How to invoke method BEFORE a window event occurs

Hi all,
I didn't get may results searching for this.
I have two windows open - one is a JFrame and the other is an overlay. I would like the overlay to go down BEFORE the windowIconified (window minimized) event. However, the window listener for that event only happens AFTER the window is iconified. Is there any way to do this? In other words, I want to invoke my methods to take down the overlay BEFORE the JFrame is minimized.
Is there any way this can be done?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

The problem is that the windowIconified windowListener occurs AFTER the JFrame has been minimized. Here is the timeline that occurs: User minimizes the window -> windowListener:windowIconified is invoked -> overlay is brought down.
Here is the timeline that I want:
User clicks on minimizes -> overlay is brought down -> window is ACTUALLY minimized here

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         { // [20]
               String actionCommand = e.getActionCommand();
               if (e.getActionCommand().equals("Quiz 1"))
               }Quiz1 is a private void method that calls on a helper method to perform calculations.
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    Thank you for your time and energy.

    Hi - I have a question now regarding using a single button, to collect data from multiple fields, make calculations and then return figures to multiple fields.
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    Thank you in advance for your assistance, I am attaching copy of code below...
    public class ChoiceFrame extends JFrame implements ActionListener
    { // [1]
         SolveIt converter = new SolveIt();
         public static final int WIDTH = 650;
      public static final int HEIGHT = 500;
      private JTextArea infoText;
      private double valueIn = 0;
      private double valueIn2 = 0; 
      private JTextField cliffHt;
      private JTextField deceleration;
      private JTextField timeFlight;
      private JTextField height;
      public static void main(String[] args)
      { // [2]
              ChoiceFrame myWindow = new ChoiceFrame();
         } // [2]
         public ChoiceFrame()
         { // [3]
              super( );
              setSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
              Container contentPane = getContentPane();
              contentPane.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
              addWindowListener(new WindowDestroyer());                     
              JMenu memoMenu = new JMenu("File");
        JMenuItem file;
        file = new JMenuItem("Clear");
        file = new JMenuItem("Exit");
        JMenuBar mBar = new JMenuBar( );
              JPanel northPanel = new JPanel();   
              northPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());          
              JPanel textPanel = new JPanel();          
        northPanel.add(textPanel, BorderLayout.WEST);       
              infoText = new JTextArea (8, 43);
        infoText.setText("The Coyote, in his relentless attempt to catch the elusive Road Runner,\nloses his footing and falls from a sheer cliff ___ meters above the ground.\nAfter falling for __ seconds (without friction), the Coyote remembers that\nhe is wearing his Acme rocket-powered backpack, which he immediately turns on.\nThe Coyote makes a gentle landing (zero velocity) on the ground below,\nbut is unable to turn off the rocket, and is immediately propelled back up into the air.\n___ seconds after leaving the ground, the rocket runs out of fuel.\nAfter continuing upwards for a ways, the poor Coyote plunges back to the ground.");
              JPanel inputPanel = new JPanel();          
        northPanel.add(inputPanel, BorderLayout.EAST);      
              inputPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,2));     
              cliffHt = new JTextField(5);
              JLabel mtrsLabel = new JLabel("meters");
              JTextField secondsf = new JTextField(5);
              JLabel sfLabel = new JLabel("seconds falling");
              timeFlight = new JTextField(5);
              JLabel sFlightLabel = new JLabel("seconds in flight");
              JPanel southPanel = new JPanel();          
              southPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());          
              JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel();
              buttonPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
              JButton calcButton = new JButton("Calculate");
              southPanel.add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
              JPanel outputPanel = new JPanel();
           outputPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,2));          
              JLabel decelLabel = new JLabel("With the rocket backpack turned on, the deceleration is: ");
              deceleration = new JTextField(10);
              JLabel htLabel = new JLabel("the max height is: ");
              height = new JTextField(10);
              JLabel vLabel = new JLabel("the velocity is: ");
              JTextField velocity = new JTextField(10);
           southPanel.add(outputPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
              contentPane.add(northPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);                         
              contentPane.add(southPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);     
         } // [3]
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
         { // [20]
              String actionCommand = e.getActionCommand();
              if (e.getActionCommand().equals("Calculate"))
              else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("Close"))
              else if (actionCommand.equals("Exit"))
         } //[20]
         private String Quiz1()
         { // [40]
              SolveIt calculate = new SolveIt();
              double gravity = 9.81;
              double initialSpeed = 0;
              double freeFall = 5; //this is time for freefall in seconds
              valueIn = stringToDouble(cliffHt.getText());
              return Double.toString(valueIn);     
              valueIn2 = stringToDouble(timeFlight.getText());          
              return Double.toString(valueIn2);
         } // [40]     
         private static double stringToDouble(String stringObject)
         { // [30]
              return Double.parseDouble(stringObject.trim());
         } // [30]

