How to make an extruded column twist like a barber pole????

I'm new to Illustrator (and using Windows CS3), and I've been getting properly acquainted with the filters and effects mostly through trial and error. Nonetheless, I need to make a rectangular bar with a pronounced twist - like a barber pole. I started with a rectangle and extruded it into a rectangular bar, then tried to apply warp effects, envelope distortions etc. to try to achieve the result I want. "Twist" seems to make the bar look more like a snake slithering than the twist I need. I feel I must be overlooking something, but I can't seem to find the information I need in the Help functions. Would some experienced user please guide my fingers? Thanks!

does it need to look 3 dimentional or just to have that "barber stripe" look to a flat rectangle?

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    hi, guys:
    I was wondering if anyone could help me on this problem: I need to set up a break column on a classic report (I ma required to use classic report only), and it works, but I do not know how to make every break column on the top of the rows in the same subgroup. The break column only stays on the left to the rest columns as it is the first column. Anyone could help me on this problem? Here is the query:
    select so.doc_number as "DOC Number", so.offender_id as "Offender ID", so.first_name||' '|| so.middle_name||' '||so.last_name as "Offender Name",
    (select sc1.description from sor_code sc1 where sc1.code_id=so.race) as "Race",
    (select sc2.description from sor_code sc2 where as "Sex",
    replace(replace(nvl2(sl.address1, sl.address1||' '||sl.address2 ||' '|| ||' '||sl.county||' '||(select sc3.description from sor_code sc3 where sc3.code_id=sl.state)||' '||, 'No Known Address'),'#'),',') as "Address",
    (select||'   '||sof.phone1||'   '|| from sor_offices sof where sof.office_id=sl.jurisdiction) as "Jurisidiction",
    decode(rox.habitual, 'Y', 'Habitual', '') as "Habitual",
    decode(rox.aggravated, 'Y', 'Aggravated', '') as "Aggravated",
    floor(to_number(sysdate-so.date_of_birth)/365) as "Age"
    from sor_location sl, sor_offender so, registration_offender_xref rox, sor_last_locn_v sllv
    where rox.offender_id=so.offender_id
    and sllv.offender_id(+)=so.offender_id
    and sl.location_id(+)=sllv.location_id
    and rox.status not in ('Merged')
    and rox.reg_type_id=1
    and upper(rox.status)='ACTIVE'
    and nvl(rox.admin_validated, to_date(1,'J'))>=nvl(rox.entry_date, to_date(1,'J'))
    and ((so.first_name is not null and upper(so.first_name) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_FIRST_NAME)||'%') or (:P5_TF_FIRST_NAME is null))
    and ((so.last_name is not null and upper(so.last_name) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_LAST_NAME)||'%') or (:P5_TF_LAST_NAME is null))
    and ((sl.address1||sl.address2 is not null and upper(sl.address1|| sl.address2) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_ADDRESS)||'%')or (:P5_TF_ADDRESS is null))
    and (( is not null and upper( like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_CITY)||'%')or (:P5_TF_CITY is null))
    and ((sl.county is not null and sl.county =:P5_SL_COUNTY)or (:P5_SL_COUNTY is null))
    and (((select sc5.description from sor_code sc5 where sc5.code_id=sl.state and sc5.description=:P5_SL_STATE) is not null )or (:P5_SL_STATE is null))
    and (( is not null and =:P5_TF_ZIP_CODE)
    or (:P5_TF_ZIP_CODE is null))
    select so.doc_number as "DOC Number", so.offender_id as "Offender ID", so.first_name||' '|| so.middle_name||' '||so.last_name as "Offender Name",
    (select sc1.description from sor_code sc1 where sc1.code_id=so.race) as "Race",
    (select sc2.description from sor_code sc2 where as "Sex",
    replace(replace(nvl2(sl.address1, sl.address1||' '||sl.address2 ||' '|| ||' '||sl.county||' '||(select sc3.description from sor_code sc3 where sc3.code_id=sl.state)||' '||, 'No Known Address'),'#'),',') as "Address",
    (select||'   '||sof.phone1||'   '|| from sor_offices sof where sof.office_id=sl.jurisdiction) as "Jurisidiction",
    decode(rox.habitual, 'Y', 'Habitual', '') as "Habitual",
    decode(rox.aggravated, 'Y', 'Aggravated', '') as "Aggravated",
    floor(to_number(sysdate-so.date_of_birth)/365) as "Age"
    from sor_location sl, sor_offender so, registration_offender_xref rox, sor_last_locn_v sllv
    where rox.offender_id=so.offender_id
    and sllv.offender_id(+)=so.offender_id
    and sl.location_id(+)=sllv.location_id
    and rox.status not in ('Merged')
    and rox.reg_type_id=1
    and upper(rox.status)='ACTIVE'
    and nvl(rox.admin_validated, to_date(1,'J'))>=nvl(rox.entry_date, to_date(1,'J'))
    and ((so.first_name is not null and upper(so.first_name) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_FIRST_NAME)||'%') or (:P5_TF_FIRST_NAME is null))
    and ((so.last_name is not null and upper(so.last_name) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_LAST_NAME)||'%') or (:P5_TF_LAST_NAME is null))
    and ((sl.physical_address1 is not null and upper(sl.physical_address1) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_ADDRESS)||'%') or (:P5_TF_ADDRESS is null))
