How to permanently delete an App...

Upon start-up of my iMac the app LimeWire always starts running, ...
I haven't used it for years now since I just love iTunes, ...
So. ... how do i permanently delete this annoying app that always starts running in the back ground?
(I always "band-aid" the situation by force-quitting the app, ... but I am tired of doing this, .....Please help)

If it shows up in your dock, you can right click on it, select 'Options', then select 'Open at Login' to UNcheck it.
After that, if it remains on your dock after quitting the app, click and drag the icon off the dock and let go.
To delete it from your computer, open the Applications folder and drag the icon to the trash (or you can use something like AppCleaner, which I love).

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    If it shows up in your dock, you can right click on it, select 'Options', then select 'Open at Login' to UNcheck it.
    After that, if it remains on your dock after quitting the app, click and drag the icon off the dock and let go.
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    Hey there comealongpie,
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities.
    From what I gather, your’e trying to free up some storage space on your iPhone using iTunes on your PC, and you're concerned because apps aren't being deleted from iTunes on your PC. Take a look at the article linked below which clarifies the process of syncing and organizing apps on your iOS device using iTunes.
    iTunes 12 for Mac: Sync and organize iOS apps
    Also, take a look at this article which will walk you through the process of deleting apps from the device itself.
    Delete music, movies, podcasts, and other content from your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch - Apple Support

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    Press the app until the apps start to jiggle, then touch the "X" at the upper left corner of the icon.
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    There's also a "quit" in the menubar.  Once it's not active you can delete it.

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    If you plug in your iphone, click on it in iTunes, and go to the apps section, it should be checked to sync apps if you want them to show up in iTunes as well as your iPhone. Once synced they will show on both.
    Then if you click Apps under the Library header in the left panel of iTunes, you'll be able to permanently delete apps, removing them entirely from iTunes. Highlight an app's icon or a group of icons by holding down Shift and hit the delete key (or select Edit > Delete from the top menu or right-click on an icon and selecting delete).

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    Rudegar is correct - you cannot remove the app permanently from your account. There has been much discussion about this on the ASC site and many users have concerns for many different reasons. As suggested send feedback to Apple.
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    If you just want to the delete an app from your iPad then press and hold any of the apps and after a couple of seconds or so they should start to shake. Then press the 'x' in the left corner to delete the ones that you don't want, and when you've finished deleting press the home button so as to stop the shaking. You cannot delete any of the Apple built-in apps e.g. Music/iPod, App Store, Game Centre etc. If you don't get the 'x' on any of the apps that you've downloaded then check that Settings > General > Restrictions > Deleting Apps isn't set 'off'

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