How to loop through a query using LINQPAD?

I have this query in LINQPAD:
(TS_START >= to_date('13/01/2014', 'DD/MM/YYYY'))
AND (TS_End <= to_date('18/01/2014 00:1:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS')) AND MONO != '9999999999'
However, I need to extract out the SELECT SUM(TIME_TEST+TIME_STEP) as ProductiveTime on a daily basis, and thus I need to execute those below codes each time to extract out each day values. How do I combine those into 1 single query such that each day data
can be displayed? Do I need to write a loop inside the WHERE condition?
(TS_START >= to_date('13/01/2014', 'DD/MM/YYYY'))
AND (TS_End <= to_date('14/01/2014 00:1:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS')) AND MONO != '9999999999'
(TS_START >= to_date('14/01/2014', 'DD/MM/YYYY'))
AND (TS_End <= to_date('15/01/2014 00:1:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS')) AND MONO != '9999999999'
(TS_START >= to_date('15/01/2014', 'DD/MM/YYYY'))
AND (TS_End <= to_date('16/01/2014 00:1:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS')) AND MONO != '9999999999'
(TS_START >= to_date('16/01/2014', 'DD/MM/YYYY'))
AND (TS_End <= to_date('17/01/2014 00:1:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS')) AND MONO != '9999999999'
(TS_START >= to_date('17/01/2014', 'DD/MM/YYYY'))
AND (TS_End <= to_date('18/01/2014 00:1:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS')) AND MONO != '9999999999'
In addition to display the SUM(TIME_TEST+TIME_STEP) for each day, I also need to display the date itself.
I do no want (cannot) to write anything on Stored Procedure, and I can only write simple query.

Use a loop like the code below
DateTime startDate = DateTime.Parse("1/1/14");
DateTime endDate = DateTime.Parse("2/16/14");
int numberOfDays = (endDate - startDate).Days + 1;
for (int dateCount = 0; dateCount < numberOfDays; dateCount++)
DateTime currentDate = startDate.AddDays(dateCount);
Even better use a dictionary like in the code below
static void Main(string[] args)
DataTable table = new DataTable();
Dictionary<DateTime, List<DataRow>> dict = table.AsEnumerable()
.GroupBy(x => x.Field<DateTime>("TS_START").Date, x => x)
.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.ToList());
Console.WriteLine("Date ProductiveTime Comment");
Console.WriteLine("========== ==========");
foreach(DateTime date in dict.Keys)
List<DataRow> dateRows = dict[date];
int productiveTime = dateRows.AsEnumerable()
.Select(x => x.Field<int>("PRODUCTIVE_TIME"))
int firstRow = table.Rows.IndexOf(dateRows[0]);
int LastRow = table.Rows.IndexOf(dateRows[dateRows.Count - 1]);
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} Row{2} to Row{3}",
date.ToShortDateString(), productiveTime.ToString(),
firstRow.ToString(), LastRow.ToString());

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    Thankx & regards, Vipin jha MCP

    Hi ,
    Please refer the below link for Looping multiple worksheet in a single SQL Table.
    Note:-If you using excel 2010 then you have to use EXCEL 12.0 .
    Above link explaining  step by step of Looping multiple worksheet in a single SQL Table.
    Vipin jha
    Thankx & regards, Vipin jha MCP

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    I know you want an object for the array, but Any[String] is used here just so you can see something coming back in the display statements shown below. Remove the input and display statements - they're just in there so you can see something working.
    Here's how to go through a Hashmap's array using a loop:
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    map.put(1, "One")
    map.put(2, "Two")
    map.put(3, "Three")
    map.put(4, "Four")
    map.put(5, "Five")
    display map.keySet
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         display item
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    hashMap = ["One": 1,"Two":2]
    for each item in hashMap.keys do
         display item
         display "Item in the array is: " + hashMap[item]