    and ((sl.physical_city is not null and upper(sl.physical_city) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_CITY)||'%') or (:P5_TF_CITY is null))
    and ((sl.physical_county is not null and sl.physical_county =:P5_SL_COUNTY) or (:P5_SL_COUNTY is null))
    and (((select sc5.description from sor_code sc5 where sc5.code_id=sl.physical_state and sc5.description=:P5_SL_STATE) is not null )or (:P5_SL_STATE is null))
    and ((sl.physical_zip is not null and sl.physical_zip =:P5_TF_ZIP_CODE) or (:P5_TF_ZIP_CODE is null))
    select so.doc_number as "DOC Number", so.offender_id as "Offender ID", so.first_name||' '|| so.middle_name||' '||so.last_name as "Offender Name",
    (select sc1.description from sor_code sc1 where sc1.code_id=so.race) as "Race",
    (select sc2.description from sor_code sc2 where as "Sex",
    replace(replace(nvl2(sl.address1, sl.address1||' '||sl.address2 ||' '|| ||' '||sl.county||' '||(select sc3.description from sor_code sc3 where sc3.code_id=sl.state)||' '||, 'No Known Address'),'#'),',') as "Address",
    (select||'   '||sof.phone1||'   '|| from sor_offices sof where sof.office_id=sl.jurisdiction) as "Jurisidiction",
    decode(rox.habitual, 'Y', 'Habitual', '') as "Habitual",
    decode(rox.aggravated, 'Y', 'Aggravated', '') as "Aggravated",
    floor(to_number(sysdate-so.date_of_birth)/365) as "Age"
    from sor_location sl, sor_offender so, registration_offender_xref rox, sor_last_locn_v sllv, sor_alias sa
    where rox.offender_id=so.offender_id
    and sa.offender_id=so.offender_id
    and sllv.offender_id(+)=so.offender_id
    and sl.location_id(+)=sllv.location_id
    and rox.status not in ('Merged')
    and rox.reg_type_id=1
    and upper(rox.status)='ACTIVE'
    and nvl(rox.admin_validated, to_date(1,'J'))>=nvl(rox.entry_date, to_date(1,'J'))
    and ((sa.first_name is not null and upper(sa.first_name) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_FIRST_NAME)||'%') or (:P5_TF_FIRST_NAME is null))
    and ((sa.last_name is not null and upper(sa.last_name) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_LAST_NAME)||'%') or (:P5_TF_LAST_NAME is null))
    and ((sl.address1||sl.address2 is not null and upper(sl.address1|| sl.address2) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_ADDRESS)||'%')or (:P5_TF_ADDRESS is null))
    and (( is not null and upper( like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_CITY)||'%')or (:P5_TF_CITY is null))
    and ((sl.county is not null and sl.county =:P5_SL_COUNTY)or (:P5_SL_COUNTY is null))
    and (((select sc5.description from sor_code sc5 where sc5.code_id=sl.state and sc5.description=:P5_SL_STATE) is not null )or (:P5_SL_STATE is null))
    and (( is not null and =:P5_TF_ZIP_CODE)or (:P5_TF_ZIP_CODE is null))
    select so.doc_number as "DOC Number", so.offender_id as "Offender ID", so.first_name||' '|| so.middle_name||' '||so.last_name as "Offender Name",
    (select sc1.description from sor_code sc1 where sc1.code_id=so.race) as "Race",
    (select sc2.description from sor_code sc2 where as "Sex",
    replace(replace(nvl2(sl.address1, sl.address1||' '||sl.address2 ||' '|| ||' '||sl.county||' '||(select sc3.description from sor_code sc3 where sc3.code_id=sl.state)||' '||, 'No Known Address'),'#'),',') as "Address",
    (select||'   '||sof.phone1||'   '|| from sor_offices sof where sof.office_id=sl.jurisdiction) as "Jurisidiction",
    decode(rox.habitual, 'Y', 'Habitual', '') as "Habitual",
    decode(rox.aggravated, 'Y', 'Aggravated', '') as "Aggravated",
    floor(to_number(sysdate-so.date_of_birth)/365) as "Age"
    from sor_location sl, sor_offender so, registration_offender_xref rox, sor_last_locn_v sllv, sor_alias sa
    where rox.offender_id=so.offender_id
    and sa.offender_id=so.offender_id
    and sllv.offender_id(+)=so.offender_id
    and sl.location_id(+)=sllv.location_id
    and rox.status not in ('Merged')
    and rox.reg_type_id=1
    and upper(rox.status)='ACTIVE'
    and nvl(rox.admin_validated, to_date(1,'J'))>=nvl(rox.entry_date, to_date(1,'J'))
    and ((sa.first_name is not null and upper(sa.first_name) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_FIRST_NAME)||'%') or (:P5_TF_FIRST_NAME is null))
    and ((sa.last_name is not null and upper(sa.last_name) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_LAST_NAME)||'%') or (:P5_TF_LAST_NAME is null))
    and ((sl.physical_address1 is not null and upper(sl.physical_address1) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_ADDRESS)||'%') or (:P5_TF_ADDRESS is null))
    and ((sl.physical_city is not null and upper(sl.physical_city) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_CITY)||'%') or (:P5_TF_CITY is null))
    and ((sl.physical_county is not null and sl.physical_county =:P5_SL_COUNTY) or (:P5_SL_COUNTY is null))
    and (((select sc5.description from sor_code sc5 where sc5.code_id=sl.physical_state and sc5.description=:P5_SL_STATE) is not null )or (:P5_SL_STATE is null))
    and ((sl.physical_zip is not null and sl.physical_zip =:P5_TF_ZIP_CODE) or (:P5_TF_ZIP_CODE is null))I set up "Jurisdiction" to be displayed as the first column in report attributes and set up the first column to be break column, under the "When displaying a break column use this format, use #COLUMN_VALUE# subs", I fill in "Jurisdiction".

