How to modify numbers in a arraylist?

Say I have an arraylist with these values:
[item1, 65, 555.5]item1 represents the name of an item type, 65 represents the number in stock, and 555.5 represents the value of one item.
Now say I want to add 10 item1's to the number in stock. So I want to change the 65 in the array list to a 75. How could I do this?

This would be a lot easier if you created a class to encapsulate those three data members, then created a list of those objects. The class could have three variables, name, stock, and value. Then it's easy to write a method to add or subract to the stock of a particular item, and you don't have to worry about modifying the wrong element in the list, casting elements to the right type (String, int, float, etc).
public class Item {
    private String name;
    private int stock;
    private float value;

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    This would be a lot easier if you created a class to encapsulate those three data members, then created a list of those objects. The class could have three variables, name, stock, and value. Then it's easy to write a method to add or subract to the stock of a particular item, and you don't have to worry about modifying the wrong element in the list, casting elements to the right type (String, int, float, etc).
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        private String name;
        private int stock;
        private float value;

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    Dear friends,
    I have following I posted before, but not get satisfactory answer, so I modify and repost again here.
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    import java.awt.Container;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
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    import javax.swing.JFrame;
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      private DefaultTreeModel model;
      private DefaultMutableTreeNode rootNode;
      public ModelJTreeTest() {
        DefaultMutableTreeNode philosophersNode = getPhilosopherTree();
        model = new DefaultTreeModel(philosophersNode);
        tree = new JTree(model);
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        addButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
        JButton removeButton = new JButton("Remove Selected Class/Students");
        removeButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
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        DefaultMutableTreeNode parent = getSelectedNode();
        if (parent == null) {
          JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(ModelJTreeTest.this, "Select Class", "Error",
        String name = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(ModelJTreeTest.this, "Add Class/Students:");
        model.insertNodeInto(new DefaultMutableTreeNode(name), parent, parent.getChildCount());
      private void removeSelectedPhilosopher() {
        DefaultMutableTreeNode selectedNode = getSelectedNode();
        if (selectedNode != null)
      private DefaultMutableTreeNode getSelectedNode() {
        return (DefaultMutableTreeNode) tree.getLastSelectedPathComponent();
      private DefaultMutableTreeNode getPhilosopherTree() {
        DefaultMutableTreeNode rootNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Students");
        DefaultMutableTreeNode ancient = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Computer Science");
        ancient.add(new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Bill Brian"));
        DefaultMutableTreeNode math = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Maths");
        DefaultMutableTreeNode physics = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Physics");
        return rootNode;
      public static void main(String args[]) {
        new ModelJTreeTest();
    }the actual Tree dynamically created somehow looks like following:
                             |            1.Peter
                             |---CS---    2. Nancy
                             |            3. Laura
                             |            4.Brian
    Root(University): -------|---Math- 1.AAA
                             |            2.BBB
                             |            3.CCC
                             |---Chemistry- 1. DDDThanks a lot
    Good weekends

    you can't directly store a tree in a list.Ummm... Just to be contrary... Yes you CAN store a tree in a table.... In fact that's how the windows file system works.
    Having said that... you would be well advised to investigate tree data-structures before resorting to flattening a tree into a list.
    So... Do you have a specific requirement to produce a List? Your umming-and-erring about Vector vs ArrayList makes it sound like you're still at the stage of choosing a datastructure.
    Cheers. Keith.

  • How to store numbers in a stack....