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    Often,a nicer way would be to create an interface like "Callable" with one single "doMagic()" method, and different classes implementing this interface, instead of one class with different methods. Then simply load the class by name, call newInstance(), cast to Callable and invoke doMagic(). Keeps you away from most of the reflection stuff.

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    Many thanks,
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    in the constructor// in ViewApplet:
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    // in ViewTIFF:
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    private ViewApplet va;
    public ViewTIFF (ViewApplet va) { = va;
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    Edited by: fsfsfsdfs on Nov 7, 2008 1:02 AM

    Sorry, Javascript is not Java and for sure not JSF.
    Repost the question at a forum devoted to Javascript.
    There are ones at [|] and [|].
    I can give you at most one hint: [DOM reference|].
    Good luck.

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    A good place to ask questions and advice about web development is at the mozillaZine Web Development/Standards Evangelism forum.
    The helpers at that forum are more knowledgeable about web development issues.
    You need to register at the mozillaZine forum site in order to post at that forum.

  • How to write to windows event logs from determinations-server under IIS

    This is just an FYI technical bit of information I wish someone had shared with me before I started trying to write OPA errors to the windows event log... Most problems writing to the windows event log from log4net occur because of permissions. Some problems are because determinations-server does not have permissions to create some registry entries. Some problems cannot be resolved unless specific registry entry permissions are actually changed. We had very little consistency with the needed changes across our servers, but some combination of the following would always get the logging to the windows event log working.
    To see log4net errors as log4net attempts to utilize the windows event log, temporarily add the following to the web.config:
    <!-- uncomment the following line to send diagnostic messages about the log configuration file to the debug trace.
    Debug trace can be seen when attached to IIS in a debugger, or it can be redirected to a file, see in the section "How do I enable log4net internal debugging?" -->
    <add key="log4net.Internal.Debug" value="true"/>
    <trace autoflush="true">
    initializeData="logs/InfoDSLog.txt" />
    To add an appender for the windows event viewer, try the following in the log4net.xml:
    <appender name="EventLogAppender" type="log4net.Appender.EventLogAppender" >
    <param name="ApplicationName" value="OPA" />
    <param name="LogName" value="OPA" />
    <param name="Threshold" value="all" />
    <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
    <conversionPattern value="%date [%thread] %-5level %logger [%property{NDC}] - %message%newline" />
    <filter type="log4net.Filter.LevelRangeFilter">
    <levelMin value="WARN" />
    <levelMax value="FATAL" />
    <level value="warn"/>
    <appender-ref ref="EventLogAppender"/>
    To put the OPA logs under the Application Event Log group, try this:
    Create an event source under the Application event log in Registry Editor. To do this, follow these steps:
    1.     Click Start, and then click Run.
    2.     In the Open text box, type regedit.
    3.     Locate the following registry subkey:
    4.     Right-click the Application subkey, point to New, and then click Key.
    5.     Type OPA for the key name.
    6.     Close Registry Editor.
    To put the OPA logs under a custom OPA Event Log group (as in the demo appender above), try this:
    Create an event log in Registry Editor. To do this, follow these steps:
    1.     Click Start, and then click Run.
    2.     In the Open text box, type regedit.
    3.     Locate the following registry subkey:
    4.     Right-click the eventlog subkey, point to New, and then click Key.
    5.     Type OPA for the key name.
    6.     Right-click the new OPA key and add a new DWORD called "MaxSize" and set it to "1400000" which is about 20 Meg in order to keep the log file from getting too large.
    7.     The next steps either help or sometimes cause an error, but you can try these next few steps... If you get an error about a source already existing, then you can delete the key.
    8.     Right-click the OPA subkey, point to New, and then click Key.
    9.     Type OPA for the key name.
    10.     Close Registry Editor.
    You might need to change permissions so OPA can write to the event log in Registry Editor.  If you get permission errors, try following these steps:
    1.     Click Start, and then click Run.
    2.     In the Open text box, type regedit.
    3.     Locate the following registry subkey:
    4.     Right-click the EventLog key, select Permissions.
    5.     In the dialog that pops up, click Add...
    6.     Click Advanced...
    7.     Click Locations... and select the current machine by name.
    8.     Click Find Now
    9.     Select both the Network user and IIS_IUSERS user and click OK and OK again. (We never did figure out which of those two users was the one that fixed our permission problem.)
    10.     Change the Network user to have Full Control
    11.     Click Apply and OK
    To verify OPA Logging to the windows event logs from Determinations-Server:
    Go to the IIS determinations-server application within Server Manager.
    Under Manage Application -> Browse Application click the http link to pull up the local "Available Services" web page that show the wsdl endpoints.
    Select the /determinations-server/server/soap.asmx?wsdl link
    Go to the URL and remove the "?wsdl" from the end of the url and refresh. This will throw the following error into the logs:
    ERROR Oracle.Determinations.Server.DSServlet [(null)] - Invalid get request: /determinations-server/server/soap.asmx
    That error should show up in the windows event log, OR you can get a message explaining why security stopped you in "logs/InfoDSLog.txt" if you used the web.config settings from above.
    Edited by: Paul Fowler on Feb 21, 2013 9:45 AM