    lxiscas wrote:
    Hi, fac586:
    I am sorry for not being able to provide project online oracle to ask the question as some of the data needs to be approved to release.You don't need to use the actual data. Create simple test cases using data from Oracle's sample schemas: SCOTT, OE, HR etc.
    I actually want something like this:
    Jurisdiction: Bartlesville Police Department, 918-338-4001,
    Smith , Carl Sherman      ......
    Smith , Tommy Nesby .....
    Jurisdiction: Canadian County Sheriff's Office, 405-262-4787, Fax - 405-422-2430
    Smith , Gabriel Ray      ...
    Smith , Michael Bert   ...I omit the sensitive data with ...
    but right now it shows as this way:
    Jurisdiction: Bartlesville Police Department, 918-338-4001,  Smith , Carl Sherman      ......
    Smith , Tommy Nesby .....
    Jurisdiction: Canadian County Sheriff's Office, 405-262-4787, Fax - 405-422-2430   Smith , Gabriel Ray      ...
    Smith , Michael Bert   ...Is that possible to show the data as the upper way?The best way to do this is using a report with a custom named column template as in this example. See the following threads for solutions to similar problems:

  • How to make a summary column appear only once (in the first page only) in SSRS 2008?

    Hello Everyone,
    How to make a summary column appear only once (in the first page only) in SSRS 2008?
    Gautam S

    Assuming you have test data like this ;
    select 'abc'as [GROUP],'NN' name , 1 id
    union all
    select 'abc' as [GROUP] ,'PP' name , 1 id
    union all
    select 'abc'as [GROUP],'RR' name , 2 id
    Step1  : take Tablix with row group as your group Name .
    Step2 : right Click on Row Group Details -> Delete-> Delete Group Only
    Step3 : In Count Cell use below expression ;
    Follow this link;
    Please Mark This As Answer or vote for Helpful Post if this helps you to solve your question/problem.

