How to load background image in canvas fast?

Hi all,
I am loading dynamic background in canvas with http path. It takes little bit time. How can i make it fast?
Please help me.

Make a friend with firebug &  you could find yourself from where it is getting applied.
For the website you have given the background image it is using is [1] and it is getting set in css of body tag [2]. So Find the css at [3] and modify it OR replace [1] with other image with same file name.
body {
    background: url("images/bg-body.jpg") repeat-x scroll 50% 0 #FFFFFF;
    color: #757373;
    font: 14px/18px Arial,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif;
    margin: 0;
    min-width: 979px;

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    <TabControl Background="Bisque">
    <TabItem Header="Tools">
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    <Button Height="70" Width="70" Margin="6,1,892,929" Name="btnBrowseImage" Click="btnAll">
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    <Image x:Name="boundaryIcon" Source="D:\WPF\Projects\TabControlVRI_18_12_2014\Images\Path_Simple.png" Height="44" Width="49" />
    <Image Name="imgBackground" Height="800" Width="800" MouseLeftButtonDown="imgBackground_MouseLeftButtonDown">
    C# code:
    OpenFileDialog op = new OpenFileDialog();
    ImageBrush ib = new ImageBrush();
    private void Image_MouseLeftButtonDown_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    op.Title = "Select a picture";
    op.Filter = "All supported graphics|*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png|" +
    "JPEG (*.jpg;*.jpeg)|*.jpg;*.jpeg|" +
    "Portable Network Graphic (*.png)|*.png";
    if (op.ShowDialog() == true)
    ib.ImageSource = new BitmapImage(new Uri(op.FileName));
    imgBackground.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(op.FileName));
    CanvasPanel.Background = ib;
    Please help me out to get transparency for path in canvas to view background image in canvas.
    The complete code is in below link:!112&authkey=!AC1sQIYwyoRYT_o&ithint=file%2crar

    Hi ViswAmmu,
    >>Please help me out to get transparency for path in canvas to view background image in canvas.
    If I'm not misunderstanding, I think you just need to loop through all Canvas.Children and set Opacity property for them:
    private void Image_MouseLeftButtonDown_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    //Loop through all children items
    foreach(UIElement v in CanvasPanel.Children)
    v.Opacity = 0;
    op.Title = "Select a picture";
    op.Filter = "All supported graphics|*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png|" +
    "JPEG (*.jpg;*.jpeg)|*.jpg;*.jpeg|" +
    "Portable Network Graphic (*.png)|*.png";
    if (op.ShowDialog() == true)
    ib.ImageSource = new BitmapImage(new Uri(op.FileName));
    imgBackground.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(op.FileName));
    CanvasPanel.Background = ib;
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
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  • How to load mutiple image

