How to Increase Line space between two lines in ALV Grid

I want to increase the line space between any two lines in ALV GRID. Can anybody has solution for this issue.

Hi Madan
It's not possible

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  • Unable to find line break between two lines in attachment file.

    Dear all I will be very great full if someone help me out,
    I am trying to send mail through SMTP server with an attachment of oracle report, but I am unable to find line break between two lines, when I down load the attachment from mail and open attach.txt file by double click on it. Next line starts right after previous line ends, it should starts with new line.
    In order to send an attachment file, I am reading source file line by line and put MIME protocol’s attachment instance, contain of source file is being properly written into target file if I open that attachment on cmd prompt.
    Following code may help you to understand the case.
    Thanks in advance.
    My code is as follows:-
    create or replace procedure bec_file_test
    v_subject varchar2, -- Subject of the email
    v_body varchar2, -- Body of the email
    v_from VARCHAR2 default '', -- sender mail id
    v_to varchar2 default '', -- Field To of the email
    v_cc varchar2 default '' -- cc address
    ) is
    -- variable to hold the smtp server connection
    v_smtp_connection utl_smtp.connection;
    -- variable to hold the smtp host name
    v_smtp_host varchar2(100) default '';
    -- variable to hold the smtp port
    v_smtp_port number default 25;
    -- composite of {CR}{LF} caridge return and line feed.
    CRLF varchar2(2):=CHR(13)||CHR(10);
    cursor pr_rec is
    select requisition_no,line_no,release_no,a.contract,
    substr(a.Bal_qty,1,8) BAL_QTY,
    a.wanted_receipt_date WAN_REC_DT,
    a.latest_order_date LAT_ORD_DT
    from bec_pr_line_rep a
    where a.Bal_qty>0 and a.header_state not in 'Closed'
    and upper(a.state1) like 'RELEASED' and a.contract not in ('U1ENG','ULENG','U1FND','U2FND')
    and a.buyer_code='70306'
    order by a.part_no;
    v_msg_line varchar2(2000);
    -- v_buffer varchar2(20000);
    --ALTER SYSTEM SET utl_file_dir = 'D:\Database\temp'
    --COMMENT='Temporary change on Dec 14'
    SELECT name, value
    FROM gv$parameter
    WHERE name = 'utl_file_dir';
    --drop directory my_directory
    --CREATE or replace DIRECTORY my_directory AS 'D:\database\temp';
    --GRANT read,write ON DIRECTORY my_directory TO PUBLIC;
    begin ---writing data into a file.
    fHandle := UTL_FILE.FOPEN('MY_DIRECTORY', 'pending_pr_summry.txt', 'w');
    UTL_FILE.put_line(fHandle, ' Pending PR to process (detail report)');
    UTL_FILE.put_line(fHandle,TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'MM-DD-YY HH:MI:SS AM'));
    UTL_FILE.put_line(fHandle, '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------');
    UTL_FILE.put_line(fHandle, ' li Re Site Prj Id Act seq Part no Description Qty UOM want rec dt lat ord dt' );
    UTL_FILE.put_line(fHandle, '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------');
