select
    End SubThis give's output like this:
    rdeboer;2988;Richard de Boer;Richard de Boer;de Boer;Database Administrator;Informatie- en Communicatie Technologie;;Harlingerstraatweg 113;Leeuwarden;[email protected];;CN=Richard de Boer,OU=Informatie- en Communicatie Technologie,OU=Afdelingen,OU=WFGebruikers,DC=wetterskip,DC=fryslan,DC=local;
    tbronkhorst;201;Tjitske Bronkhorst;Tjitske Bronkhorst;Bronkhorst;Configuratiebeheerder;Informatie- en Communicatie Technologie;;Harlingerstraatweg 113;Leeuwarden;[email protected];;CN=Tjitske Bronkhorst,OU=Informatie- en Communicatie Technologie,OU=Afdelingen,OU=WFGebruikers,DC=wetterskip,DC=fryslan,DC=local;I made a table in my Oracle database:
         samaccountname          VARCHAR2(64)
    ,     employeeid          VARCHAR2(16)
    ,     name               VARCHAR2(64)
    ,     displayname          VARCHAR2(64)
    ,     sn               VARCHAR2(64)
    ,     description          VARCHAR2(100)
    ,     department          VARCHAR2(64)
    ,     physicaldeliveryofficename     VARCHAR2(64)
    ,     streetaddress          VARCHAR2(128)
    ,     l               VARCHAR2(64)
    ,     mail               VARCHAR2(100)
    ,     wwwhomepage          VARCHAR2(128)
    ,     distinguishedName     VARCHAR2(256)
    )I made SQL*Loader Control-file:
    INFILE           'ActiveDir_users.csv'
    BADFILE      'ActiveDir_users.bad'
    DISCARDFILE      'ActiveDir_users.dsc'
    (     samaccountname
    ,     employeeid
    ,     name
    ,     displayname
    ,     sn
    ,     description
    ,     department
    ,     physicaldeliveryofficename
    ,     streetaddress
    ,     l
    ,     mail
    ,     wwwhomepage
    ,     distinguishedName
    )I made a cmd-file to start SQL*Loader
    : Import the Active Directory users in Oracle by SQL*Loader
    D:\Oracle\ora92\bin\sqlldr userid=pg4wf/<password>@<database> control=sqlldr_ActiveDir_users.ctl log=sqlldr_ActiveDir_users.logI used this for a good list of active directory fields:
    Richard de Boer

    I have a table with about 50,000 records in my Oracle database and there is a date column which shows the date that each record get inserted to the table, for example 04-Aug-13.
    Is there any way that I can find out what time each record has been inserted?
    For example: 04-Aug-13 4:20:00 PM. (For my existing records not future ones)
    First you need to clarify what you mean by 'the date that each record get inserted'.  A row is not permanent and visible to other sessions until it has been COMMITTED and that commit may happen seconds, minutes, hours or even days AFTER a user actually creates the row and puts a date in your 'date column'.
    Second - your date column, and ALL date columns, includes a time component. So just query your date column for the time.
    The only way that time value will be incorrect is if you did something silly like TRUNC(myDate) when you inserted the value. That would use a time component of 00:00:00 and destroy the actual time.

