How to launch map application from google map link

I am looking to find a way to have the map application on an iphone launch when someone opens this link from a website on their phone: 3991b&mid=1338478668
It only seems to open the map in safari and I can't find anything about how to change this by searching the web. Any help would be appreciated.

I do not see the parameters you are using in the list of supported parameters. Can you express that same position using the supported parameters?
Apple URL Scheme Reference - Map Links ce/Articles/MapLinks.html
The query parameter. This parameter is treated as if it had been typed into the query box by the user on the page. q=* is not supported
The location part of the query.
The latitude and longitude points (in decimal format, comma separated, and in that order) for the map center point.
The latitude and longitude points from which a business search should be performed.
The approximate latitude and longitude span.
A custom latitude and longitude span format used by Google.
The type of map to display.
The zoom level.
The source address, which is used when generating driving directions
The destination address, which is used when generating driving directions.
A custom ID format that Google uses for identifying businesses.
A custom ID format that Google uses for identifying businesses.

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    Are you signed in?  If so, try going to Settings > Map History within Google Maps (assuming you're using version 2, which was released yesterday) and editing there.
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    try something like this for your button's action method:
            String[] cmd = {"notepad"};
    Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
            try {
                Process pro = rt.exec(cmd);
                pro.waitFor();  // wait until it's done executing
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                System.err.println("InterruptedException: " + ie);

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    public class JavaFXApplication extends Application {
    public void showCoordinates(String coords)
            System.out.println("Coordinates: " + coords);
        @Override public void start(Stage stage)
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            final WebEngine webEngine = webView.getEngine();
                    new ChangeListener<State>() {
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    // googlemap.html file
    <!DOCTYPE html>
            <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" />
            <style type="text/css">
                html { height: 100% }
                body { height: 100%; margin: 0px; padding: 0px }
                #map_canvas { height: 100%; background-color: #666970; }
            <script type="text/javascript" src="">
            <script type="text/javascript">           
                function initialize() {
                    var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(40.75089, -73.93804);
                    var myOptions = {
                        zoom: 10,
                        center: latlng,
                        mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,
                        mapTypeControl: false,
                        panControl: true,
                        navigationControl: true,
                        streetViewControl: false,
                        backgroundColor: "#666970"
                    var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"),myOptions);    
           = map;
            google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'click', function(event) {
                //java.showCoordinates(event.latLng); ???
        <body onload="initialize()">
            <div id="map_canvas" style="width:100%; height:100%"></div>
    </html>Edited by: krbltik on 03.10.2012 22:59

    Hi, welcome!
    You may also have a look at GPS Info Qt, available for free at Ovi Store:
    GPS Info Qt is a nice Qt app. I have it on my C6-01 and I like it.

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    It isn't. Forward it to [email protected] and then delete it.

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        Could anyone provide me an example about how to generate digital signature for Google Maps service v3 in PL/SQL? We tried to upgrade our program using Google maps service from v2 to v3. We are using PL/SQl on background to send request to Google for geocoding. We found some sample code to register with digital signature, but none of them is based on PL/SQl. Notice I used Google business client ID "gme-XXX" and wallet.
    Google Maps API - more URL signing samples
    Here is my code for V2. I notice in order to get signature, I need to use HMAC-SHA1 algorithm.
    procedure Get_Geocoding(P_s_Address in varchar2, P_s_Geocoding out varchar2, P_n_accuracy out number, P_b_success out boolean) is
      l_address varchar2(4000);
      l_url varchar2(32000);
      l_response varchar2(3200);
      n_first_comma number;
      n_second_comma number;
      n_level_length number;
      /* TODO implementation required */
      l_address := replace(l_address,' ','+');
      l_url := ''||l_address||'&'||'output=csv'||'&'||'client=gme-XXX';
    l_response := utl_http.request(l_url, APEX_APPLICATION.G_PROXY_SERVER, '/u02/app/oracle/admin/apexsb/wallet', 'XXXXXXXX');
      if n_level_length>0 then
      P_n_accuracy:=to_number(substr(l_response,n_first_comma+1, n_level_length));
      end if;
      --dbms_output.put_line('In function: l_response ='||l_response);
      if (P_s_Geocoding<>'0,0') then
      end if;