    I'm trying to create a photo manager but I can't find a way to load multiple images onto my frame. I have a thumbnail class that makes thumbnails for an image (which is a modified version of the class ImageHolder from FilthyRichClient)
    public class Thumbnails {
         private List<BufferedImage> scaledImages = new ArrayList<BufferedImage>();
    private static final int AVG_SIZE = 160;
    * Given any image, this constructor creates and stores down-scaled
    * versions of this image down to some MIN_SIZE
    public Thumbnails(File imageFile) throws IOException{
              // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
         BufferedImage originalImage =;
    int imageW = originalImage.getWidth();
    int imageH = originalImage.getHeight();
    boolean firstScale = true;
    while (imageW >= AVG_SIZE && imageH >= AVG_SIZE) {
         if(firstScale && (imageW > 320 || imageH > 320)) {
              float factor = (float) imageW / imageH;
              if(factor > 0) {
              imageW = 320;
              imageH = (int) (factor * imageW);
              else {
                   imageH = 320;
                   imageW = (int) (factor * imageH);
         else {
              imageW >>= 1;
         imageH >>= 1;
    BufferedImage scaledImage = new BufferedImage(imageW, imageH,
    Graphics2D g2d = scaledImage.createGraphics();
    g2d.drawImage(originalImage, 0, 0, imageW, imageH, null);
    * This method returns an image with the specified width. It finds
    * the pre-scaled size with the closest/larger width and scales
    * down from it, to provide a fast and high-quality scaled version
    * at the requested size.
    BufferedImage getImage(int width) {
    for (BufferedImage scaledImage : scaledImages) {
    int scaledW = scaledImage.getWidth();
    // This is the one to scale from if:
    // - the requested size is larger than this size
    // - the requested size is between this size and
    // the next size down
    // - this is the smallest (last) size
    if (scaledW < width || ((scaledW >> 1) < width) ||
    (scaledW >> 1) < (AVG_SIZE >> 1)) {
    if (scaledW != width) {
    // Create new version scaled to this width
    // Set the width at this width, scale the
    // height proportional to the image width
    float scaleFactor = (float)width / scaledW;
    int scaledH = (int)(scaledImage.getHeight() *
    scaleFactor + .5f);
    BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(width,
    scaledH, scaledImage.getType());
    Graphics2D g2d = image.createGraphics();
    g2d.drawImage(scaledImage, 0, 0,
    width, scaledH, null);
    scaledImage = image;
    return scaledImage;
    // shouldn't get here
    return null;
    A loop will loop through a collection of files and pass them to the constructor of Thumbnails to create thumbnails and then set them as icon for JLabels that will be added to a JPanel, but it throws a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError at this line:
    BufferedImage originalImage =;
    even when there're only about 8 image files in the collection (total size 2,51MB).
    I've seen other people's software that could load hundreds of photos in a matter of seconds! How do I suppose to do that? How to load mutiple images efficiently? Please help!! Thanks a lot!

    another_beginner wrote:
    Thanks everybody! I appreciate your help! I don't understand why but when I use a separate thread to do the job, that problem disappear. You were likely doing your image loading and thumnail creation on the Event Dispatching Thread. Among other things, this is the same thread that updates and paints your panels, frames, buttons, ect.. When a programer does something computationaly expensive on the event dispatching thread then the GUI becomes unresponsive until the computation is done.
    Ideally what you want to do is load images and create thumnails on a seperate thread and update your GUI on the event dispatching thread. I supect that while you are finally doing the first item, you might now be violating the second item.
    Whatever, the program seems to be pretty slow on start up 'cause it have to reload images everytime. I'm using Picasa and it can display those thumbnails almost instantly. I know that program is made by professionals. But I still want to know how.I took a look at this Picasa you mentioned. It's the photo manager from google right? You're right in that the thumnails display instantly when starting up. This is because Picasa is actually saving the thumnails, instead of creating them everytime the program starts up. It only creates the thumnails once (when you import a picture) and saves the thumnail data to " +*currentUser*+ /AppData/Local/Google/Picasa2/db3/" (at least on my computer --> Vista).
    Also, if your looking for speed then for some inexplicable reason java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(...); is faster (sometimes much faster) than But there comes a price in dealing with Toolkit images. A toolkit image isn't ready for anything until it has been properly 'loaded' using one of several methods. Also, when you're done and ready for the image to be garbage collected then you need to call Image.flush() or you will eventually find yourself with an out of memory error (BufferedImages don't have this problem). Lastly, Toolkit.createImage(...) can only read image files that the older versions of java supported (jpg, png, gif, bmp) .
    And, another question (or maybe I should post it in a different thread?), I can't display all thumbnails using a JPanel because it has a constant height unless I explicitly set it with setPreferredSize. Even when put in a JScrollPane, the height doesn't change so the scrollbar doesn't appear. Anyone know how to auto grow or shrink a JPanel vertically? Or I have to calculate the preferred height by myself?Are you drawing the thumnails directly on the JPanel? If so then you will indeed need to dynamically set the preferred size of the component.
    If not, then presumebly your wrapping the thumnails in something like a JLabel or JButton and adding that to the panel. If so, what is the layout manager you're using for the panel?



       goto se78 -> in the menubar click graphic  and import to select ur images from ur system .. then click transport button .. it automatically gets into the smartform graphic image list.. then get into transaction smartform and use the image u imported into that..
    U can import anykind  of image which u have stored in ur pc through se78..