    for pr_temp in pr_rec loop
    v_msg_line:=to_char(rpad(pr_temp.requisition_no,12,' ')||'|'||
    lpad(pr_temp.line_no,3,' ')||'|'||
    lpad(pr_temp.release_no,3,' ')||'|'||
    rpad(pr_temp.contract,7,' ')||'|'||
    lpad(nvl(pr_temp.project_id,' '),7,' ')||'|'||
    lpad(nvl(pr_temp.act_seq,' '),12,' ')||'|'||
    lpad(pr_temp.part_no,12,' ')||'|'||
    rpad(pr_temp.description,35,' ')||'|'||
    lpad(pr_temp.bal_qty,10,' ')||'|'||
    rpad(pr_temp.uom,6,' ')||'|'||
    lpad(pr_temp.wan_rec_dt,14,' ')||'|'||
    lpad(pr_temp.lat_ord_dt,14,' '));
    end loop;
    UTL_FILE.put_line(fHandle, '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------');
    UTL_FILE.put_line(fHandle, ' Regards : IFSAPP ( Application owner ) ');
    UTL_FILE.FCLOSE(fHandle); ------------writing into file is successfuly done here!
    --Reading of file starts here containt will be added in attchment file
    fHandle :=UTL_FILE.FOPEN('MY_DIRECTORY','pending_pr_summry.txt','R' );
    -- establish the connection to the smtp server
    v_smtp_connection := utl_smtp.open_connection(v_smtp_host, v_smtp_port); /** OPEN CONNECTION ON THE SERVER **/
    -- perform a handshake with the smtp server
    utl_smtp.helo(v_smtp_connection, v_smtp_host); /** DO THE INITIAL HAND SHAKE **/
    -- set the 'from' address of the message
    utl_smtp.mail(v_smtp_connection, v_from);
    -- add the recipient to the message
    utl_smtp.rcpt(v_smtp_connection, v_to);
    -- send the email
    v_msg_line:='Date: ' || TO_CHAR( SYSDATE, 'dd Mon yy hh24:mi:ss' ) || CRLF ||
    'From: ' || v_from || CRLF ||
    'Subject: ' || v_subject || CRLF ||
    'To: ' || v_to || CRLF ||
    'Cc: ' || v_cc || CRLF ||
    'MIME-Version: 1.0'|| CRLF || -- Use MIME mail standard
    'Content-Type: multipart/mixed;'||CRLF ||
    ' boundary="-----SECBOUND"'||CRLF||
    CRLF ||'-------SECBOUND'|| CRLF ||
    'Content-Type: text/plain;'|| CRLF ||
    'Content-Transfer_Encoding: 7bit'|| CRLF ||
    CRLF ||v_body|| CRLF;     -- Message body
    v_msg_line:='-------SECBOUND'|| CRLF ||
    'Content-Type: application/octet-stream;'|| CRLF ||
    'Content-Type: text/plain;'|| CRLF ||
    'name="pending_pr_summry.txt"'|| CRLF ||
    'Content-Transfer_Encoding: 8bit'|| CRLF ||
    'Content-Disposition: attachment;'|| CRLF ||
    ' filename="pending_pr_summry.txt"'|| CRLF || CRLF;     -- Content of attachment
    -- check file is opened
    IF utl_file.is_open(fHandle) THEN
    -- loop lines in the file
    BEGIN -- Content of attachment
    END IF;
    --end of attachment containt     
    when utl_smtp.invalid_operation then
    dbms_output.put_line(' Invalid Operation in Mail attempt using UTL_SMTP.');
    when utl_smtp.transient_error then
    dbms_output.put_line(' Temporary e-mail issue - try again');
    when utl_smtp.permanent_error then
    dbms_output.put_line(' Permanent Error Encountered.');
    when others then
    dbms_output.put_line('Exception: SQLCODE=' || SQLCODE || ' SQLERRM=' || SQLERRM);
    end bec_file_test;