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    type tipo_pvt is table of s08_plan_venta_totalizado_r % rowtype;
    rc_pvt tipo_pvt;
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    v_contador integer;
    v_mensaje varchar2(10);
    rc_pvt sk08_gestiona_plan_venta.tipo_pvt; (sk08_gestiona_plan_venta is package name)
         rc_pvt := sk08_gestiona_plan_venta.tipo_pvt();
         rc_pvt := sk08_gestiona_plan_venta.f_genera_plan_venta_inv (:pvv.lip_id_lista_precio
    ,:pvp.fe_fin_periodo) ;
    -- previous statement dos not fail BUT THIS:
    message('rc_pvt.count= '||rc_pvt.count);pause;
    So my question is : since i have already returned the collection, how come is not initialized....?
    Do i have to extend it first? In this case i have to return the number of records in the collection.....
    Look what happen when done from sqlplus:
    rc_pvt sk08_gestiona_plan_venta.tipo_pvt;
    rc_pvt := sk08_gestiona_plan_venta.tipo_pvt();
    rc_pvt :=
    sk08_gestiona_plan_venta.f_genera_plan_venta_inv (8713171
    SQL> /
    Registros en la coleccion =6
    Procedimiento PL/SQL finalizado con éxito.
    I put a dbms_output.put_line on stored function .....
    Please help ....!
    Apparently it fails when calling the stored function:
    rc_pvt := sk08_gestiona_plan_venta.f_genera_plan_venta_inv (:pvv.lip_id_lista_precio
    ,:pvp.fe_fin_periodo) ;
    I don't undestand since this function return the appropiate type. It seems the collection is empty, although having test that on sqlplus works ...
    rc_pvt := sk08_gestiona_plan_venta.f_genera_plan_venta_inv (:pvv.lip_id_lista_precio
    ,:pvp.fe_fin_periodo) ;
    function f_genera_plan_venta_inv (p_id_lista_precio in number
    ,p_id_sucursal in number
    ,p_tipo_nivel_inv in varchar2
    ,p_co_unidad_monetaria in varchar2
    ,p_fe_fin_periodo in date) return tipo_pvt;
    for some reason it works on plus:
    SQL> declare
    2 rc_pvt sk08_gestiona_plan_venta.tipo_pvt;
    3 begin
    4 rc_pvt := sk08_gestiona_plan_venta.tipo_pvt();
    5 rc_pvt :=
    6 sk08_gestiona_plan_venta.f_genera_plan_venta_inv (8713171
    7 ,null
    8 ,'m'
    9 ,'BS.F'
    10 ,to_date('28/02/2001','dd/mm/yyyy'));
    11 --
    12 dbms_output.put_line('Registros en la coleccion = '||rc_pvt.count);
    13 for i in 1 .. rc_pvt.count loop
    14 --
    15 dbms_output.put_line('En '||i||rc_pvt(i).prd_co_producto);
    16 end loop;
    17 end;
    18 /
    Registros en la coleccion =6
    Registros en la coleccion = 6
    En 1PT.REF.PET.KO05
    En 2PT.REF.PET.LM15
    En 3PT.ALM.VDR.001
    Procedimiento PL/SQL finalizado con éxito.
    Don't understand why it works on plus8 (same version that comes with 6i).
    Can't loop through records on forms...? WHY ...?
    Edited by: myluism on 02-abr-2012 14:40

    Forms 6i is an antique ... write your code to run on the server.
    Multiple examples of how to loop through an array loaded with bulk collect can be found here.
    The main library page is:

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    How to write the given query using 'ANY ' operator , I dont need to fetch to grade_master table twice in database, just need to fetch within the result set.
    SELECT dsg_code,dsg_name,dsg_grade FROM designation_master WHERE dsg_orgn='&&Orgn' and dsg_ctry='&&ctry'
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    - ORACLE OCP - 9i/10g

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    Start_Date=new GregorianCalendar(2000,Calendar.DECEMBER,25);
    End_Date=new GregorianCalendar(2006,Calendar.DECEMBER,25);
    for ( GregorianCalendar Day_Index=Start_Date ; Day_Index<End_Date ; Day_Index++ )

    for ( GregorianCalendar Day_Index=Start_Date ;
    Day_Index<End_Date ; Day_Index++ )
    Day_Index.add(Calendar.DATE, 1);

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    Waiting for replies !!

    Hi Smita
    Here is the code:
    String rLocationtest = "/documents/Folder1";
    IResourceContext c = ResourceFactory.getInstance().getServiceContext("cmadmin_service");
    ICollection collection = (ICollection)ResourceFactory.getInstance().getResource(RID.getRID(rLocationtest),c);
    public void loopFolder(ICollection collection, IResourceContext c){      
             IResourceList resList = collection.getChildren();
         IResourceListIterator resItr = resList.listIterator();
              IResource restemp =;
              if(restemp.isCollection() && LinkType.NONE.equals(restemp.getLinkType())){     
                                    //If the restemp is not a collection, it is a resource.
                                    //Do the resource related operations here.
         }// End of while
             }catch(Exception e){
        }//End of loopFolder
    Hope it helps