  • How to make the vendor column have figure in GRIR line item with RE document type?

    Dear Experts,
         Could you tell me how to make the vendor column have figure in GRIR line item whose document type is RE?
    Xinling Zhang

    Hi ,
    You are using FAGLL03 .
    FAGLL03 report vendor code is blank
    vendor number in new FAGLL03 tcode (offsetting account information)…
    Also check OSS note
    Note 112312 - Line item: Display of offsetting a/c information
    Note 1034354 - FAGLL03: Display of offsetting account information
    Many Thanks

  • Please help : How to make the anomalistic table just like below?

    Hi all,
    How to make the anomalistic table just like below? Anyone can give the way detail or thoughtway ?

    This is just a suggestion.
    If you put your "JTable" in a "JScrollPane", then you can add any "java.awt.Component" to the corner of the "JScrollPane" -- using the "setCorner()" method (of "JScrollPane").
    I would suggest making a custon "JPanel" and overriding its "paintComponent()" method to draw a diagonal line (and the required text) on it.
    You can find out more about how to do this from the links I provided in my first reply.
    Hope this helps.
    Good Luck,

  • Can someone tell me how to make the letters that look like fabric?

    Can someone tell me how to make the letters that look like fabric?

    pharrout wrote:
    Can someone tell me how to make the letters that look like fabric?
    It could be as simple as clipping an image of the fabric of your choice, to a text layer.
    In this example the Hessian texture was downloaded from Google images, and placed over a Type layer.  You then Alt (Opt) click the intersection of the Type and Hessian layer to clip them together.  This just means that only the shape of the underlying layer will show in the clipped layer.

  • How to make spark datagrid columns to behave like mx datagrid columns

    I have a problem with spark datagrid component. I can't force spark datagrid columns behave like old mx datagrid columns. In mx datagrid columns fills 100% of datagrid regardles of resizing column or datagrid itself (it will not show horizontal scrolling bar). In spark datagrid last column (colC) will never word wrap, event after setting horizontalScrollPolicy=off. I would like to somehow constrain spark columns to behave like mx ones.
    App snippet (try to resize app and columns - especially colC - and you will see what I mean):
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx=""
            <s:ArrayCollection id="dp">
                <s:DataItem colA="some sample data" colB="some sample data" colC="some sample data"/>
                <s:DataItem colA="some sample data" colB="some sample data" colC="some sample data"/>
                <s:DataItem colA="some sample data" colB="some sample data" colC="some sample data"/>
                <s:DataItem colA="some sample data" colB="some sample data" colC="some sample data"/>
                <s:DataItem colA="some sample data" colB="some sample data" colC="some sample data"/>
                <s:DataItem colA="some sample data" colB="some sample data" colC="some sample data"/>
                <s:DataItem colA="some sample data" colB="some sample data" colC="some sample data"/>
                <s:DataItem colA="some sample data" colB="some sample data" colC="some sample data"/>
                <s:DataItem colA="some sample data" colB="some sample data" colC="some sample data"/>
        <s:DataGrid id="grid" width="100%" height="100%" dataProvider="{dp}" variableRowHeight="true" horizontalScrollPolicy="off">
                    <s:GridColumn headerText="Column A" dataField="colA"/>
                    <s:GridColumn headerText="Column B" dataField="colB"/>
                    <s:GridColumn headerText="Column C" dataField="colC"/>
        <mx:DataGrid id="grid2" width="100%" height="100%" dataProvider="{dp}" wordWrap="true" variableRowHeight="true">
                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Column A" dataField="colA"/>
                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Column B" dataField="colB"/>
                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Column C" dataField="colC"/>

    the datagrid has sortItems and sortItemsOn methods you can use.

  • WPF: How to make the first column does not show row separator and Left column separator in DataGrid?

    Our WPF application uses DataGrid.
    One of request is that first column of DataGrid does not show row separator and also does not show Left column separator. So it looks like the first column does not belong to the DataGrid. However, when select a row, the cell of first column still get selected.
    How do we make it? Thx!

