How to insure Bridge Files Update JPEG?

After editing and saving my files in Photoshop as JPEGs I go back into Bridge and edit further, however when I open the file elsewhere than Bridge and Photoshop my final Bridge changes are not shown.

You should be able to edit your image files metadata in the bridge and the change should be able to be display by other applications that processes metadata.  Bridge Thumbnails cache is a different story.  Bridge does not edit images and it caches Thumbnails it create for your image file.  I do not know if these thumbnails are stored as preview in you image files or not.  Bridge is not an images editor.  You can use ACR , Photoshop and other image processors from the Bridge and those application can save Image files that can be imported into Bridge. If you save them into  a folder the Bridge is working on they will be.

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    Many thanks Barbara and dj_paige.
    What I didn't mention is that I'm using PSE 5 with ACR 4.6, if its relevant.  I'm thinking of updating to the next version when its out in the hope that it will run with Windows 7 64 bit or I may go to Lightroom.
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