How to load shared members into a duplicate outline using load rules

Hello, I am trying to load an alternate hierarchy into the same dimension in an outline that accepts duplicate members using EAS load rules ... there is no property for shared members so i can't specify it in the load rule .. i tried using parent child and it is not working - no shared members are loaded in the alternate hierarchy .. any ideas? would another utility make it happen?

You might find this useful:
Especially the Building Shared Members by Using a Rules File section:

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    - GER1
    -XXXXX 1
    -XXXXXX 2
    - YYYY1
    - YYYY2
    - A (shared)
    - ZZZZZ1
    - ZZZZZ2
    - A (shared)
    Now, using a rule that reads form SQL source, I wanto to transofrm my hyerarchy in this way (the member "A" changes his parent in all hyerarchies [Ger1, 2 and 3]):
    - GER1
    -XXXXX 1
    -XXXXXX 2
    - YYYY1
    - A (shared)
    - YYYY2
    - ZZZZZ1
    - A (shared)
    - ZZZZZ2
    The way I follow it's:
    1) load ONLY GER1 members filtering by SQL statement (Select * form "TABLE" where "FILED_NAME" ="GER1") with "ALLOW MOVE" option checked into rule properties -> IT'S OK, the member "A" changes its partent correctly
    2) load GER2 in the same way, but the system gives me this error: Dimension build failed. Error code[1060053]. Check the server log and the dimension duild log for more information. Unexpected essbase error1007083
    The log dont give me any info and the dimension build log is not created
    The same when I try to load GER3 and if I try to load ALL (Ger1 + 2 +3)
    My doubt is that is not possible to move shared members..

  • How to turn this Java into something I can use in CF?

