Unable to find line break between two lines in attachment file.

Dear all I will be very great full if someone help me out,
I am trying to send mail through SMTP server with an attachment of oracle report, but I am unable to find line break between two lines, when I down load the attachment from mail and open attach.txt file by double click on it. Next line starts right after previous line ends, it should starts with new line.
In order to send an attachment file, I am reading source file line by line and put MIME protocol’s attachment instance, contain of source file is being properly written into target file if I open that attachment on cmd prompt.
Following code may help you to understand the case.
Thanks in advance.
My code is as follows:-
create or replace procedure bec_file_test
v_subject varchar2, -- Subject of the email
v_body varchar2, -- Body of the email
v_from VARCHAR2 default 'XYZ.com', -- sender mail id
v_to varchar2 default 'XYZ.com', -- Field To of the email
v_cc varchar2 default 'XYZ.com' -- cc address
) is
-- variable to hold the smtp server connection
v_smtp_connection utl_smtp.connection;
-- variable to hold the smtp host name
v_smtp_host varchar2(100) default 'mail.bec-group.com';
-- variable to hold the smtp port
v_smtp_port number default 25;
-- composite of {CR}{LF} caridge return and line feed.
CRLF varchar2(2):=CHR(13)||CHR(10);
cursor pr_rec is
select requisition_no,line_no,release_no,a.contract,
substr(a.Bal_qty,1,8) BAL_QTY,
a.wanted_receipt_date WAN_REC_DT,
a.latest_order_date LAT_ORD_DT
from bec_pr_line_rep a
where a.Bal_qty>0 and a.header_state not in 'Closed'
and upper(a.state1) like 'RELEASED' and a.contract not in ('U1ENG','ULENG','U1FND','U2FND')
and a.buyer_code='70306'
order by a.part_no;
v_msg_line varchar2(2000);
-- v_buffer varchar2(20000);
--ALTER SYSTEM SET utl_file_dir = 'D:\Database\temp'
--COMMENT='Temporary change on Dec 14'
SELECT name, value
FROM gv$parameter
WHERE name = 'utl_file_dir';
--drop directory my_directory
--CREATE or replace DIRECTORY my_directory AS 'D:\database\temp';
--GRANT read,write ON DIRECTORY my_directory TO PUBLIC;
begin ---writing data into a file.
fHandle := UTL_FILE.FOPEN('MY_DIRECTORY', 'pending_pr_summry.txt', 'w');
UTL_FILE.put_line(fHandle, ' Pending PR to process (detail report)');
UTL_FILE.put_line(fHandle, '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------');
UTL_FILE.put_line(fHandle, 'Req.no. li Re Site Prj Id Act seq Part no Description Qty UOM want rec dt lat ord dt' );
UTL_FILE.put_line(fHandle, '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------');
for pr_temp in pr_rec loop
v_msg_line:=to_char(rpad(pr_temp.requisition_no,12,' ')||'|'||
lpad(pr_temp.line_no,3,' ')||'|'||
lpad(pr_temp.release_no,3,' ')||'|'||
rpad(pr_temp.contract,7,' ')||'|'||
lpad(nvl(pr_temp.project_id,' '),7,' ')||'|'||
lpad(nvl(pr_temp.act_seq,' '),12,' ')||'|'||
lpad(pr_temp.part_no,12,' ')||'|'||
rpad(pr_temp.description,35,' ')||'|'||
lpad(pr_temp.bal_qty,10,' ')||'|'||
rpad(pr_temp.uom,6,' ')||'|'||
lpad(pr_temp.wan_rec_dt,14,' ')||'|'||
lpad(pr_temp.lat_ord_dt,14,' '));
end loop;
UTL_FILE.put_line(fHandle, '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------');
UTL_FILE.put_line(fHandle, ' Regards : IFSAPP ( Application owner ) ');
UTL_FILE.FCLOSE(fHandle); ------------writing into file is successfuly done here!
--Reading of file starts here containt will be added in attchment file
fHandle :=UTL_FILE.FOPEN('MY_DIRECTORY','pending_pr_summry.txt','R' );
-- establish the connection to the smtp server
v_smtp_connection := utl_smtp.open_connection(v_smtp_host, v_smtp_port); /** OPEN CONNECTION ON THE SERVER **/
-- perform a handshake with the smtp server
utl_smtp.helo(v_smtp_connection, v_smtp_host); /** DO THE INITIAL HAND SHAKE **/
-- set the 'from' address of the message
utl_smtp.mail(v_smtp_connection, v_from);
-- add the recipient to the message
utl_smtp.rcpt(v_smtp_connection, v_to);
-- send the email
v_msg_line:='Date: ' || TO_CHAR( SYSDATE, 'dd Mon yy hh24:mi:ss' ) || CRLF ||
'From: ' || v_from || CRLF ||
'Subject: ' || v_subject || CRLF ||
'To: ' || v_to || CRLF ||
'Cc: ' || v_cc || CRLF ||
'MIME-Version: 1.0'|| CRLF || -- Use MIME mail standard
'Content-Type: multipart/mixed;'||CRLF ||
' boundary="-----SECBOUND"'||CRLF||
CRLF ||'-------SECBOUND'|| CRLF ||
'Content-Type: text/plain;'|| CRLF ||
'Content-Transfer_Encoding: 7bit'|| CRLF ||
CRLF ||v_body|| CRLF;     -- Message body
v_msg_line:='-------SECBOUND'|| CRLF ||
'Content-Type: application/octet-stream;'|| CRLF ||
'Content-Type: text/plain;'|| CRLF ||
'name="pending_pr_summry.txt"'|| CRLF ||
'Content-Transfer_Encoding: 8bit'|| CRLF ||
'Content-Disposition: attachment;'|| CRLF ||
' filename="pending_pr_summry.txt"'|| CRLF || CRLF;     -- Content of attachment
-- check file is opened
IF utl_file.is_open(fHandle) THEN
-- loop lines in the file
BEGIN -- Content of attachment
--end of attachment containt     
when utl_smtp.invalid_operation then
dbms_output.put_line(' Invalid Operation in Mail attempt using UTL_SMTP.');
when utl_smtp.transient_error then
dbms_output.put_line(' Temporary e-mail issue - try again');
when utl_smtp.permanent_error then
dbms_output.put_line(' Permanent Error Encountered.');
when others then
dbms_output.put_line('Exception: SQLCODE=' || SQLCODE || ' SQLERRM=' || SQLERRM);
end bec_file_test;