    Hi Magnus,
    Thanks for replying our question and provide your solution!
    Your solution works by setting "HorizontalGridLinesBrush" and "VerticalGridLinesBrush" to {x:Null} in the DataGrid style and modify "CellStyle" in first column as following:
    <DataGridTextColumn MinWidth="32"
    Binding="{Binding CellName}"
    IsReadOnly="true" >
    <Style TargetType="DataGridCell">
    <Setter Property="IsEnabled" Value="False"></Setter>
    <Setter Property="Template">
    <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type DataGridCell}">
    <Border BorderThickness="0" BorderBrush="{x:Null}"
    Background="{Binding Background, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type DataGrid}}}" Margin="-1">
    <Grid Background="{TemplateBinding Background}" VerticalAlignment="Center" Height="42">
    <ContentPresenter VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
    We found another way to achieve it by using DataGridRowHeader. The good way to use DataGridRowHeader is that we do not need to make the first column ReadOnly (click on first column does not select whole row anymore). Select RowHeader in a row will select
    whole row. Move scroll bar horizontally, the row header still keep in visible area.
    <Style TargetType="{x:Type DataGridRowHeader}" x:Key="dataGridRowHeaderStyle">
    <Setter Property="VerticalContentAlignment" Value="Center" />
    <Setter Property="HorizontalAlignment" Value="Center" />
    <Setter Property="Height" Value="42" />
    <Setter Property="SeparatorBrush" Value="{x:Null}" />
    <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="16" />
    <Setter Property="Template">
    <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type DataGridRowHeader}">
    <Border x:Name="rowHeaderBorder"
    Background="{Binding Background, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type DataGrid}}}"
    <ContentPresenter HorizontalAlignment="{TemplateBinding HorizontalContentAlignment}"
    VerticalAlignment="{TemplateBinding VerticalContentAlignment}"
    SnapsToDevicePixels="{TemplateBinding SnapsToDevicePixels}" />
    <Style TargetType="DataGridRowHeader" BasedOn="{StaticResource dataGridRowHeaderStyle}">
    <Setter Property="Content" Value="{Binding CellName}" />
    <Setter Property="Width" Value="35"/>

  • How to make the combobox column in grid can be selectable

    I have a grid in a form and use a SQL query as the data source. Now I want to make a column(a field in a SQL query) to be displayed as combobox and user can select it. I tried to use below code to make the column displayed like a combobox, it seems that the colunn becomes a dropdown box but i can't select it. Also I can't find a way to add valid value and description into this combobox like what I do on a combobox in a form.
    oGrid.Columns.Item("Approved").Type = SAPbouiCOM.BoGridColumnType.gct_ComboBox;
    SAPbouiCOM.GridColumn col = oGrid.Columns.Item("Approved");
    then ???
    Any suggestion?

    Hi Lan
    Try This For Matrix......
    'For Adding Values
      oColumn = oColumns.Add(&quot;Drink&quot;, SAPbouiCOM.BoFormItemTypes.it_COMBO_BOX)
            oColumn.TitleObject.Caption = &quot;Drink&quot;
            oColumn.Width = 100
            'Add Valid Values
            oColumn.ValidValues.Add(&quot;Cola&quot;, &quot;&quot;)
            oColumn.ValidValues.Add(&quot;7up&quot;, &quot;&quot;)
            oColumn.ValidValues.Add(&quot;Fanta&quot;, &quot;&quot;)
            oColumn.ValidValues.Add(&quot;Orange Juice&quot;, &quot;&quot;)
            oColumn.ValidValues.Add(&quot;Water&quot;, &quot;&quot;)
            oColumn.ValidValues.Add(&quot;Lemonade&quot;, &quot;&quot;)
            oColumn.ValidValues.Add(&quot;Ice Tea&quot;, &quot;&quot;)
            oColumn.ValidValues.Add(&quot;Coffee&quot;, &quot;&quot;)
    'For selected Value
    Dim ocombo As SAPbouiCOM.ComboBox
                Dim oform As SAPbouiCOM.Form
                Dim omat As SAPbouiCOM.Matrix
                oform = SBO_Application.Forms.Item(&quot;MOR1&quot;)
                omat = oform.Items.Item(&quot;mat&quot;).Specific
                ocombo = omat.Columns.Item(&quot;Drink&quot;).Cells.Item(1).Specific
                ocombo.Select(&quot;Fanta&quot;, SAPbouiCOM.BoSearchKey.psk_ByValue)

