How to refresh/apply column value default setting on current files or folders

Hi All
I have set-up default column data per folder in my library (via
Library Settings > Column default settings) and it works great for new documents or folders that are added to the library.
But what do I do if I have an existing Library with folders and files and need to apply default column data to each? Is there a way of "refreshing" the default columns so that the data is populated through a specific folder and/or its sub-folders?
(I really hope this is an easy fix or just a setting that I over-looked somewhere!)
Thank you!

I had to do this as well recently, and remembered your post.
Here is the function I wrote , this worked for text, choice, and metadata columns
It is pretty slow and could be optimized and broken up into more functions, but I had to do several things:
1. I mass-updated the content types in a library
2. On Library settings : set default values and also different defaults per folder
3. For each file I then needed to:
3.a. either copy the value from a column in the old content type to the new, or
3.b. set the column to the default
so this function does step 3, like I said it works for certain types of columns and can be sped up (I used it to update 700 files in a couple minutes), and it makes some assumptions about the environment but this at least is a starting point.
As Alex said you may want to change SystemUpdate($true) to just Update(), depending on your requirements.
Resets columns in a document library to defaults for blank columns. Use this
after changing the content types or adding columns to a doc lib with existing files
Resets columns in a doc lib to their defaults. Will only set them if the columns are blank (unless overridden)
Will also copy some values from one column to another while you are there.
Can restrict the update to a subset of columns, or have it look for all columns with defaults.
Will use the list defaults as well as folder defaults.
All names of columns passed in should use InternalName.
This has ONLY been tested on Text, Choice, Metadata, and mult-Choice and Mult-Metadata columns
Pass in a list and it will recursively travel down the list to update all items with the defaults for the items in that folder.
If you call it on a folder, it will travel up the tree of folders to find the proper defaults
Chris Buchholz
[email protected]
The document library to update. Using this parameter it will update all files in the doc lib
The folder containing files to update. Function will update all files in this folder and subfolders.
.PARAMETER ParentFolderDefaults
Hashtable of internal field names as KEY, and value VALUE, summing up all the parent folders or list defaults.
If not supplied, then the function will travel up the tree of folders to the parent doclib to determine
the correct defaults to apply.
If the field is managed metadata, then the value is a string
Currently only tested for string and metadata values, not lookup or date
.PARAMETER termstore
The termstore to use if you are going to update managed metadata columns, this assumes we are only using the one termstore for all columns to update
If you are using the site collection specific termstore for some columns you want to update, and
the central termstore for others, then you should call this method twice, once with each termstore,
and specify the respective columns in fieldsToUpdate
.PARAMETER fieldsToCopy
Hashtable of internal field names, where KEY is the "to" field, and VALUE is the "from" field
Use this to copy values from one field to another for the item.
These override the defaults, and also cause the "from" (Value) fields to NOT be overwritten with defaults even if
they are in the fieldsToUpdate array.
Example: @{"MyNewColumn" = "My_x0020_Old_x0020_Column"}
.PARAMETER fieldsToUpdate
If supplied then the method will update only the fields in this array to their default values, if null then it will update
all fields that have defaults.