    Hi - Following on from a recent post about how to strip our special characters from a string before insertion to the db I have found this Java code - my question is, how can I turn this into something I can use with CF? I think I need to use the cfscipt tag but that's right on the boundaries of my knowledge base.. If anyone could please help I'd be ever so grateful - thank you!
    package net.htmlescape;
    * HtmlEscape in Java, which is compatible with utf-8
    * @author Ulrich Jensen,
    * Feel free to get inspired, use or steal this code and use it in your
    * own projects.
    * License:
    * You have the right to use this code in your own project or publish it
    * on your own website.
    * If you are going to use this code, please include the author lines.
    * Use this code at your own risk. The author does not warrent or assume any
    * legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefullness of
    * this program code.
    public class HtmlEscape {
      private static char[] hex={'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f'};
       * Method for html escaping a String, for use in a textarea
       * @param original The String to escape
       * @return The escaped String
      public static String escapeTextArea(String original)
        return escapeSpecial(escapeTags(original));    
       * Normal escape function, for Html escaping Strings
       * @param original The original String
       * @return The escape String
      public static String escape(String original)
        return escapeSpecial(escapeBr(escapeTags(original)));
      public static String escapeTags(String original)
        if(original==null) return "";
        StringBuffer out=new StringBuffer("");
        char[] chars=original.toCharArray();
        for(int i=0;i<chars.length;i++)
          boolean found=true;
            case 60:out.append("&lt;"); break; //<
            case 62:out.append("&gt;"); break; //>
            case 34:out.append("&quot;"); break; //"
          if(!found) out.append(chars[i]);
        return out.toString();
      public static String escapeBr(String original)
        if(original==null) return "";
        StringBuffer out=new StringBuffer("");
        char[] chars=original.toCharArray();
        for(int i=0;i<chars.length;i++)
          boolean found=true;
            case '\n': out.append("<br/>"); break; //newline
            case '\r': break;
          if(!found) out.append(chars[i]);
        return out.toString();
      public static String escapeSpecial(String original)
        if(original==null) return "";
        StringBuffer out=new StringBuffer("");
        char[] chars=original.toCharArray();
        for(int i=0;i<chars.length;i++)
            boolean found=true;
          switch(chars[i]) {
            case 38:out.append("&amp;"); break; //&
            case 198:out.append("&AElig;"); break; //Æ
            case 193:out.append("&Aacute;"); break; //Á
            case 194:out.append("&Acirc;"); break; //Â
            case 192:out.append("&Agrave;"); break; //À
            case 197:out.append("&Aring;"); break; //Å
            case 195:out.append("&Atilde;"); break; //Ã
            case 196:out.append("&Auml;"); break; //Ä
            case 199:out.append("&Ccedil;"); break; //Ç
            case 208:out.append("&ETH;"); break; //Ð
            case 201:out.append("&Eacute;"); break; //É
            case 202:out.append("&Ecirc;"); break; //Ê
            case 200:out.append("&Egrave;"); break; //È
            case 203:out.append("&Euml;"); break; //Ë
            case 205:out.append("&Iacute;"); break; //Í
            case 206:out.append("&Icirc;"); break; //Î
            case 204:out.append("&Igrave;"); break; //Ì
            case 207:out.append("&Iuml;"); break; //Ï
            case 209:out.append("&Ntilde;"); break; //Ñ
            case 211:out.append("&Oacute;"); break; //Ó
            case 212:out.append("&Ocirc;"); break; //Ô
            case 210:out.append("&Ograve;"); break; //Ò
            case 216:out.append("&Oslash;"); break; //Ø
            case 213:out.append("&Otilde;"); break; //Õ
            case 214:out.append("&Ouml;"); break; //Ö
            case 222:out.append("&THORN;"); break; //Þ
            case 218:out.append("&Uacute;"); break; //Ú
            case 219:out.append("&Ucirc;"); break; //Û
            case 217:out.append("&Ugrave;"); break; //Ù
            case 220:out.append("&Uuml;"); break; //Ü
            case 221:out.append("&Yacute;"); break; //Ý
            case 225:out.append("&aacute;"); break; //á
            case 226:out.append("&acirc;"); break; //â
            case 230:out.append("&aelig;"); break; //æ
            case 224:out.append("&agrave;"); break; //à
            case 229:out.append("&aring;"); break; //å
            case 227:out.append("&atilde;"); break; //ã
            case 228:out.append("&auml;"); break; //ä
            case 231:out.append("&ccedil;"); break; //ç
            case 233:out.append("&eacute;"); break; //é
            case 234:out.append("&ecirc;"); break; //ê
            case 232:out.append("&egrave;"); break; //è
            case 240:out.append("&eth;"); break; //ð
            case 235:out.append("&euml;"); break; //ë
            case 237:out.append("&iacute;"); break; //í
            case 238:out.append("&icirc;"); break; //î
            case 236:out.append("&igrave;"); break; //ì
            case 239:out.append("&iuml;"); break; //ï
            case 241:out.append("&ntilde;"); break; //ñ
            case 243:out.append("&oacute;"); break; //ó
            case 244:out.append("&ocirc;"); break; //ô
            case 242:out.append("&ograve;"); break; //ò
            case 248:out.append("&oslash;"); break; //ø
            case 245:out.append("&otilde;"); break; //õ
            case 246:out.append("&ouml;"); break; //ö
            case 223:out.append("&szlig;"); break; //ß
            case 254:out.append("&thorn;"); break; //þ
            case 250:out.append("&uacute;"); break; //ú
            case 251:out.append("&ucirc;"); break; //û
            case 249:out.append("&ugrave;"); break; //ù
            case 252:out.append("&uuml;"); break; //ü
            case 253:out.append("&yacute;"); break; //ý
            case 255:out.append("&yuml;"); break; //ÿ
            case 162:out.append("&cent;"); break; //¢
            if(chars[i]>127) {
              char c=chars[i];
              int a4=c%16;
              c=(char) (c/16);
              int a3=c%16;
              c=(char) (c/16);
              int a2=c%16;
              c=(char) (c/16);
              int a1=c%16;
        return out.toString();