  • How to import csv data into Oracle using c#

    How to import csv data into Oracle using c #. Where data to be imported 3GB in size and number of rows 7512263. I've managed to import csv data into Oracle, but the time it takes about 1 hour. How to speed up the time it takes to import csv data into oracle. Thank you.
    This is my code:
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
    using System.IO;
    using FileHelpers;
    using System.Data.OracleClient;
    namespace sqlloader
    class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
    int jum;
    int i;
    bool isFirstLine = false;
    FileHelperEngine engine = new FileHelperEngine(typeof(XL_XDR));
    //Connect To Database
    string constr = "Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST="
    + "(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST= pt-9a84825594af )(PORT=1521 )))"
    + "User Id=xl;Password=rahasia;";
    OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr);
    // To Read Use:
    XL_XDR[] res = engine.ReadFile("DataOut.csv") as XL_XDR[];
    jum = CountLinesInFile("DataOut.csv");
    FileInfo f2 = new FileInfo("DataOut.csv");
    long s2 = f2.Length;
    int jmlRecord = jum - 1;
    for (i = 0; i < jum; i++)
    ShowPercentProgress("Processing...", i, jum);
    if (isFirstLine == false)
    isFirstLine = true;
    "'" + res.XDR_ID + "', '" + res[i].XDR_TYPE + "', '" + res[i].SESSION_START_TIME + "', '" + res[i].SESSION_END_TIME + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].SESSION_LAST_UPDATE_TIME + "', '" + res[i].SESSION_FLAG + "', '" + res[i].VERSION + "', '" + res[i].CONNECTION_ROW_COUNT + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].ERROR_CODE + "', '" + res[i].METHOD + "', '" + res[i].HOST_LEN + "', '" + res[i].HOST + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].URL_LEN + "', '" + res[i].URL + "', '" + res[i].CONNECTION_START_TIME + "', '" + res[i].CONNECTION_LAST_UPDATE_TIME + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].CONNECTION_FLAG + "', '" + res[i].CONNECTION_ID + "', '" + res[i].TOTAL_EVENT_COUNT + "', '" + res[i].TUNNEL_PAIR_ID + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].RESPONSIVENESS_TYPE + "', '" + res[i].CLIENT_PORT + "', '" + res[i].PAYLOAD_TYPE + "', '" + res[i].VIRTUAL_TYPE + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].VID_CLIENT + "', '" + res[i].VID_SERVER + "', '" + res[i].CLIENT_ADDR + "', '" + res[i].SERVER_ADDR + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].CLIENT_TUNNEL_ADDR + "', '" + res[i].SERVER_TUNNEL_ADDR + "', '" + res[i].ERROR_CODE_2 + "', '" + res[i].IPID + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].C2S_PKTS + "', '" + res[i].C2S_OCTETS + "', '" + res[i].S2C_PKTS + "', '" + res[i].S2C_OCTETS + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].NUM_SUCC_TRANS + "', '" + res[i].CONNECT_TIME + "', '" + res[i].TOTAL_RESP + "', '" + res[i].TIMEOUTS + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].RETRIES + "', '" + res[i].RAI + "', '" + res[i].TCP_SYNS + "', '" + res[i].TCP_SYN_ACKS + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].TCP_SYN_RESETS + "', '" + res[i].TCP_SYN_FINS + "', '" + res[i].EVENT_TYPE + "', '" + res[i].FLAGS + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].TIME_STAMP + "', '" + res[i].EVENT_ID + "', '" + res[i].EVENT_CODE + "')";
    OracleCommand command = new OracleCommand(sql, con);
    Console.WriteLine("Successfully Inserted");
    Console.WriteLine("Number of Row Data: " + jmlRecord.ToString());
    Console.WriteLine("The size of {0} is {1} bytes.", f2.Name, f2.Length);
    static void ShowPercentProgress(string message, int currElementIndex, int totalElementCount)
    if (currElementIndex < 0 || currElementIndex >= totalElementCount)
    throw new InvalidOperationException("currElement out of range");
    int percent = (100 * (currElementIndex + 1)) / totalElementCount;
    Console.Write("\r{0}{1}% complete", message, percent);
    if (currElementIndex == totalElementCount - 1)
    static int CountLinesInFile(string f)
    int count = 0;
    using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader(f))
    string line;
    while ((line = r.ReadLine()) != null)
    return count;
    public class XL_XDR
    public string XDR_ID;
    public string XDR_TYPE;
    public string SESSION_START_TIME;
    public string SESSION_END_TIME;
    public string SESSION_LAST_UPDATE_TIME;
    public string SESSION_FLAG;
    public string VERSION;
    public string CONNECTION_ROW_COUNT;
    public string ERROR_CODE;
    public string METHOD;
    public string HOST_LEN;
    public string HOST;
    public string URL_LEN;
    public string URL;
    public string CONNECTION_START_TIME;
    public string CONNECTION_FLAG;
    public string CONNECTION_ID;
    public string TOTAL_EVENT_COUNT;
    public string TUNNEL_PAIR_ID;
    public string RESPONSIVENESS_TYPE;
    public string CLIENT_PORT;
    public string PAYLOAD_TYPE;
    public string VIRTUAL_TYPE;
    public string VID_CLIENT;
    public string VID_SERVER;
    public string CLIENT_ADDR;
    public string SERVER_ADDR;
    public string CLIENT_TUNNEL_ADDR;
    public string SERVER_TUNNEL_ADDR;
    public string ERROR_CODE_2;
    public string IPID;
    public string C2S_PKTS;
    public string C2S_OCTETS;
    public string S2C_PKTS;
    public string S2C_OCTETS;
    public string NUM_SUCC_TRANS;
    public string CONNECT_TIME;
    public string TOTAL_RESP;
    public string TIMEOUTS;
    public string RETRIES;
    public string RAI;
    public string TCP_SYNS;
    public string TCP_SYN_ACKS;
    public string TCP_SYN_RESETS;
    public string TCP_SYN_FINS;
    public string EVENT_TYPE;
    public string FLAGS;
    public string TIME_STAMP;
    public string EVENT_ID;
    public string EVENT_CODE;
    I hope someone can give me a solution. Thanks