Pending PR to process (detail report)01-17-13 12:43:19 PM--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Req.no. li Re Site Prj Id Act seq Part no Description Qty UOM want rec dt lat ord dt--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MAT/250370 | 2| 1|ISCSP | 4977| 100004207| 0104000016|Angle 50 X 50 X 6 IS:2062 Grade |500|kg |30-NOV-2012| 20-nov-2012MAT/250370 | 3| 1|ISCSP | 4977| 100004207| 0105000002|Channel 100 X 50 IS:2062 Grade A | 1000|kg | 30-NOV-2012| 20-nov-2012MAT/250579 | 2| 1|NMDCJ | 6001| 100005580| 0109020002|TMT Bar 10 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 2991|kg | 13-DEC-2012| 03-dec-2012MAT/250606 | 2| |NMDCJ | 6002| 100005860| 0109020002|TMT Bar 10 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 4500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250607 | |1|NMDCJ|6001|100005580| 0109020002|TMT Bar 10 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 1500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250194 | 3| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005818| 0109020002|TMT Bar 10 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 3939|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250606 | 4| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005860| 0109020004|TMT Bar 16 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 39000|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250607 | 4| 1|NMDCJ | 6001| 100005580| 0109020004|TMT Bar 16 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 17500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250194 | 2| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005818| 0109020004|TMT Bar 16 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 12183|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250606 | 6| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005860| 0109020006|TMT Bar 25 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 9500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250607 | 6| 1|NMDCJ | 6001| 100005580| 0109020006|TMT Bar 25 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 4500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250194 | 6| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005818| 0109020006|TMT Bar 25 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 17500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250607 | 7| 1|NMDCJ | 6001| 100005580| 0109020008|TMT Bar 32 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 22000|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250194 | 7| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005818| 0109020008|TMT Bar 32 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 27060|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/251138 | 1| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005825| 3501000001|Cement 50 kg | 1|pkt | 25-DEC-2013| 14-dec-2013--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
where as source file is like that:-
Pending PR to process (detail report)
01-17-13 12:43:19 PM
Req.no. li Re Site Prj Id Act seq Part no Description Qty UOM want rec dt lat ord dt
MAT/250370 | 2| 1|ISCSP | 4977| 100004207| 0104000016|Angle 50 X 50 X 6 IS:2062 Grade | 5500|kg | 30-NOV-2012| 20-nov-2012
MAT/250370 | 3| 1|ISCSP | 4977| 100004207| 0105000002|Channel 100 X 50 IS:2062 Grade A | 1000|kg | 30-NOV-2012| 20-nov-2012
MAT/250579 | 2| 1|NMDCJ | 6001| 100005580| 0109020002|TMT Bar 10 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 2991|kg | 13-DEC-2012| 03-dec-2012
MAT/250606 | 2| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005860| 0109020002|TMT Bar 10 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 4500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
MAT/250607 | 2| 1|NMDCJ | 6001| 100005580| 0109020002|TMT Bar 10 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 1500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
MAT/250194 | 3| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005818| 0109020002|TMT Bar 10 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 3939|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
MAT/250606 | 4| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005860| 0109020004|TMT Bar 16 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 39000|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
MAT/250607 | 4| 1|NMDCJ | 6001| 100005580| 0109020004|TMT Bar 16 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 17500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
MAT/250194 | 2| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005818| 0109020004|TMT Bar 16 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 12183|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
MAT/250606 | 6| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005860| 0109020006|TMT Bar 25 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 9500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
MAT/250607 | 6| 1|NMDCJ | 6001| 100005580| 0109020006|TMT Bar 25 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 4500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
MAT/250194 | 6| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005818| 0109020006|TMT Bar 25 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 17500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
MAT/250607 | 7| 1|NMDCJ | 6001| 100005580| 0109020008|TMT Bar 32 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 22000|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
MAT/250194 | 7| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005818| 0109020008|TMT Bar 32 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 27060|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
MAT/251138 | 1| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005825| 3501000001|Cement 50 kg | 1 |pkt | 25-DEC-2013| 14-dec-2013
Ignore alignment. It is well formatted in source file.

