How to import single events to aperture libraries?

Is there a way to copy a single event (not the whool iphoto) in Aperture?

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    Once that opens by default with iphoto, then... went to Finder again, Pictures, right click on iphoto library (local Imac library) and select "open with" = Aperture.
    There I had my MBA's library opened on iphoto and my local Imac library opened on Aperture. I simply dragged the events from iphoto to Aperture. Worked like a charm..
    PS: It is obvious to say that for this to work, both Imac and MBA have to be Shared in the same network
    That works, but there is a better way with Aperture. The problem.  If you drag the photos from Aperture to iPhoto, you only transfer the previews and you lose quality, because you do not transfer the high quality originals.
    Aperture can do more for you:
    Select the event   (in Aperture "Projects") you want to transfer in the library Inspector and then use "File > Export > Project as new Library".  This will create a new photo library with only the elected items.
    Then open your destination iPhoto library in Aperture and select the command "File > Import > Library" and select the partial library with your events. Aperture will now merge this library into your iPhoto library.
    This way, you will transfer the originals and all editing, keywords, etc, and effectively merge your iPhoto libraries preserving all your work.
    Seethes document:  Aperture 3.3: How to use Aperture to merge iPhoto libraries

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    Once that opens by default with iphoto, then... went to Finder again, Pictures, right click on iphoto library (local Imac library) and select "open with" = Aperture.
    There I had my MBA's library opened on iphoto and my local Imac library opened on Aperture. I simply dragged the events from iphoto to Aperture. Worked like a charm..
    PS: It is obvious to say that for this to work, both Imac and MBA have to be Shared in the same network
    That works, but there is a better way with Aperture. The problem.  If you drag the photos from Aperture to iPhoto, you only transfer the previews and you lose quality, because you do not transfer the high quality originals.
    Aperture can do more for you:
    Select the event   (in Aperture "Projects") you want to transfer in the library Inspector and then use "File > Export > Project as new Library".  This will create a new photo library with only the elected items.
    Then open your destination iPhoto library in Aperture and select the command "File > Import > Library" and select the partial library with your events. Aperture will now merge this library into your iPhoto library.
    This way, you will transfer the originals and all editing, keywords, etc, and effectively merge your iPhoto libraries preserving all your work.
    Seethes document:  Aperture 3.3: How to use Aperture to merge iPhoto libraries

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    As Ralph has suggested, if you want to sync photos from your computer, you must include all photos that you want to sync - with each and every sync. You cannot import photos from another Main photo folder on the computer. You must create an all-in-one photo library in iPhoto and sync from that folder. You can select one level of sub folders from within that main folder, but all of those folders must be included in the main folder - in your case it is in iPhoto. That is just how the sync process works with Photos.
    I don't know how using third party apps affects the photos that you have already synced from iPhoto, but take a look at these apps in this Google search. Maybe Wifi transfer is the way to go for you.

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    Select an Event or Photo and drag it to the target Project in the Aperture window.

  • HT204414 How to import both iPhoto and Aperture library to iCloud Photo Library (Photos app)

    Hi all,
    Based on the article here (Designate a System Photo Library in Photos - Apple Support) has anyone tried to bring both an iPhoto and Aperture library into iCloud Photo Library so that both libraries are available as one in iCloud and form the one Photos app library rather than being seen as separate libraries. I don't want the two separated as I have 200GB's of space in iCloud which is plenty to hold the two's collective space of about 40GB's.
    It seems as though the procedure is pretty simple.
    First of all set one of your libraries as the System Photo Library, this will happen naturally with setting up Photos app for the first time. I chose iPhoto as the original library.
    Let this library upload all it's photo's to iCloud over a few minutes, hours, days etc.
    When finished, enter your other library by closing Photos app and reopening while holding down the Option key (usually Alt). In this case I now opened the Aperture library that it had found.
    Under Preferences > iCloud set this library as the System Photo Library and in turn it will have the ability to upload to iCloud.
    When it's finished I suppose you will have both iPhoto AND Aperture pictures in the one iCloud Photo Library.
    At least I hope the above makes sense.
    Anybody already tried this with good / bad results, let us know here.

    found it here  - 'If you designate a new library as the System Photo Library and then turn on iCloud Photo Library, the photos and videos in the new library will merge with those already in your iCloud Photo Library. If you want to keep the contents of your photo libraries separate, don’t turn on iCloud Photo Library for more than one library in Photos.'
    That bit seems clear. You can merge photos from different libraries by making them 'designated' first  .
    BUT  this means that Photos app only shows you library A , or library B, depending on which one you have opened , but Icloud library contains photos from Both library A and library B .
    is this correct ?
    and if so, does it not get a but confusing ?!?