    hi Dan, thanks for asking
    I did this in the end..
      // function cleantext(string) {
      //   string = "<p>" & string;
      //   string = Replace(string, chr(13) & chr(10) & chr(13) & chr(10), "</p><p>", "all");
      //   string = Replace(string, chr(13) & chr(10), "<br />", "all");
      //   string = string & "</p>";
      //   return string;
    * HtmlEscape in Java, which is compatible with utf-8
    * @author Ulrich Jensen,
    * Feel free to get inspired, use or steal this code and use it in your
    * own projects.
    * License:
    * You have the right to use this code in your own project or publish it
    * on your own website.
    * If you are going to use this code, please include the author lines.
    * Use this code at your own risk. The author does not warrent or assume any
    * legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefullness of
    * this program code.
    function cleantext(string)  {
      private static char[] hex={'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f'};
       * Method for html escaping a String, for use in a textarea
       * @param original The String to escape
       * @return The escaped String
      public static String escapeTextArea(String original)
        return escapeSpecial(escapeTags(original));   
       * Normal escape function, for Html escaping Strings
       * @param original The original String
       * @return The escape String
      public static String escape(String original)
        return escapeSpecial(escapeBr(escapeTags(original)));
      public static String escapeTags(String original)
        if(original==null) return "";
        StringBuffer out=new StringBuffer("");
        char[] chars=original.toCharArray();
        for(int i=0;i<chars.length;i++)
          boolean found=true;
            case 60:out.append("&lt;"); break; //<
            case 62:out.append("&gt;"); break; //>
            case 34:out.append("&quot;"); break; //"
          if(!found) out.append(chars[i]);
        return out.toString();
      public static String escapeBr(String original)
        if(original==null) return "";
        StringBuffer out=new StringBuffer("");
        char[] chars=original.toCharArray();
        for(int i=0;i<chars.length;i++)
          boolean found=true;
            case '\n': out.append("<br/>"); break; //newline
            case '\r': break;
          if(!found) out.append(chars[i]);
        return out.toString();
      public static String escapeSpecial(String original)
        if(original==null) return "";
        StringBuffer out=new StringBuffer("");
        char[] chars=original.toCharArray();
        for(int i=0;i<chars.length;i++)
            boolean found=true;
          switch(chars[i]) {
            case 38:out.append("&amp;"); break; //&
            case 198:out.append("&AElig;"); break; //Æ
            case 193:out.append("&Aacute;"); break; //Á
            case 194:out.append("&Acirc;"); break; //Â
            case 192:out.append("&Agrave;"); break; //À
            case 197:out.append("&Aring;"); break; //Å
            case 195:out.append("&Atilde;"); break; //Ã
            case 196:out.append("&Auml;"); break; //Ä
            case 199:out.append("&Ccedil;"); break; //Ç
            case 208:out.append("&ETH;"); break; //Ð
            case 201:out.append("&Eacute;"); break; //É
            case 202:out.append("&Ecirc;"); break; //Ê
            case 200:out.append("&Egrave;"); break; //È
            case 203:out.append("&Euml;"); break; //Ë
            case 205:out.append("&Iacute;"); break; //Í
            case 206:out.append("&Icirc;"); break; //Î
            case 204:out.append("&Igrave;"); break; //Ì
            case 207:out.append("&Iuml;"); break; //Ï
            case 209:out.append("&Ntilde;"); break; //Ñ
            case 211:out.append("&Oacute;"); break; //Ó
            case 212:out.append("&Ocirc;"); break; //Ô
            case 210:out.append("&Ograve;"); break; //Ò
            case 216:out.append("&Oslash;"); break; //Ø
            case 213:out.append("&Otilde;"); break; //Õ
            case 214:out.append("&Ouml;"); break; //Ö
            case 222:out.append("&THORN;"); break; //Þ
            case 218:out.append("&Uacute;"); break; //Ú
            case 219:out.append("&Ucirc;"); break; //Û
            case 217:out.append("&Ugrave;"); break; //Ù
            case 220:out.append("&Uuml;"); break; //Ü
            case 221:out.append("&Yacute;"); break; //Ý
            case 225:out.append("&aacute;"); break; //á
            case 226:out.append("&acirc;"); break; //â
            case 230:out.append("&aelig;"); break; //æ
            case 224:out.append("&agrave;"); break; //à
            case 229:out.append("&aring;"); break; //å
            case 227:out.append("&atilde;"); break; //ã
            case 228:out.append("&auml;"); break; //ä
            case 231:out.append("&ccedil;"); break; //ç
            case 233:out.append("&eacute;"); break; //é
            case 234:out.append("&ecirc;"); break; //ê
            case 232:out.append("&egrave;"); break; //è
            case 240:out.append("&eth;"); break; //ð
            case 235:out.append("&euml;"); break; //ë
            case 237:out.append("&iacute;"); break; //í
            case 238:out.append("&icirc;"); break; //î
            case 236:out.append("&igrave;"); break; //ì
            case 239:out.append("&iuml;"); break; //ï
            case 241:out.append("&ntilde;"); break; //ñ
            case 243:out.append("&oacute;"); break; //ó
            case 244:out.append("&ocirc;"); break; //ô
            case 242:out.append("&ograve;"); break; //ò
            case 248:out.append("&oslash;"); break; //ø
            case 245:out.append("&otilde;"); break; //õ
            case 246:out.append("&ouml;"); break; //ö
            case 223:out.append("&szlig;"); break; //ß
            case 254:out.append("&thorn;"); break; //þ
            case 250:out.append("&uacute;"); break; //ú
            case 251:out.append("&ucirc;"); break; //û
            case 249:out.append("&ugrave;"); break; //ù
            case 252:out.append("&uuml;"); break; //ü
            case 253:out.append("&yacute;"); break; //ý
            case 255:out.append("&yuml;"); break; //ÿ
            case 162:out.append("&cent;"); break; //¢
            if(chars[i]>127) {
              char c=chars[i];
              int a4=c%16;
              c=(char) (c/16);
              int a3=c%16;
              c=(char) (c/16);
              int a2=c%16;
              c=(char) (c/16);
              int a1=c%16;
        return out.toString();
    <cfset cleanedtext = cleantext(dirtytext)>
    Although actually I also ended up changing my charset of my tables to utf8 (it was latin_swedish) and that seems to have solved the head issue (with special characters (bullet points i think it was) throwing an error when inserting them in the db)