  • How to make newly added columns appear In IR report

    I am using APEX 4.0.1. I've created an IR report and then, subsequently, needed to add several column sto the underlying SQL query.
    When I save the changes, APEX tells me that it will add the new columns and that I need to run the IR report and either click "Reset" or use the Actions menu to make the new columns appear in the report. I did the latter and the new columns do appear just fine.
    However, when I then tried to modify the column labels, I am unable to see these in the report "Attributes" section. And so, I can't access their labels.
    How do I get the new columns to appear in the Attributes section of the iR report?
    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Hi, LittleFoot (sorry, I don't see your actual name).
    Thanks very much for responding.
    I've done exactly what you've described.
    I added several new column sto the SQL query underlying the IR. I then re-ran the default Primary report, added the new columns via the Actions -> Select menus, and then saved the report.
    When I then go into the IR Attributes page, the new columns are not there. I've closed/re-opened my browser. I don't know what the issue is.
    I'm wondering ... would the fact that the underlying query is SELECTing from a view rather than a table make any difference? I wouldn't think it would.
    Thank you for any help.

  • How to make modifier keys lockable? (like Caps Lock for Ctrl or Alt)

    Playing around with the non-modal text editor ne, I found myself wondering if one could simulate a modal interface (like vim has) by having something like "Ctrl Lock" or "Alt Lock" (analogous to Caps Lock) and thus a "ctrl mode"/"alt mode". I would like to try this, but I am not sure how to make it happen.
    My best guess is that this could be accomplished via XKB, but its documentation looks pretty intimidating. Is anyone here proficient in XKB and could point me in the right direction?
    Other ideas:
    – Is this something that a terminal emulator could do? Is there already one that can do it?
    – Or a shell?
    – For console applications, would it be possible to have a small wrapper that did nothing but intercept keyboard input and just pass everything through to the wrapped process, except that it would take into account the desired lockable modifier key? (I am thinking of tput here, but from my first search it appears that it doesn't do this sort of thing.)

    @Trilby: Thank you for the elaborate input!
    @drcouzelis: "sticky keys" normally means that modifiers remain active only until the next keypress, while I want a way to lock them in active state for an arbitrary number of keypresses. But still, "sticky keys" was a worthwile input for the search engine.
    The program xkbset, which can be used to set XKB options on the fly, has a function that comes very close to what I desire:
    $ xkbset h
    Usage: To set or unset various options:
    xkbset <options>
    where <options> may be all or any of (the '-' switches the feature off,
    otherwise it is switched on):
    To switch sticky keys on or off, and optionally set or reset:
    () two keys pressed at the same time stops sticky keys;
    () a modifier pressed twice will be locked:
    [-]{sticky|st} [[-]twokey|[-]latchlock]...
    I cannot select specific modiers to be affected with xkbset, but that would be fine with me. Sadly, it didn't completely work for me:
    – It doesn't affect Alt at all for me.
    – The effect seems to go away as soon as I change the window. (Maybe I need to invoke xkbset from .xinitrc for its effects to persist throughout the session? I will try that.)
    So I went on and tried to configure XKB manually. I got up to a certain point without studying the documentation in-depth, but now I have landed on an error message that seems to suggest to me that I would have to get to a better understanding about the layout files before I could understand it. Here is what I did:
    1. Got my current XKB configuration:
    xkbcomp :0 output.xkb
    2. Editet output.xkb to include the following at the end of the xkb_compatibility section:
    //Hoping this makes the ^-key into a Ctrl-Lock key:
    interpret TLDE {
    action= LockMods(modifiers=Control);
    3. Then I recompiled the configuration back into the running X server:
    $ xkbcomp out.xkb :0
    Warning: Compat map for group 2 redefined
    Using new definition
    Warning: Compat map for group 3 redefined
    Using new definition
    Warning: Compat map for group 4 redefined
    Using new definition
    Error: Couldn't lookup keysym
    Symbol interpretation ignored
    Warning: No symbols defined for <AB11> (keycode 97)
    Warning: No symbols defined for <JPCM> (keycode 103)
    Warning: No symbols defined for <I120> (keycode 120)
    Warning: No symbols defined for <AE13> (keycode 132)
    Warning: No symbols defined for <I149> (keycode 149)
    Warning: No symbols defined for <I154> (keycode 154)
    Warning: No symbols defined for <I168> (keycode 168)
    Warning: No symbols defined for <I178> (keycode 178)
    Warning: No symbols defined for <I183> (keycode 183)
    Warning: No symbols defined for <I184> (keycode 184)
    Warning: No symbols defined for <FK19> (keycode 197)
    Warning: No symbols defined for <FK24> (keycode 202)
    Warning: No symbols defined for <I217> (keycode 217)
    Warning: No symbols defined for <I219> (keycode 219)
    Warning: No symbols defined for <I221> (keycode 221)
    Warning: No symbols defined for <I222> (keycode 222)
    Warning: No symbols defined for <I230> (keycode 230)
    Warning: No symbols defined for <I247> (keycode 247)
    Warning: No symbols defined for <I248> (keycode 248)
    Warning: No symbols defined for <I249> (keycode 249)
    Warning: No symbols defined for <I250> (keycode 250)
    Warning: No symbols defined for <I251> (keycode 251)
    Warning: No symbols defined for <I252> (keycode 252)
    Warning: No symbols defined for <I253> (keycode 253)
    The "Error" part is where I am currently stuck. It tells me that my changes were ignored (I no that it's about them because it goes away when I comment them out), but I don't yet understand why.