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    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

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    You are correct that this shouldn't be a problem so either there's something wrong with your installation of Pages or there's more to this than you've mentioned. What I suspect is that you are entering text into a small text box that can only hold one line of text. When you press return the text to the right of the cursor moves down a line exactly as you'd expect but the text box, able to show only one line, can't display it. Do you see a box around your line of text? When you press return do you see a little plus sign under the line you can see?

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    Thanx friends for all your efforts
    I have a sample code for the same,this will compare the two tables for single row in each table .
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    Please suggest!!
    TYPE t_col
    l_col t_col;
    j NUMBER := 0;
    l_sql VARCHAR2 (2000);
    col1 VARCHAR2 (30);
    col2 VARCHAR2 (30);
    val1 NUMBER;
    val2 NUMBER;
    status VARCHAR2 (30);
    CURSOR c1
    SELECT column_id, column_name
    FROM all_tab_columns
    WHERE table_name = 'TEST1';
    FOR i IN c1
    j := j + 1;
    l_col (j) := i.column_name;
    FOR k IN 1 .. j
    l_sql :=
    'SELECT '
    || ''''
    || l_col (k)
    || ''''
    || ', '
    || 'TEST2.'
    || l_col (k)
    || ', '
    || ''''
    || l_col (k)
    || ''''
    || ', '
    || 'TEST1.'
    || l_col (k )
    || ', '
    || 'DECODE(TEST2.'
    || l_col (k)
    || ' -TEST1.'
    || l_col (k)
    || ', 0, ''NO CHANGE'', ''CHANGED'') FROM TEST2, TEST1';
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_sql INTO col1, val1,col2, val2, status;
    IF status = 'CHANGED'
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line( 'TEST2.'
    || col1
    || '='
    || val1
    || ', TEST1.'
    || col2
    || '='
    || val2
    || ', '
    || status);
    END IF;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Error:- ' || SQLERRM);

