How to override a method in an inner class of the super class

I have a rather horribly written class, which I need to adapt. I could simply do this if I could override a method in one of it's inner classes. My plan then was to extend the original class, and override the method in question. But here I am struggling.
The code below is representative of my situation.
public class ClassA
   ValueChecks vc = null;
   /** Creates a new instance of Main */
   public ClassA()
      System.out.println("ClassA Constructor");
      vc = new ValueChecks();
     // I want this to call the overridden method, but it does not, it seems to call
     // the method in this class. probably because vc belongs to this class;
   protected void myMethod()
   protected class ValueChecks
      protected boolean checkMinimum()
         System.out.println("ValueChecks.checkMinimum (SUPER)");
         return true;
      protected boolean checkMaximum()
         return false;
}I have extended ClassA, call it ClassASub, and it is this Class which I instantiate. The constructor in ClassASub obviously calls the constructor in ClassA. I want to override the checkMinimum() method in ValueChecks, but the above code always calls the method in ClassA. The ClassASub code looks like this
public class ClassASub extends ClassA
   public ClassAInner cias;
   /** Creates a new instance of Main */
   public ClassASub()
      System.out.println("ClassASub Constructor");
   protected void myMethod()
   protected class ValueChecks extends ClassA.ValueChecks
      protected boolean checkMinimum()
         System.out.println("ValueChecks.checkMinimum (SUB)");
         return true;
}The method myMethod seems to be suitably overridden, but I cannot override the checkMinimum() method.
I think this is a stupid problem to do with how the ValueChecks class is instantiated. I think I need to create an instance of ValueChecks in ClassASub, and pass a reference to it into ClassA. But this will upset the way ClassA works. Could somebody enlighten me please.

vc = new ValueChecks();vc is a ValueChecks object. No matter whether you subclass ValueChecks or not, vc is always of this type, per this line of code.
// I want this to call the overridden method, but it does not, it seems to > call
// the method in this class. probably because vc belongs to this class;No, it's because again vc references a ValueChecks object, because it was created as such.
And when I say ValueChecks, I mean the original class, not the one you tried to create by the same name, attempting to override the original.

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    I suppose for unit tests, there could be cases when you need to access private methods that you don't want your real code to access.
    Reflection with inner classes can be tricky. I tried getting the constructor, but it kept failing until I saw that even though the default constructor is a no-arg, for inner classes that aren't static, apparently the constructor for the inner class itself takes an instance of the outer class as a param.
    So here's what it looks like:
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                for (int i =0; i < classlist.length; i++){
                    if (! classlist.getSimpleName().equals("B")){
    //skip other classes
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    throw new RuntimeException(e);
    Good luck, and if you find yourself relying on this too much, it might mean a code redesign.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

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    this.getContentPane().add(datePanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
    this.getContentPane().add(radioPanel, BorderLayout.WEST);
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    radioPanel.add(businessButton, null);
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    Bet you're trying "java JournalFrame" when you need to "java JournalApp".
    Couple pointers toward good code.
    1) Use white space (extra returns) to separate your code into logical "paragraphs" of thought.
    2) Add comments. At a minimum a comment at the beginning should name the file, state its purpose, identify the programmer and date written. A comment at the end should state that you've reached the end. In the middle, any non-obvious code should be commented and closing braces or parens should have a comment stating what they close (if there is non-trivial separation from where they open).
    Here's a sample:
    // - this does ???
    // saisoft, 4/18/03
    // constructor
      private void jbInit() throws Exception {
        personalButton.addActionListener(new JournalFrame_personalButton_actionAdapter(this));
    } // end constructor
    // end JournalFrame.java3) What would you expect to gain from that inner class? It might be more cool, but would it be more clear? I give the latter (clarity) a lot of importance.

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    Give me a sample codeNo. Read the links provided by Yannix, try it out for yourself, and if you still have a question, post the code you tried.

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    String x[];
    int c;
    Test(int size)
    x=new String[size];
    public void addString(String str)
    x=new String
    public void String toString()
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    AS you said, the toString method returns a String - this String is supposed to be a representation of the current instance of your class's state. In your case, your class's state is a String array, so you just pick a format for that and make a String that fits that format. Maybe you want it to spit out something like:
    Test[1] = "some string"
    Test[2] = "some other String"If so, code something like:public String toString() {
        StringBuffer returnValue = new StringBuffer();
        for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
            returnValue.append("Test[" + i + "] = \"" + x[i] + "\"";
        return returnValue.toString();
    } If you don't mind the formatting of the toString method that Lists get, you could just do something like:public String toString() {
        return java.util.Arrays.asList(this).toString();
    } and call it good. That will print out something like:
    [Some String, another String, null]Depending on what's in your array.
    Good Luck

  • Accessing method in an inner class

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    public class TheOuterClass
        JTable aTable
        TableModel theTableModel
        public initTable
             theTableModel = new MyTableModel();
         public TableModel getModel()
             return theTableModel;
         private class MyTableModel extends AbstractTableModel
                public void myTableModelMethod()
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    Any suggestions / ideas would be gratefully appreciated

    You are of course both correct, the class is private, should have spotted that! Doh. Also correct in that this is 'not the most elegant design', but you know the way it is you have to work with what you are given.
    So, I changed the class to public....
    What I had hoped is that the following would work
    ((toc.getModel().getClass())(toc.getModel())).myTableMethod()get a reference to the table model
    (toc.getModel())cast it to the correct type (not sure if this is a valid way to cast??)
    ((toc.getModel().getClass())(toc.getModel()))then call the method.
    This does not compile, it complains about a missing ')', and I'm sure they are all there. My question here then is, Is this a valid way to cast, now that the inner class is public?
    As to why I want to do this, then some explanation is required;
    The table model holds a Vector with all the data in it, some which is not actually in the table (it was originally written this way). My additional method myTableMethod() is intended to help access the data that is not shown in the table.
    Coming back to kajbj's point of creating an interface, I presume what is being suggested is that I create a public interface with the myTableMethod() in it, and make myTableModel implement this interface. Since the interface is public, then I can cast to that. Is this what you meant?
    Thanks for your help so far

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    I read in some forum that for accessing protected method reflcetion should be used. If I'm not wrong then how can I use reflection to access such methods and if reflection isn't the only way then what is another alternative. Please help me...