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    in the following format:
    Class / Method/ Constructor name explaining what it does
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    import java.util.EmptyStackException;
    class StackNode {
         private static Object data;
         private StackNode link;
         private static StackNode head;
         private int totalnodes;
    // the constructors
    public StackNode(Object obj, StackNode lk)
         data = obj;
         link = lk;
    public StackNode()
         head = null;
         totalnodes = 0;
         // the push method
         public void push(Object obj)
              head = new StackNode(obj, head);
         // the pop method
         public Object pop()
              Object answer;
              if(head == null)
                   throw new EmptyStackException();
              answer = head.getData();
              head = head.getLink();
              return answer;
         // the isEmpty method
         public boolean isEmpty()
              return (head == null);
         // get data
         public Object getData()
              return data;
         // get link
         public StackNode getLink()
              return link;
         // size or length method
         public int size()
              return totalnodes;
         public static void main (String args [])
              int i;
              StackNode number = new StackNode();
              StackNode operator = new StackNode();
              head = new StackNode(data, head);
              number.push(new Integer(9));
              number.push(new Integer(6));
              operator.push(new Character('+'));
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    This doesn't use a stack but the concept is the same:
    import java.util.*;
    public class formula {
    public  int aValue = 1;
    public  int bValue = 2;
    public  int cValue = 3;
    public formula() {
       //StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer("a + b/c", " abc()+-*/", true);
       //while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { System.out.println(st.nextToken()); }
       StringTokenizer st2 = new StringTokenizer("a + (c - b) + (b * c)", " abc()+-*/", true);
      int operand1 = 0;
      int operand2 = 0;
      int operator = 0;
      //flag: first operand has a value
      boolean firstOperandFull = false;
      //flag: second operand has a value
      boolean secondOperandFull = false;
      //flag: tokens are between parens
      boolean inParens = false;
      Vector inParensVector = null;
        while (st2.hasMoreTokens()) {
                  String x = st2.nextToken();
                  //if token is a blank skip it.
                  if (x.equals(" ")) { continue MAINLOOP; }
                  //if token is open parens set flag and skip to next token
                  if (x.equals("(")) { inParens = true; inParensVector = new Vector(); continue MAINLOOP; }
                  //if tokn is close parens, retrieve the value from between the parens and reset flag.
                  if (x.equals(")")) { if (! firstOperandFull) { operand1 = doInParens(inParensVector); firstOperandFull = true; }
                                       else { operand2 = doInParens(inParensVector); secondOperandFull = true;  }
                                       inParensVector = null; inParens = false; }
                  //if token is open parens store all tokens until close else process the token
                  if (inParens) { inParensVector.add(x); }
                  else {
                       //if token is a variable put correct value in operand
                       if (x.equals("a")) { if (! firstOperandFull) { operand1 = aValue; firstOperandFull = true; }
                                            else { operand2 = aValue; secondOperandFull = true;  } }
                       if (x.equals("b")) { if (! firstOperandFull) { operand1 = bValue; firstOperandFull = true; }
                                            else { operand2 = bValue; secondOperandFull = true;  } }
                       if (x.equals("c")) { if (! firstOperandFull) { operand1 = cValue; firstOperandFull = true; }
                                            else { operand2 = cValue; secondOperandFull = true;  } }
                       //if token is a operator store the operation
                       if (x.equals("+")) { if (firstOperandFull) { operator = 1; } }
                       if (x.equals("-")) { if (firstOperandFull) { operator = 2; } }
                       if (x.equals("*")) { if (firstOperandFull) { operator = 3; } }
                       if (x.equals("/")) { if (firstOperandFull) { operator = 4; } }
                       System.out.println("operand1 = " + operand1 + " operand2 = " + operand2 + " operator = " + operator);
                        //if second operand has a value perform the operation.
                       if (secondOperandFull) {
                                               switch (operator) {
                                                        case 1 : operand1 = add(operand1, operand2); secondOperandFull = false; break;
                                                        case 2 : operand1 = subtract(operand1, operand2); secondOperandFull = false; break;
                                                        case 3 : operand1 = multiply(operand1, operand2); secondOperandFull = false; break;
                                                        case 4 : operand1 = divide(operand1, operand2); secondOperandFull = false; break;
                                                        }//end switch
                                                 } //end if
                     } //End inParens else
      } //End while
    System.out.println("answer = " + operand1);
    public static void main(String[] args) { //formula f = new formula();
    Vector v = new Vector();
    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(",Greg,,Paul,,", ",", true);
    String token = null;
    String lastToken = " ";
    boolean firstToken = true;
    while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
    token = st.nextToken();
    if (firstToken) { if (token.equals(",")) { v.add("X"); }
    firstToken = false; }
    if (! token.equals(",")) { v.add(token); }
    else { if (lastToken.equals(",")) { v.add("X"); } }
    lastToken = token;
    } //End While
    if (token.equals(",")) { v.add("X"); }
    Enumeration tokens = v.elements();
    while (tokens.hasMoreElements()) {
          System.out.println((String)tokens.nextElement()); }
    } //End Main
    public int add(int operand1, int operand2) { return operand1 + operand2; }
    public int subtract(int operand1, int operand2) { return operand1 - operand2; }
    public int divide(int operand1, int operand2) { return operand1 / operand2; }
    public int multiply(int operand1, int operand2) { return operand1 * operand2; }
    public int doInParens(Vector inParensVector) {
          int operand1 = 0;
          int operand2 = 0;
          int operator = 0;
          boolean firstOperandFull = false;
          boolean secondOperandFull = false;
          Enumeration tokens = inParensVector.elements();
               while (tokens.hasMoreElements()) {
                  String x = (String)tokens.nextElement();
                  //if token is a blank skip it.
                  if (x.equals(" ")) { continue INPARENSLOOP; }
                  System.out.println("inparens : " + x);
                  //if token is a variable put correct value in operand
                      if (x.equals("a")) { if (! firstOperandFull) { operand1 = aValue; firstOperandFull = true; }
                                          else { operand2 = aValue; secondOperandFull = true;  } }
                  if (x.equals("b")) { if (! firstOperandFull) { operand1 = bValue; firstOperandFull = true; }
                                      else { operand2 = bValue; secondOperandFull = true;  } }
                  if (x.equals("c")) { if (! firstOperandFull) { operand1 = cValue; firstOperandFull = true; }
                                           else { operand2 = cValue; secondOperandFull = true;  } }
                 //if token is a operator store the operation
                 if (x.equals("+")) { if (firstOperandFull) { operator = 1; } }
                  if (x.equals("-")) { if (firstOperandFull) { operator = 2; } }
                 if (x.equals("*")) { if (firstOperandFull) { operator = 3; } }
                 if (x.equals("/")) { if (firstOperandFull) { operator = 4; } }
                  System.out.println("Inparens : operand1 = " + operand1 + " operand2 = " + operand2 + " operator = " + operator);
                 if (secondOperandFull) {
                                         switch (operator) {
                                                   case 1 : operand1 = add(operand1, operand2); secondOperandFull = false; break;
                                                       case 2 : operand1 = subtract(operand1, operand2); secondOperandFull = false; break;
                                                       case 3 : operand1 = multiply(operand1, operand2); secondOperandFull = false; break;
                                                       case 4 : operand1 = divide(operand1, operand2); secondOperandFull = false; break;
                                                       }//end switch
                                         } //end if
                  } //End while
               System.out.println("Inparens return = " + operand1);
               return  operand1;
    }//End doInParens
    }//End Class

