How to make reusable methods?

I have a program that reads through a collection of project Ids, connects to a website, inputs the project id in one at a time. I then collect data from the website and insert it into a DB. I have code in my program that I have copied over and over again, but have modified certain variables, strings etc... to get it to work. It works great, but I want to make this code that I use over and over, into a method(s) that I can just call when ever I feel like it.
below is the posted program. Please Note that the urls that are being connected to are not real, I have taken them out so that the data on this site is protected. The createProject is the method that has all the crazy code. I am sorry for this code, I know its probably terrible, but I am a newbie. Thanks public class URLReader
    public URLReader()
       dbConn = new DBConnection();      
   public java.util.Collection getProjectIDs() throws Exception 
      // get the progrect ID's from our database
        java.util.ArrayList projectIds = new java.util.ArrayList();
        java.sql.Statement stmt = dbConn.createStatement();
        java.sql.ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(SQL);
                projectIds.add(new Integer(rs.getInt("PROJECT_ID")));
        System.out.println("Project ID " + projectIds);
        System.out.println("Project ID Length " + projectIds.size());
       return projectIds;
   public String extractString( String text)  // I think I can already use this method over and over again
      int count = 0;
      char separator = ' ';
      // Determine the number of substrings
      int index = 0;
         index = text.indexOf(separator, index);
      while (index != 1);
      //Extract the substring into an array
      String[] subStr = new String[count];
      index = 0;
      int endIndex = 0;
      for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
         endIndex = text.indexOf(separator, index);
         if(endIndex == -1)
            subStr[i] = text.substring(index);
            subStr[i] = text.substring(index,endIndex);
         index = endIndex + 1;
      return text;
   public static java.lang.String getString(String text, String target, String startTag, String endTag)
      int offset = text.indexOf(target);
          if (offset == -1) return "";
          int start = text.indexOf(startTag, offset);
          if (start == -1) return "";
          start += startTag.length();
          int end = text.indexOf(endTag, start);
          return end == -1 ? "" : text.substring(start, end);
   public Project createProject(int projectId) throws Exception
      Project proj = new Project();
          /******************Project Details Page**********************/
   projectDetails = new
   in =
            String projDetailspage = new String("");
            String inputLine = "";
            while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null)
                projDetailspage = projDetailspage.concat(inputLine.trim());
            System.out.println("project ID: "+ projectId);
            //**** get the contact Details Page ID  from Project Details Page****/
            String contactDetailsId ="";                       
            String contactDetailsStr = (String)(projDetailspage.split("\\<h3\\>Project Details\\</h3\\>")[1].split( 
            "\\<td valign=\"top\"\\>")[1].split("\\=\"ChangeImage\\(")[0].trim());
            // takes the string that was ripped out between the opening and closing tags
            // searches for an integer and then coverts it to a string.
            String conId = "";
            java.util.regex.Pattern conDetStr = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile("\\b(\\d+)\\b");
            java.util.regex.Matcher conDetMatch = conDetStr.matcher(contactDetailsStr);
            conId =; // assuming it matched...
            System.out.println( "\tcontactDetails ID:"+;
            //**** extract the Data from Project Details Page ****//
            String projectTitle = (String)(projDetailspage.split("\\<[Bb]\\>Project Title:\\</[Bb]\\>")[1].split( 
            "\\<font size=\"-1\"\\>")[1].split("\\</font\\>")[0].trim());
            String LeadPI= (String)(projDetailspage.split("\\<[Bb]\\>Lead PI:\\</[Bb]\\>")[1].split( 
            "\\<font size=\"-1\"\\>")[1].split("\\</font\\>")[0].trim());
             // This code I have copied and posted alot into different places.
            int count= 0;
            String investigator=LeadPI.substring(0,count).trim();
            String institution=LeadPI.substring(count+2, LeadPI.length());
            institution = institution.trim();
            System.out.println("\tinvestigator: "+investigator);
            System.out.println("\tinstitution: "+institution);
            /*********************** new test stuff  *********************/
            String text = projDetailspage;
            String target = ">Researcher(s):<";
            String startTag = "<font size=\"-1\">";
            String endTag = "</table>";
            String researchers = Testing.getString(text, target, startTag, endTag);
            System.out.println("researchers before for loop: "+ researchers);
            researchers = researchers.replaceAll("\\<.*?\\>","|").replaceAll("\\|+","|").replaceAll(",.*?\\|",",");
            researchers = researchers.replaceAll("<td width=\"70%\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">", "" ).replaceAll("><td width=\"30%\">","" );
            String[] investigators = researchers.substring(1,researchers.length() - 1).split(",");
            System.out.println("investigator1 = "+investigators[0]);
            System.out.println("investigator2 = "+investigators[1]);
            System.out.println("investigator3 = "+investigators[2]);
            System.out.println("investigator4 = "+investigators[3]);
            for(int x = 0; x < investigators.length; x++)
               System.out.println("New researchers are now Investigators: " +investigators[x].toString()); 
            /*********************** end test stuff  *********************/
            /*************** Contact Details Page ***********************/
            contactDetailsId = conId;  // gets its url(projectId) from the previous page projectDetailsPage
   contactDetails = new
            in = new;
            String conDetailsPage = new String("");
            inputLine = "";
            while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null)
                conDetailsPage = conDetailsPage.concat(inputLine.trim());
            //**** get the contact Full Details ID  ****/
            String contactFullDetailsId ="";
            String institutionId = "";
            String contactFullDetailsStr= (String)(conDetailsPage.split("\\<[Bb]\\>Principal Investigator\\</[Bb]\\>")[1].split( 