    The fastest way is to use external tables or sql loader (sqlldr). (If you use external tables or sql loader, you don't use C# at all).

  • How to import .pdf files into iBooks?

    How to import .pdf files into iBooks?

    Or send the file from your computer to your ipod by emailing yourself the pdf. Then if you open the Mail client and you open the pdf there is an option to select open in ibooks. It will save it to your device for remote viewing.

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    Placing the PDF into an InDesign document shouldn't be a problem, but if it is, please post back. What I think you're asking for is how to edit a PDF with InDesign, which can't be done. You would need the source document, edit that and then export to another PDF (if PDF is the end goal). There are some programs that can edit PDFs or convert PDFs to other formats (Word, InDesign, etc.), and they will work to one extent or another. You should expect to have to rework parts of it should you go that way. Keep in mind that PDF is generally considered a final document that isn't intended to be edited.

  • How to import the IDOC into Seeburger BIC mapping designer

    Hi All,
    Can u please tell me how to import the IDOC into Seeburger BIC mapping desginer.
    I have scenario My scenario is SAP GTS 7.0.....>Seeburger BIS.....>Atlas customs system for Germany
    Idoc coming from SAP GTS to Seeburger BIS and then convert to EDIFACT send
    to Atlas systeam.

    Hi Ramesh
    BIC is a tool from Seeburger to transmit the XML data to EDI and EDI to XML.
    Seeburger mapping programs for transferring the XML data to EDI data and EDI data to XML data, but not for the structure changing, in the IR your mapping program is same.
    Receiver side you need AS2 Adapter for converting data to EDI target structure. we have many EDI versions are available, for converting the EDI to XML or vice versa AS2 gives some default mapping programs, xml to EDI or EDI to XML convertion done through this mapping programs.
    Seeburger AS adapter provider provides some mapping programs(for example EDI4010 version or other), if you are using the same EDI version(4010) then you can use that mapping programs, if the version is different then we can manually generate the Seeburger X2E and E2X mappings for the corresponding version and signal(850 or 810 or ..), for this seeburger provides the mapping designer tool (BIC), there we can develope the X2E and E2X mapping programs and configure this in the Seeburger work bench.

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    How many orders do you need to import one photo?
    Perhaps you need to explain that again

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    i installed tomcat, j2sdk, eclipse, and tomcat plugin.... and configured i want to excute jsf applications in to import jsf libraries into eclipse....
    plz help me

    ok thank u
    i have other doubt
    i am using tomcatplugin instead of myeclipse plugin
    is tomcat plugin supports jsf or not?

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    i configured maven in jdeveloper with help manu check for updates.
    i am follwoing the [how to import maven project into jdev|]
    after updating my jdev with maven extensions,i could not see maven project in file|import project menu.
    why maven project is not appearing in jdev file|import project menu ?
    please help appriciate your help

    Though it's not clear in that link, I believe those instructions to be for JDev, not However somebody may correct me.