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    The recordset is called $mailset.
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    [email protected];[email protected];[email protected]; and so on.
    This is how the recordset is set up:
    mysql_select_db($database_dummyread, $dummyread);
    $query_mailset = "SELECT club_chair_email, club_treas_email, club_sec_email, club_delegate_email, club_deputy_email FROM clubs";
    $mailset = mysql_query($query_mailset, $dummyread) or die(mysql_error());
    $row_mailset = mysql_fetch_assoc($mailset);
    $totalRows_mailset = mysql_num_rows($mailset);
    I tried using a  loop to step through the recordset, but it always shows the first record, so its not moving the pointer through the file.
    The pseudo code aught to be something like this:
    Initialise variables and move to the first record
    If there are records to process
                   Read a record
                        Process all columns
                Move on to the next record
         if there are no records
              print an error message
    Print the results.
    Can anyone give me a hint as to how to move from row to row in a recordeset under the control of a loop.
    I am using PHP and MySql. (as far as I know, it is the original - not PDO or MySqli)

    Each call to mysql_fetch_assoc($mailset) retrieves the value at the current location and increments the pointer in the recordset array. So use either a do or while loop and call mysql_fetch_assoc($mailset) from within the loop.
    From the docs:
    Returns an associative array that corresponds to the fetched row and moves the internal data pointer ahead. mysql_fetch_assoc() is equivalent to calling mysql_fetch_array() with MYSQL_ASSOC for the optional second parameter. It only returns an associative array.

  • How to loop through dates using For Loop?

    Hi All,
    I assume the For Loop is the best way to loop through days in a date range, but I can't figure out how to add a day in the "AssignExpression" box.  The following gets the errors "The expression contains unrecognized token 'DAY'",
    and "Attempt to parse the expression 'DATEADD(DAY, 1, @CounterPlayer)' failed and returned error code 0xC00470A4."
    InitExpression: @CounterPlayer = @DownloadFileDatePlayer
    EvalExpression: @CounterPlayer <= @Today
    AssignExpression: @CounterPlayer = DATEADD(DAY, 1, @CounterPlayer)
    I need to step through days, not through files.  What am I doing wrong here?  I changed "DAY" to "Day," but that didn't fix it.

    DOH!  It just needed properly placed quotes.  Here's the answer:
    AssignExpression: @CounterPlayer = DATEADD("DAY", 1, @CounterPlayer)

  • How to loop through xmldom.getNextSibling?

    I have been working with an example that Steve provided me with that uses xpath to pull the value of a specific node from an xml doc. This works fine as long as there is only one node, I would like to use getNextSibling to loop through all the values that exist for that node in the document. I am pasting in the code I am working with. I know I need to use the getNextSibling but am unsure of where I should loop. I left some commented stuff in there to illustrate some of the directions that I wanted to go, I will be writing the results to a nested table. Any assistance greatly appreciated.
    PROCEDURE testit (dummy in varchar2 default null) IS
    -- dummy will be xml doc passed in when this goes live
    xml varchar2(32000) := '<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <GlobalPartnerClassificationCode>End User</GlobalPartnerClassificationCode>
    <GlobalSupplyChainCode>Information Technology</GlobalSupplyChainCode>
    <GlobalPartnerClassificationCode>End User</GlobalPartnerClassificationCode>
    <GlobalSupplyChainCode>Information Technology</GlobalSupplyChainCode>
    v_counter number := 1;
    partno varchar2(25) := 'IM NOT NULL';
    quantity varchar2(10);
    custid varchar2(25);
    conpart varchar2(50);
    p xmlparser.parser;
    xd xmldom.DOMDocument;
    -- Variables for the pricing call
    in_caller_name varchar2(50) := 'xsourcer';
    in_commit_allow_flag varchar2(50) := NULL;
    in_customer_no number;
    in_part_no_arg varchar2(50);
    in_mfg_arg varchar2(50) := NULL;
    in_cat_arg varchar2(50) := NULL;
    in_sub_arg varchar2(50) := NULL;
    in_opt_arg varchar2(50) := NULL;
    out_price n umber;
    out_prior_var number;
    out_ret_val varchar2(50);
    out_success_code number;
    out_error_code number;
    out_error_message varchar2(500);
    v_partlist partlist;
    -- This function converts the GlobalProductIdentifier (Manufacturer Part Number)
    -- to an elcom part number by performing a query against the dfp_parts table
    -- I created a local table with a few manufacturer part no's and elcom part no's
    function valueOf(xd xmldom.DOMDocument, xpath VARCHAR2) return varchar2 is
    n xmldom.DOMNode;
    nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    e xmldom.DOMElement;
    -- Cast the document to a node
    n := xmldom.makenode(xd);
    -- Select Nodes Matching XPath Pattern
    nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(n,xpath);
    IF xmldom.getLength(nl) > 0
    e := xmldom.makeElement(xmldom.item(nl,0));
    RETURN ltrim(rtrim(xmldom.getNodeValue(xmldom.getFirstChild(xmldom.item(nl,1)))));
    END IF;
    -- New Parser
    p := xmlparser.newparser;
    -- Parse the XML document
    -- Get the XML document that's been parsed
    xd := xmlparser.getdocument(p);
    custid := valueof(xd,'//GlobalBusinessIdentifier');
    insert into xrequest values (44, custid,null,sysdate);
    in_customer_no := to_number(custid);
    -- Calls to the xpath function to get the tags we want the value of
    /* FOR v_count IN 1..
    xd.length LOOP
    getNextSibling() RETURN DOMNode;
    partno := valueof(xd,'//GlobalProductIdentifier');
    in_part_no_arg := partno;
    v_counter := v_counter + 1;
    -- call pricing here pass in custid, partno
    -- assign outprice_var to price of nested table
    corp_get_price_sp(in_caller_name, in_commit_allow_flag, in_customer_no,
    in_part_no_arg, in_mfg_arg, in_cat_arg, in_sub_arg,
    in_opt_arg, out_price, out_prior_var, out_ret_val,
    out_success_code, out_error_code, out_error_message);
    HTP.P('EXIT OUT');
    END IF;
    -- insert into xrequest values (44, custid,(Partlist(PartObj(partno, out_price, null, null, null, null)))sysdate);
    quantity := valueof(xd,'//ProductQuantity');