If you pass in an empty array, then this method will only copy fields in the fieldtocopy and not
apply any defaults
Example: @() - to only copy and not set any fields to default
Example2: @('UpdateField1','UpdateField2') will
Set-SPListItemValuesToDefaults -list $list -fieldsToCopy @{"MyNewColumn" = "My_x0020_Old_x0020_Column"} -fieldsToUpdate @() -overwrite -termStore $termStore
This will not set any defaults, but instead only set MyNewColumn to non null values of My_x0020_Old_x0020_Column
It will overwrite any values of MyNewColumn
Set-SPListItemValuesToDefaults -list $list -overwrite
This will set all columns to their default values even if they are filled in already
Set-SPListItemValuesToDefaults -folder $list.RootFolder.SubFolder[3].SubFolder[5]
This will set all columns to their defaults in the given subfolder of a library
Set-SPListItemValuesToDefaults -list $list -fieldsToUpdate @('ColumnOneInternalName','ColumnTwoInternalName')
This will set columns ColumnOneInternalName and ColumnTwoInternalName to their defaults for all items where they are currently null
Set-SPListItemValuesToDefaults -list $list -fieldsToCopy @{"MyNewColumn" = "My_x0020_Old_x0020_Column"} -fieldsToUpdate @("MyNewColumn") -termStore $termStore
This will set all MyNewColumn values to their default, and then also copy the values of My_x0020_Old_x0020_Column to MyNewColumn where the old column is not null,
but both of these will only happen for items where MyNewColumn is null
Set-SPListItemValuesToDefaults -list $list -fieldsToCopy @{"MyNewColumn" = "My_x0020_Old_x0020_Column"} -termStore $termStore
This will set ALL columns with defaults to the default value (if the item's value is null),
except for My_x0020_Old_x0020_Column which will not be modified even if it has a default value, and will also set MyNewColumn to the
value of My_x0020_Old_x0020_Column if the old value is not null
function Set-SPListItemValuesToDefaults {
begin {
#one or both can be null, but if both empty, then nothing to do
if ($null -ne $fieldsToUpdate -and $fieldsToUpdate.Count -eq 0 -and
( $null -eq $fieldsToCopy -or $fieldsToCopy.Count -eq 0)) {
Write-Warning "No fields to update OR copy"
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Folder") {
$list = $folder.DocumentLibrary
if ($null -eq $termStore ) {
$taxonomySession = Get-SPTaxonomySession -site $list.ParentWeb.Site
$termStores = $taxonomySession.TermStores
$termStore = $termStores[0]
#if we did not pass in the parent folder defaults then we must go backward up tree
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Folder" -and $null -eq $ParentFolderDefaults ) {
$ParentFolderDefaults = @{}
if ($null -eq $fieldsToUpdate -or $fieldsToUpdate.Count -gt 0) {
write-Debug "ParentFolderDefaults is null"
while ($tempfolder.ParentListId -ne [Guid]::Empty) {
Write-Debug "at folder $($tempfolder.Url)"
$pairs = $columnDefaults.GetDefaultMetadata($tempfolder)
foreach ($pair in $pairs) {
if (!$ParentFolderDefaults.ContainsKey($pair.First)) {
Write-Debug "Folder $($tempfolder.Name) default: $($pair.First) = $($pair.Second)"
$tempfolder = $tempfolder.ParentFolder
Write-Debug "at list"
foreach ($field in $folder.DocumentLibrary.Fields) {
if ($field.InternalName -eq "_ModerationStatus") { continue }
#$field = $list.Fields[$name]
if (![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($field.DefaultValue)) {
#Write-Verbose "List default found key $($field.InternalName)"
if (!$ParentFolderDefaults.ContainsKey($field.InternalName)) {
Write-Debug "List Default $($field.InternalName) = $($field.DefaultValue)"
process {
Write-Debug "Calling with $($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)"
Write-Debug "Parent folder hash has $($ParentFolderDefaults.Count) items"
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "List" ) {
$folder = $list.RootFolder
if ($null -eq $fieldsToUpdate -or $fieldsToUpdate.Count -gt 0) {
foreach ($field in $list.Fields) {