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    First you need to configure your asset library with video content type and then you can use SharePoint object model to upload the video files in it...
    check this link for setting up Asset library
    Mark ANSWER if this reply resolves your query, If helpful then VOTE HELPFUL
    Mohammad Nizamuddin

  • Building RULES file to load shared members in Aggregate storgage outline

    Hi there
    I posted this yesterday (sorry, somewhat different subject description). I am trying to create an alternate hierarchy containing shared members using a load rule and flat file in an Aggregate Storage outline. One response was to remove the "allow moves" option and use parent child build in the load rule. I tried that and it did not work. i was pointed to a section in the essbase guide (which is about as clear as mud), and still cannot get this to work. First of all - can you do this with an ASO outline? If so, how? I tried a simple 6 line flat file and recreated the load rule based on the above recommendations and it will not the shared members. Can someone out there help?

    Here is an example in the simplest form.
    Create Aso db (duplicate members names not selected)
    Create Product dimension member, set to "Multiple Hieararchies Enabled", (though probably would work if dynamic)
    Create load rule, set as parent/child dimension build for product, make sure allow moves is not ticked.
    Data file
    Assign field properties in rule for Parent.Child
    Load data, 100-20 will be created as shared.

  • How to build shared members using Rules file

    hi all,
    we have a source file like below,in that Bold members are shared member. we doknow how to modify the source file for building shared members using Rules file.
    Conf Total,~,Config A,*Lightbolt 365 A*
    Conf Total,~,Config A,*Lightbolt 540 A*
    Conf Total,~,Config A,*Lightbolt 730 A*
    Conf Total,~,Config A,*Thunderball 365 A*
    Conf Total,~,Config A,*Thunderball 270 A*
    Conf Total,~,Config A,*Roadranger 123 A*
    Can anyone give suggestion to resolve this issue.
    Thanks in Advance

    hi John,
    Here i'm building the dimension through generation build method.
    setting the properties as
    Field, Dimension, Field Type, Field Number
    After mapping it shows dimensions are correctly mapped.
    When i load the source file and the rule file, it shows error partially loaded data,.And it doesn't shows the shared member property. That is what asked How to modify the source file for building shared members using Rules file.
    Edited by: user@99 on 25-May-2010 15:37

  • How to see Shared Members in Smart View on Ad-hoc Analysis mode

    Hi All,
    We are using Hyperion Planning v
    For the alternate hierarchy we have created shared members. But in Smart View we are unable to see Shared members hierarchy in Ad-hoc analysis mode.
    Is this limitation in Hyperion Planning?
    Is there any way to see shared members Hierarchy in Smart View in Ad-hoc analysis mode?
    It is urgent requirement Please let me know as early as possible
    Thanks in Advance!!!

    When you say open data form in Ad-hoc mode, can you do that? I think when you select Ad-hoc mode, you are basically connecting to Essbase and therefore need to manually select the members. (of course, I've got a 11.1.2 env right now so not too sure of
    I'm able to just go to Member Selection and select whatever hierarchy i want, Shared or Stored, when I'm connected to Essbase. When connecting to Planning, I dont have any option of opening the form as Ad-hoc mode.
    Can you see the hierarchy if selecting the members using Essbase connection and not planning?