            String institutionDetailsStr= (String)(conDetailsPage.split("\\<[Bb]\\>Principal Investigator\\</[Bb]\\>")[1].split( 
            // takes the string that was ripped out between the opening and closing tags
            // searches for an integer and then coverts it to a string.
            String fullId = "";
            java.util.regex.Pattern conFullDetId = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile("\\b(\\d+)\\b");
            java.util.regex.Matcher conFullMatch = conFullDetId.matcher(contactFullDetailsStr);
            fullId =; // assuming it matched...
            System.out.println( "\tcontactFullDetailsID: "+;
            String instiId = "";
            java.util.regex.Pattern instiStr = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile("\\b(\\d+)\\b");
            java.util.regex.Matcher instiMatch = instiStr.matcher(institutionDetailsStr);
            instiId =; // assuming it matched...
            System.out.println( "\tinstitution ID:"+;
            //String str = (String)(projDetailspage.split("\\<[Bb]\\>Researcher(s):\\</[Bb]\\>")
            //[1].split( "\\<font size=\"-1\"\\>")[1].split("\\</font\\>")[0].trim());
            //System.out.println("String before replace all: "+ str);
            //**** get the Institution Details ID ****/
            //String institutionsID = instiId;
            //institutionsID = (String)(projDetailspage.split("\\<h3\\>Principal Investigator\\</h3\\>")[1].split( 
            //"\\<li><a href=InstDetails.asp?InstitutionID\\=")[1].split("\\</a\\>")[0].trim());
            //System.out.println("InstitutionID: "+institutionsID);
            /************* Contact Full Details Page ********************/
            contactFullDetailsId = fullId;
   contactFullDetails = new
            in = new;
            String conFullDetailsPage = new String("");
            inputLine = "";
            while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null)
                conFullDetailsPage = conFullDetailsPage.concat(inputLine.trim());
            /**** extract the Data from Project Details Page ****/
             String investigatorTitle = (String)(conFullDetailsPage.split("\\<[Bb]\\>Title:\\</[Bb]\\>")[1].split( 
            "\\<font size=\"-1\"\\>")[1].split("\\</font\\>")[0].trim());
            String investigatorPhone = (String)(conFullDetailsPage.split("\\<[Bb]\\>Phone:\\</[Bb]\\>")[1].split( 
            "\\<font size=\"-1\"\\>")[1].split("\\</font\\>")[0].trim());
            String investigatorEmail = (String)(conFullDetailsPage.split("\\<[Bb]\\>E-mail:\\</[Bb]\\>")[1].split( 
           "\\<font size=\"-1\"\\>")[1].split("\\</font\\>")[0].trim());
            String department = (String)(conFullDetailsPage.split("\\<[Bb]\\>Mailing Address:\\</[Bb]\\>")[1].split( 
           "\\<font size=\"-1\"\\>")[1].split("\\</font\\>")[0].trim());
            count= 0;
            String investiEmail=investigatorEmail.substring(0,count).trim();
            String email=investigatorEmail.substring(count+1, investigatorEmail.length());
            email = email.replaceFirst("</a>", "");
            //getContactName - FirstName, MiddleI, LastName, Prefix.
            //getContactAddress - Street, City, State, Zip.
            /*************** Institution Details Page *******************/
            institutionId = instiId;
   institutionDetails = new
            in = new;
            String instDetailsPage = new String("");
            inputLine ="";
            while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null)
                instDetailsPage = instDetailsPage.concat(inputLine.trim());
            /**** extract the Data from Project Details Page ****/
            String institutionType = (String)(instDetailsPage.split("\\<[Bb]\\>Institution Type:\\</[Bb]\\>")[1].split( 
            "\\<font size=\"-1\"\\>")[1].split("\\</font\\>")[0].trim());
            String institutionURL = (String)(instDetailsPage.split("\\<[Bb]\\>Web Site Home Page:\\</[Bb]\\>")[1].split( 
           "\\<font size=\"-1\"\\>")[1].split("\\</font\\>")[0].trim());
            count= 0;
            String instiURL=institutionURL.substring(0,count).trim();
            String url=institutionURL.substring(count+1, institutionURL.length());
            url = url.replaceFirst("</a>", "");
            System.out.println("\turl: "+ url);
            //System.out.println("InstitutionID: "+institutionType);
            //getInstAddress - City, State, Zip
       /*************** Set the Project Objects ***********************/
            //**** Idaho Project Objects ****//
            //**** Idaho Investigator Objects ****//
       catch( java.lang.NullPointerException npe)
          System.out.println("npe error" + npe);
      catch( java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException aio)
          System.out.println("npe error" + aio);
       return proj;
   public void persistProject(Project proj) throws Exception
       java.sql.PreparedStatement insertProjects;
       //String insertProjectString = "INSERT into IDAHO_PROJECTS(PROJECT_ID,PROJECT_TITLE) values (?,?)";
       String insertProjectString = "INSERT into IDAHO_PROJECTS(PROJECT_ID,PROJECT_TITLE) values (?,?)";
       insertProjects = dbConn.prepareStatement(insertProjectString);
       insertProjects.setInt(1, proj.getProjectId());
       insertProjects.setString(2, proj.getProjectTitle());
       java.sql.PreparedStatement insertInvestigators;
       insertInvestigators = dbConn.prepareStatement(insertInvestigatorString);         
       insertInvestigators.setInt(1, proj.getProjectId());
       insertInvestigators.setString(2, proj.getInvestigator());
       insertInvestigators.setString(4, proj.getDepartment());
       insertInvestigators.setString(5, proj.getInstitution());
       insertInvestigators.setString(6, proj.getInstitutionType());
       insertInvestigators.setString(7, proj.getInstitutionURL());
       // insertInvestigators.setString(2,proj.getAddress1());
       // insertInvestigators.setString(2,proj.getAddress2());
       // insertInvestigators.setString(2,proj.getCity());
       // insertInvestigators.setString(2,proj.getState());
       // insertInvestigators.setString(2,proj.getZip());
   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
       URLReader urlReader = new URLReader();
       java.util.Collection projectIds = urlReader.getProjectIDs();
       for(java.util.Iterator iter = projectIds.iterator();iter.hasNext();)
           Integer projectId = (Integer);
           Project project = urlReader.createProject(projectId.intValue());
           //Contact contact = urlReader.parseConact(project.getConactId());
       // do commit on idahoProjects table;
   private DBConnection dbConn = null;  