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    X6 = "1/5/15 5:16 AM" & NOW ....................difference by Only Time
    not date
    X6 date and Time will be changing, Its not Constant
                Dim myDateTime As DateTime = X6
                Dim myDate As String = myDateTime.ToString("dd/MM/yy")
                Dim myTime As String = myDateTime.ToString("hh:mm tt")
                Dim myDateTime1 As DateTime = Now
                Dim myDate1 As String = myDateTime1.ToString("dd/MM/yy")
                Dim myTime1 As String = myDateTime1.ToString("hh:mm tt")
    Need to use this function to find the Difference between Two Time. due to 12:00 AM isuue
    Function XLMod(a, b)
        ' This replicates the Excel MOD function
        XLMod = a - b * Int(a / b)
    End Function
    Output Required
     dim dd  = XLMod(myTime - myTime1)
    Problem is myTime & myTime1 is String Need to convert them into Time, Later use XLMOD Funtion.

    As an addendum to this, I thought I'd add this in also: If you have two valid DateTime objects you might consider using a class which I put together a few years ago
    shown on a page of my website here.
    To use it, just instantiate with two DateTime objects (order doesn't matter, it'll figure it out) and you'll then have access to the public properties. For this example, I'm just showing the .ToString method:
    Option Strict On
    Option Explicit On
    Option Infer Off
    Public Class Form1
    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
    ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
    Handles MyBase.Load
    Dim date1 As DateTime = Now
    Dim date2 As DateTime = #1/1/1970 2:35:00 PM#
    Dim howOld As New Age(date1, date2)
    MessageBox.Show(howOld.ToString, "Age")
    End Sub
    End Class
    I hope that helps, if not now then maybe at some point in the future. :)
    Still lost in code, just at a little higher level.
      Thanx frank, can use this in Future....

  • Function Module to find the Difference between two times.

    Hi All,
    Wud you plz let me know the Function Module to find the Difference between two times.
    Input Time1( Hours:Minutes) Time2 ( Hours:Minutes)
    Need Output in Hours:Minutes only . ( No seconds Needed )
    Ex :
    Input :
           06:00 to 18:00 Output : 12:00
    and  20:00 to 06:00 Output: 10:00 with +ve sign only. No -ve sign.

    check this .
    data : p_timel like sy-uzeit,
           p_timeh like sy-uzeit,
           diff like sy-uzeit,
           di(8) type c .
           p_timel = '200000'.
           p_timeh = '060000'.
           diff = p_timeh - p_timel.
           concatenate diff+0(2) ':' diff+2(2) into di.
           write:/ di.
    also check for this.
           p_timel = '060000'.
           p_timeh = '180000'.
    see if this can be implemented in ur code .
    or else  u can try with  Fm L_TO_TIME_DIFF passing startdate enddate starttime endtime with UOM as MIN
    hope this helps regards,

  • Find record count between two time stamps

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    Problem: My custom table having a datetime column ;
    I want to find records processed between two time stamps.
    say: records between 2010-04-28 10:15:00 and 2010-04-28 12:30:00
    Could you please help me in this.
    Thanks in advance

    use To_date function in where column on that Dat_col
    WHERE date_col BETWEEN TO_DATE ('2010-04-28 10:15:00',
    'mm-dd-rrrr hh24:mi:ss')
    AND TO_DATE ('2010-04-28 12:30:00',
    'mm-dd-rrrr hh24:mi:ss')

  • How do i compare the similarities between two or more text files?

    The subject says it all. I am familiar with a number of the diff tools that are available, but I have yet to find a tool or app that will find the similarities between two text files. Any suggestions?