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    I want to see numbers in Arabic format not in Indian format when i log on the Arabic Interface .
    I have EBS (12.0.6) installed on Linux centos , I have implement the below Oracle Metalink Note to solve this issue
    How To See Numbers In Arabic Instead Of Indian Format [ID 785243.1]
    I installed all the patched mentioned in the note (Apply forms version with the forms patch 7488328 , Apply patch 7207440:R12.TXK.A , Apply patch 7601624 - NEW PROFILE OPTION: FORMS DIGIT SUBSTITUTION)
    These patches add the Profile option (FORMS DIGIT SUBSTITUTION) , but when i try to used it has no effect at all .
    So kindly if you have any idea about this issue please help me.
    Fadi Lafi

    These patches add the Profile option (FORMS DIGIT SUBSTITUTION) , but when i try to used it has no effect at all .At what level you have set this profile option?
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    Dear experts,
    Since NUMBER_GET_NEXT can only be used to assign numbers in internal number range, how to assign numbers in external number range?
    So far, I only know the NUMBER_CHECK function module to deal with external number ranges and it only check a number whether it lies in any external number range or not, but it doesn't update any number range status. What I need is a function module like NUMBER_GET_NEXT that supports external number range.
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: harissahlan on Oct 19, 2011 5:44 AM

    With external number range, there is no updating of the number range objectt. The only thing you need to know is whether the number you wish to assign is allowed according to the external number range. And also check if there isn't already an object/document with the same number in the database.

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    How to write numbers in arabic?
    (how will you in normal papers....assume 123 to be in the arabic numerals here).
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    | -123|
    | 123-|

    I won't say I am very clear about this topic. But I will give an example, which seems to show that number (in the double type) is logically of the form -000.00 while locale spacific String object can be both of the forms "000.00-" and "-000.00"
    // you can show the string below (formatted) on a JLabel with the following
    //<JLabel_instance>.setFont(new Font("Lucida Sans", Font.PLAIN, 22));
    NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(new java.util.Locale("ar","EG"));
    //NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(new java.util.Locale("fr","Fr"));   // compare
    DecimalFormat df=null;
    DecimalFormatSymbols dfs= null;
      if (nf instanceof DecimalFormat) {
          df = (DecimalFormat)nf;
          dfs = df.getDecimalFormatSymbols();
          dfs.setZeroDigit('\u0660');// set the beginning of the range to Arabic digits.. this can be commented out
      String formatted = nf.format(-1234567.89);

  • How to write numbers in Arabic?