ok, another question associate with this program. I have it running. and it get the most of the information that I need as long as its a one to one pass. in iterating through the project Id.s and inserting them. Here is my problem though. I have two tablesPROJECTS{
     PROJECT_ID             NUMBER(20)                 PK                         Null-N
     PROJECT_TITLE       VARCHAR(500)                                          Null -Y
     PROJECT_ID                   NUMBER(20)                                               Null-N
     INVESTIGATOR               VARCHAR(200)                                          Null-Y
     INVESTIGATOR_TITLE  VARCHAR(200)                                          Null-Y
     INVESTIGATOR_TYPE  VARCHAR(200)                                          Null-Y
     DEPARMENT                   VARCHAR(200)                                          Null-Y
     INSTITUTION                   VARCHAR(200)                                          Null-Y
     INVESTIGATOR_TYPE  VARCHAR(200)                                          Null-Y
     INVESTIGATOR_URL    VARCHAR(200)                                          Null-Y
     PHONE                              VARCHAR(200)                                          Null-Y
     EMAIL                                VARCHAR(200)                                          Null-Y
     ADDRESS1                      VARCHAR(200)                                          Null-Y
     ADDRESs2                      VARCHAR(200)                                          Null-Y
     CITY                                  VARCHAR(200)                                          Null-Y
     STATE                              VARCHAR(200)                                          Null-Y
     ZIP                                     VARCHAR(200)                                          Null-Y
}So I need to make sure in the table PROJECTS, that I have one project ID, which I think I do?
But, in the second Table INVESTIGATORS, I can have many investigators associated with the same projectID. So I would like to insert into the second table, I think I can extract the data that I need for each investigator, but how do I iterate through them and put one into PROJECTS and many into INVESTIGATORS?
so it would look something like this
54122 , Dr. Who, Professor, LEAD PI, etc..
54122, Dr. What, student, CO-PI, etc..
If this is confusing please look at the code the first post with all of the code.