  • How to load a image after getting it with a file chooser?

    I'm still starting with JavaFX, and I simply would like to know how to load the image (e.g. png or jpg) that I selected using a FileChooser in the user interface. I can access the file normally within the code, but I'm still lost about how to load it appropriately. Every time I select a new image using the FileChooser, I should discard the previous one and consider the new one. My code is shown below:
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle;
    import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
    import javafx.scene.layout.HBox;
    import javafx.scene.control.Button;
    import javax.swing.JFileChooser;
    import javafx.scene.image.ImageView;
    import javafx.scene.image.Image;
    var chooser: JFileChooser = new JFileChooser();
    var image;
    Stage {
        title: "Image"
        scene: Scene {
            width: 950
            height: 500
            content: [
                HBox {
                    layoutX: 670
                    layoutY: 18
                    spacing: 10
                    content: [
                        Button {
                            text: "Open"
                            action: function() {
                                if (JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION == chooser.showOpenDialog(null)) {
                                    var imageFile = chooser.getSelectedFile();
                                    image = Image{
                                        width: 640
                // Image area
                Rectangle {
                    x: 10
                    y: 10
                    width: 640
                    height: 480
                    fill: Color.WHITE
                ImageView {
                    x: 10
                    y: 10
                    image: bind image
    }Thank you in advance for any suggestion to make it work. :)

    As its name implies, the url param expect... an URL, not a file path!
    So, use {color:#8000FF}url: imageFile.toURI().toURL(){color} instead.

  • Flex 4 Mdi canvass, how to set background image..?

         Now i try to use mdi canvass  background image,how to set  background image in mdi canvass in flex 4..
    With Regards

    In the past flex 3 version, there is an attribute call <flexlib:MDICanvas  backgroundImage="@Embed(source='/imgFolder/imgFile.png')/>
    to set it. However it has problem in Flex 4 because of 'halo' and 'spark' theme library changed.
    The following is my post that still haven't found the answer.
    Dear all,
    We  have a project that doing migration from flex 3 to flex 4. We use  flexlib the latest version of
    flexlib - 2.5 -
    However we  confronted problems that several of attributes that flex 4 doesn't  support:
    Constraints are listed as follows:
    1) <flexlib:MDICanvas  backgroundImage="@Embed(source='/imgFolder/imgFile.png')/>
    2)  <flexlib:MDICanvas backgroundSize="auto"/>
    3)  <mx:ApplicationControlBar barColor="#000000">
    original error message:
    Description     Resource    Path    Location    Type
    The style 'backgroundImage' is  only supported by type 'flexlib.mdi.containers.MDICanvas' with the  theme(s) 'halo'.    MainView.mxml     /osss/flex_src/hk/gov/labour/osss/view    line 242    Flex Problem
    Description    Resource    Path     Location    Type
    The style 'backgroundSize' is only supported by type  'flexlib.mdi.containers.MDICanvas' with the theme(s) 'halo'.     MainView.mxml    /osss/flex_src/hk/gov/labour/osss/view    line 242     Flex Problem
    Description     Resource    Path    Location    Type
    The style 'barColor' is only  supported by type 'mx.containers.ApplicationControlBar' with the  theme(s) 'halo'.    MainView.mxml     /osss/flex_src/hk/gov/labour/osss/view    line 227    Flex Problem
    Man  Pak Hong, Dave
    [email protected]

  • How to upload background image in Theme Editor

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    I try by the theme edit i'ts not work
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    I don't find the button "Upload"
    please Help!!!!
    How to upload background image in Theme Editor without to entry to the server

    Thank you for response
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    I change the design to Plain
    I Try Upload by the browse in the theme
    but The image is not upload
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    i'ts not working

  • How to change background image in existing template?

