How to open the TFS query results in Excel?

Hello Guys,
Question 1: Is there any way to export the query results from the TFS web browser?
Question 2: Is there any way to export the query results from Team Explorer 2013?
Here is the query results in TFS:
How do I export this result in excel for further analysis? 
I have also connected to Team explorer 2013 and right clicked on the query, but there is no option to open the results in Excel, see below:

_Pls follow these guide lines for ensuring proper output in Microsoft Excel:
1.First compare the fields properties and the frames properties between the reports created with wizard and the reports created manually.
2. Do not leave any space between two adjacent objects.
Explanation: Because any space, including a few pixels, between two adjacent objects will result in an empty cell or column in Excel output
3.Make sure that the widths of all objects are vertically consistent.
Explanation: If the objects are not exactly aligned vertically, that is, have inconsistent widths, it is likely to result in insertion of unwanted cells/columns in Excel.
4. Pls. Make sure that the vertical elasticity of the frames and repeating frames is not fixed unless you are sure you have allocated enough space to accommodate all the records.
Explanation: If you set the Vertical Elasticity property of a frame to Fixed, the output in Excel will show only as many records as could appear on the first page of the paper output. Since Excel does not have a page concept, it is not able to overflow the remaining rows to the next page.
5. For reliable formatting of spreadsheet output, enclose the whole layout area in a frame.
Explanation: This action prevents the possibility of parallel objects displaying in different vertical positions, one following the other.
Hope this helps.

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    Below method will create table when data is inserted from one table to another table. Its useful when you need exactly same datatype as source table.
    Use AdventureWorks2008R2;
    ---Insert data using SELECT INTO
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    INTO BothellAddresses
    FROM Person.Address
    where City = 'Bothell';
    Select AddressLine1, City
    FROM BothellAddresses
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    Below method will need table to be created prior to inserting data. Its really useful when table is already created and you want insert data from
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    Message was edited by: Lei Shao

    Hi, Sen,
    I used your solution in my infocube and query, where I created a structure with 'between'. However, it is still the simple summation in different amount range.
    Just like the following:
    Sales ORG / Sales Office / Sales Rep / Amount
    East      / Atlanta      / 1001      / 3
    East      / Atlanta      / 1002      / 4
    So the query result is the same:
    S-ORG / S-Office / S-Rep / Amount Range / Amount
    East  / Atlanta  / 1001  / 0~5          / 3
    East  / Atlanta  / 1001  / 5+           / 0
    East  / Atlanta  / 1002  / 0~5          / 4
    East  / Atlanta  / 1002  / 5+           / 0
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    S-ORG / S-Office / Amount Range / Amount
    East  / Atlanta  / 0~5          / 7
    East  / Atlanta  / 5+           / 0
    However our expection for the result is different, because in business traction, if we remove sales rep, the sales org and sales office will get the sub-total like this: (we can image it with ABAP program sub-total)
    Sales ORG / Sales Office / Amount
    East      / Atlanta      / 7
    So our expection for the result is:
    S-ORG / S-Office / Amount Range / Amount
    East  / Atlanta  / 0~5          / 0
    East  / Atlanta  / 5+           / 7
    Therefore, any good suggestion for this?
    Thanks a lot

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    Go to Solution.
    Attachments: ‏9 KB

    Here is a piece of code I use to test SQL commands, you can use the part that retrieves sql results.
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    Attachments: ‏30 KB

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    Below method will create table when data is inserted from one table to another table. Its useful when you need exactly same datatype as source table.
    Use AdventureWorks2008R2;
    ---Insert data using SELECT INTO
    SELECT AddressLine1, City
    INTO BothellAddresses
    FROM Person.Address
    where City = 'Bothell';
    Select AddressLine1, City
    FROM BothellAddresses
    DROP TABLE BothellAddresses
    Below method will need table to be created prior to inserting data. Its really useful when table is already created and you want insert data from
    another table.
    Use AdventureWorks2008R2;
    ---Create Table
    CREATE TABLE BothellAddresses (AddressLine1 NVARCHAR(60), City NVARCHAR(30))
    ---Insert into above table using SELECT
    INSERT INTO BothellAddresses(AddressLine1, City)
    SELECT AddressLine1, City
    FROM Person.Address
    where City = 'Bothell';
    Select AddressLine1, City
    FROM BothellAddresses
    DROP TABLE BothellAddresses
    Vishal Patel