    I read in some forum that for accessing protected
    method reflcetion should be used. If I'm not wrong
    then how can I use reflection to access such methods
    and if reflection isn't the only way then what is
    another alternative. Please help me...Two ways:
    - either extend that class
    - or don't use it at all
    If you use reflection, you're very likely to break something. And not only the design. Remember that the method is supposed to be inaccessible for outside classes.

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    Hi Guys,
    I have 2 views in my Project: IPrivateValidateIncidentView and IPrivateRoadMapView.  Now, a button in the IPrivateRoadMapView must call a method in the IPrivateValidateIncidentView.  I cannot seem to figgure this out.  I know that I will probably need to arrange things centrally in my Component COntroller somehow.
    I have tried to see what methods I can Invoke on IPrivateValidateIncidentView from within the Controller to see if I can call the method OnActionDoneValidate() from there, but I can only seem to get a constant with this methods name: IPrivateValidateIncidentView.WD_EVENTHANDLER_ON_ACTION_DONE_VALIDATION;
    Please help.

    You are correct, for your requirement you need to arrange the things centrally that is in Component Controller. As in above reply you need to Create your context in Component controller and then map them to both the views. So data will be available to both the views and finally you create a method in component controller and call that method from second view. So the data changes made in controller will be reflected on First View as they have context mapping.

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    Hi All,
    In my project I have two N220 systems, which has two IP addresses each. Server has the following IP addresses This IP address connected thorugh HUB This IP address connected through Crossover cable
    Client has the following IP addresses This IP address connected thorugh HUB This IP address connected through Crossover cable
    In server system I bind the RMI registry in the following way
    Naming.rebind ("rmi://", this);
    And in Client system I lookup in the following way
    Now the problem is, the method in RMI server is not called through Crossover link it is happening through TCP/IP link. Is there any way to call the method by only using Crossover link?
    Please help me with this issue...
    Thanks in advance.

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    Is there any way to avoid this ?
    Please help me with this issue..
    Thanks in advance...
    Message was edited by:

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    We have a subclass of a DispatchAction that handles all the incoming .dos.
    So http://blarblarblar:7001/blar/blar/ will dispatch to an Action class called DoSomething, into a method called logout().
    So when the webapp throws an exception, the ActionMapping actually displays an error.jsp and i have to invalidate the user at this stage.
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    Any help is much appreciated.

    hi :-) DispatchAction is quite cool ;-)
    dont get much of your question but hope
    the suggestion below could help.
    A. use redirect?
    B. autosubmit the form
    1. create your form in a jsp
       <html:form action="/doSomething" />
         <html:hidden name="method" value="logout" />
       </html:form>2. auto submit the form with method = logout
    put the function autosubmit in the "onLoad" event of the body
         function autosubmit(){
         var form = document.yourformname;

  • How to Call a method from a separate class...?

    Hi there...
    I have a class name HMSCon which has a method named con...
    method con is the one the loads the jdbc driver and establishes the connection....Now!I have a separate class file named TAQueries,this is where i am going to write my SQL Statements...any idea how to use my variables from HMSCon to my TAQueries class???
    here's my code:
    public class HMSCon{
    public static void con(){
    String url="jdbc:odbc:;DRIVER=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb);DBQ=" +
    Connection cn = DriverManager.getConnection(url,"Admin", "asian01");
    }catch(Exception s){
    here's my seperate class file TAQueries,i put an error message below..
    class TAInfoQueries{
    public void insertNewTA(String TAID,String Fname,String Mname, String Lname,String Age,
    String Bdate,String Haddress,String ContactNo){
    // Statement stmt=cn.createStatement(); ERROR: Cannot find symbol cn.
    // stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO TechnicalAssistants VALUES('sdfas','sdfsdf','sdfdsf','sdfdsf',3,04/13/04,'asdf','asdfsdf')");
    // stmt.close();

    You can try the below code, but it's a bad idea to use staitc member for connection:(
    public class HMSCon{
    static Connection cn;
    public static void con(){
    String url="jdbc:odbc:;DRIVER=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb);DBQ=" +
    cn = DriverManager.getConnection(url,"Admin", "asian01");
    }catch(Exception s){
    here's my seperate class file TAQueries,i put an error message below..
    class TAInfoQueries{
    public void insertNewTA(String TAID,String Fname,String Mname, String Lname,String Age,
    String Bdate,String Haddress,String ContactNo){
    // Statement; ERROR: Cannot find symbol cn.
    // stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO TechnicalAssistants VALUES('sdfas','sdfsdf','sdfdsf','sdfdsf',3,04/13/04,'asdf','asdfsdf')");
    // stmt.close();

  • Name clash when attempting to override a method in a paramaterized class

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         public void sort(Comparator<Entry<? extends K, ? extends V>> comparator) {

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    Name clash: The method sort(Comparator<Map.Entry<? extends K,? extends V>>) of
    type Test2<K,V> has the same erasure as sort(Comparator<Map.Entry<? extends
    K,? extends V>>) of type Test<K,V> but does not override it
    Message was edited by:

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