How to in XI the basics

Hello All,
I am new to XI and am having a hell of a time.  I have read multiple documents been to the training and still have difficulty in getting my interfaces to work.  Suggestions are made as to what may be the problem but I need a step by step process to follow.  Something which points out the whole roadmap in a logical sequence from start to finish.
Can someone out there help me or give a link to this type of cookbook.
Thanks inadvance,

Hi Geoff,
do it like Dirk wrote.
This was my way to learn it.
I set up a simple scenario.
The I made screenshots off all Integration Directory settings:
- Sender agreement incl. communication channel
- receiver determination
- interface determination
- receiver agreement incl. communication channel
The I printed the screenshots and made me a map to see the links between these objects.
Then everything was clear!
I also did this with BPM
Do this! Then you will see that it is NOT so tricky!
Regards Mario

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