if ($field.InternalName -eq "_ModerationStatus") { continue }
if (![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($field.DefaultValue)) {
Write-Debug "List Default $($field.InternalName) = $($field.DefaultValue)"
Write-Verbose "At folder $($folder.Url)"
$FolderDefaults += $ParentFolderDefaults
if ($null -eq $fieldsToUpdate -or $fieldsToUpdate.Count -gt 0) {
$pairs = $columnDefaults.GetDefaultMetadata($folder)
foreach ($pair in $pairs) {
if ($FolderDefaults.ContainsKey($pair.First)) {
Write-Debug "Folder $($folder.Name) default: $($pair.First) = $($pair.Second)"
#set values
foreach ($file in $folder.Files) {
if ($file.CheckOutType -ne [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFile+SPCheckOutType]::None) {
Write-Warning "File $($file.Url).CheckOutType = $($file.CheckOutType)) ... skipping"
$item = $file.Item
$ItemDefaults+= $FolderDefaults
#if we only want certain fields then remove the others
#Move this to every time we add values to the defaults
if ($null -ne $fieldsToUpdate ) {
foreach ($fieldInternalName in $fieldsToUpdate) {
try {
} catch { } #who cares if not in list
$ItemDefaults = $ItemDefaults2
#do not overwrite already filled in values unless specified
if (!$overwrite) {
$keys = $itemDefaults.Keys
for ($i=$keys.Count - 1; $i -ge 0; $i-- ) {
try {
$val =$item[$item.Fields.GetFieldByInternalName($key)]
if ($val -ne $null) {
} catch {} #if fieldname does not exist then ignore, we should check for this earlier
#do not overwrite FROM fields in copy list unless specified
if (!$overwriteFromFields) {
if ($null -ne $fieldToCopy -and $fieldsToCopy.Count -gt 0) {
foreach ($value in $fieldsToCopy.Values) {
try {
} catch {} #who cares if not in list
#do not overwrite TO fields in copy list if we're going to copy instead
if (!$overwriteFromFields) {
if ($null -ne $fieldToCopy -and $fieldsToCopy.Count -gt 0) {
foreach ($key in $fieldsToCopy.Keys) {
$fromfield = $item.Fields.GetFieldByInternalName($fieldsToCopy[$key])
try {
if ($null -ne $item[$fromfield]) {
} catch {} #who cares if not in list
Write-Verbose $item.Url
$namestr = [String]::Empty
if ($ItemDefaults.Count -eq 0) {
write-Verbose "No defaults, copy only"
} else {
$str = $ItemDefaults | Out-String
$namestr += $str
Write-Verbose $str
if ($null -ne $fieldsToCopy -and $fieldsToCopy.Count -gt 0) {
$str = $fieldsToCopy | Out-String
$namestr +=$str
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($item.Url,"Set Values: $namestr"))
if ($null -ne $ItemDefaults -and $ItemDefaults.Count -gt 0) {
foreach ($key in $ItemDefaults.Keys) {
$tofield = $item.Fields.GetFieldByInternalName($key)
if ($tofield.TypeAsString -like "TaxonomyFieldType*") {
$taxfield =[Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.TaxonomyField]$tofield
$taxfieldValue = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.TaxonomyFieldValue($tofield)
$termval=$lookupval.Substring( $lookupval.IndexOf('#')+1)
if ($tofield.TypeAsString -eq "TaxonomyFieldType") {
} else {
$taxfieldValues = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.TaxonomyFieldValueCollection $tofield
} else {
if ($null -ne $fieldsToCopy -and $fieldsToCopy.Count -gt 0) {
#$fieldsToCopy | Out-String | Write-Verbose
foreach ($key in $fieldsToCopy.Keys) {
$tofield = $item.Fields.GetFieldByInternalName($key)
$fromfield = $item.Fields.GetFieldByInternalName($fieldsToCopy[$key])
if ($null -eq $item[$fromfield] -or ( !$overwrite -and $null -ne $item[$tofield] )) {
if ($tofield.TypeAsString -eq "TaxonomyFieldType" -and
$fromfield.TypeAsString -notlike "TaxonomyFieldType*" ) {
#non taxonomy to taxonomy
$taxfield =[Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.TaxonomyField]$tofield
$termSet = $termStore.GetTermSet($taxfield.TermSetId)
[String]$fromval = $item[$fromfield]
$vals = $fromval -split ';#' | where {![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_)}
if ($null -ne $vals -and $vals.Count -ge 0 ) {
$val = $vals[0]
if ($vals.Count -gt 1) {