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    Hi Sandesh,
    Check if this two excellent weblogs may help you:
    They have a step-by-step example, either with SE80, either with SWO1.
    Kind regards,

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    Hi how are you ?
    I noticed that you have some duke dollars for this questions:)
    Here is the answer.
    You won't want to call the run method 25 times by the way. Within your run method you can call a method that is going to do the animation 25 times .
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    }catch(InterruptedException e){}
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    Neha_Khands wrote:
    There is nothing wrong with that. Actually this question was asked in an interview. They didnt want to create a static method. They told me that synchronization can be achieved at instance level also. and for that we have to call some Class.getInstance().synchronied method inside constructor. Kind of a dumb question. First, synchronization does not occur "at a class level" or "at an instance level." Syncing is always the same--a single object's lock is obtained, which prevents any other threads from obtaining that lock. The only thing that makes it appear that there are special cases is that declaring a method synchronized obtains the lock associated with the instance or with the Class object for that class. But that's just syntactic sugar. The Class object lock is identical to the instance lock, which in turn is identical to a lock on some other arbitrary Object created just to serve as a lock. There's no such things as "locking the class" or "locking the instance."
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    Hi there,
    Download a piece of software called TinkerTool - that might just solve your problem. I have used it myself to change the system fonts on my iMac. It is software and not an app.
    Good wishes,

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    I think you are talking about Java Stored Procedure (?)
    Look here,

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    D:\java\browser\IEInJava>java -cp jdic.jar;. IEInJava
    *this is a compile code:-*
    D:\java\browser\IEInJava>javac -classpath jdic.jar;.
    *and this is a run code:-*
    D:\java\browser\IEInJava>java -cp jdic.jar;. IEInJavanow how make JAR file ?

    Assuming IEInJava only uses classes inside the jdic jar, this is one way. D:\java\browser\IEInJava> jar cf yourjar.jar IEInJava.classThen to run it you would use D:\java\browser\IEInJava> java -cp jdic.jar;yourjar.jar IEInJavaAnother way would use the jar manifest file to specify the Main-Class and Class-Path.