    Pending PR to process (detail report)01-17-13 12:43:19 li Re Site Prj Id Act seq Part no Description Qty UOM want rec dt lat ord dt--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MAT/250370 | 2| 1|ISCSP | 4977| 100004207| 0104000016|Angle 50 X 50 X 6 IS:2062 Grade |500|kg |30-NOV-2012| 20-nov-2012MAT/250370 | 3| 1|ISCSP | 4977| 100004207| 0105000002|Channel 100 X 50 IS:2062 Grade A | 1000|kg | 30-NOV-2012| 20-nov-2012MAT/250579 | 2| 1|NMDCJ | 6001| 100005580| 0109020002|TMT Bar 10 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 2991|kg | 13-DEC-2012| 03-dec-2012MAT/250606 | 2| |NMDCJ | 6002| 100005860| 0109020002|TMT Bar 10 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 4500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250607 | |1|NMDCJ|6001|100005580| 0109020002|TMT Bar 10 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 1500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250194 | 3| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005818| 0109020002|TMT Bar 10 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 3939|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250606 | 4| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005860| 0109020004|TMT Bar 16 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 39000|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250607 | 4| 1|NMDCJ | 6001| 100005580| 0109020004|TMT Bar 16 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 17500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250194 | 2| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005818| 0109020004|TMT Bar 16 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 12183|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250606 | 6| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005860| 0109020006|TMT Bar 25 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 9500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250607 | 6| 1|NMDCJ | 6001| 100005580| 0109020006|TMT Bar 25 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 4500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250194 | 6| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005818| 0109020006|TMT Bar 25 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 17500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250607 | 7| 1|NMDCJ | 6001| 100005580| 0109020008|TMT Bar 32 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 22000|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250194 | 7| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005818| 0109020008|TMT Bar 32 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 27060|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/251138 | 1| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005825| 3501000001|Cement 50 kg | 1|pkt | 25-DEC-2013| 14-dec-2013--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    where as source file is like that:-
    Pending PR to process (detail report)
    01-17-13 12:43:19 PM li Re Site Prj Id Act seq Part no Description Qty UOM want rec dt lat ord dt
    MAT/250370 | 2| 1|ISCSP | 4977| 100004207| 0104000016|Angle 50 X 50 X 6 IS:2062 Grade | 5500|kg | 30-NOV-2012| 20-nov-2012
    MAT/250370 | 3| 1|ISCSP | 4977| 100004207| 0105000002|Channel 100 X 50 IS:2062 Grade A | 1000|kg | 30-NOV-2012| 20-nov-2012
    MAT/250579 | 2| 1|NMDCJ | 6001| 100005580| 0109020002|TMT Bar 10 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 2991|kg | 13-DEC-2012| 03-dec-2012
    MAT/250606 | 2| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005860| 0109020002|TMT Bar 10 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 4500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
    MAT/250607 | 2| 1|NMDCJ | 6001| 100005580| 0109020002|TMT Bar 10 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 1500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
    MAT/250194 | 3| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005818| 0109020002|TMT Bar 10 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 3939|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
    MAT/250606 | 4| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005860| 0109020004|TMT Bar 16 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 39000|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
    MAT/250607 | 4| 1|NMDCJ | 6001| 100005580| 0109020004|TMT Bar 16 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 17500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
    MAT/250194 | 2| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005818| 0109020004|TMT Bar 16 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 12183|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
    MAT/250606 | 6| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005860| 0109020006|TMT Bar 25 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 9500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
    MAT/250607 | 6| 1|NMDCJ | 6001| 100005580| 0109020006|TMT Bar 25 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 4500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
    MAT/250194 | 6| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005818| 0109020006|TMT Bar 25 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 17500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
    MAT/250607 | 7| 1|NMDCJ | 6001| 100005580| 0109020008|TMT Bar 32 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 22000|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
    MAT/250194 | 7| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005818| 0109020008|TMT Bar 32 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 27060|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
    MAT/251138 | 1| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005825| 3501000001|Cement 50 kg | 1 |pkt | 25-DEC-2013| 14-dec-2013
    Ignore alignment. It is well formatted in source file.