    Thanks for sharing this information Paul.

  • How to detect the HTML extension window close in In-design? Does the In-design throws any event on opening/closing of extensions?

    How to detect the HTML extension window close in In-design? Does the In-design throws any event on opening/closing of extensions?
    I have a HTML extension running in In-design CC 2014 version.
    I want to perform some required set of actions before my extension window is closed(by clicking on the cross button on top right corner).
    Does In-design throws any event for it? Or can we capture it using C++ plugin in some way?

    Naah.......haven't got any event for that yet.
    Although, since HTML extensions are using chromium browser,  as a workaround, u can attach listener to HTML onClose event, but it won't solve any purpose if you
    are looking to logout session or do some business login in your code.

  • How to invoke a method in application module or view objects interface?

    perhaps a stupid RTFM question, but
    How can i invoke a method that i have published in the application modules or view objects interfaces using uiXml with BC4J?
    Only found something how to invoke a static method (<ctrl:method class="..." method="..." />) but not how to call a method with or without parameters in AM or VO directly with a uix-element.
    Thanks in advance, Markus

    Thanks for your help Andy, but i do not understand why this has to be that complicated.
    Why shall i write a eventhandler for a simple call of a AM or VO method? That splatters the functionality over 3 files (BC4J, UIX, handler). Feature Request ;-)?
    I found a simple solution using reflection that can be used at least for parameterless methods:
    <event name="anEvent">
      <bc4j:findRootAppModule name="MyAppModule">
         <!-- Call MyAppModule.myMethod() procedure. -->
          <bc4j:setPageProperty name="MethodName" value="myMethod"/>
          <ctrl:method class="UixHelper"
    </event>The UixHelper method:
      public static EventResult invokeApplicationModuleMethod( BajaContext context,
                                                               Page page,
                                                               PageEvent event ) {
        String methodName = page.getProperty( "MethodName" );
        ApplicationModule am = ServletBindingUtils.getApplicationModule( context );
        Method method = null;
        try {
          method = am.getClass(  ).getDeclaredMethod( methodName, null );
        } catch( NoSuchMethodException e ) {
          RuntimeException re = new RuntimeException( e );
          throw re;
        try {
          method.invoke( am, null );
        } catch( InvocationTargetException e ) {
          RuntimeException re = new RuntimeException( e );
          throw re;
        } catch( IllegalAccessException e ) {
          RuntimeException re = new RuntimeException( e );
          throw re;
        return null;
      }Need to think about how to handle parameters and return values.
    Btw. Do i need to implement the EventHandler methods synchronized?
    Regards, Markus