  • How to import ical events to calendar?

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    Hello PAULROBERT26,
    The article linked below provides a lot of great information and troubleshooting tips that can help you resolve the calendar syncing issue on your Mac.
    Sync Services: Advanced troubleshooting for contact and calendar syncing - Assistance Apple
    Take care,

  • Is it worth importing iPhoto Events Into Aperture?

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    The latest versions of Aperture and iPhoto can both use the same library, no need to have one for each application.
    With one library you avoid the whole space issue. Also I don't see a reason for keeping the Raw and JPG images seperated like that, each in a different application. It would be easier from a management standpoint to have them all in one library.

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    If I read correctly from other questions, I need to update all versions of iPhoto to be the same, establish the library on the Pegasus, then export all the files to that library? Is this correct? I am not sure I can update all computers to the current version (one is a late 2009 MacPro) Is there any easier way to do it? I am happy to purchase software if that makes the process easier.
    Cheers! Thanks for any info!

    iPhoto does not support to merge libraries into one.
    The utility  iPhoto Library Manager can merge libraries -
    download here: iPhoto Library Manager
    If you have access to Aperture, you can also use it to merge your libraries (see: Aperture 3.3: How to use Aperture to merge iPhoto libraries), but if you need to buy a tool, iPhoto Library Manager would be the more economic solution, and it is a must-have with iPhoto anyway.

  • How do you move events and projects between Libraries in iMove 10

    I am running OSX 10.9.5 (Mavericks) & iMovie 10.0.5.
    I am trying to free up space on my internal 1TB hard drive and want to archive events and completed projects onto an external hard drive, which has a second iMove v10 Library on.  Under V9 of iMovie this function was easy, but I am struggling under V10.
    What is the correct way to move events between libraries in iMovie. 
    When I attach the external drive containing my second iMovie Library, open it I can see all existing events stored (by move) under version 9 of iMovie.
    Reading the Help (extract below) for this function it implies highlight the Event to move & then drag & drop into the second Library.
    Shift+CMD with drag and drop onto the second library at the library name level will move Events that are not tied to a project, but for completed projects (Finalized under V9 or shared for example with iTunes in V10) it seems these can not be moved, the above function only copies them to the second library.
    I have tried all different combinations of the Fn, Ctrl, Option CMD keys etc with and without SHIFT and the ones that work for this function only copy the event. I can not seem to get an event moved once attached to a project. File - Move Event will also move Events not tied to a completed project.
    I have also tried copy to a second Library & then to delete the original events.  Again it appears you can not delete events tied to a Project.
    What I have also not been able to find is how to move a finalised Project to another Library and then see if events attached to that project would then move.
    I have been able to move Events not tied to a Project to the second Library, then create a new project within this Library.  This helps with all new projects & future import of Events. But does not help me free up current space by archiving.
    Extract from help
    Copy or move projects, events, or clips between libraries or storage devices
             Connect a storage device that contains the target library to your Mac, or copy the target library to your Mac.
             Choose File > Open Library, and choose an option from the submenu.You can choose from recently opened libraries, locate an existing library on your Mac, or create a new library.The selected library is opened in the Libraries list, with the first event selected and its contents displayed in the browser.
             In the Libraries list, select the event that contains the item you want to move or copy.
             In the browser, select the item you want to move or copy.Tip:  To select multiple clips or projects in the same library, hold down the Command key as you click the items you want to select, or drag a selection rectangle around the items.
             Do one of the following:
    To move items between events or libraries: Drag the clip or project to another event or library.
    To copy items between events or libraries: Option-drag the clip or project to another event or library by first starting to drag and then holding down the Option key as you drag.
    Would appreciate any help on this matter.

    Further to my original post below; I have done further analysis and it seams that if you have events tied to a project (mine are all finalised) you can not move events between Libraries.  However, events that are not tied to a project can be moved. Either by Shift CMD or by using File- Move event.
    What I have not been able to find is how to move a finalised Project to another Library and then see if events attached to that project would then move.
    Copy works for events attached to a project. I have also tried copy to a second Library & then to delete the original events.  Again it appears you can not delete events tied to a Project.
    Does anyone know how to archive (move) Projects and/or events in iMovie 10.0.05 under Mavericks 10.9.5 to a second library on an external drive.

  • Imported old family video, I seperated different events, how can I save event to put together in a menu like family, vacation, christmas.