  • How to remove white space between two answer reports

    How to remove white space between two answer reports
    In Dashboard section I have 2 rqeuest. Each request renders Table View. When I display dashboard, it show white space separating the 2 table views. How do I get rid of the white space/white band ?

    See this link
    Re: Eliminating the space between two reports in OBIEE dashboard page Section

  • How to hide empty space between two pages.

    I want to hide the grey space between two pages in Pages, so the last line of the top page could join directly the first line of the bottom page for quicker reading... Is it possible? Is their a way to stick pages tray to tray without the default empty grey space?  This option was possible in Word 2007...
    Thank you.

    Is your document in Layout view?
    Under the View menu, Hide Layout:
    This doesn't hide all the grey space, but it stops the grey in the layout margins.

  • How to eliminate the space between two analysis in the Dashboard?

    Hi All,
    I have created a Dashboard which contains 12 analyses arranged vertically. When i see the report in the dashboard section it contains some standard space between each analysis. So it looks like separate separate analysis arranged in dashboard. But i want it to look a single table is it possible by reducing the space between every analysis? If possible please let me know how to achieve this in clear manner.
    Awaiting your valuable responses.
    Thanks in Advance

    Yes,try to adjust the analysis view (table/pivot/chart view )Formating option...
    FYI: try to align formating left,right,top/bottom padding and also try to reduce the width and height..
    Please refer the below
    Re: Eliminating the space between two reports in OBIEE dashboard page Section

  • How to Calculate the Space between two Characters in GDI + ?

    I am Drawing the set of characters in Graphics, by Calculating the points using GraphicsPath for each Character. I Need to know how to calculate the distance should be given between the two characters?
    I am using this code to generate points
    PointF [] pnts;
    var p=new GraphicsPath();
    path.AddString("A","Arial",(int)FontStyle.Regular,50,new pointF(0f,0f),StringFormat.GenericDefault);
    Matrix m=new Matric(1,0,0,1,0,0);
    i am getting the points for all characters using the above code.
    Now i am combining the two character Using the points generated by the above code.  Eg "AB"
    Help me to calculate the the character space should be given between two characters?
    Thanks in Advance...

    this link can assist you:>
    Professional C# - Graphics with GDI+ 
    Mark as answer or vote as helpful if you find it useful | Ammar Zaied [MCP]

  • How to display first SPACE charcter in Column of ALV Grid Report?

    Hello experts,
    In ALV Grid report, One of the column has a value like ' Test_Value'. In this value first character is SPACE but in display SPACE is not appearing.
    Field catalog type is:- slis_t_fieldcat_alv
    I have used the function module:- REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY
    Is there any settings required in Fieldcatalog Internal table for displaying leading SPACE chara.?
    Please suggest.
    Thanks & Regards

    After fetching the data into the intenal table.
    loop that internal table.
    declara a variable of type character  and length 1.
    see the example code below
    DATA : wa_space ,
             tbx TYPE sy-tabix.
      wa_space = ' '.  "---> press ALT+255 to get space
      LOOP AT it INTO wa.
        tbx = sy-tabix.
        CONCATENATE wa_space wa-<fname> INTO wa-<fname>.
        MODIFY it INDEX tbx  FROM wa  TRANSPORTING fname.
    Hope it helps you.
    Thanks & Regards

  • How to display first SPACE character in Column of ALV Grid Report?

    Hello All,
    In ALV Grid report, One of the column has a value like ' Test_Value'. In this value first character is SPACE but in display SPACE is not appearing.
    Field catalog type is:- slis_t_fieldcat_alv
    I have used the function module:- REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY
    Is there any settings required in Fieldcatalog Internal table for displaying leading SPACE chara.?
    its a field not the header.
    thanks in advance.

    Hi all,
    did any body have a solution for this problem?
    In ALV Grid report, One of the column has a value like ' Test_Value'. In this value first character is SPACE but in display SPACE is not appearing.
    Field catalog type is:- slis_t_fieldcat_alv
    I have used the function module:- REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY
    Is there any settings required in Fieldcatalog Internal table for displaying leading SPACE chara.?
    its a field not the header.
    thanks in advance.

  • How to delete vertical space between two divs?

    I have a very simple page right now. Top div holds an image. The div below it holds another image. Both divs appear to be adding space to the bottom. I know other's have had this issue - yet when searching the forum I'm not finding anything. I've added 0 for padding and margins.... I"m out of patience. Want to go back to tables (but I won't let those divs beat me!) help please?
    I even added a container around everythign to see if that would help and it didn't. And my height dimensions match my images exactly.
    OK, found the answer after nearly 3 hours. Due to  doctype html5 I used:
    img {
    vertical-align: bottom;
    Just maybe this will help someone out there searching..... I went through about 50 attempts from reading posts before I stumbled on this one.

    duenorth09 wrote:
    OK, found the answer after nearly 3 hours. Due to  doctype html5 I used:
    img {
    vertical-align: bottom;
    Here's another (simpler) fix for the entire page...
    img {display:block;}
    What this does is remove the space for the text descender that is attached to display:inline elements (lower case j, g, q, etc).