  • Invoke a method when Close Window is clicked

    How do i invoke a method when "close window" on the global button bar is clicked.
    Can someone please help.
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: user12215240 on Feb 23, 2010 9:32 AM

    Is it possible to change the settings so that when the red 'close' button is clicked, the application will hide instead of closing?
    Applications don't "close," windows do. If you are just closing windows but not quitting applications that opened them, it is no wonder that there are hundreds of apps in the Dock.
    A few apps like System Preferences have only one window, so they automatically quit when you close that one window. Most apps do not do this: even after all their windows are closed, they remain running & thus show up in the Dock, in Activity Monitor, & so on. They each require a little (or sometimes more than a little) real memory reserved for their use to remain running -- this subtracts from what is available to do useful tasks, & will slow down your Mac when it results in too much virtual memory use.
    Thus, it is a good idea to quit applications you don't have an immediate need for, especially if they don't require long startup times. If you want easy access to select applications, create a folder & fill it with aliases to those apps, then drag that folder to the right side of the Dock, where it will create a stack. When opened, the stack will allow one click launching of those apps.

  • Silverlight, wcfRIA, how to trap completion of an [Invoke] method in DomainService1.cs

    this piece of code:
    protected void recalculateMetrics(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    int daysToAverageOver = 20; // for a 20 day moving average
    context.recalculateMetrics(daysToAverageOver, invokeOperation_ExitHandler, null);
    context.deleteOldClosingPrices(invokeOperation_ExitHandler, null);
    context.deleteAnyOldStockNames(invokeOperation_ExitHandler, null);
    context.updateAllPortfolios(invokeOperation_ExitHandler, null);
    context.updateTheCountersInAllPortfolios(nowRefreshScreen_ExitHandler, null);
    context.zeroOutAnyUnaverageableStocks(daysToAverageOver, invokeOperation_ExitHandler, null);
    context.Load<stk_StockNames>(context.getMissingStockNamesQuery(), LoadBehavior.RefreshCurrent, returnSet =>
    fires off a whole bunch of [Invoke] methods in DomainService1.cs, which all execute asynchronously.
    Once updateAllPorfolios() and updateThe CountersInAllPortfolios () are completed, then the client screen should refresh with the new numbers.  You can see me trapping the completion event of the Invoke operation.  But how do I trap the completion
    of the actual async method?  I figure that IAsyncResult is involved.  I have googled around all the forums without being able to see how to do it in this particular case.
    Any help appreciated.

    I don't really follow your question.
    You appear to be supplying callbacks there.
    They fire when the process is complete and you get a result back from the server.
    If I illustrate this with a piece of my code thus:
    private void LoadSites()
    siteService.LoadSiteList(LoadSiteListCallback, null);
    private void LoadSiteListCallback(ServiceLoadResult<Site> result)
    IEnumerable<Site> _sites = result.Entities.OrderBy(x => x.Description);
    ObservableCollection<Site> sts = new ObservableCollection<Site>();
    foreach (var item in _sites)
    Sites = sts;
    ADGroupSites = new ObservableCollection<AdminADGroupSiteVM>();
    LoadSiteList is called asynchronously.
    Processing returns from LoadSites.
    When the server returns the data LoadSiteListCallback is invoked and it does stuff with the data.
    Please don't forget to upvote posts which you like and mark those which answer your question.
    My latest Technet article - Dynamic XAML