    You can first create a databank with the Input values and associated navigation. For eg. Navigation,csv will have
    Input, Navigation
    Hardware, window(index=0).link(text="Hardware" | href="http://..." | index=28)
    Record the script by selecting from the dropdown box and then going to the resulting page. Attach the databank to the script and use the databank to select the Input value for the dropdown on the page. On the Resulting Page add code to the PageBeforePlay method -
    dim strNav as string
    'get the navigation value from the databank
    RSWApp.GetDataBankValue "Navigation", strNav
    rswapp.ChangeNavigation "", strNav, , , False
    The resulting page will then be the page that the navigation is changed to.
    You can loop through all the records in the databank to check the navigation for all of them.
    You will also have to look at how the value is set in the dropdown, as an Index or the actual value. If it is by Index, then in the databank file, change the Input to be the number of the selection like 1 or 2.
    Hope the above is what you are looking for.
    Question - The resulting page for each navigation will be different. How are you going to verfiy the different pages or continue on in the script?
    Message was edited by: mpalivela

  • How to loop through columns of a table?

    Hi, guys
    Is there a way to loop through each column of a table? If there is a way, then how?
    I have a table with columns of different datatypes , and I want to set default values for each column with a loop but don't know how to make it happen.
    For example,
    Table: Employees
      rec  Employees%ROWTYPE;
      for col in rec.empno .. rec.location loop
         if col = rec.empno then -- set default value for column empno;
      end loop;
    /Sorry, I am a newbie to PL/SQL. Please help!
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: HappyJay on 2010/05/11 10:36

    You can query the data dictionary views all_tab_columns (or user_tab_columns) to get the names of all the columns in a particular table.
    Here's an easy way (but not a very efficient way) to loop through them:
         FOR  c IN ( SELECT  column_name
                         FROM    all_tab_columns
                  WHERE   owner     = 'SCOTT'     -- Remember ot use UPPER CASE inside quotes
                  AND         table_name     = 'EMP'
              dbms_output.put_line (c.column_name || ' = column_name inside loop');
         END LOOP;
    /I'm confused about what you want to do, though.
    Do you want the PL/SQL code to write and/or execute an ALTER TABLE command for each column?

  • How to loop through the "On My Mac" folders in mail?