  • Specifying space between two page item

    how to specify the space between two page item which are in a same horizontal row. i have used "</td><td width=”50%”> " in post element text of the first field but even am not getting the space i also used "   " in in post element text of the first field. please give me a solution.

    I also tried by setting the second item's field as NO. but it is not working if i am appending
    *"</td><td width=”50%”>&nbsp*;" this to "*HTML table cell attribute*" am getting the space but above the item1 some text is displaying as "*colspan="1" rowspan="1" align="left" valign="middle*">"

  • How do I Dbl. space between lines in a Document?

    How do I dbl. space between lines n a document or E-mail? LOH

    HI ilb,
    Numbers 3 is a complete rewrite of the application. This preference option hasn't (yet) been included, but N3 is very much a 'work in progress. A word to Apple via Provide Numbers Feedback asking to have this option included in Numbers 3 might be a useful step. You'll find Provide Numbers Feedback in the Numbers menu in Numbers.

  • How do you remove the space between the lines in your email signature?

    I have a problem with my signature in business catalyst mail.
    I have added a logo and my signature and when I send the email it looks good.
    There is the space between the lines that I want.
    But when the mail is received it looks like this:
    with too much space between each line. How do I fix this?
    Thank you in advance for you help and your time.
    Regards Winnie

    Well the good news is it looks like it's going to be some css and html issues the bad news (for most people) is it looks like it's going to be some css and html issues.
    Couple things.
    Are you looking at vertical or horizontal spacing?
    Region 1 in the shipped themes are used for breadcrumbs and usually have set vertical spacing and margins.
    Have you looked at the other layout examples in that application, there's 2 that show different ways of getting exact layout.
    Look at your page template there is an attribute called
    Region Table attributes
    if it looks like
    summary="" cellpadding="0" border="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"
    change it to
    summary="" cellpadding="0" border="0" cellspacing="0"
    and see if that helps?
    If you can put an example on thats the easiest way to help you out, as a rule it's very hard to debug UI issues without seeing them.

  • How to remove space between the lines

    In my repoprt output I am getting space between the lines. I have changed
    the repeating frame and field -> vertical elasticity and horizontal elasticity to fallowing combinations.
    fixed, fixed.
    variable, fixed,
    expand, variable,
    variable, expand
    Then also I am getting space between the lines of my output.
    Could you help me in this?

    Change the Vertical Elasticity of fields and frames to Variable. If for some fields or frames you don't want to change the vertical elasticity, then remove extra space by adjusting the height of fields/frames.
    Also check repeating frames property 'Vert. Space Between Frames'. Default is 0.
    Hope this helps.

  • Line spacing is wrong. Space between the lines.

    Packed 17/04/11 Posted 18/04/11
    Sent posted email 17/04/11
    In firefox 4 in my Ebay when I add notes I get a space between the lines. Above is how it is now. Below is how it should be
    Packed 17/04/11 Posted 18/04/11
    Sent posted email 17/04/11
    I have looked in tools and options but cannot find a way to change this. It was fine in firefox 3.5. Only had this since dowenloading firefox 4. I am running XP

    Clear the cache and the cookies from sites that cause problems.
    * "Clear the Cache": Tools > Options > Advanced > Network > Offline Storage (Cache): "Clear Now"
    * "Remove the Cookies" from sites causing problems: Tools > Options > Privacy > Cookies: "Show Cookies"
    Reset the page zoom on pages that cause problems: <b>View > Zoom > Reset</b> (Ctrl+0 (zero); Cmd+0 on Mac)

  • Spacing between two line types in smartform

    I have data in two different line types as below
    line type1
    but what my requirement is
    line item1
    line item2
    i had tried by changing the smart style but it dint work. Please help me out in reducing the space between the datas of the line types.

    Go to your smartstyle.
    Go to your paragran format.
    Click on tab Indents and Spacing.There you will see a field named LINE SPACING.In that you can adjust the spacing between two lines.

Maybe you are looking for