  • How to make only one column non reorderble

    I want to make only one column (Column 0) of my JTable non reorderble.
    I also want to make the same column non resizable and I want to give it a specific size.
    Please help me on this?

    I have implemented a RowHeaderTable class which displays 1, 2, 3, ... in the first column. The column is in the scrollpane's RowHeaderView, so it is not resizable nor reorderable. But its width can be set in your code. Maybe this is what you need.
    Use the class the same way you use a JTable, except 3 added methods:
    setMinRows(int r);
    setRowHeaderWidth(int w);
    Note: The table works perfectly in skinless L&F, such as the default java L&F. It looks ugly in Liquid L&F because I don't know how to steal column header's UI to use on a JList. If someone can help me on this one, I thank you in advance.
    * Created on 2005-3-21
    * Copyright (c) 2005 Jing Ding, All Rights Reserved.
    * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software
    * and its documentation for NON-COMMERCIAL purposes and without
    * fee is hereby granted provided that this copyright notice
    * appears in all copies.
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.Component;
    import javax.swing.AbstractListModel;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JList;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
    import javax.swing.JTable;
    import javax.swing.ListCellRenderer;
    import javax.swing.UIManager;
    import javax.swing.event.TableModelEvent;
    import javax.swing.event.TableModelListener;
    import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel;
    import javax.swing.table.JTableHeader;
    import javax.swing.table.TableCellRenderer;
    import javax.swing.table.TableColumn;
    import javax.swing.table.TableModel;
    * @author Jing Ding
    public class RowHeaderTable extends JTable {
      private int minRows = 10;                         // Minimum size of the row header.
      private static final int DEFAULT_WIDTH = 30;
      private JScrollPane jsp;
      // The row header is a JList with the same appearance as the column header.
      private JList rowHeader;
      // Repaint row header whenever the table inserts or deletes rows.
      private TableModelListener tmListener = new TableModelListener(){
        public void tableChanged(TableModelEvent e){
          if(e.getType() != TableModelEvent.UPDATE)
      /** Create a new instance of RowHeaderTable.
       * @param model
      public RowHeaderTable(TableModel model){
        jsp = new JScrollPane(this);
      private void initializeHeader(){
        rowHeader = new JList(new AbstractListModel(){
          public int getSize(){ return Math.max(getModel().getRowCount(), minRows); }
          public Object getElementAt(int index){ return "" + ++index; }
        rowHeader.setCellRenderer(new TableRowHeaderRenderer());
      public void setRowHeaderWidth(int w){
      public void setMinRows(int m){ minRows = m; }
      public void setModel(TableModel model){
      /**Use this method to get the scrollPane, instead of new JScrollPane(table).
       * @return
      public JScrollPane getScrollPane(){ return jsp; }
      protected class TableRowHeaderRenderer implements ListCellRenderer{
        TableCellRenderer colHeaderRenderer;
        public TableRowHeaderRenderer(){
          JTableHeader header = getTableHeader();
          TableColumn aColumn = header.getColumnModel().getColumn(0);
          colHeaderRenderer = aColumn.getHeaderRenderer();
          if(colHeaderRenderer == null)
            colHeaderRenderer = header.getDefaultRenderer();
        public Component getListCellRendererComponent(JList list, Object value,
            int index, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus){
          return colHeaderRenderer.getTableCellRendererComponent(
              RowHeaderTable.this, value, isSelected, hasFocus, -1, -1);
      public static void main(String[] args){
        try {
        }catch (Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); }
        String[] columnNames = {"First Name",
            "Last Name",
            "# of Years",
              Object[][] data = {
                   {"Mary", "Campione", "Snowboarding", new Integer(5), new Boolean(false)},
                   {"Alison", "Huml", "Rowing", new Integer(3), new Boolean(true)},
                   {"Kathy", "Walrath", "Knitting", new Integer(2), new Boolean(false)},
                   {"Sharon", "Zakhour", "Speed reading", new Integer(20), new Boolean(true)},
                   {"Philip", "Milne", "Pool", new Integer(10), new Boolean(false)}
        DefaultTableModel dtm = new DefaultTableModel(data, columnNames);
        RowHeaderTable rht = new RowHeaderTable(dtm);
        JFrame frame = new JFrame("RowHeaderTable Demo");
        frame.getContentPane().add(rht.getScrollPane(), BorderLayout.CENTER);
        dtm.addRow(new Object[]{"Mary", "Campione", "Snowboarding", new Integer(5), new Boolean(false)});
        dtm.addRow(new Object[]{"Mary", "Campione", "Snowboarding", new Integer(5), new Boolean(false)});
        dtm.addRow(new Object[]{"Mary", "Campione", "Snowboarding", new Integer(5), new Boolean(false)});