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    Please tell me How to import legacy data into apex tables.

    SQL WorkshopUtilitiesData Workshop...
    you can import the data from already exported as (text/csv/xml) data
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    I guess I'm not sure what you mean, then - You can't render to a "script" file.
    What format was was the QuickTime file you produced with your File Out node? Are you trying to do something with an Alpha Channel? If so, you could use the Animation codec with colors set to Millions+ or a TIFF sequence (or PNG), or maybe ProRes 4444, but I don't know if Shake can output to that codec.
    More detail please,

  • How to import only sequences from one user to another user

    I want to import from one user to another user only sequences. Can anybody please guide me in this regard.
    Thanks in advance

    What DB version do you use?
    I don't know if dbms_metadata is present on oracle 9i but I'm quite sure that to_char(CLOB) is supported only on 10g, so you should find onother way to get the clob.
    You could also determine the extract ddl script with this script that runs on older versions as well:
    select 'CREATE SEQUENCE "'||USER||'"."'||
         DECODE(ORDER_FLAG,'N',' NOORDER ',' ORDER ')||';'
    from user_sequences;What sql client did you use?
    I don't get empty rows with sql navigator and sql plus.
    Bye Alessandro

  • How to import the data into another Tablespace?

    I have a Oracle user USER1 with default tablespace on "SYSTEM" tablespace.
    I export utility to export user1's object with "exp" utility:
    c:\orawin95\bin> exp userid=USER1/pwd file=DATA.dmp owner=user1
    Now I upgrade my Hardware Server and reinstall Oracle, I created USER1 again but change default tablespace to "NewTS".
    I use import utility to import data.dmp into user1 :
    c:\orant\bin> imp userid=USER1/pwd file=DATA.dmp fromuser=USER1 touser=USER1
    Question: Although I created USER1 with default tablespace "NewTS", but the imported data will still occupied on "SYSTEM" tablespace, How can I "move" the imported data to "NewTS"?

    Considering user = USER1 and default tablespace for user1 is SYSTEM.
    1. login to USER1
    2. create script for all the tables with dynamic statement.
    spool cr.sql
    Select 'Create Table '||Table_name||' As Select * from '||user||'.'||table_name||';' from user_tables;
    spool off
    remove garbage lines from cr.sql
    3. login in User2 ( where default table space is NEWTS )
    SQL> @cr.sql
    4. login to user1 drop all the tables from user1
    login to system alter user user1 make default tablespace NEWTS
    login to user2 run script in step 2 again.
    login to user1 run cr.sql
    login to user2 drop all the tables;
    login to system drop user user2.
    Hope this will solve your purpose
    Thanks and Regards

  • How to Import XML file into SAP B1

    Dear All,
    I have a scenario like,
    I am receiving a XML file from a 3rd party application for the daily Creation,Update of Item Master,BP Master, Marketing Documents. I want to import this file into SAP B1 through its approp objects. I understand DTW has limitation in its file types (Semicolo,Tab,Comma,ODBC). How do i do this ? Please guide me.
    Thanga Raj K

    Hy folks,
    I´m frim Brasil and I've been studying the tool EFM (Eletronic File Manager) to learn more about it!
    There I saw that we can extract to XML "any" infomation from the database we want, mainly through the GEP.
    However, as I've seen, this Add-On can not import any XML file into SBO, unless for the BFP wich can be imported in conjunction with the BTHF Add-on.
    So I ask: how is it possible to import XML data into SBO database? Is it possible to be done through the EFM? or  it´s really necessary to write a code specifically to do that?
    Besides, I know that de B1iSN fit to this necessity... but when I tried to use it, by the custom "object" for BP, for example, there are some data wich the mapping conteined in this custom "process" that can not be imported... I tried to understand how to map those other fields not imported by the custom but this has been dificult to me as I am a implementation consultant focused in administrative process not on development...
    Could you please help me with this subject!
    Thanks a lot,

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