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    Two formats of creating a CSV file:
    report zrich_0001 .
    data: it001 type table of t001 with header line.
    data: iout type table of string .
    data: xout type string.
    field-symbols: <fs>.
    select * into table it001 from t001.
    loop at it001.
      clear xout.
        assign component sy-index of structure it001 to <fs>.
        if sy-subrc <> 0.
        if sy-index = 1.
          xout = <fs>.
          concatenate xout <fs> into xout separated by ','.
      append xout to iout.
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              filename = 'C:\test.csv'
              data_tab = iout.
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    data: begin of itab occurs 0,
          vbeln like vbap-vbeln,
          posnr like vbap-posnr,
          end of itab.
    data:  itab1 type TRUXS_T_TEXT_DATA.
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           up to 10 rows
           from vbap
           into table itab.
        I_FIELD_SEPERATOR          = ','
        I_TAB_SAP_DATA             = itab
        I_TAB_CONVERTED_DATA       =  itab1
        CONVERSION_FAILED          = 1
        OTHERS                     = 2.
    IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
        filename = 'C:\TEMP\TEST.CSV'
        data_tab = itab1
        OTHERS   = 1.
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    Field name: RCA
    Tom is a girl
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    Expect below will display
    or any other solution for it ??
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    also look at xmlelement
    SQL> select xmlelement("DATA", rca).getstringval() from
      2  (
      3  select 'Jason' RCA from dual union all
      4  select 'Tomato' from dual union all
      5  select '<Record>AA</Record>' from dual
      6  )
      7  /

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    Thanks for all your help in advance..
    - Amit

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    Dim appRef = CreateObject("Illustrator.Application")
    ' Dim docRef = appRef.Open(_path, 1)
    'Open a file with legacy text
    Dim optionsRef = CreateObject("Illustrator.OpenOptions")
    optionsRef.UpdateLegacyText = True
    Dim docRef = appRef.Open(_path, 1, optionsRef) ' 1 = aiDocumentRGBColor

    turn off Alerts at the beggining of your code
    appRef.UserInteractionLevel = aiDontDisplayAlerts
    turn them back on at the end of your code
    appRef.UserInteractionLevel = aiDisplayAlerts

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    2, SELECT grd_code FROM grade_master WHERE grd_osm_code > (Select grd_osm_code FROM grade_master WHERE grd_orgn='&&orgn' and grd_ctry='&&ctry' and grd_loc ='&&loc' And grd_oru = '&&oru' and grd_code),
    3, SELECT grd_code FROM grade_master WHERE grd_osm_code < (Select grd_osm_code FROM grade_master WHERE grd_orgn='&&orgn' and grd_ctry='&&ctry' And grd_loc ='&&loc' And grd_oru = '&&oru' and grd_code ='&&emp_grade'))

    One thing I understood my your issue is you want to perform, execution of query once or fetch the results sets my minimizing the number of times executions of queries. It would be hard for us to check in this way, atleast provide some temporary data and some business rules. Only I can IN, >, < (queries logical conditons on inner query)
    - Pavan Kumar N
    - ORACLE OCP - 9i/10g

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    We have a requirement  where we need to broadcast the precalculated query results in web format, we know that we can do this through workbook, but we want to do it in web format to avoid the limitations of the workbook like number of rows in workbook limited to 65000 etc.,
    We are using 3.x environment,
    please suggest that is this functionality can be achievable, if yes how?
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi All, this problem was resolved.

  • How to update the test case result in MTM using C#

    I have tried the following code but when I execute the same I am getting the testcase result as "In Progress".
    How to update the testcase execution result as Passed.
    I tried the below code:
    void UpdateResult()
    TfsTeamProjectCollection tfs =
    ITestManagementService tms = tfs.GetService<ITestManagementService>();
    ITestManagementTeamProject proj = tms.GetTeamProject(project);
    ITestPlan Plan = proj.TestPlans.Find(1);
    ITestRun testRun = proj.TestRuns.Create();
    testRun = Plan.CreateTestRun(false);
    ITestPointCollection points = Plan.QueryTestPoints("SELECT
    * FROM TestPoint");
    foreach (ITestPoint
    p in points)
    testRun.AddTestPoint(p,Plan.Owner);// null);
    testRun.State = TestRunState.Completed;
    ITestCaseResultCollection results = testRun.QueryResults();
    ITestIterationResult iterationResult;
    foreach (ITestCaseResult
    result in results)
    iterationResult = result.CreateIteration(1);
    foreach (ITestStep
    testStep in result.GetTestCase().Actions)
    ITestStepResult stepResult = iterationResult.CreateStepResult(testStep.Id);
    stepResult.Outcome = TestOutcome.Passed;   
    iterationResult.Outcome = TestOutcome.Passed;