    Hi, guys:
        I tried to generate digital signature for Google map service
         Maps for Business: Generating Valid Signatures - YouTube
        Generating an HMAC-SHA-1 Signature Using Only PL/SQL
          OAuth and the PL/SQL | Data Warehouse in the Cloud
       but I got error message from Google:
    Unable to authenticate the request. Provided 'signature' is not valid for the provided client ID. Learn more:
       I think there is something wrong with my code to generate signature, as if I remove the part regarding client and signature, it will work, can anyone help me on this problem?
    /*Procedure Get_Geocoding is used to get geocoding with accuracy level for V3 business account, you can find Google map digital signature descrirption from
    if geocoding is 0,0, procedure returns false to indicate failure of get geocoding*/
    procedure Get_Geocoding2(P_s_Address in varchar2, P_s_Geocoding out varchar2, P_n_accuracy out number, P_b_success out boolean) is
      --private key for Google business account, this is provided by Google with client name.
      l_private_key_src varchar2(200):='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
      l_private_key_b64_alter varchar2(200):= translate(l_private_key_src,'-_','+/');
      l_private_key_bin raw(2000);
      l_client_name varchar2(100):='gme-xxx';
      l_signature_mac raw(2000);
      l_signature_b64 varchar2(200);
      l_signature_b64_alter_back varchar2(200);
      l_Google_service_domain varchar2(200):='';
      l_address varchar2(4000);
      l_url varchar2(32000);
      l_path varchar2(32000);
      l_response varchar2(32000);
      l_page UTL_HTTP.HTML_PIECES;
      n_actual_length number;
      json_obj json;
      json_tempobj json;
      jl_listOfValues json_list;
      json_geom_obj json;
      json_loc json;
      l_lat  VARCHAR2(40);
      l_lng  VARCHAR2(40);
      l_status VARCHAR2(255);
      json_accuracy json;
      --temp_string varchar2(10000);
      n_first_comma number;
      n_second_comma number;
      n_level_length number;
    /* TODO implementation required */
    l_private_key_bin := utl_encode.base64_decode(UTL_I18N.string_to_raw(l_private_key_b64_alter, 'AL32UTF8'));
    l_address := replace(l_address,' ','+');
    l_path := '/maps/api/geocode/json?address='||l_address||'&'||'sensor=true';
    l_signature_mac :=DBMS_CRYPTO.mac(UTL_I18N.string_to_raw(l_path, 'AL32UTF8'), DBMS_CRYPTO.hmac_sh1,l_private_key_bin);
    l_signature_b64:= UTL_RAW.cast_to_varchar2(UTL_ENCODE.base64_encode(l_signature_mac));
    --get response from Google map service
    l_page:=utl_http.request_pieces( l_url, 99999);
    for i in 1..l_page.count loop
    end loop;
    --parse JSON result
    json_obj:=new json(l_response);
    l_status := json_ext.get_string(json_obj, 'status');
    IF l_status = 'OK' then
    jl_listOfValues := json_list(json_obj.get('results'));
    json_tempobj := json(jl_listOfValues.get(1));
    json_geom_obj := json(json_tempobj.get(3));
    json_loc := json_ext.get_json(json_geom_obj, 'location');
    l_lat := to_char(json_ext.get_number(json_loc, 'lat'));
    l_lng := to_char(json_ext.get_number(json_loc, 'lng'));
    case json_ext.get_string(json_geom_obj, 'location_type')
    when 'ROOFTOP' then P_n_accuracy:=9;
    when 'RANGE_INTERPOLATED' then P_n_accuracy:=7;
    when 'GEOMETRIC_CENTER' then P_n_accuracy:=5;
    else P_n_accuracy:=3;
    end case;
    end if;

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    This will be done by using pure java class i need, can anyone having the sample code for this.
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    Expecting replies...

    Yes we were having the performance issues when it is getting locked? in this what i want to know
    why it happens suddenly?
    or what package this piece of code is calling?
    or is there any possiblity of system will degrade the performance like sys user etc...?
    where exactly i found the root cause for further analysis?
    so that next time onwards if particular objects is locking we come to know why it happens is there any logical false or how do we eliminate this issue last time?
    coz in our environment sometimes most of lockings are from the same table?
    pls let me know where i have to concentrate for debug and how to troubloshoot and reslove this
    sorry for the inconvience.. i m expecting the answer from here. if anybody wants some more info i ll let him know.
    as of till now i got some docs i start to read this.
    Note: will system/sys degrade the performance ?if so how ?

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    Hi friends,
        In RWB --> Cache Monitoring --> Integration Server (Java) -> (Search for Value Mapping Groups) in this each item is identified by Value Mapping Group (GroupID, Context, Identifier/Agency, Identifier/Scheme). Either we create Value Mapping Table in ID or replicate value mapping data directly from text file/SAP table etc., in run time cache, data will be identified in this manner.
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        So, in essence, how to read the GUID from value mapping context.
        Friends, Kindly help me to do this.
    Thanks in advance.
    Jegatheeswaran P.

    Did you get the way to read group id?

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    Has anyone attempted to put a web applet of a google/yahoo map which will plot the location of my customer (I have done so much) and then show all my prospects in a 10 mile radius. The prospects should come from CRM OD.
    If anyone has attempted this, I would really appreciate the help.

    Plugins...... I guess that depends on what you mean.
    CRMOD offers a WSDL that gives you the ability to perform possibly everything that can be done from within CRMOD itsefl. Bungee Connect will import the WSDL, listing the functions inside of a dev environment, making it fairly easy to see what type of operation can be performed on each object.
    For example, I just finished coding an application to maintain contact information in the CRMOD. I imported the Contact WSDL which brought two libraries of CRMOD objects into my development project. Choosing the operations and passing the correct object types to each function is fairly simple. I am polishing up this simple application and it should be available to the public by Monday. It will be a great example of how to connect to CRMOD and begin pushing data back and forth.
    On the Google Maps side, since Google Maps requires a lot of javascript to interact with, we have simplified interaction by creating a Google Maps control that you can drag and drop onto a form just like any other label, button, etc. We have examples of how to do this in our documentation. So once you get connected to CRMOD, it's really just a matter of formatting the data to allow the Google Map control to read it.