write-Warning "$($item.Url) Found more than one value in $($fromfield.InternalName)"
$terms =$termSet.GetTerms($val,$true)
if ($null -ne $terms -and $terms.Count -gt 0) {
$term = $terms[0]
Write-Verbose "$($tofield.InternalName) = $($term.Name)"
} else {
Write-Warning "Could not determine term for $($fromfield.InternalName) for $($item.Url)"
} elseif ($tofield.TypeAsString -eq "TaxonomyFieldTypeMulti" -and
$fromfield.TypeAsString -notlike "TaxonomyFieldType*" ) {
Write-Debug "we are here: $($item.Name): $($fromfield.TypeAsString) to $($tofield.TypeAsString )"
#non taxonomy to taxonomy
$taxfield =[Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.TaxonomyField]$tofield
$termSet = $termStore.GetTermSet($taxfield.TermSetId)
$taxfieldValues = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.TaxonomyFieldValueCollection $tofield
[String]$fromval = $item[$fromfield]
$vals = $fromval -split ';#' | where {![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_)}
foreach ($val in $vals){
$terms =$termSet.GetTerms($val,$true)
if ($null -ne $terms -and $terms.Count -gt 0) {
$taxfieldValue = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.TaxonomyFieldValue($tofield)
$taxfieldValue.TermGuid = $term.Id.ToString()
$taxfieldValue.Label = $term.Name
} else {
Write-Warning "Could not determine term for $($fromfield.InternalName) for $($item.Url)"
$valsAsString = $taxfieldValues | Out-String
Write-Debug "$($tofield.InternalName) = $valsAsString"
} elseif ($tofield.TypeAsString -eq "TaxonomyFieldTypeMulti" -and
$fromfield.TypeAsString -eq "TaxonomyFieldType" ) {
#single taxonomy to multi
$taxfieldValues = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.TaxonomyFieldValueCollection $tofield
$taxfield =[Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.TaxonomyField]$tofield
Write-Verbose "$($tofield.InternalName) = $valsAsString"
} elseif ($tofield.TypeAsString -eq "TaxonomyFieldType" -and
$fromfield.TypeAsString -eq "TaxonomyFieldTypeMulti" ) {
#multi taxonomy to single taxonomy
Write-Warning "multi to non multi - what to do here"
} elseif ($tofield.TypeAsString -eq "Lookup" -and
$fromfield.TypeAsString -ne "Lookup" ) {
#non lookup to lookup
Write-Warning "non lookup to lookup - still todo"
} else {
#straight copy
$item[$tofield] = $item[$fromfield]
$folders = $folder.SubFolders | where name -ne "Forms"
$folders | Set-SPListItemValuesToDefaults -ParentFolderDefaults $FolderDefaults -fieldsToCopy $fieldsToCopy -fieldsToUpdate $fieldsToUpdate -overwrite:$overwrite -overwriteFromFields:$overwriteFromFields -termStore $termStore

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    @OP: It is always good to type complete sentences and describe your problem at length. It helps in letting people know what you really need instead of making wild guesses or silly jokes. You post mentions that you get the ResultSet. Then you should look up the API docs for java.sql.ResultSet and take a look at the getxxx() method signatures. Use the ones which suit the specific case.
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    You need to use keyStamp, an example:
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    <bc4j:rowKey name="key" />
    Furthermore, you can automatically send the selected row key using the go event handler, so in the handlers section you could send the key to an orderInfo page:
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    Go through the links. It'll help.
    SharePoint 2013 Code Tips – Setting a Managed Metadata Field with the Client Object Model(CSOM and JSOM)
    Indul Hassan
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    Not sure I fully understand your goal.  We don't use "tasks" at all but if you are looking to have your workflow check certain valus and be able to send email messages to people based on whatever, then you can certainly do that (as long as your Sharepoint
    has the email setup.  We do this for alot of workflow tasks.