  • How to make a particular column bold in alv?

    Dear  Experts,
    I have searched many threads on this. I have used control break events to get the subotals and totals. The requirement is to make the text and the figure of subtotal and total bold.
    I am still not able to find the thread to make a particular column text in bold. And about colouring, I have used collect statement in my final structure so I am unable to use cellcolor type lvc_t_scol.
    Is there any way to make the subtotals and totals in bold? If not able, I may go for coloring.

    Hello mani,
    Try this:
    TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_outtab,
            celltab TYPE lvc_t_styl.
            INCLUDE STRUCTURE mara.
    TYPES   END   OF ty_outtab.
    DATA  : gt_outtab  TYPE TABLE OF ty_outtab WITH HEADER LINE,
                 gs_layout  TYPE lvc_s_layo,
                 ls_celltab TYPE lvc_s_styl,
                 lt_celltab TYPE lvc_t_styl.
    ls_celltab-style = '00000121'.
    INSERT ls_celltab INTO lt_celltab INDEX 1.
    READ TABLE gt_outtab INDEX 1.
    gt_outtab-celltab = lt_celltab.
    INSERT gt_outtab INDEX 1.
    gs_layout-stylefname = 'CELLTAB'.
        i_structure_name = 'MARA'
        is_layout_lvc    = gs_layout
        t_outtab         = gt_outtab
        program_error    = 1
        OTHERS           = 2.
    I hope you help.

  • How to make a grid column a linked column?

    Is there any way to make a grid column a linked column?
    I have a cardcode column in a grid, which I want to link with BP master link object.  If I try to do it the same way I do for matrix, it gives me 'specific cast not valid' error; whereas the same property works fine with matrix.
    help will be appreciated...

    You need to do the following:
    string colUid = "yourUid";
    oGrid.Columns.Item(colUid).Type = BoGridColumnType.gct_EditText;
    EditTextColumn col = (EditTextColumn)oGrid.Columns.Item(colUid)
    col.LinkedObjectType = "2"; //2 = Buisness Partner (The id behind the BoLinkeObjectType as a string)

  • How to make a sortable column in a table to do a case insensitive sort ?

    Hi :
    I am using Jdeveloper Studio Edition Version and my table columns are sortable but i want to make sure that it case insensitive sort ,for example if i have following column values :
    Sorted results should not be likes this : abc,def,ghi,ABC
    instead of this it should be like this : abc,ABC,def,ghi
    Please let me know more about it.

    I'm using the same configuration, Could u tell me how did u done the sort in a column in any case.
    Edited by: Rengaraj Rengasamy on Oct 19, 2009 1:34 AM

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