  • How to launch an app from Java in Mac OSX?

    I would like to launch another application from my Java code which will run on OS X. Doesn anyone know how to do this? I think it involves the "Runtime.getRuntime.exec()" method, but I'm not sure how to tell it which application to launch.

    I dont know about OSX but i can give you a generalized
    solution. In all OS's there will be a way to get to
    command prompt. It is not really true: MacOS is one noticeable exception! Version 9, like every previous one, was completely extraneous to the notion of "command prompt", because the Macintosh, since its origin to nowadays, has been a "fanatically" User-Centric system: everything is iconic. A side effect of this approach is that MacOS was a pretty hard platform for low-level developers...
    In MacOSX things have dramatically changed: this OS is a powerful Unix-like one, with the beautiful dress that only a Mac can wear: and finally, all you Mac users, here it is: the shell!
    Of course, in MacOSX (and in MacOS "classic" too) there are paths and executable files.
    MacOS1-9 file-system was a very peculiar one: resource fork and data fork for every file, ":" as path components separator (but what "common" user has ever seen a Macintosh path?) and so on.
    MacOSX will use an Unix-like filesystem, I guess (I'm not a Mac user, I like every OS for its beauties - and therefore dislike Microsoft products even if often they give me bread).
    But the key question is: how do I tell the runtime which file it has to execute?
    Fortunately, every modern SO I know adopts a hyerarchical organization of its files. So, indipendently of what is considered the "root" ("C:\", "/" or whatever else), you can "trace" a relative path from your current path (if you use an Unix or URL idiom, "./") and the file you want to reach.
    So, if your java app ("JavaApp.class") is placed in a folder called "MyJavaApp", nested in another folder called "Programs" that you see when you click on the "MacHD" icon, and you can manually launch the Mac app you're interested in clicking on an icon called "MyMacApp Program", placed in a folder called "MyMacApp", nested in another folder called "Programs" that you see when you click on the "MacHD" icon (it's the same folder we said before :-) ), using Unix or URL sintax we have that:
    your java application is at: [...]/MacHD/Programs/MyJavaApp/JavaApp.class
    the Mac application is at:
    [...]/MacHD/Programs/MyMacApp/MyMacApp Program
    The relative path from the former to the latter is, therefore:
    where two dots ("..") are the symbol for "parent folder".
    If the situation is similar to above, the code to launch MyMacApp should be something like this:
    File currentDir=new File("");
    //supposing that double dot (..) is the symbol for "parent folder"
         new File(currentDir,".."
         +"MyMacApp Program"
    in a more portable fashion - if you're not sure ".." works
    (? who cares? we're launching a native app :-)) )
         new File(currentDir.getParent(),
         +"MyMacApp Program"
    );Hope it works... good work!

  • Launching Java applications from web pages

    Hi there,
    Do you know how to launch Java applications (not applets) from web pages ? Thank you.
    Berk Can Celebisoy

    Do you know how to launch Java applications (not applets) from web pages ? Thank you.
    you can setoff a java servlet from a webpage.Is that what you are talking about ??? activeateing a server side app ????

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    I am currently working on a management system and I need to launch other management systems from my Java Web Start application. The other systems are either based on web applications (URLs), telnet - needs to set up a telnet session, or running shell scripts or batch files.
    URLs are ok. I am using Desktop.browse in Java 1.6 or I can use BasicService.showDocument in javax.jnlp API.
    My application may run on both windows and linux (ie its launched from the browser). It interacts with a java app on a linux server over RMI.
    How can I lauch a telnet session from my client app?
    Do I have to include apache and create a telnet module in my app or can i lauch c:\windows\system32\telnet.exe in windows (if my app is lauched on win) and /usr/kerberos/bin/telnet (if my app is lauched in Linux)?
    How can I launch an external .exe application in window and how can I launch any shell script or program in Linux?
    (same as how do i lauch telnet)
    As long as the user is prompted I can see no risk of denying these kind of things so I hope and think that this should be possible!
    PS. I have managed to do it by using Runtime.exec() when running as a non JWS application, but I cannot do it when running as JWS: access denied ( <<ALL FILES>> execute)I dont want to sign the application either. The reason for choosing webstart was to not have to renew certificates at our customers.
    Please help.
    Thanks for taking interest and reading this.. and I hope that someone has some helpful answers for me :)
    Edited by: Tomas_Andersen on Feb 5, 2008 6:34 AM

    Do you know how to launch Java applications (not applets) from web pages ? Thank you.
    you can setoff a java servlet from a webpage.Is that what you are talking about ??? activeateing a server side app ????

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    As MS Word is not an Apple product, you may do better posting in the MS forums:
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