    Current website needs overall change in background image which is already set in template. Is there anyone who knows how to change background image in existing templates?

    Make a friend with firebug &  you could find yourself from where it is getting applied.
    For the website you have given the background image it is using is [1] and it is getting set in css of body tag [2]. So Find the css at [3] and modify it OR replace [1] with other image with same file name.
    body {
        background: url("images/bg-body.jpg") repeat-x scroll 50% 0 #FFFFFF;
        color: #757373;
        font: 14px/18px Arial,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif;
        margin: 0;
        min-width: 979px;

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  • Firefox wont load background image on some sites but internet explore will load the background

    i downloaded firefox awhile ago worked perfectly fine then all a sudden it wont load facebook background images the homepage of facebook loads background image but when i log in it wont load background image but when i try internet explorer it loads the background images fine i checked every setting redownloaded everyhing nothing fix's it tho

    If images are missing then check that you aren't blocking images from some domains (e,g,
    *Check the permissions for the domain in the current tab in "Tools > Page Info > Permissions"
    *Check that images are enabled: Tools > Options > Content: [X] Load images automatically
    *Check the exceptions in "Tools > Options > Content: Load Images > Exceptions"
    *Check the "Tools > Page Info > Media" tab for blocked images (scroll through all the images with the cursor Down key).
    If an image in the list is grayed and there is a check-mark in the box "<i>Block Images from...</i>" then remove that mark to unblock the images from that domain.
    Make sure that you do not block third-party images, the permissions.default.images pref should be 1.
    There are also extensions (Tools > Add-ons > Extensions) and security software (firewall, anti-virus) that can block images.
    Make sure that you allow pages to choose their colors and that you haven't enabled High Contrast in the Accessibility settings.
    *Tools > Options > Content : Fonts & Colors > Colors : [X] "Allow pages to choose their own colors, instead of my selections above"

  • How to load an image into blob in a custom form

    Hi all!
    is there some docs or how to, load am image into a database blob in a custom apps form.
    The general idea is that the user has to browse the local machine find the image, and load the image in a database blob and also in the custom form and then finally saving the image as blob.
    Thanks in advance

    If this helps:
    Re: Custom form: Take a file name input from user.

  • How do i add images on canvas????

    how do i add images on canvas???? i wanted to have flash screen like feature while starting my application.. for that i wanna add image on a canvas and want to show it in startapp().

    Override the paint (Graphics g) method of Canvas and invokeg.drawImage(Image img, int x, int y, int anchor)See the documentation for javax.microedition.lcdui.Graphics for more information.

  • How to change background images in s:application

    i want to make a webside by flex4 as  this web
    But i don't know how to make change background images by click and make sound when load page.
    Can u help me ,please. sorry i write E not well.
    Thanks so much

    please create a sink for your application inside that put your image.And apply that skin to your application on any click.
    Below is the code.
    Main Application
    <s:Application xmlns:fx=""
                   xmlns:mx="library://" xmlns:mx1="library://">
                protected function btn_click(evt:MouseEvent):void {
                    this.setStyle("skinClass", MySkinClass);
        <s:Button label="Change BackGroundImage" click="btn_click(event);"/>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Skin xmlns:fx=""
        <!-- host component -->
            <s:State name="normal" />
            <s:State name="disabled" />
        <s:BitmapImage source="@Embed('image1.jpg')"  smooth="true" left="0" right="0"  top="0" bottom="0"  />
    with Regards,
    Shardul Singh Bartwal

  • How to get background image to fill the browser and remain fixed in both IE and Firefox?