  • How to rename existing members in an Essbase Outline

    Hi there,
    I would like to do as follows:
    1. List all members at Level-0 of a specified dimension (or parent member) that have names matching a wildcard string. e.g. names begining with 'JWC'.
    2. Delete the Level-0 members that satisfy the above condition. I must verify the list from 1 above before deleting the members.
    3. Rename remaining/existing members at Level-0 of the dimension (or parent member) specified above by attaching a required prefix to the existing name.
    1. I am working with an historical cube and I must preserve past year data. Hence I cannot select "Remove Unspecified" on the dimension build rule as my current data set contains data for current year only.
    *kp> The level-0 members that I need deleted contains data for current year only, hence I can safely delete them.
    2. I am expecting some sort of script/s (CALC or Maxl?) that will allow me to do the above tasks (List, Delete, Rename) without any manual input.
    3. I must get this done by 31 Jan and before rolling out the oldest year data. Hence I urgently need your help here!
    Kind regards,
    Message was edited by:

    Thank you for your response. Being a novice, I must
    say that I am quite hesitant in taking steps that I
    am unfamiliar with, esp when dealing with a
    production cube that takes about 6hrs to load when I
    have a limited timeframe! However with additional
    guidance (see my kp>comments below), I may be able to
    try your method.No problem, we were all novices once upon a time ;-)
    > - export the outline using the Olap Underground
    Outline Extractor
    p> Can I export the outline to just any location as I
    believe it will simply be a text file?Correct.
    > - do the necessary clean up to the exported
    outline text file
    kp> If this is the same delete & rename steps I want
    done, then I need help on some kind of script that
    will allow me to do this as it involves 1000s of L0
    members. (I am also considering the tips from Glenn)
    > - make a backup of your cube
    kp> I did. Just curious - the L0 members that I need
    deleted have actually been added via a change I made
    to the dim build rule. I had saved the cube folder
    before running the rule. I would normally restore the
    entire folder so that all components are in sync.
    Just one doubt: can I copy/paste the changed dim
    build & data load rules to another location, restore
    the cube from backup, and then simply copy/paste the
    saved rule files to replace the old ones? This will
    save me from having to delete the new L0 members.My suggestion is to tear down and rebuild based upon the edited outline export. If you find it easier to work in the outline directly, or to modify your load rules, that is your choice.
    > - export L0 data in columns from cube
    kp> Will the same Olap Underground Outline Extractor
    utility enable me to do this?No, this is a standard operation in Essbase. You should be able to do an export either from a MaxL session or from the console. Check the docs for details.
    > - build a load rule to load the export (so you
    can ignore errors from records that will no longer
    kp> Is there anything I need to be aware of here as I
    must get all the data reloaded onto original cube.If the members to be deleted have no data, then there should be no errors. If they do have data but the members will not be rebuilt, you will have to redirect where the data should load to. That will either mean editing the load data to point to the new member names, using alternate aliases, or recreating the load data for the new member names. Hard to be more specific as you situation may vary.
    > - reset and rebuild the cube using the edited
    outline export file
    kp> I am assuming I can manually delete the parent
    members and then run the rule based on the export
    file to rebuild the dimensions?Yes, the idea is to edit the outline text file to meet your new requirements and then to build the cube again. You can either manually clear the dimension of all members or rebuild with the revised outline file using a Remove Unspecified option load rule.
    Thank you for your suggestions.
    Regards.Hope it helps. Be sure to document the actual steps you use for the next time you have to do this (and there will be a next time, trust me ;-)

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    by using PERFORM ......ENDPERFORM
    I don't know how to used it .

    Hi Sandeep,
    Please check this link
    Calling ABAP Subroutines: PERFORM
    You can use the PERFORM command to call an ABAP subroutine (form) from any program, subject to the normal ABAP runtime authorization checking. You can use such calls to subroutines for carrying out calculations, for obtaining data from the database that is needed at display or print time, for formatting data, and so on.
    PERFORM commands, like all control commands, are executed when a document is formatted for display or printing. Communication between a subroutine that you call and the document is by way of symbols whose values are set in the subroutine.
    Syntax in a form window:
    /: PERFORM <form> IN PROGRAM <prog>
    /: USING &INVAR1&
    /: USING &INVAR2&
    INVAR1 and INVAR2 are variable symbols and may be of any of the four SAPscript symbol types.
    OUTVAR1 and OUTVAR2 are local text symbols and must therefore be character strings.
    The ABAP subroutine called via the command line stated above must be defined in the ABAP report prog as follows:
    The values of the SAPscript symbols passed with /: USING... are now stored in the internal table IN_TAB . Note that the system passes the values as character string to the subroutine, since the field Feld VALUE in structure ITCSY has the domain TDSYMVALUE (CHAR 80). See the example below on how to access the variables.
    The internal table OUT_TAB contains names and values of the CHANGING parameters in the PERFORM statement. These parameters are local text symbols, that is, character fields. See the example below on how to return the variables within the subroutine.
    From within a SAPscript form, a subroutine GET_BARCODE in the ABAP program QCJPERFO is called. Then the simple barcode contained there (u2018First pageu2019, u2018Next pageu2019, u2018Last pageu2019) is printed as local variable symbol.
    Definition in the SAPscript form:
    /: USING &PAGE&
    / &BARCODE&
    Coding of the calling ABAP program:
    DATA: PAGNUM LIKE SY-TABIX, "page number
    NEXTPAGE LIKE SY-TABIX. "number of next page
    IF PAGNUM = 1.
    OUT_PAR-VALUE = u2018|u2019. "First page
    OUT_PAR-VALUE = u2018||u2019. "Next page
    IF NEXTPAGE = 0.
    OUT_PAR-VALUE+2 = u2018Lu2019. "Flag: last page
    Best regards,