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    Try this extended code. Only the first panel added can get the Focus.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    class Test extends JFrame
      public Test()
        JPanel panel1 = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
        JPanel panel2 = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
        ImagePanel imgPanel = new ImagePanel();
        panel1.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(0, 50));
        panel2.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(0, 50));
        panel1.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.RED,     4));
        panel2.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.CYAN,    4));
        imgPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.BLACK, 4));
        panel1.add(new JLabel("Panel 1"), BorderLayout.CENTER);
        panel2.add(new JLabel("Panel 2"), BorderLayout.CENTER);
        getContentPane().add(panel1, BorderLayout.NORTH);
        getContentPane().add(panel2, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
        getContentPane().add(imgPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);   
        panel1.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter(){
            public void keyPressed(KeyEvent ke){
        panel2.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter(){
            public void keyPressed(KeyEvent ke){
      public static void main(String[] args){new Test().setVisible(true);}
    class ImagePanel extends JPanel
      Image img;
      public ImagePanel()
        setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400,300));
        try{img ="Test.gif"), "Test.gif"));}
        catch(Exception e){/*handled in paintComponent()*/}
        addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter(){
          public void keyPressed(KeyEvent ke){
      public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
        if(img != null)
          g.drawImage(img, 0,0,this.getWidth(),this.getHeight(),this);
          g.drawString("This space for rent",50,50);

  • How to make a clip art (diagram )interactive report?

    Hello ABAPers,
                           I want help from you. I have a requirement like ..when i am excuteing a report i should get a clip art and the clipart which i got i have to double click on it there by i should get the details of that clip art. I have succeed till getting the clip art and from here i am not getting the idea how to make the clipart(diagram) active so tht when i am doubleing it i should get the details.
    The code that i am using to get the clip art just copy and execute you will get the output till clipart.
    *& Report  ZCLIPART_IR                                                 *
    START OF DO NOT CHANGE***********************************
    DATA: docking TYPE REF TO cl_gui_docking_container,
          picture_control_1 TYPE REF TO cl_gui_picture,
          url(256) TYPE c .
    DATA: query_table LIKE w3query OCCURS 1 WITH HEADER LINE,
          html_table LIKE w3html OCCURS 1,
          return_code LIKE  w3param-ret_code,
          content_type LIKE  w3param-cont_type,
          content_length LIKE  w3param-cont_len,
          pic_data LIKE w3mime OCCURS 0,
          pic_size TYPE i.
    END OF DO NOT CHANGE***********************
    DATA : sum(4) , num1(4) , num2(4).
    PARAMETERS: p_dummy(4) DEFAULT '4' .
    PARAMETERS: p_dummy1(4) DEFAULT '5' .
      PERFORM show_pic.
    *& Form show_pic
    FORM show_pic.
       DATA: repid LIKE sy-repid.
             repid = sy-repid.
      CREATE OBJECT picture_control_1 EXPORTING parent = docking.
      CHECK sy-subrc = 0.
      CALL METHOD picture_control_1->set_3d_border
          border = 5.
      CALL METHOD picture_control_1->set_display_mode
          display_mode = cl_gui_picture=>display_mode_stretch.
      CALL METHOD picture_control_1->set_position
          height = 50
          left   = 40
          top    = 30
          width  = 190.
    IF url IS INITIAL.
    REFRESH query_table.
        query_table-name  = '_OBJECT_ID'.
        query_table-value = 'ENJOYSAP_LOGO'.
        APPEND query_table.
            query_string        = query_table
            html                = html_table
            mime                = pic_data
            return_code         = return_code
            content_type        = content_type
            content_length      = content_length
            object_not_found    = 1
            parameter_not_found = 2
            OTHERS              = 3.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                  WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
            type     = 'image'
            subtype  = cndp_sap_tab_unknown
            size     = pic_size
            lifetime = cndp_lifetime_transaction
            data     = pic_data
            url      = url
            OTHERS   = 1.
            CALL METHOD picture_control_1->load_picture_from_url
          url = url.
    Thks and waiting for your replies.

    Hi ataran,
    in case, your version of iMovie is able to import the footage, have a read here:

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