    From http://hints.macworld.com/article.php?story=20030217061153119
    "FileMerge highlights the sections that differ in each file..."
    I need to find similarities. I was thinking something along the lines of the similarity-tester package in Ubuntu:
    http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/1079/output-the-common-lines-similaritie s-of-two-text-files-the-opposite-of-diff/94532#94532
    Preferably a GUI tool, but command line is OK if I can figure out the proper syntax.

  • Smartforms: no page break between last line item and footer in table?

    Hello All,
    my smartform has FIRST and NEXT pages. I would like to avoid a page break between last item line of a table in MAIN window and the footer of the same table.
    Here is how it looks currently.
    Output of FIRST page, MAIN window, table ITEMS:
    1.line item
    2.line item
    3.line item
    4.line item
    page break
    output of NEXT page, MAIN window, table ITEMS:
    1.footer line
    2.footer line
    I would like that if a footer does not fit on FIRST page, it would be displayed on NEXT page with last item line.
    It should be like this:
    output of FIRST page, MAIN window, table ITEMS
    1.line item
    2.line item
    3.line item
    page break
    output of NEXT page, MAIN window, table ITEMS
    4.line item
    1.footer line
    2.footer line
    Any ideas?
    Thanks and best regards,

    Do you mean line item text or your want to print footer text?
    If your trying yo display some footer text, then you either place a footer window or you can create a table inside your main window and place text under the footer of the table, then it will display the text without any page break.
    If it is item tem.
    Then you need to build additional logic. As we cannot guess, the total number of item text upfront.
    Example: if page1 can hold 15 line items, check whether your header and item can fit in page one else call a new page by placing a condition FLAG = "X".
    I hope it will help you to solve your problem.

  • Can I switch my phone number between two lines(not just between phones)?

    I have 4 months left on my current plan. I would like to take advantage of current holiday sales to get the droid razr for cheap. I am considering adding an additional line to my plan to get the upgrade. The problem with this is that I either have to use the new number and let my other contract end or continue on with my current number and pay for 2 lines for the next 2 years. I noticed that verizon lets you switch the phone number that is associated with your line. Would I be able to add an additional line to my plan and then switch the numbers between these two lines? Essential line A has number A and ends in 4 months, line B has number B and ends in 20 months, and I want to make it so that line B has number A and then only pay for line A for the next 4 months. Is this possible?

    Verizon does not allow you to switch numbers since they are tied to your contact. However, there's a work around, because Verizon does allow you to port a number from another carrier to overwrite the existing number without changing your contract. So here's what you need to do:
    1. Get the Razr cheap like you wanted on a secondary line;
    2. Wait for 4 months so your main line contract is up;
    3. Port out your main line number to another carrier, for example, Pageplus;
    4. Wait till your bill cycle is passed and port that number from Pageplus to Verizon, overwrite the number on secondary line.
    After step 4 you will have your main number back on the line with the Razr.

  • How to get lines in between two fields in smartform

    Dear Freinds,
                   I have developed one smart form however iam not getting output correct could you please help me out, the problem iam getting is iam not able to get the following things
    in The Main Window
             i have one header , one Main Area and one Footer Area
    in the header i have created one %ROW1 and named as Row and again under the ROW i have
    created a % Cell ...........again i want to create for the same Row iam not able to creeate another
    Cell.........please let me know how i can have 5 or 6 cells for the same Row .
    as i want the output as
    UNit No. : 103              Quantity Req : 200   Date of Issue  : 10/01/2008
    Destination : Delhi         Amount       : 300    Rate/Per unit  : 7
    and secondly i have to have lines between the rows .... so please do let how to get lines in between rows as well..
    i have tried allot but not able to get.

    Hi Marcin Pciak ,
                 Thank you very much for giving me the solution, one more point i require in this regard
    i have requirement as below
    IDNo                                      Invoice Amount
    Despatch Date                      Despath Time.
    Now i want i created Two Cell s (Cell A & Cell B)  could you let me know  how i can get IDNO and
    Invoice Amount adjusacent to each other as above but right now iam getting in my smarform
    Invoice amount
    but i want is  IDNO--    Invoice Amount--
    please help me this point
    thanks once again for giving me answer.

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