    Hi Mohammed,
    Sorry for my delay.
    According to your code, I have been modified your code in my side and it can work fine. So you can refer the following code to check your issue in your side.
    = newTfsTeamProjectCollection(TfsTeamProjectCollection.GetFullyQualifiedUriForName(server));
    = tfs.GetService<ITestManagementService>();
    = tms.GetTeamProject(project);
    ITestPlanPlan = proj.TestPlans.Find(1);
    = Plan.RootSuite.SubSuites.Where(s
    => s.Id == 1339).First()
    = null;
    = suite.Entries.Where(e
    => e.Title == "login").First().TestCase;
    = project.TestRuns.Create();
    = Plan.CreateTestRun(false);
    = Plan.QueryTestPoints("SELECT * FROM TestPoint WHERE TestCaseId ="+
    Plan.Owner);// null);
    //testRun.AddTestPoint(p, null);
    testRun.State =
    = testRun.QueryResults();
                    iterationResult = result.CreateIteration(1);
    = iterationResult.CreateStepResult(testStep.Id);
    = TestOutcome.Passed;   
    = TestOutcome.Passed;
    = TestOutcome.Passed;
    result.State = TestResultState.Completed;
    Note: you will need to
    base on your requirement to modify the code such as modify the testsuite id and title in your side.
    In addition, I find a blog about TFS API that can help you:
    # Code snippets on Test Management APIs
    Best Regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • How to conncet the tfs

      iam newly   in ssas 
        i was start  the  new work   in  Ssas . but  i did not  get any path of the cube in tfs,
     i have only server name and database and  cube name . can   you please tell me  how to connect the tfs   with analysis server.
     it possible  to connect with out  path  and only server name and database. how can get latest  version . and how to get the exactly path . 
    please help  me
    thank you,

    Hi sheshu0022,
    I agree with Zaied, and you can check this
    page for details for connecting to TFS. Then you can do a workspace mapping and get the source code from TFS server to your client machine via Team Explorer. If you have any other concerns, please elaborate more details or open a new thread.
    Best regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • How to view the sql query?

      how to view the sql query formed from the xml structure in the receiver jdbc?

    You can view SAP Note at
    But you require SMP login ID for this which you should get from your company. The content of the notes are as follows:
    Reason and Prerequisites
    You are looking for additional parameter settings. There are two possible reasons why a feature is available via the "additional parameters" table in the "advanced mode" section of the configuration, but not as documented parameter in the configuration UI itself:
    Category 1: The parameter has been introduced for a patch or a SP upgrade where no UI upgrade and/or documentation upgrade was possible. In this case, the parameter will be moved to the UI and the documentation as soon as possible. The parameter in the "additional parameters" table will be deprecated after this move, but still be working. The parameter belongs to the supported adapter functionality and can be used in all, also productive, scenarios.
    Category 2. The parameter has been introduced for testing purposes, proof-of-concept scenarios, as workaround or as pre-released functionality. In this case, the parameter may or may not be moved to the UI and documentation, and the functionality may be changed, replaced or removed. For this parameter category there is no guaranteed support and usage in productive scenarios is not supported.
    When you want to use a parameter documented here, please be aware to which category it belongs!
    The following list shows all available parameters of category 1 or 2. Please note:
    Parameter names are always case-sensitive! Parameter values may be case-sensitive, this is documented for each parameter.
    Parameter names and values as documented below must be used always without quotaton marks ("), if not explicitly stated otherwise.
    The default value of a parameter is always chosen that it does not change the standard functionality
    JDBC Receiver Adapter Parameters
    1. Parameter name: "logSQLStatement"
                  Parameter type: boolean
                  Parameter value: true for any string value, false only for empty string
                  Parameter value default: false (empty String)
                  Available with: SP9
                  Category: 2
                  When implementing a scenario with the JDBC receiver adapter, it may be helpful to see which SQL statement is generated by the JDBC adapter from the XI message content for error analysis. Before SP9, this can only be found in the trace of the JDBC adapter if trace level DEBUG is activated. With SP9, the generated SQL statement will be shown in the details page (audit protocol) of the message monitor for each message directly.
                  This should be used only during the test phase and not in productive scenarios.

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    Hi all
    I'd like to know how to transport the BW query's variable to BO 's webi . today ,I created a sap customer varible in my bw system to get the max calmonth in the active table.The varible in the BW side run's well ,but I use this query to build a new univers ,and created a new webi report base on this univers ,but the question is the webi report can't get the varible's value I wann to know how to transport the bw varible value to BO webi report
    Thanks and regards,
    Peter .zhu

    I have changed my variaable in my bw query ,I found if you use SAP default variable it is ok in BO side . So I get a guidline by SAP default variable ,I changed my customer variable in variables edite ,don't use 'ready for input' .And then the variable can be useful in BO side .
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