    Imported old family video, I seperated different events and named each event, how can I save event to put together in a menu like family, vacation, christmas to make a DVD

    revdhayes wrote:
    I imported 5 1 hour old video in Final Cut Pro X. I spent all day seperating clips with Start and end then naming each clip in properties..
    Sorry, but I don't understand  what "5 1 hour video" means.
    I do understand that you have a lot of clips that you want to group by various subjects, like vacation, etc. That's a perfect job for keywords, which perhaps is what you used when you named them?
    If you did use keywords, go to that TL Index and click Tag at the top and then the keyword icon at the bottom. It should give you a list of only clips in that category. Select clip from the menu and it should highlight them. You could then copy and paste them to a new project for export. Repeat as necessary.
    If you're going to do a lot of these, I'd suggest doing this from the event browser, applying keywords and then the clips into separate projects.  But there are always more than one way to do things, and to each his/her own.
    Again, I don't have any idea how long your footage is and whether it is even possible (or desirable) to fit it on to a single DVD. I mentioned iDVD because of its menu and sub menu capabilities. You will need another app like Compressor to do the chapter makers (unless Apple updates FCP before you finish your project and adds that capability. That would be nice,)
    Good luck.

  • How to "Highlight/Color Label" a single event in Month View.

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    Thank you for your time.

    Never Mind... Thank you though..
    It's an all day event...

  • I have several iPhoto and aperture libraries... i want to get to one iPhoto library keeping only the latest photos. How can I do this?

    Okay... I made the mistake of creating duplicate Aperture libraries because I decided I wanted to only use Aperture - then the news that Aperture is no longer going to be developed. I then confused myself and created duplicate iPhoto libraries (I can't even remember why anymore). At one point or another I have edited pictures in all of them and have no idea which pictures were edited. I just want to have one iPhoto library with the most recently edited photos and remove all the duplicates.
    What is the best way to do this?
    And... after doing all that, I need to keep backups of my photos on an external drive. What is the best way to do this?
    iPhoto version 9.5.1
    Thank you so much for any advice you can provide!

    You can merge libraries into one with Aperture 3.3. or later.
    Aperture 3.3: How to use Aperture to merge iPhoto libraries
    In merge-mode it will only keep the photos from one of the libraries.
    And you can use Aperture to export partial libraries containing only the selected albums, projects, etc.
    If you need to keep projects (books, calendars, cards) when merging your libraries, use Aperture and not iPLM:

  • How do I remove an entry from the "Store Files" drop down list in the "Import Settings" section of Aperture 3.3.2

    The dropdown list "Store Files" in the "Import Settings" section of Aperture 3.3.2 displays the history of the entries previously added to the list. Some of the entries are no longer valid and I'm trying to delete them but I can't find a way to do this. This is a screenshot. Does anyone know how to do this?

    Once again - the Jive system ate my bullet points and messed up the formatting
    Is the MacOS X version in your signature correct? Then you cannot be using Aperture 3.3.2?
    You should not be seeing duplicate entries in the "Store Files" pop-up menu. This looks like your Aperture Preferences file is corrupted and needs fixing.
    Quit Aperture (and log off and on again, if you are running MacOS X 10.7 or later)
    Then reveal your User Library (from the Finder's main menu bar, the "Go" menu. Hold down the options-key until the library apears in the drop-down menu)
    In the Library folder select the "Preferences folder and locate the file "~/Library/Preferences/"
    Now you can either
    remove the file to the Desktop, to force Aperture to create a new one, but you will have to set again your Preferences from the "Preferences" panel,
    or make a backup copy of the file and edit it, if you are an experienced programmer and have Xcode installed. To fix the drop-down list you need to edit the item "RecentReferenceFolders" and delete the redundant folder names. Enter "recent" into the search field to find it quickly. If you click an item in the list, plus/minus buttons should appear. But only try this, if you know how to edit property lists, otherwise it will be much safer to delete the faulty list and to set your preferences again from the "Preferences" panel.

  • In iCal 8.0, how do I change a single event of a recurring event?

    I am using Yosemite. I have a recurring monthly event for Payroll on the 25th. But, when the 25th falls on a weekend, I change it to the previous Friday.
    To make this change, I drag the recurring event to that Friday. A popup says it will change all recurring events to that date.
    How do I just change a single event and leave the future recurring events as is?

    Without seeing your page, this seems less like a template problem and more of a design strategy problem.
    You should be building flexible pages that can handle increased content, text-sizes, image sizes, etc...
    CSS height property is a restriction in all but IE browsers.  Either remove height property from your content areas or consider using a more flexible min-height.
    More on min- and max- height & widths --
    Hope that helps,
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

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