  • Question on "How-to invoke a method once upon application start"

    Hello everyone.
    I'm trying to implement what the article "How-to invoke a method once upon application start" by Frank suggests.
    Suppose that I'm having a single point of entry, so in my login.jpsx I have the below:
    <f:view beforePhase="#{login.onBeforePhase}">In the method "onBeforePhase" I have to pass the phaseEvent, since the signature is the following:
    public void onBeforePhase(PhaseEvent phaseEvent)but how do I know the phaseEvent when calling the login.onBeforePhase? How the call should be?
    Thanks a lot!
    ps. I'm using jDev

    You need not pass anything to this method , this method will get called before every Phase except ReStore View
    Just write the logic as Frank suggested for the phase in which you want the code to execute. You can get the PhaseId's like
    public void onBeforePhase(PhaseEvent phaseEvent) {// from Frank's doc
    //render response is called on an initial page request
      if(phaseEvent.getPhaseId() == PhaseId.RENDER_RESPONSE){
    ... etc

  • Can I invoke a SubVI in an event? and how do I set the background color of a pipe to #0000ff?

    When I click an image or a glass pipe(which belongs to Industry/Chesmitry category in palette), I want a SubVI to be invoked.
    The purpose is to fetch an OPC-UA data from a web service and to write to it via the service.
    We are building an HMI solution which displays an interactive water plant diagram.
    When users click pipes and motors in the diagram, clicked devices should be turned on and off and change their animations or colors accordingly.
    OPC-UA is for communication with devices.
    I couldn't even set the background color of a pipe to "#0000ff", but setting it to "Red" or "Blue" was possible, and I don't know how to invoke SubVIs in event scripts.
    The documentations in are confusing and lack depth.
    Even silverlight references are confusing.
    How do I do all of these?

    Hi iCat,
    Can you provide some more information about your current implementation so that we can help to answer your questions. Some questions I have for you are:
    Are you creating this project in the NI LabVIEW Web UI Builder or in LabVIEW?
    How are you publishing your webservice? Is this also in LabVIEW?
    How is your webservice interacting with an OPC-UA server?
    How is the certification set up with OPC-UA so that you can communicate between the server and the client?
    Best Regards,
    Allison M.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • How to call AMImpl method before loading the page(task_flow_config.xml)

    Hi experts,
    I have requirement like,
    I need to call AmImpl method, before rendering the page.(I heard like we can do it in task_flow_config.xml by using method_Invoke operation,But I am not sure about How it is going to work, also i need to know the implementation part,,,help pls )
    (I need to do in Task_Flow.)
    Inside that method I have some logic, where I will setting the BindVariable of my one ViewObject and I need to run the ViewOblect,So that DataShuold be available while page loading.
    I have some different logic after that,,,,
    can anyone suggest me for this??

    thanks to Timo n TK,
    I have use case like,
    In the search page I have 2 LOV dropdowns say LOV1 and LOV2. Both list of values are created based on the independent View Objects based on the Query.
    LOV2 VO query is having the Bind Variable, for that Bind variable will be getting the value from the one of the AM method based on the user logged in.
    Also I need to display LOV2 dropdown in the page when user selects LOV1 as a 'SCM', for others it should be in hidden state.
    As per requirement I have to display LOV2 only for LOV1 value as 'SCM'. So I dont want to use valueChangeListner() for this.
    Instead I want populate LOV2 value before page rendering(because in that time i will be having all the parameter to populate ) by executing LOV2 VO Query.
    Once in search page user selects LOV1 as 'SCM', I should display 'LOV2' values in the dropdown.
    If i execute LOV2 VO in the AMImpl method say A() before page rendering ,then if user select LOV1 as 'SCM', will same data available in the dropdown (LOV2 dropdown is based on the LOV2VO)??
    Can u pls suggest me how can i render ,LOV2 when LOV1 as 'SCM' by using 'rendered' property without having valueChangeListner??
    pls suggest me the right approach as per my use case..
    waiting for reply,,

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