    So, in the workflow you can have a blanket statement like what I previously listed:
    if Current Item:hiddenStatus  not equals Current Item:Status
        .... do something
    or you can do something like:
    if Current Item:hiddenStatus equals "In-Progress"
        .... do something
    Else if Current Item:hiddenStatus  equals "Completed"
        .... do something
    or combine the two and do nested "if" statements.  Then you add an email statement wherever you need it like:
    if Current Item:hiddenStatus  equals "Completed"
       then email "these users"
    To add the email part, just type in "email" on the line where you want to add a statment.  There is only one option to choose from.  That will display the line "then email these users".   The "these users" will be a link.  When you
    click it you will get a popup to add the email info.  We typically will send the email to a user (or users) that are already listed in one of the PeoplePicker fields.  On the email form, you can type in your own text, designate that a value is based
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    Does this help answer your question?
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    Thanks Matt. I have used SETITEMATTRTEXT to get a single column value into an ITEM ATTRIBUTE.
    Please see the following procedure...
    PROCEDURE MisNotifyDataDesk(
         itemtype IN VARCHAR2
         , itemkey IN VARCHAR2
         , actid IN NUMBER
         , funcmode IN VARCHAR2
         , resultout OUT VARCHAR2
         ) IS
    p_Cart_Id               VARCHAR2(30);
    p_ORG_NAME                     VARCHAR2(360);
         IF funcmode != WF_ENGINE.ENG_RUN THEN
              wf_log_pkg.string(5,'Notify_Cust_Data_Desk','Not in RUN mode');
         END IF;
    p_Cart_Id := WF_ENGINE.GetItemAttrText ( itemtype => itemtype
    , itemkey => itemkey
    , aname => 'CART_ID' );
    p_code_position := 10;
              QUOTE_HEADER_ID = p_Cart_Id;
    -- For TEXT BODY
    WF_ENGINE.SETITEMATTRTEXT(itemtype => itemtype , itemkey => itemkey , aname => 'ORG_NAME',avalue => p_ORG_NAME);
    resultout := WF_ENGINE.ENG_COMPLETED||':'||CUST_DATA_CHECK(p_Cart_Id);
              WF_CORE.context (
    I am using &ORG_NAME in the body and subject of my message. But the value is
    not retrieved into the ITEM ATTRIBUTE when I run my process. It is just displaying in the message and the subject of hte message as "&ORG_NAME"
    CUST_DATA_CHECK used in the resultout, is a function which returns 'T' or 'F'. That part is working fine. Just retrieving the ORG_NAME in the ITEM ATTRIBUTE is not working.
    Am I going wrong somewhere? Please let me know.

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    Hi Master,
    How do I pass a table column value into string variable. See my code below:
    import java.sql.*;
    public class Waheed {
    public Waheed() {
    public static void main (String args [])
    String s = "9 23 45.4 56.7";
    System.out.println ("going for connection");
    // DriverManager.registerDriver (new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver());
    Connection conn =
    Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
    ResultSet rset = stmt.executeQuery("select accid from accbal");
    System.out.println ("going for connection");
    while (
    s= rset.getString("accid"); this line give me error
    System.out.println (rset.getString("accid"));
    System.out.println (s);
    catch(Exception e){
    This line give me an error:
    s= rset.getString("accid");
    s is string variable
    Plese give me an idea how I can pass accid in s variable.

    See the code sample in the following thread (try using upeercase).
    JDBC  connection

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    I want to copy a column value to a variable inside the data flow task. Which is the best way to achieve it in SSIS?

    Unless its a conditional based query which returns a single value it doesnt make sense to store result in a variable.
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    stored you can use for each loop with ado enumerator or script task to iterate through values of resultset.
    Perhaps you could give us some idea on what you're trying to achieve
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    when i go ahead to modify the created  "NOCO " from the TCODE IW22 by deleting the created values and saving in IW22 , the conditions written in the exit are still satisfied eventhough i have deleted the values in IW22.