    Basically what it says in the title. I've come very close in achieving this but something just doesn't tie up in the html and css code...
    First of all, I'm using IE8 and the latest version of Firefox to test this.
    I used 2 sources of information for getting this done: 1) and 2) ver-vertically
    In Case 1 the example on the page called CSS-Only Technique #1 gives code that works almost perfectly for me, except that obviously I need a background image, however the CSS provided there is clearly just for an image dropped in the body of a page with no regard for other content that may already be there. The html code that I put on the page is simply <img class="bg" src="../images/background_image.jpg">
    Obviously I used the CSS code provided in the example, minus the last bit which is "@media screen" etc etc, which seems irrelevant to me. Obviously substituting values to suit the image on my page.
    So what happened is that it almost worked as intended in both the browsers (which means the image filled both browsers width-wise as intended and also remained fixed when I zoomed in or out in each case) except that the image went over the top of the current content that I had there already precisely because it's not a background in this "technique". (A curious side-note is that the image didn't push down the content, as I'd have expected in normal circumstances, but went right over the top of it so it hid it (like z-index).
    One thing that does bother me about this "technique" is that if you click on View Demo just below the code provided you will see on the working example page (forest background) the image clearly works as a background and the content sits happily on top! So I don't know whether the person providing the example was trying to mislead people or what! Or he got lazy and showed a different page that didn't use the exact code he provided. No matter.
    In any case this leaves me with the job only half finished, as I still need a background image that works like the 'normal image' code provided.
    On to Case 2 and on this page the first example provided gives the CSS for the background image - namely the code within html {...} part and also shows the same 'normal image' code as given in Case 1. In this case however, although the person provided a suggestion, the css and html doesn't really tie up properly plus some of the css and html seems a bit redundant. So this time when I used the 'html portion' of the CSS code (i.e. just the bit that was most relevant) I got two different behaviours in each browser and neither of which was quite what I'm looking for. In IE8 initially the page looks fine (background fills the page and content is on top) however when I zoom in or out the background also zooms in or out accordingly so is NOT fixed. In Firefox the background image DOES stay fixed, however because the image originally is not the whole height of the browser I'm guessing the code stretches it downwards (while keeping proportions - so the image essentially enlarges) to fill all of it. The quick way to get around it is to probably add some white space to the bottom of the image just to give it enough height that it doesn't stretch/resize automatically. But it would be nice to find out anyway how to get around this in the code. Overall I would say that the result in Firefox comes closest to the desired solution but of course it doesn't help matters with IE8.
    Apologies for the lengthy description but that should at least provide plenty info for anybody that might have a possible solution for me. Essentially what would be great is if somebody could advise me how to take the code from Case 1 and apply it to a 'background' piece of coding like the type that's contained within html {...} in Case 2. Like I said, it's so nearly there but I just can't make it work atm after trying to combine the various bits of code this way and that... Alternatively, if somebody has another html-css version that works nicely for achieving this then please by all means let me know! Thanks v much in advance!

    This works in modern CSS3 supporting browsers.  But not pre-IE9.
    Nancy O.

  • How to use background image in ABAP -  webdynpro

    My requirement is like that.
    I want to display a background image. Over the background image i want to display my ALV list or report.
    How to display my personalized image in background.
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    hi ,
    this is not possible:
    refer these threads :
    Background Image
    I Assign Background Image to a Group (Ans by Thomas)
    Image as Background Image possible?
    as correctly pointed above and in this thread
    use your own stylesheets
    refer this thread for more  information on styles :
    EP 7 Portal stylesheet with WD ABAP
    to display image in the foreground :
    refer this WIKI

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    Hi! I'm using TestStand 2012 with LabVIEW 2011 for measuring the current in my Sensor Interface module. In the TestStand program's setup part I initialize the DC current measurement channel, and as the VI's output I take the Session and error out. In

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    I am running XP Pro SP3 on a Dell Dimension 4550 desktop, I cannot get Adobe flash player to install and cannot view a video in any of the browsers. I tried the usual steps, download the Flash player uninstaller, uninstall, remove all files from the