    Hi All,
    How to write numbers in arabic?
    (how will you in normal papers....assume 123 to be in the arabic numerals here).
    Should it be:
    | -123|
    | 123-|

    Try the following.
    DecimalFormat formatter_ar=null;
    Numberformat form = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(new Locale("ar","EG"));
    if(form instanceof DecimalFormat) formatter_ar = (DecimalFormat)form;
    String str = formatter_ar.format(-123.45);

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    For example:
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    Thank you.

    Assuming you've already set the field to a Number format category and limited it to one digit to the right of the decimal, you can use the following custom Validate script:
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    event.value = Math.round(event.value);
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    Hi kewme5798,
    You can edit a PDF file if you have the  Adobe Acrobat software
    1. Open Adobe Acrobat. From the File menu select "Open." Browse to the document you wish to edit and double-click the file to open it.
      2. Add or remove pages by selecting the "Tools" menu on the right-hand side of the page. Select the "Pages" option. Choose the appropriate action: "Insert from file," "Delete," "Extract" or "Replace," to name a few options. For example, to add pages from another PDF file, click the "Insert from file" option and select the file you wish to insert. Follow the prompts to tell Acrobat where to insert the additional pages (before or after the existing pages) and click "OK." Delete pages by the clicking the "Delete" option and highlighting the pages you wanted deleted from the PDF file.
    3. Edit the text within the pages by selecting "Tools," "Content," "Edit Document Text." Highlight the text you need to edit and type in the new text.
    4. Click on "Tools," "Content" and "Edit Object" to move objects around on the page, resize them, flip or rotate them. You can also edit the size and orientation of images and text boxes using this option.
      5. Complete the necessary editing, proofread your changes and click "Save As" from the File menu.  Name your document something to indicate that it is a revised version of the original document and click the "Save" button.

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    How to modify a lookup field-type to use checkbox instead of radiobutton?
    I would like to modify the behavior for the lookup field.
    Normally you get a screen where it is possible to search through a lookup. The items resulted from the search are listed as radiobutton items. Therefore you can select only one at the time to be added.
    Is it possible to have the items to be listed as checkbox instead? So that you can check multiple items and therefore be able to add multiple items at the time?
    For example:
    To add the user to 10 different groups on MS-AD.
    It is desired to have the ability to check multiple groups to be added instead only one at the time.
    My client would like to use this feature in many other situations.

    Displaying will not be a big deal but with that you have to customize the action class and its working as well.

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    How to modify a column name?
    How to modify a primary key constraint name if the pk has been referenced by another foreign key?

    What version of oracle are you using? If it is 9i,
    then you can the command
    alter table <table_name> rename column <column_name> to <new_column>;
    if it is 8i or earlier, you can create a view with the required names.
    Always post the oracle version and the platform you are using to get better response.

  • How to modify the coding part of KE30 reports ?

    How to modify the coding part of KE30 reports ,
    so that I can be able to restrict report output based on sales office.
    I am unable to find out the program name also.

    Venkat Reddy wrote:
    > Hi,
    > If u want to know the program running for KE30 just go to SE93 and give KE30
    > and click on display you can see the program running for KE30 will be SAPMKCEE.
    > I think this is much simpler :-).
    > Rather than change the standard report try to prepared your own that will be more
    > comfortable since it will be complex task to achieve editing the standard program.
    > Good Luck
    > Regards
    > VEnk@
    > Edited by: Venkat Reddy on Dec 11, 2009 4:52 PM
    Venkat,your answer is much simpler If the OP knows there is a tcode Se93, what if he/she does not know it?? 
    P.S: Just a thought.

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    This network is to be used only for legitimate business purposes. If you are not authorized to have access, do not enter this network. By entering the network, you agree to maintain its confidentiality and not to disclose or misuse the information contained in the network and you further agree to our monitoring of your use of this network.
    How to modify or delete these words ?

    This text is not a translation managed in the DB.  you can modify the aspx page, directly.  web\webcommon\login.aspx

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