    Hi there - i am new to applescript, but am slowly working out how to use it.
    I am stumped on how to write a rule that will move a message to a folder identified by a tag in a message (I am using MailTags).
    I have script that will take the first tag and move the message to a mail folder in a fixed location (e.g. Archive/<tag name>) however I wanted to make it more generic by looping over all of my mail folders and finding one that matched the tag name.
    However I am stumped on how to loop over all of my mail folder names - I have tried:
    repeat with aFolder in (every mailbox of (mailbox for "ON MY MAC"))
    repeat with aFolder in every mailbox of inbox
    but none of these seem to work.
    Is there some magic syntax to do this, so that I can do:
    if (name of aFolder = msgTag) then
    move oneMessage to mailbox (name of aFolder)
    end if

    You don't necessarily need to assign a variable to the entire list in order to loop through them (unless you really want to) - for example:
    tell application "Mail" to repeat with aFolder in (get mailboxes)
            -- do stuff with aFolder
    end repeat
    There are several AppleScript resources, but the main ones I use are:
    AppleScript Language Guide
    AppleScript Tutorials at

  • How to Loop through another list and update a column with SharePoint Designer 2013 Workflow

    I am trying to get my head around the new 2013 Workflow Engine and SharePoint Designer 2013 Workflow Text-Based Designer.
    I have two lists.
    List A has 2 columns: Title, Completed (Yes/No)
    List B has 3 columns: Title, LookupListATitle, Completed (Yes/No)
    All the 2013 Workflow components have been installed and configured and I am selecting the 2013 Workflow option in SPD
    I am trying to set off a 2013 Workflow when an item in List A is edited to Loop through List B and select items where the LookupListATitle column's value is equal to the Title value of the current item, and set the value of the Completed column for those
    items in ListB to "Yes".
    I have the Workflow configured like this:
    Stage: Stage 1
    IF Current Item:Completed equals Yes
    Loop: 1
    The contents of this loop will run repeatedly while: ListB:LookupListATitle equals Current Item: Title
    Update item in ListB. 
    (The dialog options for the update item action as follows:
    List: ListB
    Field: Completed, Value: Yes
    In the Find the List Item section
    Field: LookupListATitle
    Value: Current Item: Title)
    Transition to stage
    Go to End of Workflow
    When I update an item in ListA and set its Completed column to Yes, I would expect the Workflow to find all the items in List B where the Lookup column is equal to ListA's Title (there are 2) and update their Completed column to Yes. But it doesn't work.
    When I look at the Workflow Status it says the Internal Status is "Canceled" and the information pop up has the following alien language (and may be truncated):
    RequestorId: 95f03b62-8956-ac14-c5cf-dc98c89c589c. Details: System.ArgumentException: Invalid JSON primitive: Item001. Parameter name: value at Microsoft.Workflow.Common.Json.JXmlToJsonValueConverter.ConvertStringToJsonNumber(String value) at Microsoft.Workflow.Common.Json.JXmlToJsonValueConverter.ReadPrimitive(String
    type, XmlDictionaryReader jsonReader) at Microsoft.Workflow.Common.Json.JXmlToJsonValueConverter.JXMLToJsonValue(XmlDictionaryReader jsonReader) at Microsoft.Workflow.Common.Json.JXmlToJsonValueConverter.JXMLToJsonValue(Stream jsonStream, Byte[] jsonBytes)
    at Microsoft.Activities.DynamicValue.ParseJson(String json) at System.Activities.CodeActivity`1.InternalExecute(ActivityInstance instance, ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager) at System.Activities.Runtime.ActivityExecutor.ExecuteActivityWorkItem.ExecuteBody(ActivityExecutor
    executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager, Location resultLocation)
    Unfortunately I don't have access to the server, logs etc.
    I would love to find some tutorials, or any books on SharePoint Designer 2013 in general and Workflows in particular but my searches haven't turned up much so far apart from a pre-release Beginning SharePoint Workflows which is in its very early stages and
    not much help yet.
    Can anyone give me some guidance on how to set up While Loops to iterate through a related list using SharePoint Designer 2013?

    I understand that you wanted to update the items in the other list (Participants) where the Course equals the Current Item.
    You need to use “Call HTTP Web Service" action and “Build Dictionary" action to get the Maxid and then loop Participants to update the items.
    You can follow the steps as below to achieve what you want:
    Create a custom list named Courses, add columns: Title(Single line of text), Course ID(Single line of text), Course Finalised (Yes/No).
    Create a custom list named Participants, add columns: Title(Single line of text), Course(Lookup), CourseFinalised (Yes/No).
    Create workflow associated to Courses, start the workflow automatically when an item is created or changed.
    Add conditions and actions:
    The HTTP URL is set to
    https://sitename/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('listname')/items?$orderby=Id%20desc and the HTTP method is set to “GET”. Then the list will be order by Id and desc.
    Then if Course Finalised is equal to Yes, the CourseFinalised  of the associated items in Participants will be updated to Yes.
    More information:
    Thank you for your understanding.
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

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