  • I have an ipad and forgot the password. I tried to many times and it disabled on me. How do I get back into my ipad without using iTunes and without losing all my saved items.

    I have an ipad 2 WiFi. I was in the hospital having surgery and forgot my password. I tried several times but couldn't get it. I ended up disabling my ipad. There are important pics n notes in there that I need. How can I get back into it without using iTunes (because I bought it second hand, off ebay) and without losing all my saved items. Please help me!

    If it's disabled then it's too late to copy any content off it or to take a new backup, you will have to reset it back to factory defaults by connecting it to a computer's iTunes : Forgot passcode for your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, or your device is disabled - Apple Support
    Have you been backing up to the cloud ? If you have then after resetting it back to factory defaults you can restore to that backup : Back up and restore your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch using iCloud or iTunes - Apple Support
    If you bought it second hand then had the previous user removed their account from Settings > iCloud (and had Find My iPad enabled) on it ? If not and the iPad is on iOS 7+ then you will have to contact the previous owner to reactivate the iPad after resetting it : Find My iPhone Activation Lock: Removing a device from a previous owner’s account - Apple Support

  • How to combine video clips into one video clip using FCPX

    I typed this into the search engine but could not come up with anything. How do you combine Video clips into one Video clip using FCPX? Thanks in advance.

    The simple answer is to put the clips together in a project in the desired order and export (oops, the new word is share [YUK!]) a master file.
    But maybe you should say a little more about the clips to determine whether the answer I've given is relevant to yor situation.

  • How to add shared content into Dreamwever cs6?

    When I do anything with SPRY in DW CS6, it automatically inserts a SpryAssets folder with some js files. But Spry has more js files like SpryPagedView.js etc. Is there a way to all the spry include files in a shared folder and be able to insert wih single click?

    Hi, tech444.
    The process is the same for TV shows as it is for music.  Once you select her computer in the Home Sharing section of iTunes, select TV shows instead of the default music option.  Also, you can always download past purchases free of charge with her Apple ID by accessing her purchases via the iTunes Store. 
    Understanding Home Sharing
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store
    Jason H. 

  • Addressbook: how to copy group members into email?

    I want to copy the names/emails of one of the groups from my addressbook into the body of an email to share them. Advice?

    Hi ltiefer,
    Welcome to Apple Discussions.
    You've stumbled into the AppleWorks forum, dedicated to questions about the productivity application AppleWorks.
    As your question concerns moving information fom Address Book to an email massage (probably using Mail), a better location for it would be the Mail and Address Book section of the Mac OS X v10.5 section of Discussions.

Maybe you are looking for

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    I am using iMovie 10.0.6 on a Retina iMac running Yosemite. iMovie suddenly developed the following maddening behavior, which I have yet to resolve despite trying many of the usual tricks: Attempting to import to an event using my isight camera or my

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  • Add Fields in CUP Request - SAP GRC Access Control 5.3

    Dear Friends, I am wondering on how to add fields value in CUP (Compliant User Provisioning) SAP GRC AC 5.3. Currently i'm leading 9 SAP Security Coordinators in Indonesia and i want to create Performance Metrics on how long the CUP Requests is proce

  • 5.2  --  GOTO SE16 and enter TSTC for TABLE NAME.  TCODE FIELD /VIRSA*

    Should the following tcodes work?  If so, how do I troubleshoot the ones that don't work?  If not, how do they get configured to work?  Can someone provide a link for documentation? TCODE                                  TTEXT                        

  • Why Submit button open Microsoft Office window?

    I create a submit button in Dreamweaver, the code is :  But when I test the page with Chrome and Firefox it's doesn't work. when I click on Submit button, MS Outlook window open. then I uninstall MS Outlook and test again, nothing happen, but my emai