    The reason for this is that the tables which are there in the exit ZXQQMU20 T_VIQMFE , T_VIQMUR , T_VIQMMA
    still contains the old values which were there at the time of creation of "NOCO"  in IW21 .
    How to refresh my " internal tables values" used in such that even at the time of modification of the NOCO through IW22 my table values should pick the current screen values and not the values which were there at the time of creation.
    Please help.
    The code i have written in the exit is as below:-
    ********************* Changed vide ******START
    *****IW21  IW22 also added in filter criteria of notification *************
    ******The purpose of this modification is that in the execution of IW21 or IW22 or IW24 or IW25 we have to give a check that if the
    ******notification type is M2 than inside the Transaction screen , if the Breakdown duration comes less than 15 min than there are
    ******no issues but if the breakdown duration is more than 15 min than the mandatory fields needs to be entered in the analysis tab.
    **    The user has to fill up either following mandatory fields in Analysis Data tab.
    **    A. Object Parts & Damages sub tab
    **    Code Group - Object Parts (OTGRP, VIQMFE)
    **                          AND
    **    Code Group - Problem / Damage (FEGRP, VIQMFE)
    **    Or
    **    Notification Item Short Text (FETXT, VIQMFE)
    **   B. Cause sub tab
    **    Code Group # Causes (URGRP, VIQMUR)
    **    Or
    **    Cause Text (URTXT, VIQMUR)
    **   C. Action Taken sub tab
    **    Code Group # Activities (MNGRP, VIQMMA)
    **    Or
    **    Activity Text (MATXT, VIQMMA)
    **            Then, allow user to complete notification (NOCO).
          SY-TCODE EQ 'IW25' ).
       IF ( E_VIQMEL-IWERK = '061' ) OR ( E_VIQMEL-IWERK = '062' ).
         IF E_VIQMEL-QMART = 'M2'.
           L_VAR = E_VIQMEL-AUSZT.
           L_COMP_TIME = L_VAR / 60.
           IF L_COMP_TIME < 15.
           ELSEIF L_COMP_TIME > 15..
    *           MESSAGE 'Please fill the mandatory analysis data in Object Parts' TYPE 'E'.
    *         ENDIF.
               IF T_VIQMFE-FETXT EQ ''.
                 MESSAGE 'Please fill the mandatory analysis data in Object Parts' TYPE 'E'.
             CLEAR L_TAG.
             IF T_VIQMUR[] IS INITIAL.
               MESSAGE 'Please fill the mandatory analysis data in Cause tab' TYPE 'E'.
               LOOP AT T_VIQMUR.
                 IF  T_VIQMUR-URGRP IS INITIAL .
                   IF T_VIQMUR-URTXT IS INITIAL.
                     L_TAG = 'X'.
               IF L_TAG = 'X'.
                 MESSAGE 'Please fill the mandatory analysis data in Cause tab' TYPE 'E'.
             CLEAR L_TAG.
             IF T_VIQMMA[] IS INITIAL.
               MESSAGE 'Please fill the mandatory analysis data in Action' TYPE 'E'.
               LOOP AT T_VIQMMA.
                 IF  T_VIQMMA-MNGRP IS INITIAL .
                   IF T_VIQMMA-MATXT IS INITIAL.
                     L_TAG = 'X'.
               IF L_TAG = 'X'.
                 MESSAGE 'Please fill the mandatory analysis data in Action' TYPE 'E'.
    <Added code tags>
    Thank you so much in advance..
    Please use the code tags when you're posting any code snippet
    Edited by: Suhas Saha on Jul 13, 2011 12:39 PM

    Hi, I was thinking just like XVBAP and YVBAP values in the USEREXIT_SAVE_DOCUMENT.
    Plz check u have x /y versions or tables like _old/ _new suffixes and then move the value accordingly.
    otherwise there may be inconsistency.
    Edited by: Prasenjit S. Bist on Jul 13, 2011 3:03 PM

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